What does this mean?: x || x === {} - javascript

Does the following:
x || x === {}
not mean !!x, that is, x is defined?

That comparison makes no sense, because either x is truthy, then you get the result of x, or falsy, you get false (a falsy value is never strict equal to an empty object instance).
A concise version would be
x || false
for give me x or false.

x || x === {} means basically x || false.
!!x means "is x truthy", so it's not exactly the same - x || x === {} will return x if x is truthy.
In the same case, !!x will return true.
|| operator means "if left side is truthy (not null, not undefined, not 0 etc. - see All falsey values in JavaScript for details) return left side, else return right side".
On the right side you have x === {} which always evaluates to false, since strict comparison means comparing reference-wise (i.e., "is x the same object as {}, which is never true)
!!x and x || x === {} will be the same only if x === true or x === false

|| returns the left hand side if the LHS is a true value. So if x is a true value, it returns x.
Otherwise, it compares x to a new object, which will always be false, and returns that.
So if x is true, you get (an unmodified) x otherwise you get an explicit boolean false.
This is different to !!x since that would return a boolean true if x was a true value.


Any difference between x || [] and x ?? [] in javascript?

I've see both x || [] and x ?? [] used for providing a fallback value if x is nullish. Are there any cases where these two give different results?
If x was a non-nullish falsey value, it would be different.
x = 0;
x = x ?? []
y = null;
y = y ?? []
These expressions x || [] and x ?? [] are logical assignments in Javascript.
x ?? [] is used to represent null or undefined cases while x || [] represent true if either a or b is true.
x ?? [] works by evaluating if the left side of the expression is null or undefined.
x || [] works by evaluating if a or b is true. If a is true continue in the if statement. If b is true, continue in the if statement.
They do different things.
?? is called Nullish coalescing operator https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Nullish_coalescing_operator
And works checking if the left side of the evaluation is null or undefined and if it's not the case will assign the right side of the evaluation.
The previous is really useful when you are checking a variable with the value zero which will be false if you are checking for it.
|| is the Logical Operator https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_OR
The logical operator works as any other logical operator. Will evaluate the left side and then the right side
null || 1 // output 1
undefined || 1 // output 1
0 || 1 // 1 <-- there are cases where you want to treat zero as a truthy value and **that's where the nullish operator is handy**

'&&' operator in Javascript vs in Java

I am currently reading JavaScript from JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. On page 76, there is this statement written,
o && o.x // => 1: o is truthy, so return value of o.x
Being a Java programmer I want to ask, why is it returning 1 instead of 'true' In Java this was not the case, but anyway I know JavaScript is different but the Logical AND mechanism is the same everywhere.(In C it returns 1 as true.)
I am asking is, why does it makes sense for this behavior at all?
Is there any way, I can ensure to return only the true or false values?
As per the Spec for Binary Logical Operators
The value produced by a && or || operator is not necessarily of type
Boolean. The value produced will always be the value of one of the two
operand expressions.
This is a feature used in javascript a lot, one common use case is to assign a default value to a variable if it is not defined. Like assume you are expecting a options object as a param but is not mandatory so the user may not pass it
function x(options){
options = options || {};
//now your can access optionx.a without fearing whether options is undefined
You can do something like !!(o && o.x) to always get a true/false
if we have:
expr1 && expr2
&& Returns 'expr1' if it can be converted to false; otherwise, returns 'expr2'. Thus, when used with Boolean values, && returns true if both operands are true; otherwise, returns false.
So if we have:
Var xyz = a && b; //where a is undefined(false) and b is 123, then it will allocate undefined.
In case of if statements, these values are specifically converted to boolean.
Refer the following link: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_Operators"
You can use Boolean(o && o.x); to get true or false
It's returning the value of the right operand. If the value of o.x was true, it would return true. If the value of o.x was 'banana', it would return 'banana'.
var o = {x:true};
console.log(o && o.x);
Technically && operator implemented to return the first operand if it's value is not zero, and returns the second operand otherwise in a lot of languages including Java, C/C++, Javascript, Perl...
While most of the languages accepts any type of operands, Java forces you to use boolean operands so it always returns true or false.
In order to force a boolean result in Javascript use:
Boolean(a && b)
This behaviour is called coercion. Coercion is the action of forcing an object to behave like other type, and the logical operators can produce coercion when trying to access the value of the object to be evaluated.
It is important to remember the table for truthy and falsy values, because due to coercion, different results can be obtained.
false produces false
0 produces false
“” produces false
NaN produces false
null produces false
undefined produces false
Everything else produces true, including the text "0" and "false", functions, arrays and empty objects.
Given the rules for logic operators, exists short-circuit evaluation in JavaScript, e.g:
0 && 1; //-> 0, falsy value
!(0 && 1); //-> true, falsy value negated
!!(0 && 1); //-> false, boolean falsy value
void 0 && alert("1") //-> undefined (void produces undefined)
[] && Math.ceil(9.1) //-> 10, truthy value
{} && someFunc() //-> the result of someFunc()
0 || null; //-> null, falsy value
null || "0"; //-> "0", truthy value
"" || void 1; //-> undefined, falsy value
!!(+"5px" || {}); //-> true, boolean truthy value
Coercion is useful when you have to validate default values, in order to prevent errors, e.g.
function divide (a, b) {
a = +a; //-> coerced to number
b = +b; //-> coerced to number
if (!a) return 0; //-> NaN or zero
return b && a / b; //-> b must be a number different from zero
divide(); //-> 0
divide(5); //-> NaN, no error thrown!
divide(5, "a"); //-> NaN, no error thrown!
divide(5, 0); //-> 0, division by zero prevented!
divide(49, 6); //-> 8.1666
If you want to prevent returning NaN, just add another coercion in the return statement:
return (b && a / b) || 0;
You can check other coercion cases: JavaScript Coercion
Happy coding!

Undefined or null variable in function

In these example I am ruining a function with conditions;
function validPrice(price)
if(price=="" || price==0 || price==null || price==undefined )
//do something
// do something different
var priceNew = $("li#listedProd").attr("price");
My question is what are the different in these condition price=="" || price==0 || price==null || price==undefined
Whoever first wrote that code was either
a) Being very defensive against future use.
b) Didn't understand how attr works.
The method attr (or the underlying call of getAttribute will return either
A string value, of the attribute is found
null, if it is not.
Importantly, should there have been a 0 value, it would be a string 0, and thus not caught in the test below -- caught against the price == 0 test because the system would have automatically converted it to a number as part of the == compare.
if(price=="" || price==0 || price==null || price==undefined )
And, due to the way that conversions work internally, those tests don't work as intended. == and === are different. It should be:
if(price === "" || price === 0 || price === null || price === undefined )
All of which can easily be reduced to simply "price" due how how coercion to boolean work:
if (!price)
Or, if you want to catch "0" values
if (!price || +price === 0)
(the +price forces price to be a number, so we catch 0 0.00 and other variations.)
Let's look at your conditional statement term-by-term:
price == ""
This is true if price is the empty string, and false otherwise.
price == 0
This is true if price is the integer 0, the string "0", or the empty string, and false otherwise. You should change this comparison to price === 0 if you want to catch when price is the integer 0.
price == null
This is true if price is passed to your function and is of the type null, and false otherwise.
price == undefined
Note: You should probably make this comparison via price === undefined to see that price is both undefined and has the type undefined.
This is true if price is not passed to your function, or if price is otherwise undefined, and false otherwise.
I would recommend just making the entire conditional statement !price:
function validPrice(price) {
if (!price) {
//do something
else {
// do something different
var priceNew = $("li#listedProd").attr("price");
EDIT added definitions
JavaScript has 2 operators that test for equality (and conversely 2 operators that test for inequality.)
A strict equality comparison (e.g., ===) is only true if the operands are of the same type AND if the object is actually the same object, or the primitives have the same value (e.g., 0 === 0, and 'a' === 'a' are both true). *Note there is a slight exception to this rule for NaN (see below)
An abstract equality comparison (e.g. ==) converts the operands to the same Type (if they aren't already) before making a strict equality comparison. If however one of the operands is null or undefined, the comparison is true if and only if the other operand is either null or undefined.
So in short the == equality operator is considered by many to be unsafe. To see the difference checkout http://dorey.github.io/JavaScript-Equality-Table/
For instance '' ==: 0, '', [], false, [[]]
And 0 ==: false, 0, '0', '', [], [[]], [0]
While null ==: null, undefined
And finally undefined ==: null, undefined
It is better to use strict equal === or just test for a falsey value ('', 0, undefined, null, false)
if (!price) { //do something }
Below I have provided more details about strict vs abstract equality comparison
details came from ECMA-262, Edition 5 11.9.1
Summary of strict equality algorithm
1. If typeof(x) is different from typeof(y), return false.
2. If typeof(x) is undefined, return true.
3. If x is null, return true.
4. If typeof(x) is number, then
a. If x is NaN, return false.
b. If y is NaN, return false.
c. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
d. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
e. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
f. Return false.
5. If typeof(x) is string, then
a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of characters (same length and same characters in
corresponding positions), return true.
b. Else, return false.
6. If typeof(x) is boolean, then
a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true.
b. Else, return false.
7. If x and y are the same Object value, return true.
8. Return false.
And ... details came from ECMA-262, Edition 5 11.9.1
Summary of Abstract Equality Algorithm
1. If typeof(x) is the same as typeof(y), then
return the result of performing strict equality comparison algorithm x === y.
2. If x is null and y is undefined, return true.
3. If x is undefined and y is null, return true.
4. If typeof(x) is number and typeof(y) is string,
return the result of the comparison x == Number(y).
5. If typeof(x) is string and typeof(y) is number,
return the result of the comparison Number(x) == y.
6. If typeof(x) is boolean, return the result of the comparison Number(x) == y.
7. If typeof(y) is boolean, return the result of the comparison x == Number(y).
8. If typeof(x) is either string or number and typeof(y) is object,
return the result of the comparison x == [[ToPrimitive]](y).
9. If typeof(x) is object and typeof(y) is either string or number,
return the result of the comparison [[ToPrimitive]](x) == y.
10. Return false.
[[ToPrimitive]] is an internal function call
Bullets 8 and 9 basically mean that objects are converted like object.valueOf().toString() so:
{} == '[Object object]'
{ hi: 'hi'} == '[Object object]'
{ valueOf: function(){ return 0; }} == 0
{ toString: function(){ return 'hi'; }} == 'hi'
{ valueOf: function(){ return 0; }, toString: function(){ return 'hi'; }} == 0
Full ecma-262/5.1/#sec-11.9 spec

Why does this code produce 3 in JavaScript?

Why does the following code produce a == 3?
var x = "abc";
var y = 3;
var z = "xyz";
var a = x && y || z;
I would have expected this to result in a == true.
Why is the logical operator evaluating "abc" as true but doesn't evaluate 3 as true. Instead it produces 3 as the result.
Furthermore, if you change y = 0 then a == "xyz" which means that && treated 0 as false. What happen to treating a number as a number?
What's going on here with the logical operators?
This is to be expected.
In JavaScript (and many other languages), not only Booleans themselves are true or false, but other objects can be truthy or falsey as well (See the docs on mdn):
The value […] is converted to a boolean value, if necessary. If value is […] is 0, -0, null, false, NaN, undefined, or the empty string (""), [it is] false. All other values, including any object or the string "false", create […] true.
The logical operators || and && don't return true or false, rather they return the last argument to influence whether they are truthy or falsey (reference):
expr1 && expr2 – Returns expr1 if it can be converted to false; otherwise, returns expr2. Thus, when used with Boolean values, && returns true if both operands are true; otherwise, returns false.
expr1 || expr2 – Returns expr1 if it can be converted to true; otherwise, returns expr2. Thus, when used with Boolean values, || returns true if either operand is true; if both are false, returns false.
The first step is to evaluate "abc" && 3.
false && 3 would return false,
true && 3 would return 3.
"abc" is not false, so JavaScript takes the second part, i.e. 3.
The second step is to evaluate 3 || "xyz". Here, JavaScript takes the first value which is not null, i.e. 3. This is similar to this.firstObject ?? this.defaultValue in C#: the second part is taken only when the first part is null.
the side effect is that you can do things like this:
x = x || {};
to set a variable to a default if it is not set.
TrackingManager && TrackingManager.track("user was here")
to avoid bulkier if statements.

If variable is false will it be passed over in Javascript

If co.chkShowRSB is false, what is the expected result? I would expect it to be false, but is this the way it works? And why?
var test = chkShow:co.chkShowRSB || true;
It's true in your case, as true is the second operand of || (so-called 'short-circuit or') operator. The common rule is...
var x = a || b; // = a (and b won't be evaluated), if it's a truthy value, b otherwise
var y = a && b; // = a (and b won't be evaluated), if it's a falsy value, b otherwise.
false || true
is true. There is no case where a boolean term with "or true" can be false.
Ok, so you got the picture by now x = false || true; assigns true. Why? It's quite easy knowing the use of the short-circuit-operator is the same as doing:
x = (false ? false : true);
However, it's mostly used to set default values for function arguments, so I'm guessing you're assuming x to be assigned the second operand if the first is undefined. There is no way to filter out undefined values exclusively except for explicitly checking for them. You should then use:
x = val === undefined ? defaultVal : val;
Or, because undefined needn't be undefined, and you want to be absolutely sure:
x = (function(val,undefined)//second argument will be the true undefined value
return (val === undefined ? defaultVal : val);
})(val);//don't pass second argument
you should use tertiary operator. your code will always return true if chkShow:co.chkShowRSB is boolean;
var test = chkShow:co.chkShowRSB == false ? false : true;
