Add class based on some condition Angular2 - javascript

I am working with ng2 project and I need a help with one task, where should I add css class, only for one item from array.
I got sommething like this:
<div class="ds-photo__item" *ngFor="let albumPhoto of albumPhotos">
<div class="ds-photo__item--cover">
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [class.selected]="...">
And I need add class select only for one item which is choosen by function below:
selectCover() {
if (this.album.cover) {
this.cover = this.albumPhotos.find( photo => === this.album.cover );
console.log("COVER: ", this.cover);
this.isCover = true;
} else { this.isCover = false }
after that, I have one object with current cover of album. I need to add class "selected" to listed item, whuch is actualy cover.
I need something like this:
[class.selected]="if ==="
or sommething similar. There is possible to pass function, not only variable in []?
Please for hints!
Regards Greg

You can use ngClass as follows :
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [ngClass]="{selected : ===}">

Done with:
[class.selected]=" ==="
I hope it will help someone.

If you need only one class to be applied based on some condition then use
[class.selected]=" ==="
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [class.selected]=" ===">
[class.selected]=" ==="
but If you have multiple class to be applied based on some condition then just use this format
[ngClass]="{selected : ===}"
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [ngClass]="{selected : ===}">


Click to change image is changing the wrong one

So I'm working on a website that has a lot of movies, and people can choose what movies are they favorite, and for that, I have a star image that can be clicked and when clicked that image will change to another one
Like this:
To this:
The problem I have is that the only image that change is the first one, When I click, for example on the star next to the Ratatouille movie, it will change the first star
This is the HTML:
const getMovieHtml = (movie) => `<div class="movie">
<img onclick="bottonclick()" id="estrelinhas" src="./icons/empty-star.png" alt="estrela vazia" width=40>
<div class="content">
<img src="${movie.posterUrl}" alt="${movie.title}" />
<div class="text">
<div class="year">${movie.year}</div>
<div><strong>Directors:</strong> ${movie.director}</div>
<div><strong>Actors:</strong> ${movie.actors}</div>
And this is the arrow function I used to make the star change:
const bottonclick = () => {
if (document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src.includes("empty-star.png")) {
document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src = "./icons/filled-star.png";
} else {
document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src = "./icons/empty-star.png";
ID attributes of HTML elements should be unique. If you don't have unique ID's the code doesn't know which star to update. Read more about IDs here:
To fix this, a solution would be to use a unique identifier for each image, so that when you click "favourite" it knows which star to reference.
Assuming for example that the movie.posterURL is unique you can use that as the ID, however the data from wherever you are getting the movie from might already have a unique identifier that you could pass to the id attribute of the image instead
Your code could look something like this:
const getMovieHtml = (movie) => `<div class="movie">
<img onclick="bottonclick(e)" id="${movie.posterUrl}" src="./icons/empty-star.png" alt="estrela vazia" width=40>
<div class="content">
<img src="${movie.posterUrl}" alt="${movie.title}" />
<div class="text">
<div class="year">${movie.year}</div>
<div><strong>Directors:</strong> ${movie.director}</div>
<div><strong>Actors:</strong> ${movie.actors}</div>
const buttonClick = (e) => {
const star = document.getElementById(;
if (star.src.includes("empty-star.png")) {
star.src = "./icons/filled-star.png";
} else {
star.src = "./icons/empty-star.png";
beacuse you getElementById, so you not take all containers,
but you get 1, first,
change getElementById for querySelectorAll and give there some id,
to localizate in DOM ,
and in
function buttonClick(e) { something

vue dynamic image binding

The original code used an image in a menu like so:
class="mobile-plus-content visible-xs"
This compiles to:
src=" image"
I changed it to:
And in my script:
methods: {
mobileImage(id) {
console.log('id:', id);
return logic ? plus : minus;
It logs the id but I don't know what to return here. Where should I put the png because vue is no longer compiling it into static resources?
Just FYI. You can also use require in the template tag:
<img v-if="isMenuOpen(id)" :src="require('#/assets/img/minus-1.png')"/>
<img v-else :src="require('#/assets/img/plus79.png')"/>
In script I did:
const minus = require('#/assets/img/minus-1.png');
const plus = require('#/assets/img/plus79.png');
and in mobileImage:
return this.isMenuOpen(id)
? minus
: plus;

How to display just one element with same id

This is my first question at stack overflow
i just wanted to know a simple solution for the following case
<div *ngFor="let d of w.event">
<div class="date" id="" >
<span style="font-size:1.75em">{{ | date:'dd'}}</span>
<strong> {{ | date:'EEE'}}</strong>
the looped div can have the same id
I just want to display the first div with a particular date and ignore the rest
can this be achieved with CSS or JavaScript
You can't use the same id on two elements. It's one of the few restrictions on ids.
You can use a class:
<div class="show">Yes</div> <div class="show">No</div>
...and then show either the first or second by using index 0 or index 1 after getting a list of matching elements:
var list = document.querySelectorAll(".show");
list[0].style.display = "none"; // Hides the first one
// or
list[1].style.display = "none"; // Hides the second one
Some other thoughts:
1. Rather than using style.display as I did above, you might add a class that hides the element.
2. You might use separate ids (or classes) for the elements so you don't need to index, e.g.:
<div id="show-yes">Yes</div> <div id="show-no">No</div>
document.getElementById("show-yes").style.display = "none";
// or
document.getElementById("show-no").style.display = "none";
On all browsers in my experience, you can do the first thing above (with querySelectorAll) with your invalid HTML with a selector like "[id=show], but don't. Fix the HTML instead.
In your question update, you show:
<div *ngFor="let d of w.event">
<div class="date" id="" >
You've said you're aware of the fact you can't have multiple elements with the same id, so why code that? You can easily give them unique ids:
<div *ngFor="let d of w.event; let i = index">
<div class="date" id="{{i}}" >
First of all, in HTML ID is a unique selector so one ID can be associate with only one element. if you want to achieve your desired functionality you have to assign different id for both DIV. and use javascript to hide and show DIV
<div id="showYes">Yes</div> <div id="showNo">No</div>
If you want to show one at a time you can go with *ngIf , as it will show only one at a time
<div id="show" *ngIf='your_status'>Yes</div>
<div id="show" *ngIf='!your_status'>No</div>
After your question update , you can create custom filter that will only return unique date , so only first unique date will be shown
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '#angular/core';
#Pipe({name: 'checkUniqueDate'})
export class UniqueDatePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(dataArray) {
let dates = [];
return dataArray.filter(data => {
return if(dates.indexOf( === -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
<div *ngFor="let d of (w.event | checkUniqueDate )">
Add the date in class also, then you can try below code

Javascript show/hide multiple DIV's

I'm in need of a bit of help. I have a current script that switches div's between being visible and hidden depending on a dropdown selector, it works as it was originally designed absolutely fine.
The problem i have is that i need to modify it to change more than 1 div on the page. Currently i'm using the same ID for the div's but only the first item on the page is updated. Reading over the JS this makes sense, but i can't figure out how to modify it to get the desired result?
var lastDiv = "";
var lastProd = "";
function showDiv(divName, productID) {
if (productID == lastProd) {
else {
lastProd = productID;
lastDiv = divName;
The selector:
<select onchange="showDiv('pxo_'+this.value,2);" name="pre_xo_id">
<option value="3">Blue - £120.00</option>
<option value="4">Red - £120.00</option>
<option value="5">Yellow - £120.00</option>
The DIV's:
<div id="pxo_3" class="visible-div-2" style="display: none;">RED</div>
<div id="pxo_4" class="hidden-div visible-div-2" style="display: none;">BLUE</div>
<div id="pxo_5" class="hidden-div visible-div-2" style="display: block;">YELLOW</div>
<div id="pxo_3" class="visible-div-2" style="display: none;">1 In Stock</div>
<div id="pxo_4" class="hidden-div visible-div-2" style="display: none;">1 In Stock</div>
<div id="pxo_5" class="hidden-div visible-div-2" style="display: none;">0 In Stock</div>
id's must be unique, that's why only the first item is being update. You may put those values to class instead to allow multiple selection.
First you can not use one id for morethan one element.They must be unique.Apply same css class to those elements.
We can use same class instead to allow multiple selection.
IDs are supposed to be used for only a single element on the page. You want to use css selectors.
Thank you for the help all, I have modified the JS to look for both ID and Class as i am unable to change part of the code due to it being protected by ioncube.
This seems to have the desired result:
var lastDiv = "";
var lastProd = "";
function showDiv(divName, productID) {
if (productID == lastProd) {
} else {
lastProd = productID;
lastDiv = divName;

Javascript onclick change variable value

I am new to JavaScript and I need some help. I am making a website and I have several images of team members that if clicked (so I'm guessing the onclick event) will change the variable values corresponding to that team member. For instance, if I click on a picture of Bill Gates, in a separate div, I need to have a variable (let's say Name) change value to Bill Gates. Then, if I click on an image of Steve Jobs, the variables containing Bill Gates' data will get overwritten with the data of Steve Jobs. How do I do this?
Assuming mark-up like the following:
<div id="gallery">
<img class="people" data-subject="Steve Jobs" src="path/to/imageOfSteve.png" />
<img class="people" data-subject="Bill Gates" src="path/to/imageOfBill.png" />
<span id="caption"></span>
Then a relatively simple, and plain JavaScript, approach:
function identifySubject(image, targetEl) {
if (!image) {
return false;
else {
var targetNode = document.getElementById(targetEl) || document.getElementById('caption'),
person = image.getAttribute('data-subject');
text = document.createTextNode(person);
if (targetNode.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
targetNode.firstChild.nodeValue = person;
else {
var images = document.getElementsByClassName('people');
for (var i=0, len=images.length; i<len; i++) {
images[i].onclick = function(e){
identifySubject(this, 'caption');
JS Fiddle demo.
Onclick attribute is right. You need to add the name of a javascript function to the image's onclick attribute (eg <img src="" onclick="changeVariable()"...).
If you want text on the page to change depending on who you click on, you'll need to look at selecting divs in Javascript using getElementById() or similar and look at the InnerHTML property.
Hope this helps
<img src="path/to/image1" onclick="getValue('bill gates')" />
<img src="path/to/image2" onclick="getValue('steve jobs')"/>
<div id="show_value"></div>
function getValue(val){
document.getElementById('show_value').innerHTML = val
<div class="member"><img src="billgates.jpg" /><span>Bill Gates bla bla</span></div>
<div class="member"><img src="stevejobs.jpg" /><span>Steve Jobs bla bla</span></div>
<div id="variables"></div>
$('.member img').click(function(){
