Individual column filtering with Handsontable? - javascript

What I'm looking for is an individual column searching function (exactly as this datatables spreadsheet example) for the Handsontable spreadsheet plugin.
What's already existing and has been developed by the Handsontable team is :
Multiple filtering Excel-like (but included in the PRO version) - Cons for my case are that it's not free, and it doesn't quite fit well what I'm looking for.
Highlighting the cell(s) or row(s) based on an user input - The Con is that I need to only display the relevant row(s)
Is there such thing as displaying only the relevant row(s) based on multiple inputs from an user with Handsontable ?

Based on the solution of this blog, I managed to code a solution.
See this JS fiddle that answers all my requirements.
The main function I was looking for is this one :
// The function push every row satisfying all the input values into an array that is loaded
function filter() {
var row, r_len, col, c_len;
var data = myData; // Keeping the integrity of the original data
var array = [];
var match = true;
for (row = 0, r_len = data.length; row < r_len; row++) {
for(col = 0, c_len = searchFields.length; col < c_len; col++) {
if(('' + data[row][col]).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchFields[col]) > -1);
else match=false;
if(match) array.push(data[row]);
match = true;
What I did is keeping synchronized a table of Strings with the input fields (searchFields), compare the data of each row between inputs and their corresponding column, and push into an array the relevant row(s) to finally display the resulting array. This function is called for any change in the input fields which result in a live table filtering.
Note that I tried my solution for ~10k rows and their isn't any performance issue with Chrome, Firefox and IE.
Also note that I managed to find a solution to keep synchronized the current displayed table with the original data when editing the values, but this is IMO out of the scope of this question. Please let me know in the comment if you're interested about this.


Office Scripts Delete Entire Rows Based on Multiple Data in Certain Cells

I am a non-programmer and quite new to Office Scripts and I would love some help.
I am currently trying to delete entire rows if the cell in the "Change Flag" column, which happens to be the second column on the Excel sheet, contains the word "Delete" or "Deleted".
I managed to delete rows if they contain the word "Delete" with the following script but could not make the script cells with "Deleted" too. I tried throwing brackets in there but it unfortunately did not work.
Can someone suggest a best practice to handle the deletion of rows based on multiple text matches (delete if x = y OR z)?
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Get the used range on the current sheet.
const currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let table = workbook.getTables()[0];
// Get the RangeAreas object for each cell with a formula.
const usedRange = currentSheet.getUsedRange();
//get the values of the range
let values = usedRange.getValues();
//get the row count of the range
let rowCount = usedRange.getRowCount();
//starting at the last row, check if the cell in column '1' equals to 'Delete'. If it is, then delete the entire row.
for (let i = rowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (values[i][1] == "Delete") {
usedRange.getCell(i, 1).getEntireRow().delete(ExcelScript.DeleteShiftDirection.up)
Your if statement should look like the below:
if (values[i][1] == "Delete" || values[i][1] == "Deleted")
If you are looking for more general tutorials, here is a page I found that explains if statements a little more:
You can use the includes() method of the string object to do this. To use that method, you'd have to cast the value to a string using the toString() method like so:
if (values[i][1].toString().includes("Delete"))
Using includes, it will flag for both Delete and Deleted.
The words Delete and Deleted may be spelled in a variety of different ways (e.g. delete and deleted, DELETE and DELETED, etc.). Those different spellings will not be flagged by includes(). If want those different spellings to be evaluated in the same way, you can use a method like toLowercase() to do that. After calling that method, you'd just provide the includes() method with a lowercase version of the spelling like so:
if (values[i][1].toString().toLowerCase().includes("delete"))
This approach will also flag for any other text that includes delete. So if you have text in a cell like "this row should not be deleted" this code will flag that text as well.

When adding new data/rows to a one jqGrid1 from another jqGrid2, the old data in jqGrid1 is lost (javascript)

I have jqGrid parent and another jqGrid child in a popup dialoag. The parent jqGrid has already a set of records in it and whenever I add new set of records from child jqGrid to parent jqGrid, I am losing the existing data from the parent jqGrid.
I tried the following.
concat the data from the parent to the child and then set it to the parent jqGrid.
var gridParent = jQuery("#parentGrid");
var existingRowsInParentGrid = gridParent.jqGrid('getGridParam','data');
var gridChild = jQuery("#childGrid");
var newRowsInChildGrid = gridChild .jqGrid('getGridParam','data');
var json = existingRowsInParentGrid.concat(newRowsInChildGrid );
//set the new concatnated data to parent
gridParent.jqGrid('setGridParam', {data: json}).trigger('reloadGrid');
Tried to use
Object.assign(existingRowsInParentGrid, newRowsInChildGrid)
Tried to use the extend feature.
var sum = jQuery.extend(existingRowsInParentGrid, newRowsInChildGrid );
It simply replaces the existing records with the new set of records. I am not adding records one at a time but setting the data in bulk. Does this make the difference?
I see lots of code, which tells me to add one record at a time. I was hoping that there will one way where we just need to add the whole set of new records at the end of the existing records.
Since you do not post the configuration of both grids it is difficult to help.
In most cases it is better to read the up to date documentation, rather than to read some posts. If you do not know addRowData can add multiple rows at once.
For more info refer the docs here (search for addRowData method)
Thanks, Tony.
I've found the solution after doing trial and error. Below is what I did which worked for me, perhaps it might help someone else!
Find the number of rows from the first jqGrid.
var existingRowsInParentGrid = gridParent.jqGrid('getGridParam','data');
var noOfRowsInParentGrid = existingRowsInParentGrid.length;
Find the number of rows from the second jqGrid.
var noOfRowsInChildGrid = gridChild.length;
Iterate through the 2nd grid elements and add rows to the parent grid at the correct position.
for(var i = 0;i < noOfRowsInChildGrid; i++) {
gridParent.jqGrid('addRowData', noOfRowsInParentGrid +1 , gridChild[i]);
noOfRowsInParentGrid = noOfRowsInParentGrid + 1;
My initial intention of loading the data in bulk still did not work though. But for now, I am happy as I will not have a huge amount of data in 2nd grid.

Google apps script getRange() range not found error

I feel like I'm going about this in all the wrong way. I'm trying to automate some of my workload here. I'm cleaning up spreadsheets with 4 columns (A-E), 2000+ rows. Column B contains website URLs, column D contains the URL's business name, generated from another source.
Sometimes the tool doesn't grab the name correctly or the name is missing, so it populates the missing entries in column D with "------" (6 hyphens). I've been trying to make a function that takes an input cell, checks if the contents of the cell are "------", and if it is the function changes the contents of the input cell to the contents of the cell two columns to the left (which is generally a website url). This is what I've come up with.
function replaceMissing(input) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
//sets active range to the input cell
var cell = sheet.getRange('"' + input + '"');
//gets cell to fill input cell
var urlCell = sheet.getRange(cell.getRow(), cell.getColumn() - 2);
//gets contents of input cell as String
var data = cell.getValue();
//gets contents of urlCell as String
var data2 = cell.getValue();
//checks if input cell should be replaced
if (data === "------") {
//set current cell's value to the value of the cell 2 columns to the left
When I attempt to use my function in my sheet, the cell is returning the error
Error Range not found (line 4).
I'm assuming, based on similar questions people have asked, that this is how you use the A1 notation of the function with an argument. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, so I'm stuck. I also don't think my solution is very good period.
1) It's somewhat ambiguous in GAS documentation, but custom functions have quite a few limitations. They are better suited for scenarios where you need to perform a simple calculation and return a string or a number type value to the cell. While custom functions can call some GAS services, this practice is strongly discouraged by Google.
If you check the docs for the list of supported services, you'll notice that they support only some 'get' methods for Spreadsheet service, but not 'set' methods
That means you can't call cell.setValue() in the context of a custom function. It makes sense if you think about it - your spreadsheet can contain 1000s of rows, each with its own custom function making multiple calls to the server. In JavaScript, every function call creates its own execution context, so things could get ugly very quickly.
2) For better performance, use batch operations and don't alternate between read / write actions. Instead, read all the data you need for processing into variables and leave the spreadsheet alone. After processing your data, perform a single write action to update values in the target range. There's no need to go cell by cell when you can get the entire range using GAS.
Google Apps Script - best practices
Below is a quick code example that runs onOpen and onEdit. If you need more flexibility in terms of when to run the script, look into dynamically-created triggers
Because your spreadsheets have lots of rows, you may hit the execution quota anyway - by using triggers you can work around the limitation.
Finally, if a cell containing '----' is a rare occurrence, it might be better to create another array variable with new values and row numbers to update than updating the entire range.
Personally, I think the single range update action would still be quicker, but you could try both approaches and see which one works best.
function onOpen(){
function onEdit() {
function test() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('yourSheetName');
//range to replace values in
var range = sheet.getRange(2, 4, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 1);
//range to get new values from
var lookupRange = range.offset(0, -2);
//2d array of values from the target range
var values = range.getValues();
//2d array of values from the source range
var lookupValues = lookupRange.getValues();
//looping through the values array and checking if array element meets our condition
for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i][0] = (values[i][0] == '------') ? lookupValues[i][0] : values[i][0];
// one method call to update the range

Datatable : add row and check added row's index

I want to check whether the newly added row appear in first page or not. One way of doing it is get the index, but I wonder why it doesn't work, the index for me is not accurate at all.
function add_row(name, time_taken, attempts) {
var t = $('#dashboard').DataTable();
var node = '';
node = t.row.add([
$(node).attr('id', concatSpaces(name)).hide().fadeIn('slow');
var index = t.row('#' + concatSpaces(name)).index() // doesn't work
any thought? stuck for 2 hours long!
API method row().index() returns internal index which doesn't mean row position in the table based on current sorting column and method.
You need to use the code below instead to locate index of the row based on current sorting column and method:
var index = table.$('tr').index(node);
See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration.

DataTables: How to bypass the filtering rules?

How can I exempt a single row in a DataTables.js table from DataTables' builtin filtering, so thta it is always shown?
Background: I'm building a table editing component using the jQuery-based DataTables.js library. Instead of using dialogs or overlays, I wanted to present editing controls right within the datatable, like this:
This works like a charm, even with active filters: I keep the original, unchanged data in the record while it is being edited, so I can use that data for the 'sort' and 'filter' modes of mDataProp, and my row stays in place and visible until editing is finished.
A bigger problem arises when I add a new row: There is no data to use for filtering, so if a filter is active, my row won't be visible. This breaks the workflow where the user searches through the dataset, sees that some record is missing, and (without clearing the filter) presses the "Add" button, waiting for an empty row with edit controls to appear:
How can I exempt this special row from DataTables' filtering?
After reading through the source code of DataTables.js for some time, I came to the conclusion that there is no way to hook into the filtering in the desired way. There are hooks for custom filters, but they can only be used to hide stuff, not to show stuff.
However, there's a 'filter' event which is triggered after filtering, but before the table is rendered. My solution installs an handler for this event:
$('table#mydatatable').bind('filter', function() {
var nTable = $(this).dataTable();
var oSettings = nTable.fnSettings();
//collect the row IDs of all unsaved rows
var aiUnsavedRowIDs = $.grep(oSettings.aiDisplayMaster, function(iRowID) {
var oRowData = nTable.fnGetData(iRowID);
return is_unsaved(oRowData);
//prepare lookup table
var oUnsavedRecordIDs = {};
$.each(aiUnsavedRowIDs, function(idx, iRowID) {
oUnsavedRecordIDs[iRowID] = true;
//remove unsaved rows from display (to avoid duplicates after the
//following step)
for (var i = oSettings.aiDisplay.length; i >= 0; i--) {
//iterate backwards, because otherwise, removal from aiDisplay
//would mess up the iteration
if (oUnsavedRecordIDs[ oSettings.aiDisplay[i] ]) {
oSettings.aiDisplay.splice(i, 1);
//insert unsaved records at the top of the display
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(oSettings.aiDisplay, aiUnsavedRowIDs);
//NOTE: cannot just say oSettings.aiDisplay.unshift(aiUnsavedRowIDs)
//because this would add the array aiUnsavedRowIDs as an element to
//aiDisplay, not its contents.
What happens here? First, I find all unsaved rows by looking through oSettings.aiDisplayMaster. This array references all rows that are in this DataTable, in the correct sorting order. The elements of aiDisplayMaster are integer indices into DataTables' internal data storage (one index per row).
The filtering process goes through the rows in aiDisplayMaster, and places the row IDs of all matching rows in oSettings.aiDisplay. This array controls which rows will be rendered (after this event handler has finished!). The whole process looks like this:
[1, ..., numRows]
| sorting
| filtering
| rendering
So after having located all unsaved records in aiDisplayMaster (using custom logic that I wrapped in an is_unsaved() function for the sake of this snippet), I add them all to aiDisplay (after removing existing instances of these rows, to avoid duplicates).
A side-effect of this particular implementation is that all unsaved rows appear at the top of the table, but in my case, this is actually desirable.
