Profile based configuration for js/Nodejs/ES6 - javascript

I've an application with ES6/js/react UI and Spring boot server side. In my config.js I have host server URL and other properties that changes based on Env. I can use spring active profile to pick up diff set of properties. How do I do similar thing on the js part?
The application is deployed as spring boot application with embedded Tomcat.
Another way to put the question is How can I do Spring profile equivalent in NodeJs/JavaScript world?

My suggestion is to create a server using nodejs to host your static files and act as a proxy server to your backend.
Lately I've used this this seed for my react-projects. I like it a lot, it uses webpack for building the frontend and also provideds you with a handy proxy server that you can use during development (which also gets rid of any CORS issues).
Settings for proxy server: environments.js

I had exactly the need as you: how to use the same idea behind spring profile active environment variable. I used process.env:
const profile = process.env.NODEJS_PROFILES_ACTIVE;
I tested with Windows and Docker as an environment variable.

I have implemented the following and it seems to work .
Set up files like config-dev.js, config-QA.js, config-prod.js . These hold the configuration specific to each environment
Ex config-dev.js
const config_params = {dburl:"mongodb://localhost/mydb", port:5000};
module.exports = config_params
Set up file - config.js which has the below logic
let loadmodule = "./config-" + process.env.profile + ".js";
const setting = require(loadmodule);
module.exports = setting;
In the index file or server.js, import config.js
const config = require('./config.js');
Start the application as 'profile=dev node server.js'


Rendering react with node.js in development

I am (very) new to node.js and I am trying to get a development environment started with React.
const express = require('express')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const app = express()
// this displays the index.html file
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
// trying to see the app.js
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 5000);
Right now I am simply trying to be able to view my app.js when I run nodemon. But right now it is only showing the index.html file in the public folder. and when I run npm start it renders both the index.html and the app.js.
I am 100% doing something wrong and am not in my element here. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
My full repo is here for viewing here
Thank you in advance.
Your code is simply serving a static HTML file located in the public directory everytime the user make a GET request to the root (in your case, localhost:5000). It is not interacting with React yet.
Usually when starting a project with React (frontend) and Node (backend), you would create them as separate projects, in separate repositories.
So you could create a React application using a bootstrap such as create-react-app running on PORT 3000 and in another terminal tab, start your NodeJS application in PORT 5000 like in your example. Then, you can call your backend endpoint from your frontend React application, by referencing http://localhost:5000
By doing this, your backend code don't need to serve static files anymore, it can return data such as JSON and make connections to a database for example.
Since your question is not specific enough, you could be talking about server side render. In server side render apps using Node and React, you have a frontend built with React and a Node server that will return the same React code as a string, using the react-dom/server package to help. This is more complex, but basically you will have the same React code on the client AND on the server. There are performance benefits, because the user can see some content rendered right when he enters the page, without having to wait the React bundle (javascript file) to load. If you want to know more about creating a server side render app with React and Node, there is a nice digital ocean tutorial here
If you want to connect your react js project to the node js
In Development
you simply run their server and start it
In Production
You can use sendFile function coming from express.js to run the frontend

Nuxt SPA without node server

I head to create Nuxt SPA with routing and mb API in future like that:
Backend server (on express or smth else) listen and on request give entire SPA to client.
Now user can use everything on client side (include routing) with no more else requests to backend (mb API requests only)
It means that server should give some .html file with js and css files as SPA and it will work on client side.
I tried to run some commands like nuxt build and nuxt generate
It looks like they return a same result - js files couldn't be found
And index.html file doesn't work properly
After some researching I found a solution
But now I got this:
It can't open the fourth js file in another js file. Path isn't right!
Every time I tried to run it as a static html file and from localhost (and also with using Live Server)
I think I did a lot of crutches and there should be another built-in function or feature that allows us to do what I want
I wrote a lot - if I made a mistake or you didn't get smth - please, ask! I need any help
To test your locally built application, you need to serve all files within the generated /dist folder. You can setup very easily a local web server using Express/Node.js as you already have Node.js installed when running Nuxt. Create a new folder and install express via npm (run npm install express).
Then, copy everything from /dist into /public and create a file server.js:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Run the web server with node server.js and you can access your generated files on http://localhost:3000.

proxy not working for create-react-app in production

I am working with reactjs(create-react-app) to create a dashboard application, In my application i am calling multiple host (for that I have configured multiple proxies in package.json to avoid CORS).
"proxy": {
in application i am calling like-
const host1 = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'?
'': '/demo1/api/';
const host2 = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'?
'': '/demo2/api/';
const host3 = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'?
'': '/demo3/api/';
const resp1 = axios.get(host1)
const resp2 = axios.get(host2)
const resp3 = axios.get(host3)
in development: when making request to /demo1/api/ it is being proxied to and i am getting the response. but
in production: I have deployed the application on github pages, although I am getting the below error,
enter image description here
Can anybody help..
Proxies are for development purposes only, and they are handled by webpack-dev-server. On production you need to make the calls to the actual host.
This is created because usually, on development, react is served by a standalone server meant just for that (hence, webpack-dev-server). On production, usually there is a backend (node? ruby? php?) that serves the pages and every call made is going to be to some endpoint with the same hostname.
In your development environment you have a node server running on port 3001 and your react code running on port 3000. When react fetches /api/user, you actually want http://localhost:3001/api/user, which points to your node server.
In your production environment, you have a server (nginx, maybe?) that forwards all /api calls to your node process, and for everything else it serves your react main index.html file (so you can use react-router, for example). In this case, whenever you request /api/user, this is going to be handled by your web server and routed properly.

Access a local directory to retrieve files from localhost and write back

I currently have an Angular app (MEAN Stack) that I am running locally on my Windows machine. Being new to Node/Express, I would like to be able to access a local directory from http://localhost:3006 that I have setup within my main app directory, called /myfiles which I am unsure how to do.
What I am unsure is, how do I create an endpoint to access and read these files from localhost within the /myfiles directory and display them within an Angular Material dialog?
Just not sure what I need to do as part of Express side (setting up the route) and then the Angular side (using HttpClient) to display.
Further to the above, I will also need to write back to the /myfiles directory, where I will need to perform a copy command based on a file selection within Angular.
You'll want to create an endpoint in Express that your Angular app can call to be served the files.
I'll assume the files you want to read and send are JSON files. Here's a really simple example of an endpoint that you can visit that will return the file to your frontend.
In your Angular code you will make a get call to /myfile
var fs = require("fs");
app.get('/myFile', (req, res) => {
var filepath = __dirname + '/myfiles/thefile.json';
var file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, encoding);
Then in Angular, you'll have something like
http.get('/myfile').subscribe( (data) => { console.log("The data is: ", data) });
The example I provided above was just the basics to answer your question. Ideally, in production for file paths, you should the Node path library which 'knows' how to behave in different environments and file systems. cloud app with client javascript production and development keys

I'm really enjoying learning about web development with I have a cloud app that serves jade templates and a few cloud functions that I'd like to call from .js in the browser.
I'm trying to setup for development and production using the parse docs here, but I've become confused. It's my understanding that I'll have one source tree on my development machine, but two parse applications that I'll deploy to alternatively as development and production.
It seems using the command line parse add <alias> will add credentials to my config/global.json file, but what about my statically served .js files that need to make cloud calls? They start out:
Parse.$ = jQuery;
Parse.initialize("my app id", "my app js key");
If I have only one code repository, I'll have to touch these keys before I deploy to production. That can't be right, can it? If I forget, I'll deploy a broken app. Am I mixed up, or is this just something I must deal with?
For a given session you only need to initialize Parse once. This means that you can do this when the browser loads from a single location.
You could create some sort of build script that modifies the keys.
Alternatively, on load, make a call to a seperate service which holds your keys and which returns the correct key depending on your environment.
In case anyone else has this problem, here's what I did (thanks to #Kenneth for suggesting). The script first checks to see if git has any un-staged changes. It refuses to run unless I've checked in all the changes.
Then it replaces all my dev ids/keys in .js files with production versions, deploys to my parse production app and finally restores .js files to contain their development keys...
if git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
echo 'Replacing app id and js keys with production keys'
sed -i '' 's/my-development-app-id/my-production-app-id/g' ./public/*.js
sed -i '' 's/my-development-js-key/my-production-js-key/g' ./public/*.js
parse deploy production
echo 'Changing back to development keys'
git checkout *.js
echo 'Must commit all changes before deploying to production'
Similarly, to separate our environments we deployed a Parse app for each one needed (say dev, qa, prod) and used the different resulting urls (the subdomain, but really any different part can do) to tell them apart and discover our environment in the code. We then stored the environment in an attribute.
switch(".")[0]){ //Figure out environment off of the url (subdomain here)
case 'myappprod': //ex:
MyApp.env = 'prod'
APP_ID = 'theprodappid';
JS_KEY = 'theprodjskey';
case 'myappqa':
MyApp.env = 'qa'
APP_ID = 'theqaappid';
JS_KEY = 'theqajskey';
default: //otherwise dev
MyApp.env = 'dev'
APP_ID = 'thedevappid';
JS_KEY = 'thedevjskey';
You can also hint at the environment (app) you want to use in your local setup using this same technique. Just have the virtual host you use with your web server match all three local urls. For example, with nginx:
