I have a method that runs every 2 seconds to capture a video stream to canvas and write it to file:
function capture(streamName, callback) {
var buffer,
_ctx = _canvas[streamName].getContext('2d');
_ctx.drawImage(_video[streamName], 0, 0);
dataURL = _canvas[streamName].toDataURL('image/png');
dataSplit = dataURL.split(",")[1];
buffer = new Buffer(dataSplit, 'base64');
fs.writeFileSync(directory + streamName + '.png', buffer);
setInterval(function() {
// Called from here
gameState.pollForState(processId, activeScreens[currentScreenIndex], function() {
// do things...
}, 2000);
Assuming _video[streamName] exists as a running <video> and _canvas[streamName] exists as a <canvas>. The method works, it just causes a memory leak.
The issue:
Garbage collection can't keep up with the amount of memory the method uses, memory leak ensues.
I have narrowed it down to this line:
buffer = new Buffer(dataSplit, 'base64');
If I comment that out, there is some accumulation of memory (~100MB) but it drops back down every 30s or so.
What I've tried:
Some posts suggested buffer = null; to remove the reference and mark for garbage collection, but that hasn't changed anything.
Any suggestions?
Allocation Profile:
Just to quantify. After about 30 minutes of run time it sits at 2 GB memory used. This is an Electron (chromium / desktop) app.
Pre-allocating the buffer is what fixed it. This means that in addition to scoping buffer outside of the function, you need to reuse the created buffer with buffer.write. In order to keep proper headers, make sure that you use the encoded parameter of buffer.write.
Matt, I am not sure what was not working with the pre-allocated buffers, so I've posted an algorithm of how such pre-allocated buffers could be used. The key thing here is that buffers are allocated only once for that reason there should not be any memory leak.
var buffers = [];
var bsize = 10000;
// allocate buffer pool
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
buffers.push({free:true, buf: new Buffer(bsize)});
// sample method that picks one of the buffers into use
function useOneBuffer(data){
// find a free buffer
var theBuf;
var i = 10;
while((typeof theBuf==='undefined')&& i < 10){
theBuf = buffers[i];
theBuf.free = false;
// start doing whatever you need with the buffer, write data in needed format to it first
// BUT do not allocate
// also, you may want to clear-write the existing data int he buffer, just in case before reuse or after the use.
if(typeof theBuf==='undefined'){
// return or throw... no free buffers left for now
// .... continue using
// dont forget to pass the reference to the buffers member along because
// when you are done, toy have to mark it as free, so that it could be used again
// theBuf.free = true;
Did you try something like this? Where did it fail?
There is no leak of buffer object in your code.
Any Buffer objects that you no longer retain a reference to in your code will be immediately available for garbage collection.
the problem caused by callback and how you use it out of capture function.
notice that GC can not cleans the buffer or any other variable as long as callback is running.
I have narrowed it down to this line:
buffer = new Buffer(dataSplit, 'base64');
Short solution is not to use Buffer, as it is not necessary to write file to filesystem, where a file reference exists at base64 portion of data URI. setInterval does not appear to be cleared. You can define a reference for setInterval, then call clearInterval() at <video> ended event.
You can perform function without declaring any variables. Remove data, MIME type, and base64 portions of data URI returned by HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL() as described at NodeJS: Saving a base64-encoded image to disk , this Answer at NodeJS write base64 image-file
function capture(streamName, callback) {
.drawImage(_video[streamName], 0, 0);
fs.writeFileSync(directory + streamName + ".png"
, _canvas[streamName].toDataURL("image/png").split(",")[1], "base64");
var interval = setInterval(function() {
// Called from here
gameState.pollForState(processId, activeScreens[currentScreenIndex]
, function() {
// do things...
}, 2000);
video[/* streamName */].addEventListener("ended", function(e) {
I was having a similar issue recently with a software app that uses ~500MB of data in arrayBuffer form. I thought I had a memory leak, but it turns out Chrome was trying to do optimizations on a set of large-ish ArrayBuffer's and corresponding operations (each buffer ~60mb in size and some slightly larger objects). The CPU usage appeared to never allow for GC to run, or at least that's how it appeared. I had to do two things to resolve my issues. I Have not read any specific spec for when the GC gets scheduled to prove or disprove that. What I had to do:
I had to break the reference to the data in my arrayBuffers and some other large objects.
I had to force Chrome to have downtime, which appeared to give it time to schedule and then run the GC.
After applying those two steps, things ran for me and were garbage collected. Unfortunately, when applying those two things independently from each other, my app kept on crashing (exploding into GB of memory used before doing so). The following would be my thoughts on what I'd try on your code.
The problem with the garbage collector is that you cannot force it to run. So you can have objects that are ready to be malloced, but for whatever reason the browser doesn't give the garbage collector opportunity. Another approach to the buffer = null would be instead to break the reference explicitly with the delete operator -- this is what I did, but in theory ... = null is equivalent. It's important to note that delete cannot be run on any variable created by the var operator. So something like the following would be my suggestion:
function capture(streamName, callback) {
this._ctx = _canvas[streamName].getContext('2d');
this._ctx.drawImage(_video[streamName], 0, 0);
this.dataURL = _canvas[streamName].toDataURL('image/png');
this.dataSplit = dataURL.split(",")[1];
this.buffer = new Buffer(dataSplit, 'base64');
fs.writeFileSync(directory + streamName + '.png', this.buffer);
delete this._ctx;//because the context with the image used still exists
delete this.dataURL;//because the data used in dataSplit exists here
delete this.dataSplit;//because the data used in buffer exists here
delete this.buffer;
//again ... = null likely would work as well, I used delete
Second, the small break. So it appears you've got some intensive processes going on and the system cannot keep up. It's not actually hitting the 2s save mark, because it needs more than 2 seconds per save. There is always a function on the queue for executing the captureState.capture(...) method and it never has time to garbage collect. Some helpful posts on the scheduler and differences between setInterval and setTimeout:
If that is for sure the case, why not use setTimeout and simple check that roughly 2 seconds (or more) time has passed and execute. In doing that check always force your code to wait a set period of time between saves. Give the browser time to schedule/run GC -- something like what follows (100 ms setTimeout in the pollForState):
var POLLING_DELAY = 100;
//get the time in ms
var ts = Date.now();
function interValCheck(){
//check if 2000 ms have passed
if(Date.now()-ts > 2000){
//reset the timestamp of the last time save was run
ts = Date.now();
// Called from here
//upon callback, force the system to take a break.
gameState.pollForState(processId, activeScreens[currentScreenIndex], function() {
// do things...
//and then schedule the interValCheck again, but give it some time
//to potentially garbage collect.
//reschedule check back in 1/10th of a second.
//or after whatever may be executing next.
This means that a capture will happen no more than once every 2 seconds, but will also in some sense trick the browser into having the time to GC and remove any data that was left.
Last thoughts, entertaining a more traditional definition of memory leak, The candidates for a memory leak based on what I see in your code would be activeScreens, _canvas or _video which appear to be objects of some sort? Might be worthwhile to explore those if the above doesn't resolve your issue (wouldn't be able to make any assessments based on what is currently shared).
Hope that helps!
In general, I would recommend using a local map of UUID / something that will allow you to control your memory when dealing with getImageData and other buffers.
The UUID can be a pre-defined identifier e.g: "current-image" and "prev-image" if comparing between slides
existingBuffers: Record<string, UInt8ClampedArray> = {}
existingBuffers[ptrUid] = ImageData.data (OR something equivalent)
then if you want to override ("current-image") you can (overkill here):
existingBuffers[ptrUid] = new UInt8ClampedArray();
delete existingBuffers[ptrUid]
In addition, you will always be able to check your buffers and make sure they are not going out of control.
Maybe it is a bit old-school, but I found it comfortable.
I have an SPA and for technical reasons I have different elements potentially firing the same fetch() call pretty much at the same time.[1]
Rather than going insane trying to prevent multiple unrelated elements to orchestrate loading of elements, I am thinking about creating a gloabalFetch() call where:
the init argument is serialised (along with the resource parameter) and used as hash
when a request is made, it's queued and its hash is stored
when another request comes, and the hash matches (which means it's in-flight), another request will NOT be made, and it will piggy back from the previous one
async function globalFetch(resource, init) {
const sigObject = { ...init, resource }
const sig = JSON.stringify(sigObject)
// If it's already happening, return that one
if (globalFetch.inFlight[sig]) {
// NOTE: I know I don't yet have sig.timeStamp, this is just to show
// the logic
if (Date.now - sig.timeStamp < 1000 * 5) {
return globalFetch.inFlight[sig]
} else {
delete globalFetch.inFlight[sig]
const ret = globalFetch.inFlight[sig] = fetch(resource, init)
return ret
globalFetch.inFlight = {}
It's obviously missing a way to have the requests' timestamps. Plus, it's missing a way to delete old requests in batch. Other than that... is this a good way to go about it?
Or, is there something already out there, and I am reinventing the wheel...?
[1] If you are curious, I have several location-aware elements which will reload data independently based on the URL. It's all nice and decoupled, except that it's a little... too decoupled. Nested elements (with partially matching URLs) needing the same data potentially end up making the same request at the same time.
Your concept will generally work just fine.
Some thing missing from your implementation:
Failed responses should either not be cached in the first place or removed from the cache when you see the failure. And failure is not just rejected promises, but also any request that doesn't return an appropriate success status (probably a 2xx status).
JSON.stringify(sigObject) is not a canonical representation of the exact same data because properties might not be stringified in the same order depending upon how the sigObject was built. If you grabbed the properties, sort them and inserted them in sorted order onto a temporary object and then stringified that, it would be more canonical.
I'd recommend using a Map object instead of a regular object for globalFetch.inFlight because it's more efficient when you're adding/removing items regularly and will never have any name collision with property names or methods (though your hash would probably not conflict anyway, but it's still a better practice to use a Map object for this kind of thing).
Items should be aged from the cache (as you apparently know already). You can just use a setInterval() that runs every so often (it doesn't have to run very often - perhaps every 30 minutes) that just iterates through all the items in the cache and removes any that are older than some amount of time. Since you're already checking the time when you find one, you don't have to clean the cache very often - you're just trying to prevent non-stop build-up of stale data that isn't going to be re-requested - so it isn't getting automatically replaced with newer data and isn't being used from the cache.
If you have any case insensitive properties or values in the request parameters or the URL, the current design would see different case as different requests. Not sure if that matters in your situation or not or if it's worth doing anything about it.
When you write the real code, you need Date.now(), not Date.now.
Here's a sample implementation that implements all of the above (except for case sensitivity because that's data-specific):
function makeHash(url, obj) {
// put properties in sorted order to make the hash canonical
// the canonical sort is top level only,
// does not sort properties in nested objects
let items = Object.entries(obj).sort((a, b) => b[0].localeCompare(a[0]));
// add URL on the front
return JSON.stringify(items);
async function globalFetch(resource, init = {}) {
const key = makeHash(resource, init);
const now = Date.now();
const expirationDuration = 5 * 1000;
const newExpiration = now + expirationDuration;
const cachedItem = globalFetch.cache.get(key);
// if we found an item and it expires in the future (not expired yet)
if (cachedItem && cachedItem.expires >= now) {
// update expiration time
cachedItem.expires = newExpiration;
return cachedItem.promise;
// couldn't use a value from the cache
// make the request
let p = fetch(resource, init);
p.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
// if response not OK, remove it from the cache
}, err => {
// if promise rejected, remove it from the cache
// save this promise (will replace any expired value already in the cache)
globalFetch.cache.set(key, { promise: p, expires: newExpiration });
return p;
// initalize cache
globalFetch.cache = new Map();
// clean up interval timer to remove expired entries
// does not need to run that often because .expires is already checked above
// this just cleans out old expired entries to avoid memory increasing
// indefinitely
globalFetch.interval = setInterval(() => {
const now = Date.now()
for (const [key, value] of globalFetch.cache) {
if (value.expires < now) {
}, 10 * 60 * 1000); // run every 10 minutes
Implementation Notes:
Depending upon your situation, you may want to customize the cleanup interval time. This is set to run a cleanup pass every 10 minutes just to keep it from growing unbounded. If you were making millions of requests, you'd probably run that interval more often or cap the number of items in the cache. If you aren't making that many requests, this can be less frequent. It is just to clean up old expired entries sometime so they don't accumulate forever if never re-requested. The check for the expiration time in the main function already keeps it from using expired entries - that's why this doesn't have to run very often.
This looks as response.ok from the fetch() result and promise rejection to determine a failed request. There could be some situations where you want to customize what is and isn't a failed request with some different criteria than that. For example, it might be useful to cache a 404 to prevent repeating it within the expiration time if you don't think the 404 is likely to be transitory. This really depends upon your specific use of the responses and behavior of the specific host you are targeting. The reason to not cache failed results is for cases where the failure is transitory (either a temporary hiccup or a timing issue and you want a new, clean request to go if the previous one failed).
There is a design question for whether you should or should not update the .expires property in the cache when you get a cache hit. If you do update it (like this code does), then an item could stay in the cache a long time if it keeps getting requested over and over before it expires. But, if you really want it to only be cached for a maximum amount of time and then force a new request, you can just remove the update of the expiration time and let the original result expire. I can see arguments for either design depending upon the specifics of your situation. If this is largely invariant data, then you can just let it stay in the cache as long as it keeps getting requested. If it is data that can change regularly, then you may want it to be cached no more than the expiration time, even if its being requested regularly.
Consider using a ServiceWorker or Workbox to separate caching logic from your application. The Stale-While-Revalidate strategy could apply here.
I have a wasm process (compiled from c++) that processes data inside a web application. Let's say the necessary code looks like this:
std::vector<JSONObject> data
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
bool is_cancelled = check_if_cancelled();
if (is_cancelled) {
This code basically "runs/processes a query" similar to a SQL query interface:
However, queries may take several minutes to run/process and at any given time the user may cancel their query. The cancellation process would occur in the normal javascript/web application, outside of the service Worker running the wasm.
My question then is what would be an example of how we could know that the user has clicked the 'cancel' button and communicate it to the wasm process so that knows the process has been cancelled so it can exit? Using the worker.terminate() is not an option, as we need to keep all the loaded data for that worker and cannot just kill that worker (it needs to stay alive with its stored data, so another query can be run...).
What would be an example way to communicate here between the javascript and worker/wasm/c++ application so that we can know when to exit, and how to do it properly?
Additionally, let us suppose a typical query takes 60s to run and processes 500MB of data in-browser using cpp/wasm.
Update: I think there are the following possible solutions here based on some research (and the initial answers/comments below) with some feedback on them:
Use two workers, with one worker storing the data and another worker processing the data. In this way the processing-worker can be terminated, and the data will always remain. Feasible? Not really, as it would take way too much time to copy over ~ 500MB of data to the webworker whenever it starts. This could have been done (previously) using SharedArrayBuffer, but its support is now quite limited/nonexistent due to some security concerns. Too bad, as this seems like by far the best solution if it were supported...
Use a single worker using Emterpreter and using emscripten_sleep_with_yield. Feasible? No, destroys performance when using Emterpreter (mentioned in the docs above), and slows down all queries by about 4-6x.
Always run a second worker and in the UI just display the most recent. Feasible? No, would probably run into quite a few OOM errors if it's not a shared data structure and the data size is 500MB x 2 = 1GB (500MB seems to be a large though acceptable size when running in a modern desktop browser/computer).
Use an API call to a server to store the status and check whether the query is cancelled or not. Feasible? Yes, though it seems quite heavy-handed to long-poll with network requests every second from every running query.
Use an incremental-parsing approach where only a row at a time is parsed. Feasible? Yes, but also would require a tremendous amount of re-writing the parsing functions so that every function supports this (the actual data parsing is handled in several functions -- filter, search, calculate, group by, sort, etc. etc.
Use IndexedDB and store the state in javascript. Allocate a chunk of memory in WASM, then return its pointer to JavaScript. Then read database there and fill the pointer. Then process your data in C++. Feasible? Not sure, though this seems like the best solution if it can be implemented.
[Anything else?]
In the bounty then I was wondering three things:
If the above six analyses seem generally valid?
Are there other (perhaps better) approaches I'm missing?
Would anyone be able to show a very basic example of doing #6 -- seems like that would be the best solution if it's possible and works cross-browser.
For Chrome (only) you may use shared memory (shared buffer as memory). And raise a flag in memory when you want to halt. Not a big fan of this solution (is complex and is supported only in chrome). It also depends on how your query works, and if there are places where the lengthy query can check the flag.
Instead you should probably call the c++ function multiple times (e.g. for each query) and check if you should halt after each call (just send a message to the worker to halt).
What I mean by multiple time is make the query in stages (multiple function cals for a single query). It may not be applicable in your case.
Regardless, AFAIK there is no way to send a signal to a Webassembly execution (e.g. Linux kill). Therefore, you'll have to wait for the operation to finish in order to complete the cancellation.
I'm attaching a code snippet that may explain this idea.
... init webassembly
onmessage = function(q) {
// query received from main thread.
const result = ... call webassembly(q);
const worker = new Worker("worker.js");
const cancel = false;
const processing = false;
worker.onmessage(function(r) {
// when worker has finished processing the query.
// r is the results of the processing.
processing = false;
if (cancel === true) {
// processing is done, but result is not required.
// instead of showing the results, update that the query was canceled.
cancel = false;
... update UI "cancled".
... update UI "results r".
function onCancel() {
// Occurs when user clicks on the cancel button.
if (cancel) {
// sanity test - prevent this in UI.
throw "already cancelling";
cancel = true;
... update UI "canceling".
function onQuery(q) {
if (processing === true) {
// sanity test - prevent this in UI.
throw "already processing";
processing = true;
// Send the query to the worker.
// When the worker receives the message it will process the query via webassembly.
An idea from user experience perspective:
You may create ~two workers. This will take twice the memory, but will allow you to "cancel" "immediately" once. (it will just mean that in the backend the 2nd worker will run the next query, and when the 1st finishes the cancellation, cancellation will again become immediate).
Shared Thread
Since the worker and the C++ function that it called share the same thread, the worker will also be blocked until the C++ loop is finished, and won't be able to handle any incoming messages. I think the a solid option would minimize the amount of time that the thread is blocked by instead initializing one iteration at a time from the main application.
It would look something like this.
main.js -> worker.js -> C++ function -> worker.js -> main.js
Breaking up the Loop
Below, C++ has a variable initialized at 0, which will be incremented at each loop iteration and stored in memory.
C++ function then performs one iteration of the loop, increments the variable to keep track of loop position, and immediately breaks.
int x;
x = 0; // initialized counter at 0
std::vector<JSONObject> data
for (size_t i = x; i < data.size(); i++)
x++ // increment counter
break; // stop function until told to iterate again starting at x
Then you should be able to post a message to the web worker, which then sends a message to main.js that the thread is no longer blocked.
Canceling the Operation
From this point, main.js knows that the web worker thread is no longer blocked, and can decide whether or not to tell the web worker to execute the C++ function again (with the C++ variable keeping track of the loop increment in memory.)
let continueOperation = true
// here you can set to false at any time since the thread is not blocked here
// results in one iteration of the loop being iterated until message is received below
worker.onmessage = function(e) {
if (continueOperation) {
// execute worker function again, ultimately continuing the increment in C++
} {
return false
// or send message to worker to reset C++ counter to prepare for next execution
Continuing the Operation
Assuming all is well, and the user has not cancelled the operation, the loop should continue until finished. Keep in mind you should also send a distinct message for whether the loop has completed, or needs to continue, so you don't keep blocking the worker thread.
I'm working on a canvas application that uses 2 web-workers to calculate some frames. You can see below how each worker sends a specific frame back to the main thread.
On the main thread I have an event listener for each worker. They listen for the frame, and when they receive it, they send it to a function called drawFrameToCanvas
This seems simple enough, but my problem is these webworkers can send their data out of order. So worker2 can finish before worker1
The way I thought to fix this problem is like this:
var desiredFrame = 0;
function drawFrameToCanvas(frameData, frameNumber){
if(frameNumber != desiredFrame){ //this is the wrong frame
//wait until it's the correct frame
setTimeout(function(){ drawFrameToCanvas(frame, frameNumber) }, 10);
However by the time frame 0 is finished, frame 1 has been requested to be drawn several times. So this didn't work. I then thought about making an object that would store the frame data and have the drawFrameToCanvas function call for this object.
However I couldn't think of a good way to do this without storing all the frames in memory as this object would always be referenced and never cleared for garbage collection.
Is there a better way to call javascript functions in these circumstances?
You can create queues for the results, and remove the data from the queues as they're processed to avoid the memory issues you mentioned. Something like this:
var worker1Results = [];
var worker2Results = [];
worker1.onmessage = function(e){
worker2.onmessage = function(e){
function performActionWhenBothDone(){
if (worker1Results.length && worker2Results.length) {
performAction(worker1Results.shift(), worker2Results.shift());
function performAction(worker1Result, worker2Result){
//drawFrameToCanvas code
When I run the following code 9999999+ times, Node returns with:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation failed - process out of memory
Aborted (core dumped)
Whats the best solution to get around this issue, other than increasing the max alloc size or any command line arguments?
I'd like to improve the code quality rather than hack a solution.
The following is the main bulk of recursion within the application.
The application is a load testing tool.
a.prototype.createClients = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < 999999999; i++){
a.prototype.recursiveRequest = function(){
var self = this;
self.hrtime = process.hrtime();
this.http.get(this.options, function(resp){
resp.on('data', function(){})
.on("connection", function(){
.on("end", function(){
.on("error", function(e){
a.prototype.onSuccess = function(){
var elapsed = process.hrtime(this.hrtime),
ms = elapsed[0] * 1000000 + elapsed[1] / 1000
Looks like you should really be using a queue instead of recursive calls. async.queue offers a fantastic mechanism for processing asynchronous queues. You should also consider using the request module to make your http client connections simpler.
var async = require('async');
var request = require('request');
var load_test_url = 'http://www.testdomain.com/';
var parallel_requests = 1000;
function requestOne(task, callback) {
request.get(task.url, function(err, connection, body) {
if(err) return callback(err);
var q = async.queue(requestOne, parallel_requests);
for(var i = 0; i < parallel_requests; i++){
You can set the parallel_requests variable according to how many simultaneous requests you want to hit the test server with.
You are launching 1 billion "clients" in parallel, and having each of them perform an http get request recursively in an endless recursion.
Few remarks:
while your question mentions 10 million clients, your code creates 1 billion clients.
You should replace the for loop by a recursive function, to get rid of the out-of-memory error.
Something in these lines:
a.prototype.createClients = function(i){
if (i < 999999999) {
Then, you probably want to include some delay between the clients creations, or between the calls to recursiveRequest. Use setTimeout.
You should have a way to get the recursions stopping (onSuccess and recursiveRequest keep calling each other)
A flow control library like async node.js module may help.
10 million is very large... Assuming that the stack supports any number of calls, it should work, but you are likely asking the JavaScript interpreter to load 10 million x quite a bit of memory... and the result is Out of Memory.
Also I personally do no see why you'd want to have so many requests at the same time (testing a heavy load on a server?) one way to optimize is to NOT create "floating functions" which you are doing a lot. "Floating functions" use their own set of memory on each instantiation.
this.http.get(this.options, function(resp){ ... });
++++--- allocates memory x 10 million
Here the function(resp)... declaration allocates more memory on each call. What you want to do is:
# either global scope:
function r(resp) {...}
this.http.get(this.options, r ...);
# or as a static member:
a.r = function(resp) {...};
this.http.get(this.options, a.r ...);
At least you'll save on all that function memory. That goes for all the functions you declare within the r function, of course. Especially if their are quite large.
If you want to use the this pointer (make r a prototype function) then you can do that:
a.prototype.r = function(resp) {...};
// note that we have to have a small function to use 'that'... probably not a good idea
var that = this;
this.http.get(this.options, function(){that.r();});
To avoid the that reference, you may use an instance saved in a global. That defeats the use of an object as such though:
a.instance = new a;
// r() is static, but can access the object as follow:
a.r = function(resp) { a.instance.<func>(); }
Using the instance you can access the object's functions from the static r function. That could be the actual implementation which could make full use of the this reference:
a.r = function(resp) { a.instance.r_impl(); }
According to a comment by Daniel, your problem is that you misuse a for() to count the total number of requests you want to send. This means you can apply a very simple fix to your code as follow:
a.prototype.createClients = function(){
a.prototype.recursiveRequest = function(){
var self = this;
self.hrtime = process.hrtime();
if(!this.halt && this.successful < 10000000){
Your recursivity is enough to run the test any number of times.
What you do is never quit, though. You have a halt variable, but it does not look like you ever set that to true. However, to test 10 million times, you want to check the number of requests you already sent.
My "fix" supposes that onError() fails (is no recursive). You could also change the code to make use of the halt flag as in:
a.prototype.onSuccess = function(){
var elapsed = process.hrtime(this.hrtime),
ms = elapsed[0] * 1000000 + elapsed[1] / 1000
if(this.successful >= 10000000)
this.halt = true;
Note here that you will be pushing ms in the times buffer 10 million times. That's a big table! You may want to have a total instead and compute an average at the end:
this.time += ms;
// at the end:
this.average_time = this.time / this.successful;
I've been playing with Readable and Transforming streams, and I can't solve a mystery of disappearing lines.
Consider a text file in which the lines contain sequential numbers, from 1 to 20000:
$ seq 1 20000 > file.txt
I create a Readable stream and a LineStream (from a library called byline: npm install byline; I'm using version 4.1.1):
var file = (require('fs')).createReadStream('file.txt');
var lines = new (require('byline').LineStream)();
Consider the following code:
setTimeout(function() {
lines.on('readable', function() {
var line;
while (null !== (line = lines.read())) {
}, 1500);
setTimeout(function() {
file.on('readable', function() {
var chunk;
while (null !== (chunk = file.read())) {
}, 1000);
Notice that it first attaches a listener to the 'readable' event of the file Readable stream, which writes to the lines stream, and only half a second later it attaches a listener to the 'readable' event of the lines stream, which simply prints lines to the console.
If I run this code, it will only print 16384 (which is 2^14) lines and stop. It won't finish the file. However, if I change the 1500ms timeout to 500ms -- effectively swapping the order in which the listeners are attached, it will happily print the whole file.
I've tried playing with highWaterMark, with specifying an amount of bytes to read from the file stream, attaching listeners to other events of the lines stream, all in vain.
What can explain this behavior?
I think this behaviour can be explained with two things:
How you use streams.
How byline works.
What you do is manual piping. The problem with it is that it doesn't respect highWaterMark and forces the whole to be buffered.
All this causes byline to behave badly. See this: https://github.com/jahewson/node-byline/blob/master/lib/byline.js#L110-L112. It means that it stops pushing lines, when buffers length > highWaterMark. But this doesn't make any sense! It doesn't prevent memory usage growth (lines are still stored in special line buffer), but stream doesn't know about these lines and if it ends in overflown state, they will be lost forever.
What you can do:
Use pipe
Modify highWaterMark : lines._readableState.highWaterMark = Infinity;
Stop using byline