How can I make dynamic progress bar using just jquery? - javascript

I wrote a code for progressbar using jquery it works as expect but if I add second element all element works same that is why I guess I have to make it dynamic but I have no idea to do how can I make it as dynamic ?
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<div class="trustyou-progressbar pull-right">
<p class="trustyou-puan">100/72 Puan</p>
<div class="progressFill">
<span class="ani-puan" ani-puan="72"></span>
<div class="trustyou-progressbar pull-right">
<p class="trustyou-puan">100/39 Puan</p>
<div class="progressFill">
<span class="ani-puan" ani-puan="39"></span>
<script src=""></script>
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: 500;
var getprogressPuan = $('.ani-puan').attr('ani-puan');
if((getprogressPuan>0) && (getprogressPuan<=40)){
}else if((getprogressPuan>=40) && (getprogressPuan<75)){
}else if((getprogressPuan>=75)){
click to see demo

Use an iterator to apply your function to all elements:
$('.ani-puan').each(function() {
var getprogressPuan = $(this).attr('ani-puan');
$(this).css("width", getprogressPuan + "%");
if ((getprogressPuan > 0) && (getprogressPuan <= 40)) {
$(this).css("background", "#ca2424");
} else if ((getprogressPuan >= 40) && (getprogressPuan < 75)) {
$(this).css("background", "#d6d824");
} else if ((getprogressPuan >= 75)) {
$(this).css("background", "#9ad204");
Here is the sample page

This code just changes all elements with ani-puan class.
You need to create a jQuery component (a widget) to work with each progressbar separately.
Start by reading How to Create a Basic Plugin and then you can study jQuery UI's progressbar source code to see how they do it.
If you don't mind, you can download the jQuery UI progressbar (you don't need whole jQuery UI) and just change what you need.
Also note that HTML5 already contain component progress that already does what you need (including changing the colors).

You can also create Progress bar easily like this:
var i = 0;
var clear = setInterval(function(){
width: 100px;
background-color: #000000;
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: 500;
width: 0%;
height: 6px;
background: #15D318;
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<div class="trustyou-progressbar pull-right">
<div class="progressFill">
<span class="ani-puan" ani-puan="72"></span>
<script src=""></script>

here is the codepen link:
the $(".ani-puan") will get two elements , you should use iterator to differ them.
var $puan = $('.ani-puan');
for (var i = 0, len = $puan.length; i < len; i++) {
var $cur = $('.ani-puan').eq(i);
var getprogressPuan = $cur.attr('ani-puan');
$cur.css("width", getprogressPuan + "%");
if ((getprogressPuan > 0) && (getprogressPuan <= 40)) {
$cur.css("background", "#ca2424");
} else if ((getprogressPuan >= 40) && (getprogressPuan < 75)) {
$cur.css("background", "#d6d824");
} else if ((getprogressPuan >= 75)) {
$cur.css("background", "#9ad204");


How to correctly format transform

var kidX = "";
if(kidX == ""){
kidX = 100;
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if(event.keyCode == 37) {
document.getElementById("kid").style.transform = "translateX(kidX + "px")";
else if(event.keyCode == 39) {
document.getElementById("kid").style.transform = "translateX(kidX + "px")";
// console.log(kidX + "px");
<!DOCTYPE html>
height = 100px;
height = 100px;
height = 100px;
<body id="body">
<p >
<div id="kid">
<img class = "guy" src="kid.png" alt="kid!" height = "100px" />
Hello. I want to make the element kid move with the arrow keys, but I think I am formatting it wrong. Can someone tell me how to format it correctly, thanks. If there is a better way to make the element kid move left and right please tell me. I am new to JavaScript and html so any help is appreciated .

How to apply css to overflow:hidden elements?

here i want to apply some css to those divs are not visible because if its height. So i want to apply some css dynamically which are not showing here(sanjana, giri, santhosh divs)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;background:red;border:2px dashed #000;">
<div>Om shankar</div>
If it's inline defined, you can use this:
[style*="overflow:hidden;"],[style*="overflow: hidden;"]
What it does is looking for ANY type of tag,
that has a style attribute set
and that style attribute contains: overflow:hidden; or overflow: hidden;
then applies relevant styles.
var value = 'initial';
var old = 'hidden';
function toggle() {
var tmp = value;
value = old;
old = tmp;
[style*="overflow:hidden;"],[style*="overflow: hidden;"] {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="button" onclick="toggle()" value="toggle values">
<div style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;background:red;border:2px dashed #000;">
<div>Om shankar</div>
Now if you only wish to do something to the NOT visible divs, you need to use javascript, and you can use Bounding boxes to test if something is visible:
Also see How to check if an element is overlapping other elements?
$('[style*="overflow:hidden"],[style*="overflow: hidden;"]').children().each(function(index, element) {
var $el = $(element);
var $parent = $el.parent();
// get the bounding boxes.
var rect1 = $parent.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
var rect2 = element.getBoundingClientRect();
// check for overlap(if it's visible)
if(!(rect1.right < rect2.left ||
rect1.left > rect2.right ||
rect1.bottom < || > rect2.bottom)) {
else {
// it's hidden!
console.log('found hidden div '+$el.text());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;background:red;border:2px dashed #000;">
<div>Om shankar</div>
You can check the height from the wrapper via javascript and then add a class to all the elements which are not fully visible inside the wrapper. Added a class wrap to the wrapper to make it more obvious.
var wrap = document.querySelector('.wrap');
var wrapHeight = wrap.offsetHeight; // just in case it's not known and set by CSS
var elementBottomPosition = element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight;
if(elementBottomPosition >= wrapHeight) {
.wrap {
border:2px dashed #000;
.some-class {
color: lime;
<div class="wrap">
<div>Om shankar</div>

Prevent Firefox from moving after `.exitFullscreen()`

Firefox is exhibiting this behavior (bug?) that occurs after exiting a full screened <img> where the user ends up at the element that sits above the <img> the user had just viewed in fullscreen. In short my question is:
How can I prevent Firefox from scrolling up after exiting fullscreen mode?
The MCVE posted as a Snippet doesn't function due to SO's strict security measures so I have provided a plunker. All the details are commented in the Snippet and Plunker. In addition I have added a simple interface to not only reproduce the issue but to change the layout to test different combinations as well. Thank you for your valuable time.
SNIPPET (doesn't function--review this plunker instead)
/* Several attempts to use the .focus() method
|| and focus events did not work for me, neither
|| has tabindex and anchors. If it appears that
|| my implementation is wrong (a strong possibility)
|| please inform me.
$('a').click(function(e) {
var tgt = $(this).prev();
/* This function is for the MCVE
|| It enables the ~select~ to remove and re-insert
|| the test elements. By doing so, we can see
|| how the test elements behave in different
|| combinations. What I found out about FF is
|| that when exiting a full screened ~img~ that's
|| positioned last is that it will lose focus
|| and the viewport is scrolled up to the element
|| above it.
$('#sel1').on('change', function(e) {
var V = $(this).val();
var first = $('#' + V).find(':first').attr('id');
if ($('#' + V).hasClass('media')) {
$('#' + V).fadeOut('#' + first);
} else {
$('#' + V).fadeIn('#' + first);
$('#' + V).toggleClass('media');
/* These 2 functions are responsible for
|| full screen. Please inform me if there's a
|| better way, or if anything is outdated. I
|| have researched the Fullscreen API and I
|| haven't found any updates of any use. I've
|| used these functions for the last 3 years
|| so maybe I might've missed something
|| critical.
*/ // There's no ms prefixes because I'm not concerned about IE.
var isFullScreen = function() {
return !!(document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement);
function fs(target) {
if (!isFullScreen()) {
if (target.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (target.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (target.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
/* These styles are here for the demo itself
|| and are not a cause of the problem at hand
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0
body {
font: 400 16px/1.3 Consolas;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: #333;
color: #fed
a {
margin: 0 auto 50px;
display: block;
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
background-size: contain;
.svg {
display: block;
margin: 20px auto;
.expand {
background: url(;
header {
padding: 15px 10px;
margin: 15px auto;
fieldset {
border: 10px solid tomato;
width: 20ch
legend {
font-size: 1.2em;
dt {
text-decoration: underline;
font: 1.1em;
dd {
margin-left: 20px
dt {
color: #ffcc33
.demo {
width: 450px;
padding: 10px;
counter-reset: step;
.demo li::before {
counter-increment: step;
content: "ยป " counter(step) ". ";
text-indent: -150px;
margin-left: 30px;
color: cyan;
.fs:-webkit-full-screen {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
<title>Prevent Firefox from Moving After .exitFullscreen()</title>
<dd>Prevent Firefox from Moving After .exitFullscreen()</dd>
<dd><b class='note'>Expected: </b>When exiting fullscreen mode, we should be at the same position that we were at before</dd>
<dd><b class='note'>Experienced: </b>In FF, when exiting fullscreen mode, we are scrolled up as if the element above has a higher tab priority or more than likely is that tab index and focus are being ignored by FF.</dd>
<dd><b><mark>How can I prevent Firefox from scrolling up after exiting fullscreen mode?</mark></b></dd>
<ol class='demo'>
<li>To reproduce issue, use the <select> to remove items C, D, E, and F.</li>
<li>Next, fullscreen item B by clicking the icon below it.</li>
<li>Then exit full screen mode by hitting <kbd>ESC</kbd>.</li>
<li>Notice we have jumped up the page.</li>
<!--This ~select~ is for the MCVE - details are
commented below in the ~script~ block-->
<legend>Remove and Re-insert Elements</legend>
<select id='sel1'>
<option value="">----</option>
<option value='A'><video> src=MP4</option>
<option value='B'><img> src=PNG</option>
<option value='C'><video> poster=GIF</option>
<option value='D'><img> src=SVG</option>
<option value='E'><div> &nbsp;</option>
<option value='F'><iframe> srcdoc="<DIV><div>"</option>
<!--I tried using the ~a~nchors, -id-, -name-, and -tabindex-
FF was ignoring my attempts to keep or get focus. Using named or
id ~a~nchors failed since the distance between desired spot
and the spot FF ends up at is short.-->
<div id='A' class='media'>
<video id="vid1" class="vid fs" src="" controls></video>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1'></a>
<div id='B' class='media'>
<img id='img1' class='img fs' src=''>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1'></a>
<div id='C' class='media'>
<video id='gif1' class='gif fs' poster='' width='300' height='300'></video>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1'></a>
<div id='D' class='media'>
<img id='svg1' class='svg fs' src='' width='auto' height='500'>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1'></a>
<!--Subjects E and F were added to see if a "dummy"
element were to be the last element so that FF
would exit fullscreen on the last ~img~ correctly.
I got mixed results.-->
<div id='E' class='media'>
<div id='div1' class='fs'> </div>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1' height='1' width='1'></a>
<div id='F' class='media'>
<iframe id='ifm1' class='fs' srcdoc="<div style='color:lime'>iframe srcdoc</div><div style='color:cyan'>2 divs</div>" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<a href='#/' class='expand' tab-index='1' height='1' width='1'></a>
<footer class='bottom'> </footer>
<script src=""></script>
Define variables initially.
var sx,sy;
Save scrollbar position before entering Fullscreen
var d= document, r= d.documentElement, b= d.body;
sx= r.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft || 0;
sy= r.scrollTop || b.scrollTop || 0;
When player exit full screen,
Hope this helps!
This answer is fully credited to #Kaido and I'll readily replace this answer if and when Kaido posts an answer.
My attempts at using the scroll methods didn't work is because I was listening to click events when I should've been listening for the onmozfullscreenchange
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Prevent Firefox from Moving After .exitFullscreen()</title>
button {
display: block;
padding: 0;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
background-size: contain;
.expand {
background: url(;
<div id='A' class='media'>A
<video id="vid1" class="vid fs" src="" controls></video>
<div id='B' class='media'>B
<img id='img1' class='img fs' src=''>
<button class='expand'></button>
<script src=""></script>
$('button').click(function(e) {
var tgt = $(this).prev();
/* This function is for the MCVE
|| It enables the ~select~ to remove and re-insert
|| the test elements. By doing so, we can see
|| how the test elements behave in different
|| combinations. What I found out about FF is
|| that when exiting a full screened ~img~ that's
|| positioned last is that it will lose focus
|| and the viewport is scrolled up to the element
|| above it.
$('#sel1').on('change', function(e) {
var V = $(this).val();
var first = $('#' + V).find(':first').attr('id');
if ($('#' + V).hasClass('media')) {
$('#' + V).fadeOut('#' + first);
} else {
$('#' + V).fadeIn('#' + first);
$('#' + V).toggleClass('media');
/* These 2 functions are responsible for
|| full screen.
*/ // There's no ms prefixes because I'm not concerned about IE.
var isFullScreen = function() {
return !!(document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement);
var yOffset;
document.onmozfullscreenchange = function() {
if (!isFullScreen()) {
window.scrollTo(0, yOffset);
function fs(target) {
if (!isFullScreen()) {
yOffset = pageYOffset;
if (target.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (target.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (target.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {

Not being able to sort my html list on jQuery

I've been working on a simple code that would detect how many clicks an item has received and it would put it on the top of the list, the problem is, I can only replace the first item once, if I clicked on it again it's doesn't add up the number of clicks inside of the items. Why is this?
My code: (Ctrl + Shift + I) and inspect the items to see them change
$(function() {
$('.watchMe > .item').attr({
"influence": "0"
$('.watchMe > .item').mousedown(function() {
"influence": parseInt($(this).attr("influence"), 10) + 1
$(document).on('mouseup', function(e) {
function rearrangeEm() {
var tempArray = [];
$('.watchMe > .item').each(function() {
tempArray.push([this, parseInt($(this).attr("influence"), 10)]);
for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < tempArray.length; j++) {
var temp;
if (tempArray[i][1] < tempArray[j][1]) {
temp = tempArray[i];
tempArray[i] = tempArray[j];
tempArray[j] = temp;
for (i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.item {
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;
<div class="watchMe">
<div class="item">a</div>
<div class="item">b</div>
<div class="item">c</div>
The issue is because you're removing the original .item elements which have the mousedown event bound to them, so you need to use a delegated event handler. Try this:
$('.watchMe').on('mousedown', '> .item', function() {
"influence": parseInt($(this).attr("influence"), 10) + 1
Note however, that you can both improve and shorten your logic using data() attributes (as opposed to a custom attribute which will make your HTML code invalid) and the sort() method. Try this:
$(function() {
$('.watchMe').on('mousedown', '> .item', function() {
$(this).data('influence', ($(this).data('influence') || 0) + 1);
$(document).on('mouseup', function(e) {
function rearrangeEm() {
$('.watchMe > .item').sort(function(a, b) {
var aInf = $(a).data('influence') || 0, bInf = $(b).data('influence') || 0;
return aInf < bInf ? 1 : aInf > bInf ? -1 : 0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
.item {
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;
<div class="watchMe">
<div class="item">a</div>
<div class="item">b</div>
<div class="item">c</div>

Remove <div> elements created by Javascript by using javascript

My code atm looks like this:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Oppgave 2</title>
<style type="text/css">
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: rgb(100, 100, 100);
margin: 5px;
float: left;
<li>Antall <input id="numberFigInput" type="text"></li>
<input id="genFigBtn" type="button" value="Generate">
<input id="removeFigBtn" type="button" value="Remove All">
<section id="myFigures"></section>
var numberFig, genFigBtn, myFigures;
function init(){
numberFigInput = document.getElementById("numberFigInput");
myFigures = document.getElementById("myFigures");
genFigBtn = document.getElementById("genFigBtn");
removeFigBtn = document.getElementById("removeFigBtn");
genFigBtn.onclick = genFigures;
removeFigBtn.onclick = removeFigures;
function genFigures(){
var numberFig = numberFigInput.value;
if (numberFig > 0, numberFig < 1001){
for(var amount = 0; amount < numberFig; amount++){
myFigures.innerHTML += "<div></div>"
alert("You have to input an integer over 0, but not over 1000!");
function removeFigures(){
So what I want, is for the remove-button to remove the divs that im creating. Ive been googling around and have tried alot of different codes, cant seem to get it to work..
In your specific situation, you have two basic choices:
Just set innerHTML on the element to "":
myFigures.innerHTML = "";
It's slower than some alternatives, but you're not doing this in a tight loop, and it's easy.
Use a loop with removeChild:
while (myFigures.firstChild) {
See this other SO answer for information comparing the two techniques.
Here's that first option in context:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Oppgave 2</title>
<style type="text/css">
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: rgb(100, 100, 100);
margin: 5px;
float: left;
<li>Antall <input id="numberFigInput" type="text"></li>
<input id="genFigBtn" type="button" value="Generate">
<input id="removeFigBtn" type="button" value="Remove All">
<section id="myFigures"></section>
var numberFig, genFigBtn, myFigures;
function init(){
numberFigInput = document.getElementById("numberFigInput");
myFigures = document.getElementById("myFigures");
genFigBtn = document.getElementById("genFigBtn");
removeFigBtn = document.getElementById("removeFigBtn");
genFigBtn.onclick = genFigures;
removeFigBtn.onclick = removeFigures;
function genFigures(){
var numberFig = numberFigInput.value;
if (numberFig > 0, numberFig < 1001){
for(var amount = 0; amount < numberFig; amount++){
myFigures.innerHTML += "<div></div>"
alert("You have to input an integer over 0, but not over 1000!");
function removeFigures(){
myFigures.innerHTML = "";
Like T.J. Crowder said,
myFigures.innerHTML = "";
would work. However, that assumes that myFigures is empty when your DOM is initially loaded. If that is NOT the case, you need to add a class to the div when you create it.
AddDiv function:
function genFigures(){
var numberFig = numberFigInput.value;
if (numberFig > 0, numberFig < 1001){
for(var amount = 0; amount < numberFig; amount++){
myFigures.innerHTML += "<div class='AddedDiv'></div>"
alert("You have to input an integer over 0, but not over 1000!");
To remove them:
