Not able to click an svg path element using selenium webdriver - javascript

I am working on automating charts data and below is how the data is represented.
<g style="cursor:pointer;" clip-path="url(#highcharts-2)" transform="translate(62,10) scale(1 1)" class="highcharts-markers highcharts-series-0 highcharts-tracker">
<path d="M 811 367.23566666666665 L 816 372.23566666666665 811 377.23566666666665 806 372.23566666666665 Z" fill="#18abc9"></path>
<path d="M 731 400.91344444444445 L 736 405.91344444444445 731 410.91344444444445 726 405.91344444444445 Z" fill="#18abc9"></path>
<path d="M 651 386.432 L 656 391.432 651 396.432 646 391.432 Z" fill="#18abc9"></path>
<path d="M 570 390.61766666666665 L 575 395.61766666666665 570 400.61766666666665 565 395.61766666666665 Z" fill="#18abc9"></path>
<path d="M 490 381.09166666666664 L 495 386.09166666666664 490 391.09166666666664 485 386.09166666666664 Z" fill="#18abc9">
</path><path d="M 410 334.905 L 415 339.905 410 344.905 405 339.905 Z" fill="#18abc9"></path></g>
I have written the following Selenium code to click on the first path element.
List<WebElement> a = driver.findElements(By.xpath("(//*[name()='svg']//*[name()='path' and contains(#fill, '#090')])[1]"));
Actions actionBuilder = new Actions(driver);;
The list a has just one webelement received. The program throws error when trying to click.
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at point (904, 556.86669921875). Other element would receive the click: <path d="M 801 341.00352 L 806 346.00352 801 351.00352 796 346.00352 Z" fill="#090"></path>
The path I provided in the error is not exactly the same as the DOM I provided.

The error is due to the fact that another path element is overlapping the path you want to click. I'm guessing that the path is oddly shaped and Selenium is trying to click the middle of it and ends up clicking the other path. You can try moveToElement() in Actions and play with the offsets until you get it right.


Render javascript in svg

Adding js snippets to an svg file does render in the browser (Firefox), but when i convert the same file to some output formats (like png or pdf etc.) the javascript parts aren't rendered and don't show in the output files. Below is what i am trying to do (drawing a filled rectangle around a path shape):
<svg width="793.70081" height="1122.51965" version="1.1" id="toplevel"
<rect id="rectG" x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" fill="yellow" transform="translate(100 200) scale(0.1 -0.1) "/>
<path id="pathG" d="M390.01 151l73 -366c43.3333 10 78.1667 31.3333 104.5 64c26.3333 32.6667 39.5 70.3333 39.5 113c0 52 -18.3333 96.8333 -55 134.5c-36.6667 37.6667 -81.3333 56.5 -134 56.5c-9.33333 0 -18.6667 -0.666667 -28 -2zM472.01 861c-5.33333 32 -10 53 -14 63
c-9.33333 20 -25 30.6667 -47 32s-45 -22.6667 -69 -72c-22.6667 -44.6667 -38.6667 -93.6667 -48 -147c-0.666667 -4 -1 -10 -1 -18c0 -22 2.5 -52 7.5 -90s9.16667 -62.3333 12.5 -73l36 33c13.3333 5.33333 35.3333 30.3333 66 75c39.3333 58 59 113.333 59 166
c0 10.6667 -0.666667 21 -2 31zM351.01 251l-27 141c-10.6667 -8 -31.6667 -29 -63 -63c-31.3333 -34 -55.3333 -61.6667 -72 -83c-66.6667 -86 -100 -164 -100 -234c0 -23.3333 3.33333 -46.6667 10 -70c10 -32.6667 34.6667 -68 74 -106
c57.3333 -54.6667 121.667 -80.6667 193 -78c23.3333 0.666667 48.6667 5.66667 76 15l-76 378c-49.3333 -6.66667 -87.3333 -30.6667 -114 -72c-20 -31.3333 -30.6667 -65.3333 -32 -102c-1.33333 -40 21 -78.3333 67 -115c39.3333 -31.3333 70.3333 -47.3333 93 -48v-10
c-29.3333 3.33333 -63.6667 19 -103 47c-52.6667 37.3333 -84 81.3333 -94 132c-3.33333 15.3333 -5 31 -5 47c0 52 16 98.6667 48 140s73.6667 68.3333 125 81zM401.01 1077c26 0.666667 51.3333 -32.6667 76 -100c21.3333 -58.6667 33.6667 -115.333 37 -170
c4 -64.6667 -5.33333 -129 -28 -193c-29.3333 -82.6667 -77.3333 -150.667 -144 -204l30 -155c18 2.66667 35.3333 4 52 4c82 0 145.667 -31 191 -93c40 -54 58.3333 -117.333 55 -190c-2.66667 -58.6667 -22 -108.167 -58 -148.5s-83.3333 -67.5 -142 -81.5l41 -229
c2 -9.33333 3 -18.6667 3 -28c0 -46 -19.8333 -86.5 -59.5 -121.5s-82.8333 -52.5 -129.5 -52.5c-43.3333 0 -82.6667 18 -118 54c-32.6667 34 -49 69 -49 105c0 30.6667 11.5 57.3333 34.5 80s49.8333 33.6667 80.5 33c28.6667 -0.666667 53.3333 -10.5 74 -29.5
s31.3333 -42.5 32 -70.5c0.666667 -29.3333 -9 -54.8333 -29 -76.5s-45 -32.5 -75 -32.5c-5.33333 0 -10.6667 0.333333 -16 1c32.6667 -30 64.6667 -43.3333 96 -40c20 2 44.6667 13.3333 74 34c42.6667 30.6667 64 70 64 118c0 9.33333 -1 19 -3 29l-39 218
c-18 -4 -51.3333 -6.66667 -100 -8c-94 -2.66667 -176.167 31.5 -246.5 102.5c-70.3333 71 -105.167 155.167 -104.5 252.5c0 53.3333 25 119.333 75 198c36 56.6667 82.3333 116 139 178c46 50.6667 72.3333 77.3333 79 80c-12.6667 30.6667 -25.6667 96.6667 -39 198
c-1.33333 10.6667 -2 22 -2 34c0 65.3333 14.6667 131 44 197c31.3333 70.6667 66.3333 106.333 105 107z" transform="translate(100 200) scale(0.1 -0.1) "/>
<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
var x = document.getElementById("pathG");
var rect = document.getElementById("rectG");
rect.setAttribute('x', bb.x);
rect.setAttribute('y', bb.y);
rect.setAttribute('width', bb.width);
rect.setAttribute('height', bb.height);
This shows in Firefox:
but in Inkscape, or converting the svg file to pdf or png using commandline tools like rsvg-convert or cairosvg doesn't show the rectangle. Is there a way to achieve this?
Most SVG editors, viewers and convertors presumably do not execute JavaScript in SVG documents; they expect static XML text files. (This applies even for browser if you load such SVG as image or CSS background-image.)
If you have your SVG document displayed in browser (as document, so JS is interpreted and runs), you can then obtain resulting source code from web console using
command: it should place SVGs source even with elements and attributes generated by JS. (It will include <script> tags as well, but since they are not needed anymore because their outcome is already present, you can safely remove them. Or you can remove them prior copying with while(x=document.querySelector('script'))x.remove();copy(document.documentElement))

SVG - Duplicate image along path

I am currently trying to create a bicycle chain via SVG and javascript.
The result I am trying to create will look something like this:
The problem I am having is how to repeat a single chainlink image along the path of the chain. I want to be able to use a chainlink image (For example:
and then repeat this along the path that I define.
I know that it is trivial to repeat text along a path via SVG but is it possible to do the same with an image? The complexity comes from the fact that the chainlink will have to appear as one continuous line.
Here is what I have so far:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<svg width="700" height="500">
<path id="ChainPath" fill="none" stroke="red" d="M150 100 L400 100 C650 100 650 400 400 400 L150 400" />
<textPath href="#ChainPath" alignment-baseline="middle">
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried to practically implement Robert Monfera's answer and found a few extra hitches. I started out computing the points of a polygon sitting, as he described, at the axes/connecting pins of the individual chain links, and all with exactly identical distance between them.
One thing that immediately strikes if you look at it is that a chain is not a smooth line. For the human eye, it might look like one, but describing the chain running around the gear as a circular arc is a bad approximation.
Look at the picture in the question. The right gear has 15 teeth. That means the angle between neighbouring chain links is 24°, and the length difference between an arc and the cord from point to point (which is the constructive length of the link) is approx. 0.8%. That doesn't sound like much, but for a link that you draw with a screen size of 50px, it's almost half a pixel. That is a difference that can be seen.
The next propostion was to use <marker> elements for the individual chain links with the origin in the center between the two pins. Since the polygon defined above has its points at the position of the pins, for this a second one is needed that connects the mids of all polygon segments.
When implementing that, the resulting chain looked like this (I've drawn the polygon on top to illustrate):
Where the "straight" part of the chain morphs to the "curved" one, the chain links are seriously misaligned. The reason is that the marker orientation bisects the incoming and outgoing tangent at a vertex. Both for the straight section and while following the arc of the gear, that works out correctly, but where both meet, it obviously doesn't.
To get the orientation of the markers correct, the tangents at the points must match the direction of the original polygon. Robert proposed to draw an arc between the points. That probaböy would work, but it is complicated to compute the correct arc radii and positions.
I've come up with a method that produces a smooth path that looks a bit crooked, but the line will never show in the end, and its computation is really straightforward - I actually did that with an Excel sheet.
Lets say we have a list of points marking the pin positions:
a b c d e f g ...
There are two kinds of links (front and back), so mark every other middle of two points:
a b c d e f g ...
ab cd ef
a, ab, c are in a straight line, same as c, cd, d and so on. Now if you draw a path with the following command
<path d="M a L ab C b c cd d e ef f g ..." marker-mid="url(#link1)" />
point a will hold no marker, as its not in the middle. The next vertices, which position the markers, are ab, cd, ef, ..., while b, c, d, e, ... are control points of a cubic Bezier curve. What that means is: the path tangent in vertex ab is the straight line from a to b, in cd from c to d, and so on.
Here is a screenshot from Inkscape to illustrate:
The other links can be describes accordingly as
<path d="M b L bc C c d de e f fg g ..." marker-mid="url(#link2)" />
If one wants to get fancy, it is even possible to shorten that a bit with the S command that takes the control point before a vertex and implicitely adds its reflection as the next control point after (points e, g, ... are computed):
<path d="M b L bc C c d de S f fg h hj ..." marker-mid="url(#link2)" />
For the grande finale, here is the finished drawing. Just for the heck of it, I've drawn the gear teeths with the same marker technique.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 800 600" width="600" height="450">
<marker id="blade1" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" overflow="visible">
<path style="fill:#ececf4" d="M 16.5,-1.556 13.947,-1.78 A 14,14 0 0 1 -13.947,-1.78 L -16.5,-1.556 0,200 Z" />
<path style="fill:none;stroke:#000" d="M 16.5,-1.556 13.947,-1.78 A 14,14 0 0 1 -13.947,-1.78 L -16.5,-1.556" />
<marker id="blade2" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" overflow="visible">
<path style="fill:#ececf4" d="M 16.5,0.507 13.694,-0.089 A 14,14 0 0 1 -13.694,-0.089 L -16.5,0.507 0,90 Z" />
<path style="fill:none;stroke:#000" d="M 16.5,0.507 13.694,-0.089 A 14,14 0 0 1 -13.694,-0.089 L -16.5,0.507" />
<path id="plate" d="M -9.689,-10.392 C -4.782 -7.56 4.782 -7.56 9.689,-10.392 A 12,12 0 1 1 9.689,10.392 C 4.782 7.56 -4.782 7.56 -9.689,10.392 A 12,12 0 1 1 -9.689,-10.392 Z" />
<marker id="link1" style="stroke:#000" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" overflow="visible">
<use xlink:href="#plate" style="fill:#ddd" />
<circle id="pin" style="fill:#888;stroke:#000" cx="15.689" cy="0" r="4" />
<use xlink:href="#pin" x="-31.378" />
<marker id="link2" style="stroke:#000" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse" orient="auto" overflow="visible">
<use xlink:href="#plate" style="fill:#bbb" />
<g id="center1">
<circle r="80" cx="250" cy="300" />
<g id="cq">
<circle r="10" cx="345" cy="265.42" />
<path d="M 252.984,200.049 A 100,100 0 0 1 324.557,233.367 25,25 0 0 0 361.957,200.182 150,150 0 0 0 254.883,150.086 25,25 0 0 0 252.984,200.049 Z" />
<use xlink:href="#cq" transform="rotate(90 250,300)" />
<use xlink:href="#cq" transform="rotate(180 250,300)" />
<use xlink:href="#cq" transform="rotate(270 250,300)" />
<mask id="m1">
<rect fill="white" x="50" y="100" width="400" height="400" />
<use xlink:href="#center1" fill="black" />
<path id="center2" d="M 647.75 277.2 L 642.04 279.05 L 643.04 282.13 A 20 20 0 0 0 633.31 292.96 L 630.13 292.28 L 628.88 298.15 L 632.06 298.83 A 20 20 0 0 0 636.55 312.68 L 634.38 315.08 L 638.84 319.1 L 641.01 316.69 A 20 20 0 0 0 655.25 319.73 L 656.25 322.8 L 661.96 320.95 L 660.96 317.87 A 20 20 0 0 0 670.7 307.04 L 673.87 307.72 L 675.12 301.85 L 671.94 301.17 A 20 20 0 0 0 667.45 287.32 L 669.62 284.92 L 665.16 280.9 L 662.99 283.31 A 20 20 0 0 0 648.75 280.27 L 647.75 277.2 z" />
<mask id="m2">
<rect fill="white" x="572" y="220" width="160" height="160" />
<use xlink:href="#center2" fill="black" />
<g mask="url(#m1)">
<path style="fill:none;marker-mid:url(#blade1)" d="M 430,300 427.27,331.26 419.14,361.56 405.88,390 387.89,415.7 365.7,437.89 340,455.88 311.56,469.14 281.26,477.27 250,480 218.74,477.27 188.44,469.14 160,455.88 134.3,437.89 112.11,415.7 94.12,390 80.86,361.56 72.73,331.26 70,300 72.73,268.74 80.86,238.44 94.12,210 112.11,184.3 134.3,162.11 160,144.12 188.44,130.86 218.74,122.73 250,120 281.26,122.73 311.56,130.86 340,144.12 365.7,162.11 387.89,184.3 405.88,210 419.14,238.44 427.27,268.74 430,300 427.27,331.26" />
<use xlink:href="#center1" style="fill:none;stroke:#000" />
<g mask="url(#m2)">
<path style="fill:none;marker-mid:url(#blade2)" d="M 578.19,315.69 V 284.31 L 590.95,255.65 614.27,234.65 644.11,224.95 675.32,228.23 702.49,243.92 720.94,269.31 727.46,300 720.94,330.69 702.49,356.08 675.32,371.77 644.11,375.05 614.27,365.35 590.95,344.35 578.19,315.69 V 284.31"/>
<use xlink:href="#center2" style="fill:none;stroke:#000" />
<path style="fill:none;marker-mid:url(#link2)" d="M 281.26 477.27 L 265.63 478.63 C 250 480 218.74 477.27 203.59 473.21 S 160 455.88 147.15 446.89 112.11 415.7 103.11 402.85 80.86 361.56 76.79 346.41 70 300 71.37 284.37 80.86 238.44 87.49 224.22 112.11 184.3 123.21 173.21 160 144.12 174.22 137.49 218.74 122.73 234.37 121.37 281.26 122.73 296.41 126.79 341.88 138.97 357.03 143.03 402.5 155.2 417.66 159.26 463.13 171.43 478.28 175.49 523.75 187.66 538.91 191.72 584.38 203.89 599.54 207.95 645.01 220.12 660.16 224.18 702.49 243.92 711.71 256.61 727.46 300 724.2 315.35 702.49 356.08 688.91 363.92 645.01 379.88 629.85 383.94 584.38 396.11 569.22 400.17 523.75 412.34 508.6 416.4 463.13 428.57 447.97 432.63 402.5 444.8 387.35 448.86 341.88 461.03 326.72 465.09 281.26 477.27 265.63 478.63 L 250 480" />
<path style="fill:none;marker-mid:url(#link1)" d="M 311.56 469.14 L 296.41 473.21 C 281.26 477.27 250 480 234.37 478.63 S 188.44 469.14 174.22 462.51 134.3 437.89 123.21 426.79 94.12 390 87.49 375.78 72.73 331.26 71.37 315.63 72.73 268.74 76.79 253.59 94.12 210 103.11 197.15 134.3 162.11 147.15 153.11 188.44 130.86 203.59 126.79 250 120 265.63 121.37 311.56 130.86 326.72 134.91 372.19 147.08 387.35 151.14 432.82 163.31 447.97 167.37 493.44 179.54 508.6 183.6 554.07 195.77 569.22 199.83 614.69 212 629.85 216.06 675.32 228.23 688.91 236.08 720.94 269.31 724.2 284.65 720.94 330.69 711.71 343.39 675.32 371.77 660.16 375.82 614.69 388 599.54 392.05 554.07 404.23 538.91 408.28 493.44 420.46 478.28 424.51 432.82 436.69 417.66 440.74 372.19 452.92 357.03 456.97 311.56 469.14 296.41 473.21 L 281.26 477.27" />
In SVG, I define one chainlink and create as many copies as necessary (reference point being at the center of the chainlink) :
<use class="chain chainlink1" xlink:href="#chainlink" />
<use class="chain chainlink2" xlink:href="#chainlink" />
<use class="chain chainlink3" xlink:href="#chainlink" />
<use class="chain chainlink4" xlink:href="#chainlink" />
in the css, I define the path to follow
.chain {
offset-path: path("m 50,150 c -2,-19 12,-36 24,-44 13,-8 176,-54 226,-56
60,0 100,49.17776 100,100 0,51 -42,99 -100,99 C 262,250
95,206 72,191 58,182 50,166 50,150 Z");
animation: cycle 20s linear infinite;
#keyframes cycle {
0% {
offset-distance: 0%;
100% {
offset-distance: 100%;
And the delay of each chainlink
.chainlink2 {
animation-delay: 1s;
.chainlink3 {
animation-delay: 2s;
Durations and delays depends on length of the chainlink, path... and desired speed
Here is one solution: you can make a <polyline> or <polygon> with <marker> elements as long as you're willing to do the math to ensure that the distance between the polygon points exactly match the axis-to-axis distance of your chain element (ie. it's not the total length of the element, but the repeated placement distance that counts). It requires the use of a^2 + b^2 = c^2 where c is this pitch distance (a constant), and a and b are the horizontal and vertical distances from the preceding point, respectively. In other words, you need to calculate the x, y coordinates of the chain axis centers (*) (if you do that, then you might as well place them one by one, but then you'll have a lot of DOM elements).
You'll need orient="auto" to align the chain elements with the polygon, and also use the properties viewBox,refX, refY, markerWidth, markerHeight so that one of the axes of the chain element aligns perfectly with the polygon point (and then, via using the above Pythagoras theorem, the other chain element center will correspond to the next polygon point).
Here are a few examples for the <marker>:
As I look at your chain (normal bicycle chain), it's best to make two almost identical polygons atop of one another, with a half-pitch offset between the two:
in the background, the partially occluded chain elements
in the foreground, the 8-shaped, fully visible link plates
As a result, your chain will be seamless, as long as your points are at the right place. You can even set up a loop of transitioning between adjacent elements for an animated chain :-) (it's enough to transition with the chain pitch only, because a chain pitch translation will get you back to an indistinguishable view)
(*) As ccprog points out below, to make the individual chain elements better aligned, it's not an axis center but the chain center that must sit on the polygon. This might make the math a bit more tedious if there are sharp turns, but in this specific case (bicycle chain) the circle radii seem sufficiently large to not lead to a noticeable separation of the chain elements.

Checking text overflow on SVG textpath & jquery

First of all I looked at all possible related answers here but none of them seem to bring the answer I need so here I am.
Given a svg text path:
<svg viewBox="0 0 900 900"
<path id="myPath" d="M70 110 C 70 140, 110 140, 110 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
<use xlink:href="#myPath" fill="none" stroke="red" />
<text id="names" font-family="Verdana" font-size="10" text-anchor="middle" >
<textPath xlink:href="#myPath" startOffset="50%">
My text is going to exceed at some point…
At this point the text exceeds the textpath
I can't find a way to check for possible overflow through jquery. This command won't actually return undefined:
alert($("text#names").attr("textLength") );
I am trying to check for overflows in order to fit the text to the maximum length or so.
I had the same problem when adjusting font size so that the given text will be drawn with the largest possible font size without overflow. Its quite simple using plain JS.
1) Determine the np. of characters in the text element with a minimum font size:
textElement.css('font-size', 1);
var allCharCount = textElement[0].getNumberOfChars();
2) Then set font size to any value and determine the length again
var hasOverflow = allCharCount != textElement[0].getNumberOfChars();
getNumberOfChars() will only return the no. of chars drawn. If there is an overflow this number will be smaller then from the original whole string.
It looks like text.getNumberOfChars() has changed since the other answer was written, and now returns the total number of characters in the string, regardless of if they're rendered or not.
My approach to this problem is to:
Change the <textPath> element to draw on a much longer path, then calculate the text length using text.getComputedLength()
Change the <textPath> back to the original path and calculate length again
If the length on the original path is shorter than the length on the longer path, you know there's an overflow.
const textPath = document.querySelector('textPath');
const checkClipped = () => {
textPath.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#fullWidthPath');
const fullLength = textPath.getComputedTextLength();
textPath.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#myPath');
const curvedLength = textPath.getComputedTextLength();
return fullLength > curvedLength;
const findLongestString = () => {
const text = textPath.innerHTML;
if (checkClipped()) {
const newText = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
textPath.innerHTML = newText;
return findLongestString(newText);
} else {
return text;
<svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="mysvg">
<path id="myPath" d="M70 110 C 70 140, 110 140, 110 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
<path id="fullWidthPath" d="M 0 0 L 0 10000" />
<use xlink:href="#myPath" fill="none" stroke="red" />
<text id="names" font-family="Verdana" font-size="10" text-anchor="middle" >
<textPath xlink:href="#myPath" startOffset="50%">
My text is going to exceed at some point…

Manipulate a path in Snap.svg or redraw it?

For a metaball animation like this one: I am creating a path in snap.svg that connects two circles.
It looks like this:
<path d="M171 370 C207, 335, 493 335, 529 370 C493, 335, 493 264, 529 229 C493, 264, 207 264, 171 229 z"></path>
What would be better: to redraw the path on each frame or to manipulate it?
How can I manipulate the path? (i.e. move the points and control points around)
If it were more than two circles, I suppose redrawing would be the way to go.
Just update the d attribute of the path.
<path id="p" d="M171 370 C207, 335, 493 335, 529 370 C493, 335, 493 264, 529 229 C493, 264, 207 264, 171 229 z"></path>
First Select the path if it is not already stored in a variable:
var path = Snap("#p");
Then update:
d: newD

Switching "d" value in svg path using javascript?

I'm trying to switch out the "d" value and replace it with a dynamically generated number, but I keep getting "unexpected number" as my output. Here's what I currently have:
<path id="pathA" d="M 0 0 l 0 255" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="none"/>
var sink = document.getElementById("pathA");
sink.setAttribute("d", M 0 0 l 0 (round*25.5));
Your script as presented has two problems.
First, The second argument you're passing to the setAttribute is not correct. Try:
sink.setAttribute("d", "M 0 0 1 0 " + (round * 25.5));
Second, you don't provide a value for round at any point.
