Optimizing Durandal's build process - javascript

The HTML starter kit pro for Durandal contains the following grunt task for optimizing a build:
durandal: {
main: {
src: ['app/**/*.*', 'lib/durandal/**/*.js'],
options: {
name: '../lib/require/almond-custom',
baseUrl: requireConfig.baseUrl,
mainPath: 'app/main',
paths: mixIn({}, requireConfig.paths, {
'almond': '../lib/require/almond-custom.js'
exclude: [],
optimize: 'none',
out: 'build/app/main.js'
I have some concerns about it which I need your help sorting out:
Script file redundancy. The build process keeps the lib folder with scripts like jQuery, bootstrap etc. Why? If you look at the built build/app/main.js is has added all those scripts. Which leads me to the following question:
If I remove the lib folder, everything works, except for the fact that I get a require is not defined in the console. The code still looks for lib/require/require.js which can be solved by simply adding it there. However, isn't this what almond is all about? It's included in the built build/app/main.js file. As far as I knew, Almond is a light weight replacement for require to be used in optimized files.
To reproduce the issues you can simply run the "Quick start" provided in the link at the top.

Yes, You are right that main.js includes everything needed to run the app. The reason You are getting require is not defined is because, if you closely look at the index.html file you will see that the index.html refers looks for the file in /lib/require folder and loads our main.js file through it. there is another line right below that in index.html which is commented, you can just uncomment that and it should just work even if you remove lib directory.
The only errros that you will get by removing the /lib directory after uncommenting <script src="app/main.js"></script> line and commenting <script src="lib/require/require.js" data-main="app/main"></script>.
Hope it helps.


Is there a way I can change any of the files shown here to deploy with webpack?

What's coming? (1) Short background. (2) Question. (3) Detail (short; file listings just long enough to show relevant information). (4) Question again.
Short background: I want to deploy my web site using webpack. webpack is looking for style-loader and css-loader in the wrong directories, so my builds aren't completing.
Is there a way I can change any of the files shown here to deploy with webpack?
Windows 10 Home -64, up-to-date/ Toshiba Satellite with AMD A6
Node v6.2.0/ webpack v1.13.2
relevant files and directory structure
"name": "example",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "example",
"main": "example.bundle.js",
"author": "Bald Eagle"
call to webpack: I call webpack at the command prompt from C:\Dev\example\built with one line (two here for your convenience)
node C:\Dev\node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js -p --display-reasons
--display-error-details --display-modules --profile
"use strict"
let path = require("path")
let webpack = require("webpack")
let preferEntry = true // for OccurrenceOrderPlugin
module.exports = {
context: "C:/Dev/example/built",
entry: [
output: {
path: "C:/Dev/example/built",
filename: "./example.bundle.js",
publicPath: "http://www.example.com"
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|svg)$/,
loader: "file!url"
test: /\.html$/,
loader: "html"
test: /\.png$/,
loader: "url-loader?mimetype=image/png"
test: /\.css$/,
loader: "style-loader!css-loader"
} ],
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({minimize: true}),
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
'window.jQuery': 'jquery',
'window.$': 'jquery',
}) ] },
resolve: {
root: path.resolve("./index1.html"),
modulesDirectories: ["node_modules", "built"],
fallback: "C:/Dev"
resolveLoader: {
fallback: "C:/Dev",
modulesDirectories: ["node_modules"]
C:\Dev\example\built\index1.html: My goal for this HTML file is to point webpack the right direction to collect all information for the web site into its example.bundle.js file. I shortened one long line (clip) and excluded irrelevant lines, including the entire body.
<!doctype html>
<script src="./../example.js"></script>
<link href="./../example.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css? (clip) type="text/css" />
<script src="./../jquery.js"></script>
<script src="./../bluebird.js"></script>
feedback from webpack
It outputs routine information about building pieces of example.bundle.js (represented with ...), except these: (I added any double asterisks **; I broke some long lines and indented the later parts of such lines.)
[9] ./../example.css 919 bytes {0} [built] [**2 errors**]
single entry ./../example.css [0] multi main
WARNING in ./example.bundle.js from UglifyJs
Condition always false [C:/Dev/~/style-loader!
Dropping unreachable code [C:/Dev/~/style-loader!
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update
**ERROR** in ./../example.css
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory'
./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js in
resolve file
doesn't exist**
[plus more similarly inaccurate variants; it should be looking
for C:\Dev\node_modules\css-loader\index.js; it's there]
**ERROR** in ./../example.css
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory'
./../node_modules/style-loader/addStyles.js in
resolve file
doesn't exist**
[plus more similarly inaccurate variants]
With the double asterisks, I wanted to highlight that webpack outputted that there'd be two errors and outputted the two errors. Also, I wanted to highlight the cited points of error in css. Those lines are below.
C:\Dev\example\example.css: I show only the first twelve lines because of the lines webpack cited as errors; I added line numbers.
1 /* example web site
2 * blah
3 * blah
4 * blah
5 * blah
6 * blah
7 *
8 * Version
9 */
11 /* defaults */
12 body, div {
My conclusion: The points webpack cited are not points of error. Maybe the points cited apply to a minified version of the file. Or to some code.
Problem when I point a browser to index1.html above: All content and rendering are fine; JavaScript isn't enabled. (Consistent with not processing css correctly?)
C:\Dev\example\built\index2.html: My goal for this HTML file is to use the same webpack techniques I'll use in the index.html that will be on the web server. I changed this the same ways I changed index1.html.
<!doctype html>
<script src="./example.bundle.js"></script>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css? (clip) type="text/css" />
Problem when I point a browser to index2.html immediately above: All content shows (including the three images), but (1) JavaScript isn't enabled and (2) there's no effect from css (no colors or positioning, etc.) (Consistent with not processing css correctly?)
Is there a way I can change any of the files shown here to deploy with webpack?
Thanks for taking the time to read. Thanks in advance for any responses.
Need more detail? I'll provide it if I can.
It seems like you've set up your project in a very unusual style for Node.js development which makes your setup more complicated than it needs to be. I'm not sure if that is a hard requirement, but since you've not mentioned it to be required, I'm assuming you are allowed to change your directory structure.
Use local dependencies
In Node.js, all dependencies are installed separately for each project. It enables you to use different versions of a dependency while working on different projects without the need to switch these dependencies manually. You should put the package.json in the root folder of your project (I assume C:\Dev\example in your case) and then run npm install webpack css-loader style-loader --save-dev. NPM is the package manager for Node.js that comes pre-bundled with the executable so it should already be installed on your system. After running npm install you should see a node_modules folder which contains all these project-specific dependencies. You should not commit these dependencies to your version control system because they may contain platform-specific binaries that are not usable on different machines. Every developer in this project needs to run npm install first.
Configure your common commands under scripts
NPM provides the possibility to add common commands as scripts to your package.json. This way, other developers (including "Future You") only need to remember npm run some-script instead of all the command-line options. One little known feature of NPM is, that it prepends ./node_modules/.bin to your $PATH on runtime which means that inside scripts you can reference any executable installed in your local node_modules just as if it was installed globally. Thus you only need to write:
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack --config ./path/to/webpack.config.js"
and it will use your local webpack installation. As a side-note: It's best-practice to provide a "start" script. It can be called by just running npm start.
Your webpack config
Your webpack config looks ok, but I have some advice:
You should separate between your development stuff and the actual build. Usually, the webpack.config.js is placed in the root of your project because then you just need to run webpack and webpack will look for a config in the current directory. Then, you should have a src or app folder which contains all the development files, including the index HTML files as you've mentioned. At last, you create a build folder which is completely wiped before a build. This way, your build does not contain any obsolete files.
Do not use absolute paths in your webpack.config. It makes sharing your project a lot harder – including "Future You" that moves the project to another directory. Use the Node.js builtin path module and the special module variable __dirname to resolve absolute paths. You can also use require.resolve to use Node's resolving algorithm.
Do not set the context and the publicPath option unless you know what you are doing. Given from the information you've provided, I doubt that these options are necessary here.
Since you've installed all the dependencies locally, you should remove all the resolving options because it should work out-of-the-box now.
Although it is permitted, you should not omit the -loader postfix in your loader configurations. It can lead to hard-to-understand errors when you have a css or html module in your node_modules just by coincidence.
The problem with index.html files
webpack is a JavaScript bundler. That's why you need to have a css- or an html-loader if you want to include HTML or CSS. These loaders transform HTML or CSS into a JavaScript module by transforming the text contents into strings that are exported. This has some nice advantages like hot module replacement or CSS modules. But it also means that you can't use an HTML or CSS file as the only entry point to your website. Every HTML and CSS will eventually be translated to JavaScript. This trade-off is ok for single-page applications where you need JS anyway, but it is probably surprising for everyone who tries to use webpack on a static site.
Since you're not the first one with this problem, several solutions have already emerged. My recommendation is to use the HTML Webpack Plugin in combination with the Extract Text Webpack Plugin.
The Extract Text Webpack Plugin can be used to extract static JS strings out of the bundle into a speparate file. This is exactly what you need to remove CSS from the JS bundle.
The HTML Webpack Plugin creates an index HTML file that includes all the generated JS and CSS files. Out of the box, it will just generate an HTML file with no contents (often referred to application shell which is typical for single-page applications). Since you already have content in your index HTML files, you need to configure your HTML files as templates. You'll need to add a plugin for each HTML file.
These plugins work pretty well, but this setup is already pretty complex. You should decide if you want to use webpack just for JS or also for HTML and CSS.

Make pdf.js 1.5 and require.js play nice together

In my project I have long used require.js together with the pdf.js library. Pdf.js have until recently been putting itself on the global object. I could still use it in my requirejs config by using a shim. The pdfjs library will in turn load another library called pdf.worker. In order to find this module the solution was to add a property to the global PDFJS object called workerSrc and point to the file on disk. This could be done before or after loading the pdfjs library.
The pdfjs library uses the pdf.worker to start a WebWorker and to do so it needs the path to a source file.
When I tried to update the pdfjs library in my project to a new version (1.5.314) the way to load and include the library have changed to use UMD modules and now everything get's a bit tricky.
The pdfjs library checks if the environment is using requirejs and so it defines itself as a module named "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf". When this module loads it checks for a module named "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker". Since I have another folder structure I have added them to my requirejs config object with a new path:
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf": "vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf",
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker"
This is to make the module loader to find the modules at all. In development this works great. When I try to use the requirejs optimizer in my grunt build step however, it will put all of my project files into one single file. This step will try to include the pdf.worker module as well and this generates an error:
Error: Cannot uglify2 file: vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js. Skipping
it. Error is: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Since the worker source needs to be in a single file on disk I don't want this module to be included.
So I've tried two different config-settings in the requirejs config.
The first attempt was to override the paths property in my grunt build options:
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "empty:"
The second thing to test is to exclude it from my module:
modules: [{
name: "core/app",
exclude: [
Both techniques should tell the optimizer not to include the module but both attempts ended up with the same error as before. The requirejs optimizer still tries to include the module into the build and the attempt to uglify it ends up with a RangeError.
One could argue that since the uglify step fails it will not be included and I can go about my bussiness, but if the uglify step should happen to start working at a new update of pdfjs - what then?
Can anyone help me figure out why the requirejs config won't just exclude it in the build step and how to make it do so.
I found out what the core of my problem was and now I have a way to solve the problem and make my build process to work. My build step in grunt is using grunt-contrib-requirejs and I needed to override some options in the config for this job.
I didn't want the pdf.worker module to be included in my concatenated and minified production code.
I didn't want r.js to minify it only to later exclude it from the concatenated file.
I tried to solve the first problem thinking that it would mean that the second problem also should be solved. When I figured out the two were separate I finally found a solution.
In the r.js example on github there is a property named fileExclusionRegExp. This is what I now use to tell r.js not to copy the file over to the build folder.
fileExclusionRegExp: /pdf.worker.js/
Second, I need to tell the optimizer to not include this module in the concatenated file. This is done by overriding the paths property for this module to the value of "empty:".
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "empty:"
Now my grunt build step will work without errors and all is well.
Thanks to async5 for informing me about the bug with uglify and the pdf.worker. The workaround is applied in another grunt task that uglify the worker and copies it into the build-folder separately. The options object for the grunt-contrib-uglify task will need this property in order to not break the pdf.worker file:
compress: {
sequences: false
Now my project works great when built for production.

how to minify js files in order via grunt-contrib-uglify?

I have a directory like below:
I want to minify all these js files in one js file in order:
jQuery.js -> a.js -> b.js -> c.js
1.How can I do it via grunt-contrib-uglify?(In fact, there are lots of files, it is impractical to specify all source filepaths individually)
2.btw, How can I get unminified files when debug and get minified single file when release and no need to change script tag in html(and how to write the script tag)?
Good questions!
1) Uglify will reorder the functions in the destination file so that function definitions are on top and function execution on bottom but it seems that it will preserve the order of the function executions.
This means that the function jQuery runs to define its global functions will be put first if you make sure jQuery is mentioned first in Uglify's config in the Gruntfile.
I use this config:
uglify: {
options: {
sourceMap: true
build: {
files: {
'public/all.min.js': ['public/js/vendor/jquery-1.10.2.min.js', 'public/js/*.js'],
2) I don't think there is one definite way to accomplish this. It depends on what web framework, templating framework and what kind of requirements you have. I use express + jade and in my main jade layout I have:
if process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
In my package.json I have:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "grunt"
This means that when I run npm install on deploy (on Heroku) grunt is run to minify/concat files and when the app is started with NODE_ENV=production the minified client side javascript is used. Locally I get served the original client side javascripts for easy debugging.
The two downsides are:
I have to keep the two lists of script files in sync (in the Gruntfile and in the layout.js) I solve this by using *.js in the Gruntfile but this may not suite everyone. You could put the list of javascripts in the Gruntfile and create a jade-template from this but it seems overkill for most projects.
If you don't trust your Grunt config you basically have to test running the application using NODE_ENV=production locally to verify that the minification worked the way you intended.
This can be done using the following Grunt tasks:
https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-concat concatenates
https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify minifies
concatenated files
I usually run all my files through a Grunt concatenation task using grunt-contrib-concat. Then I have another task to uglify the concatenated file using grunt-contrib-uglify.
You're probably not going to like this, but the best way is to define your js source files as AMD modules and use Requirejs to manage the order in which they load. The grunt-contrib-requirejs task will recurse your dependency tree and concatenate the js files in the necessary order into one big js file. You will then use uglify (actually r.js has uglify built-in) to minify the big file.
https://github.com/danheberden/yeoman-generator-requirejs has a good example gruntfile and template js files to work from.
I've recently started using CommonJS modules instead of AMD since it's much closer to the ES6 module spec. You can achieve the same results (1 big complied+concatenated js file) by running commonjs modules through Browserify. There are plugins for both grunt and gulp to manage the task for you.
I'd like to add that if your site is written using ES6 that Rollup is the best new concatenating package. In addition to bundling your files, it will also perform tree shaking, removing parts of libraries you use if included via an import statement. This reduces your codebase to just what you need without the bloat of code you'll never use.
I don't think you can do this with the uglify task alone, but you have a multitude of choices which might lead to your desired outcome.
A possible workflow would be first concatenating (grunt-contrib-concat) the files in order into one single file, and put this concatenated file through uglify. You can either define the order for concat in your Gruntfile, or you use on of those plugins:
First one would be https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin, where you can specify the order in your HTML file, put some comments around your script block. The Google guys made it and it's pretty sweet to use.
Second one would be https://github.com/trek/grunt-neuter, where you can define some dependencies with require, but without the bulk of require.js. It requires changes in your JS code, so might not like it. I'd go with option one.
I ran into the same issue. A quick fix is just to change the filenames - I used 1.jquery.min.js, 2.bootstrap.min.js, etc.
This might be only remotely related to your question but I wanted something similar. Only my order was important in the following way:
I was loading all vendor files (angular, jquery, and their respective related plugins) with a wildcard (['vendor/**/*.js']). But some plugins had names that made them load before angular and jquery. A solution is to manually load them first.
['vendor/angular.js', 'vendor/jquery.js', 'vendor/**/*.js]
Luckily angular and jquery handle being loaded twice well enough. Edit: Although it's not really the best practice to load such large libraries twice, causing your minified file unnecessary bloat. (thanks #Kano for pointing this out!)
Another issue was client-js the order was important in a way that it required the main app file to be loaded last, after all its dependencies have been loaded. Solution to that was to exclude and then include:
['app/**/*.js', '!app/app.js', 'app/app.js']
This prevents app.js from being loaded along with all the other files, and only then includes it at the end.
Looks like the second part of your question is still unanswered. But let me try one by one.
Firstly you can join and uglify a large number of js files into one as explained by the concat answer earlier. It should also be possible to use https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify because it does seem to have wildcards. You may have to experiment with 'expand = true' option and wildcards. That takes care of your first question.
For the second part, say you joined and uglified into big-ugly.js
Now in your html you can add following directives:
<!-- build:js:dist big-ugly.js -->
<script src="js1.js"></script>
<script src="js2.js"></script>
<!-- etc etc -->
<script src="js100.js"></script>
<!-- /build -->
And then pass it through the grunt html preprocessor at https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-processhtml as part of your grunt jobs.
This preprocessor will replace the entire block with
<script src="big-ugly.js"></script>
Which means that the html file with be semantically equivalent - before and after the grunt jobs; i.e. if the page works correctly in the native form (for debugging) - then the transformed page must work correctly after the grunt - without requiring you to manually change any tags.
This was #1469's answer but he didn't make it clear why this works. Use concat to put all js files into one, this module does this in the order of file names, so I put a prefix to the file names based on orders. I believe it even has other options for ordering.
concat: {
js: {
options: {
block: true,
line: true,
stripBanners: true
files: {
'library/dist/js/scripts.js' : 'library/js/*.js',
Then use uglify to create the minified ugly version:
uglify: {
dist: {
files: {
'library/dist/js/scripts.min.js': [
options: {
If your problem was that you had vendors which needed to be loaded in order (let's say jquery before any jquery plugins). I solved it by putting jquery in its own folder called '!jquery', effectively putting it on top of the stack.
Then I just used concat as you normally would:
concat: {
options: {
separator: ';',
build: {
files: [
src: ['js/vendor/**/*.js', 'js/main.min.js'],
dest: 'js/global.min.js'

Concatenate requirejs modules with build script

I'm trying to minify and concatenate require modules together into one file.
For example, if I have a file called article.js like the following:
I want all of those dependencies to be combined and minified into one file.
I have the following in my build script, but it's not combining files together, just minifying.
This is my build.js file:
"appDir": "../js",
"baseUrl": "../js",
"dir": "../www-build",
"mainConfigFile": "../js/common.js",
"modules": [
"name": "common"
"name": "page/article",
"exclude": ["common"]
"paths": {
"jquery": "empty:",
"jquery_ui": "empty:",
"twitter_bootstrap": "empty:"
My understanding of Require and the build script may be wrong, but I envisioned that files would be concatenated together.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
To also minify the nested dependencies of the individual modules that are traced as dependencies, specify this additonal property as part of your build file: findNestedDependencies: true. (See line 318-324 of the full RequireJS doc.)
This is if articles.js is a dependency found in common.js and you are tracing through common.js to build a concatenated and minfied file. I am not sure about the lack of concatenation if you are just trying to build the individual module itself.
The build.txt file you've included in a comment (the comment I'm referring to has been deleted by Andy after I wrote my answer) is a bit hard to read since it has not been included as preformatted code. From what I can see in the file you've provided, r.js does indeed concatenate the dependencies of article.js into one file. So it appears that you've solved your original question somehow.
As so why your output is not appearing in the right directory, I can only speculate. The build.js file you've shown in your question is set to put everything in ../www-build, however your build.txt file shows the output being stored in ../js. Here's the speculation part: sometimes when we are in the midst of trying to find solutions, we make changes here and there and lost track of where we were. That certainly happened to me. What I do then is clean my development tree (remove the builds), inspect my build configuration to make sure that what I think is used is indeed used and rerun the build.

Preserving jQuery dependency for highcharts with requireJS optimizer

I'm testing out requireJS and am trying to make a simple project using highcharts. I've started with the requireJS multipage example project as a starting point.
My dir structure looks the same as the base structure, with highstock.js added in the lib directory.
page1.html: page 1 of the app.
page2.html: page 2 of the app.
app: the directory to store app-specific modules.
lib: the directory to hold third party modules, like jQuery.
common.js: contains the requirejs config, and it will be the build
target for the set of common modules.
page1.js: used for the data-main for page1.html. Loads the common
module, then loads app/main1, the main module for page 1.
page2.js: used for the data-main for page2.html. Loads the common
module, then loads app/main2, the main module for page 2.
common.js holds the configuration and I've added a shim for highstock there:
baseUrl: 'js/lib',
paths: {
app: '../app'
shim: {
"highstock": {
"exports": "Highcharts",
"deps": [ "jquery"]
} // end Shim Configuration
} );
I also am using the base build file, with the addition of a line to set common.js as the config file and another to disable minifying.
optimize: "none",
mainConfigFile: '../www/js/common.js',
In apps/main1.js I've added a var HighCharts= require('highstock'); and I then try to use it.
When I run this in the normal build everything works fine. All the dependencies hold and everything loads.
When I attempt to optimize my build, highcharts doesn't receive the jQuery dependency. I think I see why its happening, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
My build creates 3 files, common.js, page1.js, and page2.js.
The relevant parts of the build output:
My page then references the built page1. When it attempts to load the highstock module it errors out since jQuery has not yet been loaded/isn't accessible.
When I see the built page1 I can see why.
require(['./common'], function (common) {
require(['app/main1']); //highcharts is in main1 in the non-optimized version
define("../page1", function(){});
//a few more defines
(function () { // start highcharts module definition HERE
So instead of being defined in the callback after common (including jQuery) has been loaded, its loaded after making the request, but before the callback executes.
My question is, why is this happening there instead of inside the callback (which is where it is loaded in the non-optimized version). I've tried multiple options in the build.js file and config file and I seem to be missing some key concept or small error.
Sorry for the super long question but I felt all the info was necessary. If more info is needed I can post it, or get rid of something superfluous.
Please take look at very simple example which use require js http://jsfiddle.net/wAM3h/
paths: {
jquery: "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min",
hchart: [
['jquery', 'hchart'], function($, hc) {
window.chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
Not sure you're still involved with the project or not:
I see that you've not defined the path to the highcharts library in the code above. I could not see it even in the repo you mentioned.
And, again, highcharts prevents re-declaration of this namespace, so you must use a different name
- Hence, you must use a different name while shim-ming it
Note: Libraries like highcharts can be safely used in an amd module without using a shim (unless you need explicit access to the object exported by it).
So, your Config File should look like this:
baseUrl: 'js/lib',
paths: {
app: '../app',
'highstock-custom-name': 'path/to/highcharts.js'
shim: {
"highstock-custom-name": {
... //as is, although not necessary
