How to verify notify.js alert in selenium - javascript

I want to verify the text of notification message which has code like this:
<div class="notifyjs-corner" style="top: 0px; left: 45%;">
<div class="notifyjs-wrapper notifyjs-hidable">
<div class="notifyjs-arrow" style=""/>
<div class="notifyjs-container" style="">
<div class="notifyjs-bootstrap-base notifyjs-bootstrap-success">
<span data-notify-text="">Payment Created Successfully</span>
My selenium code is:
String notify = BrowserSetup
'Payment Created Successfully')]"))
The value in String notify is empty.
How can I get text of the notification?
For reference: notify.js

Find element by Css Selector
String notify= BrowserSetup.driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".notifyjs-bootstrap-base.notifyjs-bootstrap-success>span")).getText();
It is working when I find element by cssSelector


How to set a specific keyword/password sent through textarea that trigger JavaScript if statement

That's my first ever question, and it's about my very first project, it's an online RPG Forum/PlayByChat game. I know it's kinda of an ambitious project.
So, i'm stuck from months into a problem that i feel i'm close to solve, premise (I'm self-taught).
The idea is to activate an if statement by a keyword/password given by an NPC, if there isn't no keyword in the message that it's supposed to be sent, then nothing should to happen.
That's what i've been able to put together and modify a little bit (it's not the entire code, just the interested parts), it works but it gets activated by any words or even by just one letter/empty messagges, i recently added the attribute "required" to the textarea so the field needs to be fill before to send messagges (even though it works only for the first click, then gives the possibility to send empty messagges which of course triggers the JoinedInTheRoom function) but anyway, that's a minor problem, the main problem remains that i cannot figured out how to make work the if statement inside the event listener under the JoinedInTheRoom function with a pre-chosen keyword/password, let's say "Mellon" (not case-sensitive if possible).
i'll explain myself better.
Let's say i'm gonna write "Mellon fellas" in the TextArea inside the Chat Log, my idea is to simply trigger the JoinedInTheRoom function by the fact that "Mellon", the keyword, has been just sent inside the messagge, i hope that my intent it's clear.
Thanks in advance.
here is the code:
<!-- CHAT LOG -->
<h3>Chat Log</h3>
<div class="ChatLog">
<div class="msg left-msg">
<div class="msg-img" style="background-image: url()"></div>
<div class="msg-bubble">
<div class="msg-info">
<div class="msg-info-name">System</div>
<div class="msg-text">Write the Keyword to join the room and unlock the NPCs and Quests</div>
<form class="FormInputArea">
<textarea class="InputCamp" id="TextArea" placeholder="Explain your move in max 200 characters..." required></textarea>
<button class="button" type="submit" id="SendButton"> Send </button>
const ChatLog = get(".ChatLog");
const FormInputArea = get(".FormInputArea");
const InputCamp = get(".InputCamp");
JAVA SCRIPT - JoinedInTheRoom + NpcsUnlocked
// JoinedInTheRoom + NpcsUnlocked
function JoinedInTheRoom(side) {
const NpcsUnlocked = `
<div class="msg ${side}-msg">
<div class="msg-img" style="background-image: url(${BOT_IMG})"></div>
<div class="msg-bubble">
<div class="msg-info">
<div class="msg-info-name">${BOT_NAME}</div>
<div class="msg-info-time">${formatDate(new Date())}</div>
<div class="msg-text">You've joined the room, feel free to choose your quest.</div>
<div class="msg ${side}-msg">
<div class="msg-img" style="background-image: url(${BOT_IMG})"></div>
<div class="msg-bubble">
<div class="msg-info">
<div class="msg-info-name">${BOT_NAME}</div>
<div class="msg-info-time">${formatDate(new Date())}</div>
<div class="msg-text">
<p onclick="Npc1('RANDOM TASK DESCRIPTION 1')"> Npc 1. </p>
<p onclick="Npc2('RANDOM TASK DESCRIPTION 2')"> Npc 2. </p>
ChatLog.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", NpcsUnlocked);
ChatLog.scrollTop += 500;
FormInputArea.addEventListener("submit", event => {
const NpcsUnlocked = InputCamp.value;
if (!NpcsUnlocked) return;
const Delay = NpcsUnlocked.split(" ").length * 600;
setTimeout(() => {
JoinedInTheRoom("left", NpcsUnlocked);
InputCamp.value = " ";
}, Delay);
function AppendMessage(name, img, side, text) {
const msgHTML = `
<div class="msg ${side}-msg">
<div class="msg-img" style="background-image: url(${img})"></div>
<div class="msg-bubble">
<div class="msg-info">
<div class="msg-info-name">${name}</div>
<div class="msg-info-time">${formatDate(new Date())}</div>
<div class="msg-text">${text}</div>
ChatLog.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", msgHTML);
ChatLog.scrollTop += 500;
FormInputArea.addEventListener("submit", event => {
const msgText = InputCamp.value;
if (!msgText) return;
AppendMessage(PERSON_NAME, PERSON_IMG, "right", msgText);
InputCamp.value = "";
Searching on internet i found this 11 years old stackoverflow post that i think it might help me, it seems i might use "indexOf" for this job, i'm right ? Maybe you guys can help me make it a little bit more "modern" and apply it to my code ?
You could use the .includes function, like below
if (msgText.includes("mellon")) {
It'll search the whole string and return true if "mellon" is found. However it will also return true if someone types a word containing mellon. "smellon" or "smellonies" would return true and run the JoinedInTheRoom function too

how to show modal windows dynamically and send data with Flask

I'm trying to insert modal window html code dynamically upon user click on which item otherwise i load all of the items' modal window code in the html. I also have some inputs in the modal window loading from Flask/Sql and i want to let user update any of them so i need to send data back to python on submit button clicked. But right now because of i have too many modal windows (even though they have separate ids) i couldn't find a way to achieve this
Here is my code:
#app.route('/viewApart', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def viewApart():
apts = []
getApts = db.engine.execute("SELECT * FROM apartments")
for a in getApts:
rooms = []
getRooms = db.engine.execute("SELECT * FROM rooms")
for r in getRooms:
return render_template('apartments.html', title=_('Apartments'), apts=apts, rooms=rooms)
<section class="container">
<div class="row">
.. below some gallery code to show individual items from apts ..
{% for apt in apts %}
<div class="col-md-3">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="widget__v2 apt-widget rounded-corners box-shadow__v1 white" data-anchor="modalwindow" data-target="edit-apartment{{ apt[0] }}" id="apt{{ apt[0] }}">
<div class="widget-header">
<figure class="image h-180">
<img src="{{url_for('static', filename='_assets/img/apt/{{ apt[0] }}.jpg')}}" alt="" class="image__scaledown">
.. below model window ..
<div id="edit-apartment{{ apt[0] }}" class="modal large">
<div class="modal-wrapper">
<div class="modal-inner">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 class="title">{{ _('Edit Apartment') }}</h3>
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="row medium-gutter">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="row medium-gutter">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-group-title clearfix">
<label for="apt_display_name">{{ _('Display Name') }}</label>
<div class="lh-24 text__default-grey pull-right" data-tooltip="true" data-tooltip-direction="up" data-multiline="true"
<i class="icofont-question-circle"></i>
<input id="apt_display_name" type="text" class="form-control" value="{{ apt[1] }}">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="apt_number">{{ _('Apt. Number') }}</label>
<input id="apt_number" type="text" class="form-control" value="{{ apt[2] }}">
.. and so on...
.. and submit button ..
{{ _('Save Changes') }}
Right now even with multiple model windows, i can display the current data in modal window, so what i want to achieve this upon clicking on btnSubmit button i need to send all input values back to python so i can update my sql or insert new one. Please let me know if more code is needed..
If I am understanding your question correctly - a skeleton version of your page would be something like this
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="apt_1_modal">
<input id="apt_1_text"></input>
<a onclick="myFunction(event)">Submit</a>
<div id="apt_2_modal">
<input id="apt_2_text"></input>
<a onclick="myFunction(event)">Submit</a>
You will need JavaScript to handle the user interaction - the script would look something like this. You can either append this script directly to your render_template output or you can append it as a file.
The script will do 2 things - first capture what your user is inputting and second, send that data over to flask
function myFunction(e) {
let userInput = {toSend: e.currentTarget.previousElementSibling.value}
fetch("/api/path/to/flask/route", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(userInput)
Now you need a function that can handle the userInput data
from flask import Flask, request #import main Flask class and request object
#app.route('/api/path/to/flask/route', methods=['POST'])
def capture_userinput():
req_data = request.get_json()
recd_data = req_data['toSend']
your_code_to_push_data_to_db(recd_data) #Depends on your ORM/DB
I hope I have given you an idea of how to go about - You will most certainly have to change the way to capture userInput, tweak the fetch call and send/capture additional data in your flask api.

HTML Form: Make div as submit button

I've created a webpage including a folder structure hierarchy using –html/php/js/mysql.
Therefore, I've created a design. It's simply a parent div with the class of folders and inside all folders are listed with an <h2> as the name. Through PHP I've set the folder ID as a custom attribute on each folder div:
<div class="folders">
<div data-id="12452">
<h2>Folder 1</h2>
<div data-id="12453">
<h2>Folder 2</h2>
<div data-id="12454">
<h2>Folder 3</h2>
Now, I would like to do that when someone clicks on folder one, a get parameter should be set in the url.
So basically the URL: ->'clicks folder' ->
I have a couple of ideas how I could achieve that, like creating a hidden form that will be submitted with javascript when clicking a folder div, but I'm not quite sure which way is the best and cleanest.
I appreciate all the help.
You could do something like this, adding a click handler on the parent, and track which child were clicked on, and get its data-id
From there you can e.g. assign that url to a form and post it using the form's submit() method
Stack snippet
document.querySelector('.folders').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if ('div') {
var url = "" +'div');
// e.g.
var form = document.querySelector('form');
form.action = url;
form.hidden_field.value = "some value";
<div class="folders">
<div data-id="12452">
<h2>Folder 1</h2>
<div data-id="12453">
<h2>Folder 2</h2>
<div data-id="12454">
<h2>Folder 3</h2>
<form id="the_form">
<input type="hidden" name="hidden_field" value="">
Since you're using jQuery you could attach a simple click like the following snippet shows.
NOTE: If you want from the h2 to looks like a clickable element you count change the cursor to pointer in your CSS rules like :
.folders h2 {
cursor: pointer;
$('.folders h2').click(function() {
var folder_id = $(this).parent().data('id');
//This line was added just for log purpose
console.log('?folder=' + folder_id);
//Uncomment the following line that will redirect you with folder "id" as parameter
//location.href = '?folder=' + folder_id;
.folders h2 {
cursor: pointer;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="folders">
<div data-id="12452">
<h2>Folder 1</h2>
<div data-id="12453">
<h2>Folder 2</h2>
<div data-id="12454">
<h2>Folder 3</h2>

How to get the child element value using $event in AngularJS?

I am using the $event.currentTarget to get the element on ng-click as shown below:
<div ng-click="eventHandler($event)" class="bg-master m-b-10" id="slider-tooltips" nouislider=""></div>
In my controller when in console am getting:
<div ng-click="eventHandler($event)" class="bg-master m-b-10 noUi-target noUi-ltr noUi-horizontal noUi-connect" id="slider-tooltips" nouislider="">
<div class="noUi-base">
<div class="noUi-origin noUi-background" style="left: 9%;">
<div class="noUi-handle noUi-handle-lower">
<div class="tooltip fade top in" style="top: -33px;left: -14px;opacity: 0.7;">
<div class="tooltip-inner">
I am trying to get the value 9 in the above to show as result. How can I do this in AngularJS?
If this method is wrong, then please let me know the right one.
Well, I don't know if this is the best way to go about it, but you can get it from the click event. This worked for me:
$scope.eventHandler = function(e) {
I tried below code and i got the result which i was looking for
$scope.eventHandler = function($event){

Why button will not append text from textarea to a panel (Bootstrap)?

I am trying to trigger an event with a button that takes text from a textarea and sends it to a panel using the Bootstrap Framework (v.3.3.7). Currently trying to do this using an event listener in Javascript rather than assigning an ‘onclick’ value for the button.
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<!-- Panel where text will be appended to -->
<div id="mainChatBox" class="panel-body" style="height:435px; overflow-y:scroll"></div>
<!-- Textarea and button -->
<div class="panel panel-footer" style="height:40px">
<div class="form-group col-md-10 col-lg-10">
<input type="text" placeholder="Type your message here" class="form-control" id="messageBar" />
<div class="input-group-btn col-md-2 col-lg-2">
<button id="sendMessageButton" class="btn btn-default">Send</button>
var sendMessageButton = document.querySelector('#sendMessageButton');
var messageBar = document.querySelector('#messageBar');
var mainChatBox = document.querySelector('#mainChatBox');
sendMessageButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
var message = messageBar.value;
mainChatBox.innerHTML += message + "<br />";
I tried debugging by using this code and another version where I instead assign the button an ‘onclick’ value and then keep the function for it.
Here is a link to a reddit post with that version of code where I tried to find a solution with assigning an ‘onclick’ value to the button instead of using an EventListener.
Reddit post link
I need to know why when the event is triggered by the button that the text will not be appended to the mainChatBox when using either the method with the 'onclick' value assignation to the "button" tag for sendMessageButton, or the EventListener in the Javascript.
