Total of different currencies from a json file - javascript

Currently working on an application which requires to display a set of values in different currencies. This is part of an application but everything I provide here should be enough as this is the main section I am working with. I have a json file which is read in and it is stored into an array called valuesArray, this array has all the information, such as the amount, currency, etc. With the currencies being sorted with highest first to the lowest on display like this:
EUR 500.00
USD 200.00
This is the code that I have created but it seems like this wouldn't be effective the more currencies I have. I've just put an array declaration above the function but just above this function is where I do all the json stuff and adding it into the array. $scope.valuesArray has data at this point.
$scope.valuesArray =[];
$ = function()
var eur_total = 0;
var usd_total = 0;
if (typeof $scope.valuesArray != 'undefined')
var length = $scope.valuesArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i<length ; i++)
case "USD":
usd_total += parseFloat($scope.valuesArray[i].value);
eur_total += parseFloat($scope.valuesArray[i].value);
var cost_total= [usd_total,eur_total];
total.sort(function(a, b){return b-a});
return format_to_decimal(total[0]) + "\x0A" + format_to_decimal(total[1]);
In my for loop I go through every single data in the array and break each currency down within the switch statement and finding the total amount of each currencies.
The last bit is kind of temporary as I couldn't figure out a different way of how to do it. I sort the totals for the currencies I have from the highest at the top.
I return the function with a function call for format_numeric_with_commas which gives me the value in proper currency format and this displays the value. Will update this and add that code when I get to it. But I have used the indexes as a rough logic to show what I want to get out of it. So in this case, total[0] should be 500.00 and total[1] should be 200.00.
On top of this I want to be able to display the currency type for each. So like the example above.

You can try to save all the calculations in the array with currency index.
$scope.valuesArray = [];
$ = function () {
var totalsArray = [];
if (typeof $scope.valuesArray != 'undefined') {
var length = $scope.valuesArray.length
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!totalsArray[$scope.valuesArray[i].currency]) {
totalsArray[$scope.valuesArray[i].currency] = 0;
totalsArray[$scope.valuesArray[i].currency] += $scope.valuesArray[i].value;
var cost_total = [];
for (var k in totalsArray) {
cost_total.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.value - a.value
return format_to_decimal(cost_total[0].value)+cost_total[0].currency + "\x0A" + format_to_decimal(cost_total[1].value);


General reduceInitial function crossfilter

I'm building a dc.js / d3.js dashboard in which I often have to make crossfilter groups containing a quantity for each key and a percentage of the total value for each key. That is why I want to make generic reduceAdd, reduceRemove and reduceInitial functions. I managed doing the first 2, but I don't understand reduceInitial behaviour :
function reduceAdd(dim,grouping,col) {
var keys = getKeys(dim); // get the keys name in an array of string
return function(p,v) { += parseInt(v[col]); // get the running total
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if(v[grouping] == keys[i]) {p[keys[i]] += +v[col];}
p[keys[i]+"perc"] = p[keys[i]]/; // calculate a percentage for ech key
return p;
function reduceRemove(dim,grouping,col) {
var keys = getKeys(dim);
return function(p,v) { -= parseInt(v[col]);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if(v[grouping] == keys[i]) {p[keys[i]] -= +v[col];}
p[keys[i]+"perc"] = p[keys[i]]/;
return p;
This is the working non generic function reduceInitFC() {
return {total:0, LILOU:0, MARIUS:0,ORIANE:0,LILOUperc:0,MARIUSperc:0,ORIANEperc:0};
This is what I tried :
function reduceInit(dim) {
var keys = getKeys(dim);
var initArray= {};
initArray["total"] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
initArray[keys[i]] = 0;
initArray[keys[i]+"perc"] = 0;
console.log(initArray); // (1)
console.log({total:0, LILOU:0, MARIUS:0,ORIANE:0,LILOUperc:0,MARIUSperc:0,ORIANEperc:0});
return function() {
return initArray;
The result is :
(1) The output gives 0 for all the keys every two iterations and some non zero values for the other iterations
When I use this function the resulting values in the group are constant respect with the keys what is not the case in reality and not the case when I hand write the zero values.
If anyone can help, it would be super kind and useful.
I think your reduceInit looks fine, but I don't think this is possible through the reduce. The reduce calculates totals incrementally -- and don't make sense until the group runs through all the rows in the dimension. So the percentages for each key can't be calculated until reduce is finished. (Likewise, while the reduce can be used to calculate averages across a single key's values, they can't be used for averages across all keys because that would be dependent on the reduced total.) (UPDATED, also see this answer's comments)
But since you already have the reduced total and the total for the key / category, you can calculate the percentage in your chart's valueAccessor.
function valueAccessor(d){
return d.value[keyName] /

Accessing indexes of a string inside an array and taking the sum

Ok so I am trying to access each individual number in the strings inside of this array.
var array = ['818-625-9945','999-992-1313','888-222-2222','999-123-1245'];
var str = "";
for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
str = array[i];
The problem is that this is the output: '999-992-1313'
and not the first element array[0]: '818-625-9945'
When I try doing a nested for loop to go through each element inside the string I am having trouble stating those elements.
var array = ['818-625-9945','999-992-1313','888-222-2222','999-123-1245'];
for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
for (j=0; j<array[i].length; j++) {
I do not know how to access each individual number inside of the string array[i]. I would like to find a way to make a counter such that if I encounter the number '8' I add 8 to the total score, so I can take the sum of each individual string element and see which number has the highest sum.
var array = ['818-625-9945','999-992-1313','888-222-2222','999-123-1245'];
for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
for (j=0; j<array[i].length; j++) {
if (array[i](j).indexOf('8') !== -1) {
// add one to total score
// then find a way to increase the index to the next index (might need help here also please)
Mabe this works for you. It utilized Array.prototype.reduce(), and String.prototype.split().
This proposal literates through the given array and splits every string and then filter the gotten array with a check for '8'. The returned array is taken as count and added to the return value from the former iteration of reduce - and returned.
var array = ['818-625-9945', '999-992-1313', '888-222-2222', '999-123-1245'],
score = array.reduce(function (r, a) {
return r + a.split('').filter(function (b) { return b === '8'; }).length;
}, 0);
document.write('Score: ' + score);
A suggested approach with counting all '8' on every string:
var array = ['818-625-9945', '999-992-1313', '888-222-2222', '999-123-1245'],
score = (a) {
return a.split('').filter(function (b) { return b === '8'; }).length;
document.write('Score: ' + score);
Actually rereading your question gave me a better idea of what you want. You simply want to count and retrieve the number of 8's per string and which index in your array conforms with this maximum 8 value. This function retrieves the index where the value was found in the array, how many times 8 was found and what is the string value for this result. (or returns an empty object in case you give in an empty array)
This you could easily do with:
'use strict';
var array = ['818-625-9945', '999-992-1313', '888-222-2222', '999-123-1245'];
function getHighestEightCountFromArray(arr) {
var max = 0,
result = {};
if (arr && arr.forEach) {
arr.forEach(function(value, idx) {
var cnt = value.split('8').length;
if (max < cnt) {
// found more nr 8 in this section (nl: cnt - 1)
max = cnt;
// store the value that gave this max
result = {
count: cnt - 1,
value: value,
index: idx
return result;
The only thing here is that when an equal amount of counts is found, it will still use the first one found, here you could decide which "maximum"
should be preferred(first one in the array, or the newest / latest one in the array)
I'm not sure which sums you are missing, but you could do it in the following way.
There I first loop over all the items in the array, then I use the String.prototype.split function to split the single array items into an array which would then contain ['818', '625', '9945']. Then for each value you can repeat the same style, nl: Split the value you are receiving and then loop over all single values. Those then get convert to a number by using Number.parseInt an then all the values are counted together.
There are definitelly shorter ways, but this is a way how you could do it
'use strict';
var array = ['818-625-9945','999-992-1313','888-222-2222','999-123-1245'],
sumPerIndex = [],
totalSum = 0;
array.forEach(function(item, idx) {
var values = item.split('-'), subArray = [], itemSum = 0;
values.forEach(function(value) {
var singleItems = value.split(''),
charSum = 0;
singleItems.forEach(function(char) {
charSum += parseInt(char);
itemSum += charSum;
console.log('Sum for chars of ' + value + ' = ' + charSum);
totalSum += itemSum;
console.log('Sum for single values of ' + item + ' = ' + itemSum);
console.log('Total sum of all elements: ' + totalSum);
console.log('All invidual sums', sumPerIndex);

string occurrences in a string

I'm am working on a script to count the number of times a certain string (in this case, coordinates) occur in a string. I currently have the following:
if (game_data.mode == "incomings") {
var table = document.getElementById("incomings_table");
var rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var headers = rows[0].getElementsByTagName("th");
var allcoord = new Array(rows.length);
for (i = 1; i < rows.length - 1; i++) {
cells = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
var contents = (cells[1].textContent);
contents = contents.split(/\(/);
contents = contents[contents.length - 1].split(/\)/)[0];
allcoord[i - 1] = contents
So now I have my variable allcoords. If I alert this, it looks like this (depending on the number of coordinates there are on the page):
My goal is that, for each coordinate, it saves how many times that coordinate occurs on the page. I can't seem to figure out how to do so though, so any help would be much appreciated.
you can use regular expression like this
It will give you the count of expression
So you can pick say first co-ordinate 584 while iterating then you can use the regular expression to check the count
and just additional information
You can use indexOf to check if string present
I would not handle this as strings. Like, the table, is an array of arrays and those strings you're looking for, are in fact coordinates. Soooo... I made a fiddle, but let's look at the code first.
// Let's have a type for the coordinates
function Coords(x, y) {
this.x = parseInt(x);
this.y = parseInt(y);
return this;
// So that we can extend the type as we need
Coords.prototype.CountMatches = function(arr){
// Counts how many times the given Coordinates occur in the given array
var count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (this.x === arr[i].x && this.y === arr[i].y) count++;
return count;
// Also, since we decided to handle coordinates
// let's have a method to convert a string to Coords.
String.prototype.ToCoords = function () {
var matches = this.match(/[(]{1}(\d+)[|]{1}(\d+)[)]{1}/);
var nums = [];
for (var i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) {
return new Coords(nums[0], nums[1]);
// Now that we have our types set, let's have an array to store all the coords
var allCoords = [];
// And some fake data for the 'table'
var rows = [
{ td: '04.shovel (633|455) C46' },
{ td: 'Fruits kata misdragingen (590|519)' },
{ td: 'monster magnet (665|506) C56' },
{ td: 'slayer (660|496) C46' },
{ td: 'Fruits kata misdragingen (590|517)' }
// Just like you did, we loop through the 'table'
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var td = rows[i].td; //<-this would be your td text content
// Once we get the string from first td, we use String.prototype.ToCoords
// to convert it to type Coords
// Now we have all the data set up, so let's have one test coordinate
var testCoords = new Coords(660, 496);
// And we use the Coords.prototype.CountMatches on the allCoords array to get the count
var count = testCoords.CountMatches(allCoords);
// count = 1, since slayer is in there
Use the .indexOf() method and count every time it does not return -1, and on each increment pass the previous index value +1 as the new start parameter.
You can use the split method.
string.split('517,594').length-1 would return 2
(where string is '584|521,590|519,594|513,594|513,590|517,594|513,592|517,590|517,594|513,590|519')

Javascript - loop through number of times based on qty variable

I have the following javascript object
[Object { url="", qty="1" }, Object { url="", qty="2" }]
I want to be able to loop through the object and output the URL using console.log() based on the qty variable.
So in this instance would display once & the would display twice as the qty is set to 2.
I have something like the following but needs some work..
cart.forEach(function(value) {
var qty = value.qty;
var url = value.url;
var i = 0;
while ( i < qty ) {
// logic needed here (i believe)
That's how one can implement String.repeat in JS:
var repeatedString = Array(repeatsCount + 1).join(stringToRepeat);
... so in your case it'll be just ...
console.log(Array(+value.qty + 1).join(value.url));
Unary plus is a shortcut for Number(value.qty): it looks like you got a string there.
But it looks you actually need to collect all the urls instead. That's one possible way to do that:
var arrayOfUrls = [];
cart.forEach(function(value) {
for (var i = value.qty; i--) {
Alternative (.reduce-based):
var arrayOfUrls = cart.reduce(function(arr, value) {
for (var i = value.qty; i--) {
return arr;
}, []);

How to count the array from specific JSON object value?

here is my javascript:
var json = '{"GetReportIdResult":[{"bulan":"4","total":"1728","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"8796383"},{"bulan":"4","total":"572476","type":"ESL","uang":"5863408410"},{"bulan":"4","total":"33507","type":"WHP","uang":"235653242"},{"bulan":"5","total":"4761","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"134877865"},{"bulan":"5","total":"245867","type":"UHT","uang":"1446787280"},{"bulan":"5","total":"47974","type":"WHP","uang":"631929807"},{"bulan":"6","total":"5762","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"293393832"},{"bulan":"6","total":"236803","type":"UHT","uang":"2219506085"},{"bulan":"6","total":"24853","type":"WHP","uang":"386175022"}]}';
obj = JSON.parse(json);
var arrayobj = obj.GetReportIdResult.length;
alert (arrayobj);
I want to count how many type in the same bulan value, (e.g. there are 3 type = CHEESE1K, UHT, and ESL in bulan = 4)
how to do that?
There's still a typo in your JSON: you've got two commas in a row between the first two "bulan":"6" objects. But assuming you fix that...
If you're asking how to count distinct types for a particular bulan value you can do something like this:
function countTypesForBulan(resultArray, bulanVal) {
var i,
count = 0;
for (i=0, types = {}; i < resultArray.length; i++)
if (resultArray[i].bulan === bulanVal && !types[resultArray[i].type]) {
types[resultArray[i].type] = true;
return count;
console.log( countTypesForBulan(obj.GetReportIdResult, "4") ); // logs 3
The above loops through the array looking for a particular bulan value, and when it finds one it checks if it has already seen the associated type - if not, it adds it to the types object and increments the counter.
First of all, put the JSON into a string,
else your example code wont work.
var json = '{"GetReportIdResult":[{"bulan":"4","total":"1728","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"8796383"},{"bulan":"4","total":"572476","type":"ESL","uang":"5863408410"},{"bulan":"4","total":"33507","type":"WHP","uang":"235653242"},{"bulan":"5","total":"4761","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"134877865"},{"bulan":"5","total":"245867","type":"UHT","uang":"1446787280"},{"bulan":"5","total":"47974","type":"WHP","uang":"631929807"},{"bulan":"6","total":"5762","type":"CHEESE1K","uang":"293393832"},,{"bulan":"6","total":"236803","type":"UHT","uang":"2219506085"},{"bulan":"6","total":"24853","type":"WHP","uang":"386175022"}]}';
Iterate with for and count in a variable or a hashmap.
Since GetReportIdResult is an array, you can:
for( var i : obj.GetReportIdResult ){
obj.GetReportIdResult[i] ... // Use at will.
This will give you a map object which will contain the count for each bulan value. For example, map['4'].count will return 3.
var i, row, arr = obj.GetReportIdResult, map = {};
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
row = arr[i];
map[row.bulan] = map[row.bulan] || {count: 0};
if (map[row.bulan][row.type] === undefined) {
map[row.bulan][row.type] = row.type;
map[row.bulan]['count'] += 1;
console.log (JSON.stringify(map));​
JSFiddle here.
