Close jQuery menu on mouseLeave - javascript

I am building a small drop-down container which appears when You hover on top of a menu item. When I hover on top of the menu item (e.g. Tools) the dropdown appears, I can move my mouse inside, but when the cursor leaves the dropdown menu, it does not go away. How am I able to achieve this?
I only managed to make it dissapear when you click somewhere outside of it.
Here is a Fiddle.
var dropdown = $('.nav-dropdown');
$('#dropdownToggle').hover(function(e) {
$(window).click(function() {
SOLUTION by anima_incognita:
var dropdown = $('.nav-dropdown');
$('#dropdownToggle').hover(function(e) {
$(window).click(function() {

here is edit in your code worked fine with me...added methods
var dropdown = $('.nav-dropdown');
$('#dropdownToggle').mouseenter(function(e) {
$(window).click(function() {
$('#dropdownToggle').mouseleave(function(e) {

Add this to end of your code:

Update your JS:
var dropdown = $('.nav-dropdown');
$('#dropdownToggle').hover(function(e) {
$(window).click(function() {
$(".nav-dropdown").on('mouseleave', function() {
.nav-list {
.nav-list-item {
float: left;
list-style: none;
padding: 2rem;
background: tomato;
font-family: 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;
a {
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
.nav-dropdown {
position: absolute;
background: turquoise;
padding: 2rem;
li {
margin-bottom: 2rem;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="nav-list">
<li class="nav-list-item">
<li class="nav-list-item dropdown-wrapper">
<a href="#" id="dropdownToggle" class="nav-link tools">Tools
<!-- dropdown -->
<ul class="nav-dropdown active" style="display: block;">
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Buyer Cost Sheet
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Seller Net Sheet
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Mortage Calculator
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Title Fees
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Refi Calculator
<li class="nav-dropdown-item">
Real Estate Forms
<li class="nav-list-item">
Buyers & Sellers

As you are using the hover function, the hover function specifies two function to trigger mouseenter and mouseleave event
You have defined only the mouseenter function and not defined the mouseleave function. So below is the updated JS code:
$('#dropdownToggle').hover(function(e) {
}, function(e){


Tabs buttons problems. Would like to introduce new tab that will show all banners

On the website, I have buttons "all", "seminars", "webinars" and "conferences". I would like to sort banners relative to the topics by pressing the buttons. So far by using the script if, for example, I press the button "seminars", it will only show me seminar.
I would like to change it in the way that if I press the button "all". All seminars, webinars, and conferences banners should appear.
JS code I have at the moment is:
//*** Tabs
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.format__button').forEach( function(tabBtn) {
tabBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
const path = event.currentTarget.dataset.path
document.querySelectorAll('.test__item',).forEach( function(tabContent) {
document.querySelectorAll(`[data-target="${path}"]`).forEach( function(tabsTarget) {
//*** tabs active
let tabsChange = document.querySelectorAll('.format__button')
tabsChange.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
tabsChange.forEach(btn => btn.classList.remove('active__tab'))
Code in html for buttons:
<ul class="format__list">
<li class="format__item">
<button class="format__button" data-path="all">All</button>
<li class="format__item">
<button class="format__button active__tab" data-path="seminar">Seminars</button>
<li class="format__item">
<button class="format__button" data-path="vebinar">webinars</button>
<li class="format__item">
<button class="format__button" data-path="conference">conferences</button>
Code in html for banners:
ul class="test__list">
<li class="test__item block-active" data-target="vebinar">
<li class="test__item block-active" data-target="vebinar">
<li class="test__item" data-target="conference">
<li class="test__item" data-target="seminar">
<li class="test__item" data-target="seminar">
<li class="test__item" data-target="seminar">
<li class="test__item block-active" data-target="vebinar">
<li class="test__item block-active" data-target="vebinar">
<li class="test__item" data-target="conference">
Code in css
.test__list {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
margin: 200px 0;
.test__item {
text-align: center;
width: 500px;
height: 400px;
font-size: 30px;
color: white;
font-weight: bolder;
display: none;
.test__item:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.test__item.block-active {
display: block;
You just need to add an if/else statement for 'all' dataset:
if(path === 'all')
document.querySelectorAll('.test__item',).forEach( function(tabContent) {
document.querySelectorAll(`[data-target="${path}"]`).forEach( function(tabsTarget) {
also, I had to change the font color from white to be able to see the texts.

How to know the logic of multilevel menu event bubbling

I'm trying to understand the logic happening in my basic multilevel menu click event. I understood what happening on clicking on "About" menu in the navigation. And it works as per my expecation of code. But when i click on "Profile" menu (Submenu of "About" menu), JS makes it's sublevel menu "display:none". I tried to think in the aspect of even bubbling. But eventhough the bubbling happens here, it should not be working like this. Actually for me, its really complicated to understand how JS works here. It would be a Great Help if anyone can explain with a simple and understandable way. Thank You Very Much in Advance!!!
let menus = document.querySelectorAll(".main-navigation ul li a");
menus.forEach((item) => {
if (item.parentElement.querySelector("ul")) {
let submenu = document.querySelectorAll(".has-submenu");
submenu.forEach((item) => {
item.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
let ul ="ul");
let cs = window.getComputedStyle(ul).display;
if (cs === "none") { = "display:block";
else { = "display:none";
.main-navigation ul {list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;font-family:arial;}
.main-navigation ul li {padding:.35rem;background:#f9f9f9;}
.main-navigation ul li ul {padding-left:1rem;display:none;}
.main-navigation ul li a {display:block;text-decoration:none;}
<div class="main-navigation">
<li>About +
<li>Profile +
<li>Services +
<li>Web Design</li>
<li>Web Development</li>
If you add a console.log inside your click handler you will notice that the event for the nested item is called twice.
You probably knew that it could happen and you used preventDefault.
However, preventDefault is for the browser's default effects (for example, it prevents your page to refresh as you put an href attribute) but in your case the double behaviour is from your own custom listener.
This means, you need to add stopPropagation that prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Working Demo
let menus = document.querySelectorAll(".main-navigation ul li a");
menus.forEach((item) => {
if (item.parentElement.querySelector("ul")) {
let submenu = document.querySelectorAll(".has-submenu");
submenu.forEach((item) => {
item.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
let ul ="ul");
let cs = window.getComputedStyle(ul).display;
if (cs === "none") { = "display:block";
} else { = "display:none";
.main-navigation ul {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: arial;
.main-navigation ul li {
padding: .35rem;
background: #f9f9f9;
.main-navigation ul li ul {
padding-left: 1rem;
display: none;
.main-navigation ul li a {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
<div class="main-navigation">
<li>About +
<li>Profile +
<li>Services +
<li>Web Design</li>
<li>Web Development</li>

Dropdown Menu Closes On Hover (Error)

Whhenever I hover over the menu it works fine. But, when I try to get to the submenu links and children, the menu closes
/* Dropdown menu
/* ------------------------------------------------- */
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function mtsDropdownMenu() {
var wWidth = $(window).width();
if (wWidth > 865) {
$('#navigation ul.sub-menu, #navigation ul.children').hide();
var timer;
var delay = 100;
$('#navigation li').hover(
function() {
var $this = $(this);
timer = setTimeout(function() {
$this.children('ul.sub-menu, ul.children').slideDown('fast');
}, delay);
function() {
$(this).children('ul.sub-menu, ul.children').hide();
} else {
$('#navigation li').unbind('hover');
$('#navigation > ul.sub-menu, #navigation > ul.children').show();
$(window).resize(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<li id="menu-item-513" class="menu-item "><i class="fa fa-calculator"></i> OFFERTE AANVRAGEN
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li id="menu-item-1146" class="menu-item">Zonnepanelen installatie (Belgiƫ)
<li id="menu-item-1144" class="menu-item">Zonnepanelen reinigen (Belgiƫ)
<li id="menu-item-1145" class="menu-item">Zonnepanelen installatie (Nederland)
The code you posted works just fine; here's a plnkr to prove it:
(simply wrapped a <div id='navigation'><ul> round the top li).
If you still loose the hover over the child-elements, it's caused by something you're not showing in the original question. E.g. adding this css: {
position: relative;
top: 50px;
left: 300px;
would make it difficult to reach the child items because you, briefly, lose the parent-hover while moving to the child.

JQuery contextmenu Not Working On Appended Elements

JSFiddle Demo
On my mail side nav I have a custom right-click hijack of which I have just made it so you can add a new sub-folder as partly seen below;
if ($(this).hasClass('NewSubFolder')) {
if($('ul.inbox-nav li.Clicked').find('ul').length) {
$('ul.inbox-nav li.Clicked > ul').prepend("<li class='NewSubFolder'><input type='text'></li>");
} else {
$('ul.inbox-nav li.Clicked').append('<ul><li class="NewSubFolder"><input type="text"></li></ul>');
$("ul.inbox-nav li.Clicked").removeClass('Clicked');
This will add another tier where there is not one to prepend where there is, an input field. Currently you have to hit the enter key after typing something for the new folder name and then it will have worked its magic...
...However this newly appended list item does not work when you right-click it.
Hopefully this gets what you need done.
Let me know if the comments are not clear enough.
Made an edit to combine the two on(contextmenu) calls into one function. No need for redundancy.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Trigger action when the contexmenu is about to be shown
$('#inbox-nav').on("contextmenu", 'a', function(event) {
$('.clicked').removeClass('clicked'); //Gets rid of all other clicked elements
//Clicks the closest li element
var menu = ($(this).is('#inbox-nav>li>a')) ? 'MailMenuFirstTier' : 'MailMenuSecondTier';
/*This is an inline if statement, read in words it goes like this:
if this element is a direct level link, then we're going to need to use the first menu tier.
else we're going to need use the second menu tier.
$("#" + menu).finish().show(100)
//dynamically calls the menu we're using.
left: event.pageX,
top: event.pageY
}); //Moves the first mail menu to the event position
check the element to see which menut to show instead of using two different things.
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e) {
//Mouse down events!
if ($('.custom-menu').is(':visible') && !$('custom-menu')) {
In English:
if a custom menu is visible, AND the target of the click DOES NOT have the custom-menu class, hide the custom menu.
if ($('custom-menu')) {
//Figure out what to do since your element is a child of the custom menu
var action = $('action');
//Gets our action element
var clicked = $('.clicked');
//gets the clicked element we will be working on.
switch (action) {
case 'new-folder':
//If the clicked element does not have a child ul element, add one.
//Any current input.renames will have their focus out method called
if (clicked.children('ul').length == 0) {
var ul = clicked.children('ul');
//Either this child element existed before or we just made it the step before.
var input = $('<input />', {
type: 'text',
value: 'New Sub Folder',
class: 'rename',
'data-start': 'New Sub Folder',
focusout: function() {
var value = ($(this).val() == '') ? $(this).data('start') : $(this).val();
autofocus: true
//Creates an input tag of type text, with class rename, a placeholder value, and a focusout function.
var anchor = $('<a>', {
href: '#',
css: {
display: 'none'
//Creates an anchor tag that is originally hidden
ul.append($('<li>').append([input, anchor]));
//Adds the (should be selected) element and the anchor
//The input element takes care of things from there
break; // end new-folder case
case 'rename-folder':
//any current input.rename items will have their focusout method called
var anchor = clicked.find('a');
//get our closest anchor of our clicked element
anchor.before($('<input />', {
type: 'text',
value: anchor.html(),
class: 'rename',
'data-start': anchor.html(),
focusout: function() {
var value = ($(this).val() == '') ? $(this).data('start') : $(this).val();
autofocus: true
//Creates an input element, adds it before the anchor element,
//hides anchor element. the newly created input element takes care of things from there
}).on('keyup', 'input.rename', function(e) {
//Used for laziness. If a user hits enter in the input.rename tag, we fire the focusout target
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
.custom-menu {
display: none;
z-index: 1000;
position: absolute;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
white-space: nowrap;
font-family: sans-serif;
background: #FFF;
color: #333;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 12px;
.custom-menu li {
padding: 8px 12px;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-menu li:hover {
background-color: #DEF;
menu {
position: absolute;
.custom-menu .divider {
content: " ";
height: 1px;
margin: 4px 10px;
background: #929292;
#MailBodyList.custom-menu li.Title {
color: #929292;
#MailBodyList.custom-menu li.Title:hover {
background: #FFF;
cursor: default;
#MailBodyList.custom-menu li.ForThisSenderMore {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="inbox-nav" id="inbox-nav">
<li class="active">
<a href="javascript:;" data-type="inbox" data-title="Inbox">
<div class="Arrow"></div>Inbox
<li>Sub-Folder 1
<li>Sub-Folder 2
Sub-Folder 3
<li>Sub-Folder 1
<li>Sub-Folder 2
<li>Sub-Folder 4
<li>Sub-Folder 5
<a href="javascript:;" data-type="draft" data-title="Draft"> Draft
<span class="badge badge-danger">8</span>
<a href="javascript:;" class="sbold uppercase" data-title="Trash"> Trash
<span class="badge badge-info">23</span>
<a href="javascript:;" data-type="inbox" data-title="Promotions"> Promotions
<span class="badge badge-warning">2</span>
<ul id="MailMenuFirstTier" class="custom-menu">
<li>Mark All As Read</li>
<li>Empty Folder</li>
<ul class="custom-menu" id="MailMenuSecondTier">
<li class="NewSubFolder" data-action="new-folder">New Sub-Folder</li>
<li class="Rename" data-action="rename-folder">Rename</li>
<li class="Delete" data-action="delete-folder">Delete</li>
<li>Mark All As Read</li>
<li>Empty Folder</li>
You can use .contextmenu() to overwrite right-clic behavior.
$('.NewSubFolder').contextmenu(function() {
console.log("Right clic detected!");
Documentation here:
I hope it helps! :)

accordion+tab = previous content does not disappear

When I click different links from different accordion elements content is displayed below previous one
$('.accordion').on('click', '.accordion-control', function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action of button
$(this) // Get the element the user clicked on
.next('.accordion-panel') // Select following panel
.not(':animated') // If it is not currently animating
.slideToggle(); // Use slide toggle to show or hide it
$('.tab-list').each(function(){ // Find lists of tabs
var $this = $(this); // Store this list
var $tab = $this.find(''); // Get the active list item
var $link = $tab.find('a'); // Get link from active tab
var $panel = $($link.attr('href')); // Get active panel
$this.on('click', '.tab-control', function(e) { // When click on a tab
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent link behavior
var $link = $(this), // Store the current link
id = this.hash; // Get href of clicked tab
if (id && !$'.active')) { // If not currently active
$panel.removeClass('active'); // Make panel inactive
$tab.removeClass('active'); // Make tab inactive
$panel = $(id).addClass('active'); // Make new panel active
$tab = $link.parent().addClass('active'); // Make new tab active
When I click different links from different accordion elements content is displayed below previous one
/********** ACCORDION **********/
.accordion, .menu {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
color: #666;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: auto;}
.accordion li {
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;}
.accordion-control {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
color: red;
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.7em;
margin: 0;
.accordion-panel {
display: none;
.accordion-panel p {
margin: 20px;
.accordion-panel img {
display: block;
clear: left;
/*************** Panels ***************/
.tab-panel {
display: none;
} {
display: block;
How do I make the previous content disappear?
<ul class="accordion">
<li class="active"><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-0">Misc Features</a></li>
<button class="accordion-control">Armory</button>
<div class="accordion-panel">
<ul class="tab-list">
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-1">S grade</a></li>
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-2">A grade</a></li>
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-3">B grade</a></li>
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-4">C grade</a></li>
<button class="accordion-control">Weaponry</button>
<div class="accordion-panel">
<ul class="tab-list">
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-5">Special Ability</a></li>
<button class="accordion-control">Jewelry</button>
<div class="accordion-panel">
<ul class="tab-list">
<li><a class="tab-control" href="#tab-6">Raid Boss Jewelry</a></li>
<div class="content"> <!-- Content -->
<div class="tab-panel active" id="tab-0">misc features</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-1">armor S</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-2">armor A</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-3">armor B</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-4">armor C</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-5">weapon SA</div>
<div class="tab-panel" id="tab-6">RB jewelry</div>
Here is how you can do this:
$('.accordion .accordion-panel').not(this).slideUp();
$(this) // Get the element the user clicked on
.next('.accordion-panel') // Select following panel
.not(':animated') // If it is not currently animating
.slideToggle(); // Use slide toggle to show or hide it
Here is the demo.
Reference: jQuery: exclude $(this) from selector
