Full Width Header Shifts as Scroll Bar Appears - javascript

I have a strange question -- my apologies if it is a silly one. Please note the code it too large to reproduce in a snippit so I am posting the link here.
The page I am building is a small intranet page with a full width header. When the user clicks on the button beside the submit button, a div from the top opens and pushes the content down. My problem is in my code editor there is no scroll bar on the page, so when the div opens it pops the entire page slightly over to the left to compensate for the scroll bar.
On codepen, I've pasted the shell of the site, but because a scroll bar is included in its code area, the problem cannot be reperoduced exaclty.
Is there any way I can compensate for the lack of scroll bar in my code? Perhaps force one to be there?
Any help would be grand.

You can force a vertical scrollbar by adding the following CSS rule to the body:
overflow-y: scroll;

EDIT: I misunderstood your question.
Have the whole moving element absolute positioned and wrap it around a container. The scrollbar will appear on the wrapping container, not on the element itself. And because it will be with position absolute there won't be any change of position once the scrollbar appears.


overflow-x: scroll and overflow-y:visible nightmare with x-scrolling and dropdown menu

Before i start, I wanted to let you know that I have been searching high and low for a solution to my issue but the closest thread I've found is unfortunately without the answer to the actual problem - Position absolute inside div with overflow-x scroll and overflow-y visible
Essentially I got main page where I am dynamically loading some other pages and on some of them I used dropdown listboxes. It happened that I haven't noticed it earlier as content any of the pages wasn't wide enough for me to spot the problem.
The problem I face is absolutely positioned div (which contain dropdown) and visible horizontal scroll bar on the parent of this div. When I scroll my page horizontally the dropdown div stays in the same place on the screen. I read about "popping out" absolute divs under this link:https://css-tricks.com/popping-hidden-overflow/ but even there, I can observe similar issue I am currently facing, which is appearing of the vertical scroll on the parent element. I am trying to achieve similar effect like here:
http://jsfiddle.net/matcygan/4rbvewn8/7/ but stop vertical scroll bar to appear when the listbox is expanded - instead it should overflow the box and party cover horizontal scroll bar. Here I've found another prompt example how can I achieve it http://jsfiddle.net/b5fYH/ but when i try to play with it and make red boxes scrollable with content as well as overflowing outside of the content vertically, without creating vertical scrollbar, I am failing... I am also fine with using JS if CSS on it's own can't deliver such effect.
In the end after 3 days battle, the CSS won and I need to ask for a help...
Any support will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Trying to create a Responsive Scrolling Sticky Menu

I'm trying to create a responsive website in Dreamweaver with a header and menu which initially scroll and then stick to the top of the page.
The header and menu would need to scroll over the top of a fixed hero image.
This hero image can't be defined as a background as it will be powered by a flexslider script to change the image after a set time.
I would also like the sticky header to possibly shrink down in height when it reaches the top of the page, to reduce the amount of screen space it takes up.
I've found a number of sticky menu examples on-line and some seem to have the annoying trait where the content directly below the menu disappears behind it at the point at which the menu sticks to the top of the screen. I would like to avoid this.
Please find a Mock-up of what I'm looking for here
Obviously, all of the above won't be acceptable on a mobile device.
So for mobiles, the header would need to scroll out of the way, leaving just a hamburger style menu fixed at the top of the screen.
I have found a number of examples on-line with elements of what I require, but nothing yet that combines everything.
I've tried cutting and pasting code from different sources, but haven't yet achieved the desired effect.
I don't know if what I'm asking for is workable, but I would appreciate if anyone could point me to examples of how to achieve this (or improve upon what I'm looking for).
Neil White
Use this JS
it adds the class is-sticky to the element which you wanted to stick to top. So you can add height in css for is-sticky class. Which in terms will reduce or increase the height of element when it reaches to top as per your requirement.

Detect HTML and CSS for a DIV and change to make it scroll with a sibling DIV

I am building a Google Chrome extension and one of the features it does is generate a full page length screenshot by snapping a screenshot image of the viewport then scrolling down the page and repeating the process until it has an image of the whole page length and stitches them together as 1 image using HTML5 Canvas.
Page elements that are position: fixed get changed to position: absolute so that it doesn't show the fixed element in each viewport image in the final image repeated over and over!
Now I have a page for example that gives a new challenge.
Based on the image below...
1) the top header bar is fixed so it changes to position: absolute
2) the main page right scrollbar scrolls the main right content panel down the page.
3) the left sidebar has a separate scrollbar for it's DIV.
When my extension makes a screenshot on this page, it ends up repeating the left sidebar contents over and over all the way down the page since the right scrollbar goes much furthor down the page.
I think the solution is to somehow detect and make the left sidebar in these cases be positioned so that it does not have a scrollbar and instead will show all the left sidebar content as the right content DIV is scrolled down.
I am just not sure about how to do that left sidebar part at the moment, any suggestions? I would need to detect this situation on other pages automatically as well!
CSS overflow is what you are looking for, I guess.
Try setting overflow: visible to that sidebar. Now the "auto" value is likely to stand there.
What about detecting... You can check the scrollHeight of the element and get its height, for instance sidebar.scrollHeight > sidebar.offsetHeight. If it's true, it means it is scrollable.

Scrollbar visible but it won't scroll down the page

I have a website which uses 100% width and I accidentally removed the scrollbar.
When I coded back in the scrollbar it's visible but will not scroll down the page. I have the CSS code and the script. What other code do I need to get the scrollbar to scroll down the page?
Here is my existing code within my page:
Site link: http://www.hgcarpentryandjoinery.com/MXJGTV/Index1.html
Please go to the above address and right click and view source code because I don't know how to use this site.
You gave the body position:fixed;. That property makes it so the body cannot be scrolled. Delete that line and your problem should be fixed.
There's an inline position: fixed in the body tag. Remove it and fix the whole code because it's pretty messy

How to prevent div from scrolling out of page

I have a div whose height is 500px. When I scroll the page down, I would like the div to move as the page scrolls, but I would like it to stop scrolling with the page after the 250px of the div are out of the view. The rest of the page should keep scrolling but the div should act as fixed after it is 250px visible on the page.
Additionally, when I scroll up, I would like the div to remain at 250px invisible until the user has scrolled all the way to the top (with the final 250px remaining) in which case the div should suddenly become a part of the page again and scroll with it.
I am assuming that this can be done only with JavaScript, but how?
OK, using the keywords suggested by Mike Brant up in the comments, my Google search produced some good results. It appears that the functionality I was after is called sticky div, or sticky menu, sticky footer, or likewise.
By looking at the code of those javascripts I was able to understand the concept behind it. Now, it's time to play with it and adjust to my particular needs.
