I'm trying to add to my Tumblr site an additional page that displays all my posts in a random order. Effectively each time this page is loaded or refreshed the posts would be re-ordered randomly. I really want this functionality for my online art and words project as I want people to be able to discover earlier posts in an easy and fun way. I know tumblr already has an inbuilt "/random" feature but this only displays a single post, rather thank randomly ordering all posts. For reference my site is here.
I struggled with some other answers I found on this site as I'm less confident with how exactly to edit and implement changes to my specific themes javascript as opposed to just simply changing the appearance using html and css.
Any help or tips would be much appreciated,
You could do a cool trick with jQuery where you load a few posts from the "/random" url and then append them to the current page, using .load().
I tried this by going to "/random" on your page and running the following code. Adds five random posts to the current post list.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
jQuery('.init-posts').append(jQuery('<div>').load('/random .init-posts article'));
You can apply the same logic to a Custom Page you create so long as it has a template like your single post pages.
Sorry if this question sounds stupid but im a noob with wordpress.
I am a javascript developer, and I want make a little game (or games) with wordpress. Opening main page there is a sliding puzzle. After complete, a button appears and clicking there you pass to another page. This is basically the same to all pages.
But I can't find were i put my javascript or HTML code. I create the pages but I can't edit them the way I want, everytime i try to do it i only can edit like word. I cant create, change or edit divs attibutes or tags. To be honest the only thing i can edit is CSS in stylesheet, but is too limited.
I have done the search, try found a solutions or ways to done it but when i look to tutorials is all diferent from what i see.
to give you an ideia I want to do a mix of this:
-> http://www.rustylake.com/room-escape-games/cube-escape-case-23.html
and this
-> https://ebonyriddle.com/
but i don't know how to edit page to page.
can you help me?
Thanks for everything
PS: I know I can do it without Wordpress, but I want use it anyway to learn more about the CMS (because of work) maintain website structure and later learn how to do my own templates or plugins.
To answer your question directly, yes it is possible (and easy, relatively speaking) to add custom code to every page / post of a Wordpress site.
More generally, you’re talking about creating a custom Wordpress theme, which you can find out more about here:
and here:
https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/getting-started/ (Good suggestion from #ItsGeorge)
Regarding adding custom JavaScript to a theme, your files will need to be enqueued as per these instructions.
Outlining the steps involved in Wordpress theme development would go beyond the scope of your question, but there are plenty of resources online and answers to Wordpress specific questions on wordpress.stackexchange.com. You will need to familiarise yourself with php as well as JavaScript, to take full control of Wordpress.
I would say that developing a game feels like an odd fit... If learning Wordpress is your objective, a blog or personal website might be a better place to start, then you could move onto a game once you are familiar with the concepts involved, e.g. the loop, which plays a huge part in how Wordpress works
Good luck!
The primary focus of WordPress is to put HTML code and JS out of the user. You might manage your extra JavaScript files with your theme customization. If you want to get more control about how your pages are rendering, you should use action hooks and filters. The simplest way for you is to override each page template like this
The preferable resource to ask Wordpress related questions is https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/
I'm working on bookstore website. The main page has all the books. Each has it's own button. Every book has it's button linked to the same page (buy.html), I want change content by clicking on different buttons as every book has it's own description
This is my HTML button code
<button onclick="window.open('buy.html')" class="book4">Buy</button>
I need to open buy.html but with different content according to the book
but what happens now is All buttons show the same content
Can any one help me in this issue,
Though your question is rather broad, I think I get your problem.
You need a way to distinguish between books without creating a new page for every book.
There are multiple ways of doing this. Personally I'd recommend using Server-Side scripts for this but you can also do this with JavaScript, you just have to put it in the link.
An example could be this:
<button onclick="window.open('buy.html?book=4')" class="book4">Buy</button>
What this does is open buy.html and specify what book you want to buy so you can create a function to pull only that description out of the database or however you want to do it.
I strongly recommend a database because as soon as you have a hundred or so books your page will get really slow and it's a waste of resources if you only display one.
The best way to get data out of a URL (as far as I know) is like so
Though, next time please post your code too, that would make it a lot easier to pinpoint the problem.
Good luck.
Edit: The JavaScript that I linked was not the best solution and rather complicated so I think a better and more easily understandable function can be found here
I am having trouble figuring out how to do even the simplest things in Alfresco, like typing a simple document. I've been Googling and noticed that customizations can be done through HTML documents. I need help and decided to post a question to a knowledgeable user platform. THe following customizations I would like are WAY far fetched and most likely not even achievable, but any help that can be provided I would really appreciate.
*list items in bold are most important
Anyone could be assigned a login and when they logged in they would have access to and easily view all of the contents of the site (or multiple sites that make up one accessible website?)
All of the items on the website would be a hierarchy, the user facing contents of the site would be a list of links with thumbnails, when one link was clicked it would be another list of links with large thumbnails, when one of those links was clicked a text document would be brought up, that document would contain clickable sections, when one of those sections was clicked it would bring up a page only containing the section clicked:
Links (crafts)
2nd layer of links (modules)
Text and image document with clickable links (single module containing clickable sections)
Section (single sections of module)
The module and section text would also contain images and tables throughout and mixed in the text
If a link (module or section) was used in multiple places all instances of the link would be linked to each other. If on instance was edited, the other would also change. THis setting could be turned off for any individual link if necessary.
Every document should have an easy to use live commenting system (something simple like Disqus would work) The comments are the most important on the single section pages but would also be good on the module page
An advanced tagging system that would be part of the entire site/website environment. A user could type anything they wanted as a tag and use multiple tags. The tags would be used for their comments on the content (text, sections) but the tags could be searched (most importantly by the administrators of the site) at any time in the whole environment. A popularity of any tag could also be viewed (I'm not sure how that would work, possibly another section of the site or an easy to see column on any text/image document?)
A user could edit their own comment if they wished but would not be able to delete it entirely. Comments would also be date and time stamped.
I know all of this is most likely impossible but if anyone has an idea of Alfresco customizations that could pull any of this off, or of an entirely different secure platform or site that would perform anything similar to this please let me know.
Thank you!
It sounds like you are looking for a Web Content Management (WCM) System. Alfresco is a Document Management (DM) System. You can use Alfresco as a back-end for a custom content-centric solution, but if you are expecting to install it, start it up, and have anything close to what you've listed above, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Everything you've listed is a front-end concern. You can use whatever you want to develop that functionality, but none of it will leverage Alfresco unless you choose to store some of the data in the Alfresco back-end.
You might be better off looking at something in the WCM space, such as Drupal or Wordpress. Or if you want something Java-based, look at Magnolia CMS or Hippo CMS.
I am wondering if someone could give me a brief explanation as to how a site like darebee.com can auto-update its content every day. I understand javascript can be used to create div content through use of arrays but I don't think that is what is going on here.
Basically this is the first time when i ASK A QUESTION on stackoverflow. Anyway i will really appreciate if someone can point me to some direction about creating an simple product catalog app using html5+xml+js.
Well the structure is the following:
A: Home page >click> Product Categ >click> List of Products >click> Product Page Description
I'm not sure how shall i create the dynamic pages for the products to be able to extract all the products description from XML whenever click on any of product from the list page.
For example i have 10 products on the page, when i click on product X, an dynamic page with the product X 's (image, description, price) to be created, and so on.
I hope all of these things make sense for you and thanks a lot for your precious time.
For reading XML files using JavaScript, check answers from this question. For HTML5 and JavaScript in general I suggest you to check tutorials for some basics:
JavaScript - http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp
HTML5 - http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp
You can also check jQuery library tutorial. And here is jQuery's website.
I think that you should read some basics to learn how to look for more in the web and search for "how-to" connected with specified things you want to do and still don't know where to start.
If you want to check something that you'll need exactly at the beginning, you can check this documentation of addEventListener JavaScript method that will allow you to set action that will be invoked when particular event of the element fires. You can also check links connected to jQuery I mentioned above - jQuery is JavaScript library that makes writing JS simplier. But with both JavaScript and jQuery you have to spend some time reading documentation to know what you can do and how to achieve it.