I'm looking for a way to make this left side panel collapse. I not looking to have anything else on the map/site to move or adjust. Just to have the left panel collapsable. Ideally with a sliding animation rather than popping in and out.
Here's a link to my website with the panel in question
Would be immensely appreciated!
You can do this with a CSS transition on the left property to make changes to this value animate smoothly. Then add and remove a class that changes the left value to toggle the sidebar's visibility.
.left-side-bar {
transition: left .8s ease-in;
.left-side-bar.is-out {
left: -16.666%; /* equal to the sidebar's width */
It will be visible by default. Use JavaScript to add/remove the is-out class to make it hide.
The first thing you might want to do is use an api like Font Awesome to get some cool icons. You could add it with jQuery by the following cdn.
$('head').append('<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-T8Gy5hrqNKT+hzMclPo118YTQO6cYprQmhrYwIiQ/3axmI1hQomh7Ud2hPOy8SP1" crossorigin="anonymous">');
Then create the div, css to hold the hamburger displayed using BS hidden-lg, hidden-md, hidden-sm. To hide it on anything larger than a phone. This would look like this.
<div class="mobile_bars hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm">
<button id="hide_menu">
<i class="fa fa-bars" aria-hidden="true"></i>
You can add this via jQuery, or simply add to your html.
Add the following CSS to your sites CSS to accommodate this element.
.mobile_bars {
margin-left: 262px;
margin-top: -32px;
/* NOTE* you don't need to write the CSS like this,
sense you'll add with jquery
.left-side-bar.is-out */
.push-in {
left: -16.666%; /* equal to the sidebar's width */
Then write your script using #keithjgrant code.
// Include Ready function
ALL is .TOUCH deprecated??
$('button#hide_menu').on( function(){
$('.left-side-bar').toggle('push-in animated fadeOutLeft');
// For some fun add animated.css to your header and add the following classes as well,
or visit https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ to choose a class!
This wouldn't be my final result but it would get you close. Also I'm assuming your wanting this as a solution for a mobile website, however if your looking to use this a desktop option id simply change the icon, or add a left arrow icon to the right of the logo. Somewhere visible but out of the way!
I am currently using the fullpage.js plugin for my website, I created a slide in navigation bar and I am now placing the pancake to open it on the first section of fullpage. I am trying to position it in the top left corner of the page, but I can't figure out how. Here is the code. Thanks in advance for your help.
<div class="section"><span style="font-size:30px;cursor:pointer" onclick="openNav()">☰</span><h2 class="animated fadeInDown">GTX 1080</h2></div>
edit: here is all of my code: https://anotepad.com/notes/pjccfy
You give me very little code to go by, but I'm assuming you want a similar navigation as on the fullPage.js demo page.
Using CSS:
.section {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
As I said, I have very little to go by so I don't even know if .section is the correct class to apply this positioning to. Would be great if you could provide a complete page. If you want the element to have some spacing between the browser borders, you can increase the values for top and left to say, 20px.
Every time that the scroll bar reaches the sticky menu it shifts the menu over a few pixels. If you scroll down slowly on my website and watch the menu you can see it.
I'm using the JQuery plugin stickUp to accomplish the sticky menu. I found that the only way I could get the menu to stick to the top without jumping to the left was by putting the "buttons" class inside of another class called "menu" and setting the width of "menu" to 100%. But that just resulted in the tiny little jump you can see now.
<div id="page1">
<div id="p1content">
<h id="Name">Travis Morenz</h>
<p>Testing & Testing</p>
<div class='menu'>
<div id='buttons'>
<div id="page2">
<div class='behindmenu'></div>
I tried setting up a JFiddle to make it easier to view but the sticky menu doesn't work inside of it.
The code, however, is the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In your site, when you scroll down .menu stuckMenu isStuck is getting style and got position:fixed and top:0 but you have to add left:0px then div wont move.
just add left:0px to .menu stuckMenu isStuck and it will work. Please let me know if it wont help or for more explanation.
When you scroll down then by jquery there is class added to .menu stuckmenu and it gives position:fixed and top:0 means fixing the div at one place so you should remove the left part too by using left:0 so it will be in center of screen.(top:0 and left:0). I will update the answer as soon as i will get more clarification.
Your content of page 2 will hide the button but if you will hover then it will look like bugs so i have a suggestion that in .menu stuckMenu class add background:white and it will look great..hope it will help. :)
In this id #p1content you have used css which is not good..to center this column you should use margin-left:auto margin-right:auto with width:80% and you column will be responsive also. Never use fix width, its not good practise.
Concerning your question why it was moving: It received some additional style. A position left of 8px.
See screenshot.
This plugin seems to change the position from relative to fixed.
Moreover it adds top- and left-properties.
It gets moved since position gets changed to position: fixed; when you scroll down and it then ignores the margin of the body, making its own margin bigger.
body {
margin: 0;
I am using font awesome icons in my HTML.
Heres what that looks like
<button type="button" ng-click="authenticate('facebook')"><i class="fa fa-facebook-official fa-5x"></i></button>
Here's what the button actually looks like...
I want it to just be the icon.
Is this possible?
This is because every browser add their own CSS rules. You can solve it by removing border, background and padding from the button element:
button {
border: none;
background: none;
padding: 0px;
Also take a look at some css libraries like "normalize.css" or "reset.css" to remove any CSS rules defined by your browser.
Use CSS to re-position the background image and make the button width and height smaller.
Just had a look into fontawesone and the icons are created using an actual font and not a background image. I would therefore look at Alejandro Rodríguez's answer.
I have a div called calendar that is inside a div called cal-container. The calendar has width:100% so currently it takes up the whole cal-container.
I need to add a side-panel div. This div will have a fixed width of 150 pixels. Thus, #calendar width should be #cal-container width - 150px. Is this possible with CSS or am I forced to use a table?
If it is possible, is there an example? I googled it but nothing like what I want came up.
The side-panel can be hidden and shown by click a button so adding padding will not work.
Here is an idea of what I mean:
The days part is #calendar, and the Unscheduled part is the side panel of 150px.
I tried floating the calendar left, and cloating the side panel right and giving it a width of 150px. But the idea is if I hide that div, the calendar should then take 100%.
Like this, the blue would be side and calendar be the left, but calendar needs to take up the room side does not when hidden.
Result of float:
Got a working solution for you here.
The code to get this working basically hinges on the following structure:
<div class="sideBar">
<div class="tableWrapper">
Next, make sure the elements have these significant CSS properties:
.sideBar {
float: right;
.tableWrapper {
overflow: hidden;
table {
width: 100%;
What's happening here is that the .sideBar floats right, and takes up whatever space it needs to. Meanwhile, the .tableWrapper will take up whatever space is left by virtue of overflow: hidden. Finally, tell the table to take up 100% of its available width.
Click the button in the demo to see the table automatically resize.
All major browsers and IE10 support flexbox. Not supported < IE10.
I have a div whose position has been fixed. Everything is fine till the window is re-sized. On re-size, when we scroll to the rightmost part of the webpage, the fixed div still remains at the left-most end of screen. I wish it to scroll left along with the window, but not scroll down along with the window.
If I am unclear in expressing my doubt. You can have a live demo here.
Search for any product say Apple Ipod Touch there. Once the results are displayed , resize window and scroll to rightmost part .
Can anyone suggest some CSS or Javascript to resolve the same.
Thanks !
I would restructure your layout and remove position fixed. For example something like this. Obviously this isn't exactly like your code. But the concept is the same. If you have your div with the control inside of the same container as the results and the history, it should then move with it.
#wrapper {
margin:0 auto 0 auto;
#right-col {
#mid-col {
<!-- holds your column containers -->
<div id="wrapper">
<!-- your control -->
<div id="left-col">
<!-- your search results -->
<div id="mid-col">
<!-- your history -->
<div id="right-col">
Either use CSS Media Queries or Javascript. A quick way is on Jquery $(window).resize method.
I think you just need to remove
position: fixed from #completeSlider
at least that worked for me on chrome.
then I'd say you need to use JQuery to handle this. You can't have both a fixed positioning and still relative to other elements. Still remove position: fixed as mentioned above and add some JQuery magic like follows:
$(window).scroll(function() {
$('#completeSlider').offset({ top: $(window).scrollTop(), left: 0});
Seems like the standard $ for jQuery is reserved for some other function on your page... try this:
jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
jQuery('#completeSlider').offset({ top: jQuery(window).scrollTop(), left: 0});