Bing Maps Directions Callback Runs Too Fast? - javascript

When using the Bing Maps Api and doing geocoding I am trying to store the latitude and longitude in arrays from the callback. Mostly this works, except for one usually. There always seems to be a duplicate latitude and longitude in entitiesToVisit, but not testLocations when CalculateOptimizedDirections is called.
for(var i = 0; i < toVisit.length; i++){
var count = parseInt(toVisit[i].id.toString().split(":")[0]);
var tempEntity = entitiesToPickFrom[count];
tempEntity.compositeAddress = document.getElementById("d"+toVisit[i].id.toString().split(":")[1]).innerHTML.split(">")[1].split("<")[0];
where: tempEntity.compositeAddress,
count: 1,
callback: function (result, pinData) {
var topResult = result.results && result.results[0];
if (topResult) {
pinData.latitude = topResult.location.latitude;
pinData.longitude = topResult.location.longitude;
entitiesToPickFrom[count].latitude = topResult.location.latitude;
entitiesToPickFrom[count].longitude = topResult.location.longitude;
//setTimeout(10,function (){console.log("Pin Data");});
document.getElementById("BingMap").style.display = "block";
var wizardDiv = document.getElementById("AddressSelectioWizard"); = "none";
//possible issue
testLocations.push(new Microsoft.Maps.Location(pinData.latitude,pinData.longitude));
//testLocations.push(new Microsoft.Maps.Directions.Waypoint(tempEntity.latitude,tempEntity.longitude));
if(entitiesToVisit.length >= checkedCheckers){
//console.log("Nothing gotten");
errorCallback: function (error){console.log(error)},
userData: tempEntity
I've noticed that when I set a timeout to just print text to the console in the middle of the callback, everything works perfectly. This seems to be a bad solution though, is there a better way around it?

The pinData object you are passing into the entitiesToVisit array is the tempEntity value you are passing into the userData option of the geocode call. The issue is likely related to this code:
var count = parseInt(toVisit[i].id.toString().split(":")[0]);
var tempEntity = entitiesToPickFrom[count];


Backbone Firebase Asynchronous call and promises

I am trying to fetch data from Firebase to display a chart. The promises seems to work fine when I individually enter the url instead through the for loop. When I use the for loop, the ref is not updating and week[i] is undefined. Once the xaxis array is filled, I will be calling another function to display a chart. I am very new to asynchronous callbacks and any direction/hint will be greatly appreciated. I am wondering why week[i] is undefined within the callback?
EDIT: Looks like the for loop runs fully first and then firebase is loaded. So, value of i will be 6 by the time firebase is loaded and ready to go.
var xaxis = [];
var week = [582016, 592016, 5102016, 5112016, 5122016, 5132016, 5142016];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var total_day_calories = 0;
var ref = new Firebase(""+ week[i] );
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var childData = childSnapshot.val().total_calories;
total_day_calories = total_day_calories + childData;
}, function(errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);

Promisify google.charts.setOnLoadCallback

I've been using google's charts API and have reached a dead end. I use the API to query a spreadsheet and return some data. For visualizations I'm using Razorflow - a JS dashboard framework - not Google Charts. Getting the data is pretty straight forward using code like this (this code should work - spreadsheet is public):
function initialize() {
// The URL of the spreadsheet to source data from.
var myKey = "12E2fE8GWuPvXJoiRZgCZUCFhRKlW69uJAm7fch71jhA"
var query = new google.visualization.Query("" + myKey + "/gviz/tq?sheet=Sheet1");
query.setQuery("SELECT A,B,C WHERE A>=1 LIMIT 1");
query.send(function processResponse(response) {
var KPIData = response.getDataTable();
var KPIName = [];
myNumberOfDataColumns = KPIData.getNumberOfColumns(0) - 1;
for (var h = 0; h <= myNumberOfDataColumns ; h++) {
KPIName[h] = KPIData.getColumnLabel(h);
The above will create an array holding the column labels for column A,B and C.
Once the data is fetched I want to use the data for my charts. Problem is, I need to have the data ready before I create the charts. One way I have done this, is creating the chart before calling google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(initialize) and then populate the charts with data from inside the callback. Like this:
//create dashboard
StandaloneDashboard(function (db) {
//create chart - or in this case a KPI
var firstKPI = new KPIComponent();
//add the empty component
//lock the component and wait for data
function initializeAndPopulateChart() {
// The URL of the spreadsheet to source data from.
var myKey = "12E2fE8GWuPvXJoiRZgCZUCFhRKlW69uJAm7fch71jhA"
var query = new google.visualization.Query("" + myKey + "/gviz/tq?sheet=Sheet1");
query.setQuery("SELECT A,B,C WHERE A>=1 LIMIT 1");
query.send(function processResponse(response) {
var KPIData = response.getDataTable();
var KPIName = [];
myNumberOfDataColumns = KPIData.getNumberOfColumns(0) - 1;
for (var h = 0; h <= myNumberOfDataColumns ; h++) {
KPIName[h] = KPIData.getColumnLabel(h);
//use label for column A as header
//Set a value - this would be from the query too
//unlock the chart
It works but, I would like to separate the chart functions from the data loading. I guess the best solution is to create a promise. That way I could do something like this:
//create dashboard
StandaloneDashboard(function (db) {
function loadData() {
return new Promise (function (resolve,reject){
//get the data, eg. google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(initialize);
loadData().then(function () {
var firstKPI = new KPIComponent();
As should be quite obvious, I do not fully understand how to use promises. The above does not work but. I have tried lots of different ways but, I do not seem to get any closer to a solution. Am I on the right track in using promises? If so, how should i go about this?
Inside a promise you need to call resolve or reject function when async job is done.
function loadData() {
return new Promise (function (resolve,reject){
query.send(function() {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(someData);
And then you can do
loadData().then(function (someData) {
//here you can get async data
//here you can get an error
new Promise(resolve => {

Nested for loop with inner functions

In javascript For loop it's works fast and inner functions are not called. I am trying to store images in database using cordova. In my code for loop works fast and finished but I didn't get any base64 images.
for(var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++)
var cat_img = res.Catalogue[0].Catalogue_img;
var catalogue_image_id = cat_img[i].catalogue_image_id;
var catalogue_image = cat_img[i].catalogue_image;
getBase64FromImage(catalogue_image,function (baseData64) {
insertPageData (catalogue_image, catalogue_image_id);
},function (error) {
Thanks in advance!!
Your callback "function (baseData64)" will be executed only when the image is downloaded and converted to base64. At that point, the value of "calalogue_image" and "catalogue_image_id" will contain the value of the last element in the loop - with "i = pages.length"
That is, your for loop finishes probably before even the first image is downloaded.
Actually I think the valid behaviour is that you should see only the last image, with "i = pages.length" in the database.
Try this
var processImage = function (cImg,cImgId){
var catalogueImage = cImg;
var catalogueImageId = cImgId;
return function (baseData64) {
insertPageData (catalogueImage, catalogueImageId);
for(var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++)
var cat_img = res.Catalogue[0].Catalogue_img;
var catalogue_image_id = cat_img[i].catalogue_image_id;
var catalogue_image = cat_img[i].catalogue_image;
processImage(catalogue_image, catalogue_image_id) ,
function (error) {

Why am I only being returned 3 images instead of the correct amount?

I am currently, trying to National Library of Australia's API to find pictures on a specific search term. Trove API I have the following functions which should send a query from an input form to the api and receive images back, however I am not receiving the majority of the images. In a particular example, if is search for 'sydney' I am only receiving 3 images back when there is in fact way more. For instance, this is the json, that is returned. I know that you will not be familiar with this api, but in my code below, is there anything that you can see, that would be causing it not to return all the images? I have changed a few things around to try and find the problem as well as put a few console.log statements but it is still not being kind to me.
var availableImages = {
"nla": {
var url_patterns = [""];
$("form#searchTrove").submit(function() {
//get input values
var searchTerm = $("#searchTerm").val().trim();
searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/ /g,"%20");
var sortBy = $("#sortBy").val();
//create searh query
var url = ""
+ apiKey + "&l-availability=y%2Ff&encoding=json&zone=picture"
+ "&sortby=relevance&n=100&q=" + searchTerm + "&callback=?";
//print JSON object
//get the JSON information we need to display the images
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$.each([0], processImages);
function processImages(index, troveItem){
console.log("av"+ availableImages);
for(var i in availableImages){
if(troveItem.identifier[0].value.indexOf(availableImages[i].url_pattern) >= 0){
console.log("Trove URL "+troveItem.identifier[0].value+" Pattern: "+availableImages[i]["url_pattern"]);
function printImages(){
$("#output").append("<h3>Image Search Results</h3>");
for(var i in availableImages){
if(availableImages[i]["url_pattern"]=="" && availableImages[i]["numImages"]>0){
function printNLAImages(){
$("#output").append("<h3>National Library of Australia</h3><p>"
+availableImages["nla"]["numImages"]+" images found from <a href='http://"
for (var i in availableImages["nla"]["images"]){
$("#output").append("<img src='"+availableImages["nla"]["images"][i]+"-v'>");
function resetImageData(){
availableImages.totalimages = 0;
for (var i in availableImages){
availableImages[i].numImages = 0;
availableImages[i]["images"] = [];
console.log(availableImages); //displaying hee

javascript google maps v3 app help - order of instructions

Basically I'm making a nice and simple mobile web app for a couple of my friends. It uses some online databases to store position data of shops. I've got the databases working like a charm. No problems there. In fact everything is working except it's all happening in the wrong order I think. The data from the database should be stored in an array and then the objects in that array are displayed on screen. However, using some console logs I've found that the data is being displayed, then being retrieved from the database, then the arrays are filled. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to work! Here is my code:
var latOfSpots;
var lngOfSpots;
var nameOfSpots;
var spotArray;
var spotLatLng;
var spotCollection;
var markers;
var Spot;
var spot;
function init() {
//-------------------------- INITIATE SPOT VARIABLES ---------------------------//
map = new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("map"));
latOfSpots= new Array(51.14400,51.02295);
lngOfSpots= new Array(0.25721,0.26450);
nameOfSpots= new Array('Tescos', 'Sainsburys');
spotLatLng= new Array();
markers= new Array();
Spot = Parse.Object.extend("Spot");
spot = new Spot();
//----------------- GET DATA FROM THE PARSE.COM DATABASE ---------------------//
//---------------------- DISPLAY ARRAY DATA ON MAP ---------------------------//
//----------------------- SET MAP SETTINGS -----------------------------------//
//map.addControl(new google.maps.LargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new google.maps.MapTypeControl());
}; //END OF INIT FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------//
//------------------- PRIMARY FUNCTION TO GET DATA FROM DATABASE ---------------//
function GetData()
var query = new Parse.Query(Spot);
spotCollection = query.collection();
success: function(spotCollection) {
// spotCollection.toJSON()
// will now be an array of objects based on the query
console.log('data retreived' + spotCollection);
//----------------- FUNCTION TO LOAD DATABASE INTO ARRAYS -------------------//
function FillArrays()
spotArray = spotCollection.toJSON();
for (var j = 0; j<spotArray.length; j++)
//------------------------ FUNCTION TO DISPLAY ALL ARRAY DATA ONSCREEN -----------------//
function DisplayData()
for(var i = 0; i<latOfSpots.length; i++)
spotLatLng[i] = new google.maps.LatLng(latOfSpots[i], lngOfSpots[i]);
for(var x = 0; x<latOfSpots.length; x++)
markers[x] = new google.maps.Marker(
spotLatLng[i], {
console.log('data displayed');
Your database query is asynchronous. You need to use the data in the Get_Data callback function (after it has come back from the server). Currently you are attempting to use it before the server sends it back.
//------------------- PRIMARY FUNCTION TO GET DATA FROM DATABASE ---------------//
function GetData()
var query = new Parse.Query(Spot);
spotCollection = query.collection();
success: function(spotCollection) {
// spotCollection.toJSON()
// will now be an array of objects based on the query
console.log('data retreived' + spotCollection);
