Jquery Slider refuses to reset - javascript

I am currently a starter in query and trying to make a carousel, it works so far, but continues on after the slides and refuses to reset to the first slide after all slides have been moved, means my margin goes into endless numbers. This is what I have so far:
var timeout;
var currentSlide = 1;
var slideWidth = $('.slide').width();
var slideGroup = $('#slider').children('.slide-group');
var slides = $(slideGroup).find('.slide');
var hmm = $(slides).length;
function move(newSlide) {
if($(slideGroup).is(':animated') || currentSlide === newSlide) {
if(newSlide > currentSlide) {
$(slideGroup).animate({'margin-left': '-='+slideWidth}, 1000);
if(newSlide === 0) {
$(slideGroup).css({'margin-left': 0});
function autoMove(){
timeout = setTimeout(function(){
if(currentSlide < ($(slides).length -1)){
move(currentSlide +1)
}if(currentSlide > ($(slides).length -1)) {
}, 4000);


Javascript Slideshow slides overlapping when auto play

I was making this automatic slideshow and it got this issue. I got 4 slides. When autoplay the first time it's overlapping the slide 4 with slide 2 and 3, it's only happen one time after site load. when the slideshow goes for the second time and when I use the dots in the bottom it's working perfectly fine without any issues.
$("#slideshow > div:gt(0)").hide();
var slidesl = $('.slideitem').length
var d = "<li class=\"dot active-dot\">•</li>";
for (var i = 1; i < slidesl; i++) {
d = d+"<li class=\"dot\">•</li>";
var dots = "<ul class=\"slider-dots\">" + d + "</ul\>";
$("#slideshow > div:gt(0)").hide();
var interval = setInterval(slide, 3000);
function intslide(func) {
if (func == 'start') {
interval = setInterval(slide, 3000);
} else {
function slide() {
sact('next',0, 1200);
function sact(a, ix, it) {
var currentSlide = $('.current');
var nextSlide = currentSlide.next('.slideitem');
var prevSlide = currentSlide.prev('.slideitem');
var reqSlide = $('.slideitem').eq(ix);
var currentDot = $('.active-dot');
var nextDot = currentDot.next();
var prevDot = currentDot.prev();
var reqDot = $('.dot').eq(ix);
if (nextSlide.length == 0) {
nextDot = $('.dot').first();
nextSlide = $('.slideitem').first();
if (prevSlide.length == 0) {
prevDot = $('.dot').last();
prevSlide = $('.slideitem').last();
if (a == 'next') {
var Slide = nextSlide;
var Dot = nextDot;
else if (a == 'prev') {
var Slide = prevSlide;
var Dot = prevDot;
else {
var Slide = reqSlide;
var Dot = reqDot;
$('.next').on('click', function(){
sact('next', 0, 400);
$('.prev').on('click', function(){
sact('prev', 0, 400);
$('.dot').on('click', function(){
var index = $(this).index();
sact('dot', index, 400);
Here is the fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/Udara_Samapth/c1zevrLj/23/
There are multiple things I noticed which are making your slides overlapping. Looking at your jquery/JS in a first place you are using jquery hide method but inside function sact() you are using fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions which adds opacity classes.
That makes top and bottom items to start mixing at some point of opacity.
To handle this there are two solutions in my mind right now.
The easiest one is to add background color to item.
.slideshow .slideitem {
display: none;
background: #FFF;
Another effort is to control opacity timings which needs some work on your JS portion. you can do that by adding delay on fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions.
Here is the working link for you.

How can I make this slider loop automatically with a certain delay? ie. 1000ms

can anyone explain how to make this slider loop automatically as well?
Here is only the javascript for simplicity:
for (var i=1; i <= $('.slider__slide').length; i++){
$('.slider__indicators').append('<div class="slider__indicator" data-slide="'+i+'"></div>')
}, 1000);
function goToSlide(number){
$('.slider__next, .go-to-next').on('click', function(){
var currentSlide = Number($('.slider__slide--active').data('slide'));
var totalSlides = $('.slider__slide').length;
if (currentSlide > totalSlides){
currentSlide = 1;
Just move your sliding function out into it's own function, use setInterval instead of setTimeout to loop the transition, and then move that sliding function into that setInterval. Here is the JS:
var loopInterval;
for (var i=1; i <= $('.slider__slide').length; i++){
$('.slider__indicators').append('<div class="slider__indicator" data-slide="'+i+'"></div>')
loopInterval = setInterval(function(){
}, 10 * 1000);
function goToSlide(number){
$('.slider__next, .go-to-next').on('click', nextClick)
function slidingFunction() {
var currentSlide = Number($('.slider__slide--active').data('slide'));
var totalSlides = $('.slider__slide').length;
if (currentSlide > totalSlides){
currentSlide = 1;
function nextClick(){
loopInterval = setInterval(slidingFunction, 10 * 1000);
Here is a codepen: https://codepen.io/nick-siegmundt/pen/MWwQgVr

jQuery slider doesn't rotate

I have a slider rotator on my site but it doesn't rotate items automatically in the boxes - navigation works and rotate but I want it to rotate automatically, right after I enter the site.
This is my js:
$(document).ready(function() {
var nbr = 0;
$('.slider').each(function() {
var slider = $(this);
//get width and height of the wrapper and give it to the UL
var wrapperwidth = $(slider).width() * $(slider).find('ul > li').size();
$(slider).find('ul').css('width', wrapperwidth);
var wrapperheight = $(slider).height();
$(slider).find('ul').css('height', wrapperheight);
//set my li width
var width = $(slider).width();
$(slider).find('ul li').css('width', width);
//set my counter vars
var counter = $(slider).find('ul > li').size();
var decount = 1;
var autocount = 1;
if (counter > 1) {
//create my number navigation
var createNum = 1;
$(slider).after('<ul class="numbers"><li></li></ul>');
var numbers = $(slider).parent().find('.numbers');
$(numbers).find('li:first-child').html(createNum+'_'+nbr).addClass('activenum').attr('id', 'id1_'+nbr);
while ( createNum != counter) {
$(numbers).append("<li id='id"+createNum+"_"+nbr+"'>"+createNum+"_"+nbr+"</li>");
//get my number-width (number navigation should always be centered)
var numwidth = $(slider).find('.numbers li:first-child').width() * $(slider).find('.numbers li').size();
$(slider).find('.numbers').css('width', numwidth);
//make the number clickable
$(".numbers li").click(function() {
var slider = $(this).closest('.sliderWrapper');
var slider0 = $(slider).find('.slider');
var clickednum = $(this).html().split('_')[0] * - $(slider0).width() + $(slider0).width();
$(slider0).find('ul').animate({ left: clickednum }, 400, 'swing', function() { });
decount = $(this).html();
rotateSwitch = function(sliderW, speed) {
var sliderWrap = sliderW;
play = setInterval(function() {
var nextNum = parseInt($($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li.activenum")).html().split('_')[0])+1;
if (nextNum > $(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length) {
nextNum = 1;
//console.log("nextnum: "+nextNum+", numbers length: "+$(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length);
$(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").each(function() {
if( parseInt($(this).html().split('_')[0]) == nextNum )
}, speed);
makeAutoSlide = function(sliderWrap, speed) {
if ($(sliderWrap).length > 0 && $(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
rotateSwitch(sliderWrap, speed);
$(sliderWrap).find(".slider li").hover(function() {
if ($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
clearInterval(play); //Stop the rotation
}, function() {
if ($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
rotateSwitch(sliderWrap, speed); //Resume rotation timer
I'm not really sure if this is a problem with setInterval and clearInterval or I wrote something wrong.
I put code in jsFiddle, so you know how the structure looks like.
I appreciate for help.

How do I display a div when my timer hits zero?

here's my code:
function() {
var doUpdate = function() {
$('.countdown').each(function() {
var count = parseInt($(this).html());
if (count !== 0) {
$(this).html(count - 1);
if(count <= 0) $('#TESTER').show();
#TESTER is the div I want to display when the timer reaches zero, and #titlehead2 is my play button for the timer. Any help will be much appreciated.
You need to check the value of counter within the timer
$('#titlehead2').click(function () {
var doUpdate = function () {
//need to look whether the looping is needed, if there are more than 1 countdown element then the timer logic need to be revisted
$('.countdown').each(function () {
var count = parseInt($(this).html());
if (count !== 0) {
$(this).html(count - 1);
} else {
//you also may want to stop the timer once it reaches 0
var timer = setInterval(doUpdate, 1000);

I want to create image gallery with infinite loop using jquery

I want to create an image gallery, I wrote for a slideshow, but I don't know how to code for the previous and next buttons. These should work like an infinite loop (last image jumps back to the first).
How should I get started? This is what I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#play").click(function () {
<div id=outer>
<div id=inner>
<img id="img1" src="img1.jpg"/>
<img id="img2" src="img2.jpg" style="display:none"/>
<img id="img3" src="img3.jpg" style="display:none"/>
<div id=button>
<button id="bwd"><<</button>
<button id="play"><></button>
<button id="fwd">>></button>
You can use setInterval() .
This link can help you to understand much more
Call function with setInterval in jQuery?
may be this can help you too :
you're going to want to use the javascript timing function. Something like:
}, 1000);
You can also condense this logic down, but this gets you the basic idea. Then if you look carefully the functions for next is already in the code and it can be extracted out and reuses. Once you have the next function it's pretty straight forward that the back function will be the exact opposite.
To answer your question below you can change the img's to have the same class and then apply show and hide based on which one is visible and the image immediately after the visible one:
#find the one currently being shown
#find the one after the visible one
#keep an id on the last image so that you can do something like
if($('.images:visible') == $('#last_image')){
Hi i have created Carousel without using any third party plugin.If you want please refer.Reference Link
Js Code is.
$(document).ready(function () {
var currentPosition = 0;
var slideWidth = 300;
var slides = $('.slide');
var numberOfSlides = slides.length;
var timer = 3000;
var img1, img2;
var sliderLink = $("#slider a");
var direction = 1;
// Remove scrollbar in JS
$('#slidesContainer').css('overflow', 'hidden');
// Wrap all .slides with #slideInner // Float left to display horizontally, readjust .slides width
slides.wrapAll('<div id="slideInner"></div>').css({
'float': 'left',
'width': slideWidth
// Set #slideInner width equal to total width of all slides
$('#slideInner').css('width', slideWidth * numberOfSlides);
// Insert left and right arrow controls in the DOM
$('#slideshow').prepend('<span class="control" id="leftControl">Move left</span>').append('<span class="control" id="rightControl">Move right</span>');
// Hide left arrow control on first load
// manageControls(currentPosition);
// manageSlide();
// Create event listeners for .controls clicks
$('#rightControl').bind('click', rightControl);
$('#leftControl').bind('click', leftControl);
function leftControl() {
var butonid = 0;
direction = 0;
manageSlide(0, direction);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#leftControl').bind('click', leftControl);
}, timer, null);
function rightControl() {
var butonid = 1;
direction = 1;
manageSlide(0, direction);
setTimeout(function () {
$('#rightControl').bind('click', rightControl);
}, timer, null);
var slideIndex = 0;
var data = $("#slideInner .slide").toArray();
function manageSlide(auto, idButtonid) {
// console.log(slideIndex);
if (idButtonid == 0) {
$("#slideInner").css({ 'marginLeft': "-300px" });
$(data).each(function (index) {
// if (index == slideIndex - 1) {
// $(this).show();
// } else {
// }
$(data[slideIndex - 1]).show();
if (slideIndex == numberOfSlides - 1) {
slideIndex = 0;
img1 = data[0];
img2 = data[numberOfSlides - 1];
} else {
img1 = data[slideIndex];
img2 = data[slideIndex + 1];
slideIndex = slideIndex + 1;
'marginLeft': "0px"
}, 'slow', function () {
opacity: 1
}, timer, function () {
manageSlide(1, direction);
// right move here
else if (idButtonid == 1) {
$("#slideInner").css({ 'marginLeft': "0px" });
$(data).each(function (index) {
if (index == slideIndex + 1) {
} else {
if (slideIndex == numberOfSlides - 1) {
slideIndex = 0;
img1 = data[0];
img2 = data[numberOfSlides - 1];
} else {
img1 = data[slideIndex];
img2 = data[slideIndex + 1];
slideIndex = slideIndex + 1;
'marginLeft': slideWidth * (-1)
}, 'slow', function () {
opacity: 1
}, timer, function () {
manageSlide(1, direction);
if (auto == 1) {
sliderLink.each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == (slideIndex + 1)) {
auto = 1;
$("#slider a").click(function () {
sliderLink.each(function () {
slideIndex = $(this).addClass('active').text() - 1;
manageSlide(0, direction);
manageSlide(1, direction);
Demo Link
Hope it helps you.
