createjs tween location based off of current location - javascript

I am using create.js's tween.js. I am trying to make a bounce animation, more complex than the one given. More specifically, I am trying to tween an objects's y by an offset rather than a given coordinate. It seems like there is a simple way of doing this like:
createjs.Tween.get(circle, {loop:false}).to({offset-x: 100}, 1000, createjs.Ease.linea);
Ultimate Question: How do I tween the coordinates of an object based off of its current position?

When you make a Tween instance, you are creating a deterministic animation, meaning that you can set the position of the tween to any value (between 0 and 1), and it will be where you expect it.
If I understand what you are asking, you want to make a tween up-front, but have it use the object's current position instead of the value it was at when the tween was made. If this is the case, then you will need a different approach. Perhaps you should generate the tween on-demand when it is needed, rather than initially. That way, it could use your current position.
Here is a quick sample:
The ball moves at a constant rate, but when you click the buttons, it will:
Tween back a bit, based on its current position
OR Tween to a specific Y position (fall to the floor)
Then it resumes moving normally. The tweened ball is filled, the animated one is not.
Here is sample code from the spike.
.to({x: ball.x+(ball.xSpeed*-4), y:ball.y+(ball.ySpeed*-4)}, 1000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);


Move GameObject certain distance when I click

I'm making a game in Unity and I want to move an object a certain distance when I click a button and then stop until I click it again. I have tried with the Lerp function but I can't make the desired effect correctly
If you wanted to do this instantly then that's easy enough, you simply detect for mouse input and then move the object in whatever direction you want it to. Here's some sample c# code to do just that (In the update function).
The variable Vector3ToMove would be a Vector3 storing the vector that you want it to move relative to it's current position. This is functional however it's not smooth and isn't particularly pleasing to look at. In order to achieve smooth movement you need to use a Lerp function, this lerp function needs to be called for multiple frames for it to reach the position, that may have been where you went wrong before. Here's some sample code to achieve the smooth effect using Vector3.Lerp
Vector3 TargetPosition;
float speed = 1f;
void Start()
TargetPosition = transform.position;
void Update()
TargetPosition += Vector3ToMove;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, TargetPosition, speed * Time.deltaTime);
Vector3ToMove just like the previous example is the vector increment that you want to apply to the objects position. You may want to tweak the speed variable in the example provided there to get a nice smooth speed, you can also try using Vector3.SmoothDamp to get a slightly different smoothing effect.

Understanding rotation and calculating the top left point in KineticJS

I am working on a page where I can view images. I want to create a rotation tool. I've done that, but, it's not working consistently. When I set up the centre point to rotate by, the image jumps slightly, and it gets worse each time. I was experimenting, and, I have code to add a wedge to the top left corner of my top level group ( so, at 0,0 ). If I rotate the image by 45 degrees and drag it so that half of it is off the left edge of my canvas, then I call getAbsolutePosition on the wedge and on the group, I get these values:
Object {x: 104.66479545850302, y: 279.2748571151325}
Object {x: 180.2684127179338, y: -73.48773356791764}
I think this means my y position is actually the bottom of the image, which is off screen.
What I want to do, is calculate the absolute position of the middle of my image, when the mouse moves over it, regardless of it's rotation. I have some code that works out points with rotation, which seems like it works at first, almost, but it just gets more and more broken the more I use the tool. I feel like there's something about how Kinetic is tracking these things and what it's reporting, that I am missing. Any hints would be most appreciated. Tutorials I can read are even better ( yes, I've read everything linked from the KineticJS site and searched the web ).
In a nutshell, the question is, if I have an image inside a group, and it's rotated, how do I work out the centre point of the image, taking the rotation in to account, and how do I set the offset so it will rotate from that point, and stay in the same place ?
As you've discovered about KinetiJS:
rotation is easy
dragging is easy
dragging+rotation is difficult
After you drag your image you must reset its rotation point (offsetX/offsetY).
KineticJS makes dragging+rotation more difficult than it has to be.
Resetting the offset points of your image will cause KineticJS to automatically move your image (Noooo!!).
That's what's causing your jumping.
The solution to the "jumping" problem:
When you reset the image's rotation point (offsetX/OffsetY) you must also reset the image's X/Y position.
This code resets both XY and Offsets for an image after dragging:
A Demo:
// calc new position and offset
var pos=rect.getPosition();
var size=rect.getSize();
var offset=rect.getOffset();
var newX=pos.x-offset.x+size.width/2;
var newY=pos.y-offset.y+size.height/2;
// reset both position and offset

How do you change the sprite position in a animation? KineticJs

I the speech bubbles to be next to the person who says them but how do I change the position? I don't want to have any more animations for that, is it possible?
for example the next tere would be positioned next to the students.
There is always an X-Y co-ordinate of any group or element you create using the kinetic.js
You just need to manipulate X-Y property of the group containing your speech cloud.
suppose your reference to that cloud group is called cloudGroup then set the X and Y property using the method as follows:
So just insert anything instead of 100, which suits the position you desire.

Raphael JS move/rotate group of drawings as one?

I have a little tool that draws up a grid of circles(representing holes) that allows the user to add text and lines to these circles. Right now I have it set up so if the user clicks on any of the holes then wherever the hole is moved so is every other element on the Paper object. What I am trying to implement next is the ability to rotate everything as one object. I realize that for this to work that I need to know the central point of all the objects, which I can easily get.
What I want to know is should I draw everything on another object. This object will act as another Paper object of sorts, but will only serve for movement and rotation. Any click events on the holes drawn on the object will be passed on to the parent (i.e. the pseudo-paper object everything is drawn on). Is this possible? If so how would I draw everything onto say, a rectangle? And if not what would be the best way to go implementing it?
What you need is a Set. You create it, push objects to it, and then treat it as an entire group, in your case by applying transformations.
var elements = paper.set();
if (!view.text) {
view.text = App.R.text(0, 0, this.value);
'font-size': font_size,
Note that you can also bind events to this entire set.

What is the most efficient way to reset the size of a shape after scaling in PaperJS

I am attempting to create a very simple beacon-like animation in Paper JS. The idea is that a circle starts off very small and totally opaque and then gets larger and more transparent until it disappears and the animation restarts.
I'm using scaling to make the image larger but resetting it to it's original size is becoming problematic and at the moment I have resorted to cloning a second circle to reset it rather than just working with a single shape, there has to be a simpler way of doing this.
I've create a jsFiddle to demonstrate my rough code so far, any help would be appreciated.
Paperjs does not store the original Path, nor does it remember any operations that have been applied to reach the current state, so it can be difficult to reset to a previous state. The easiest approach is to use the this.scale that your current code is calculating and when you want to reset do; Here is a jsfiddle that way.
FYI, here is the code path for scaling:
So the end result is that _transformCoordinates() is called on each of the four segments in the circle, and it simply moves the point coordinates...nothing is remembered to "undo" the scaling later.
Alternatively to remembering the scale yourself, you can use the Path.fitBounds() function to shrink the circles to an arbitrary size...for instance you could save the bounding rectangle right after creating the Circle, and then fitBounds back to that size.
Set item.applyMatrix = false if you don't want to persist transformations alongside item.
For example, the following code linearly (i.e. "additively") animates item.scaling:
var item = new Path.Rectangle({
point: [75, 75],
size: [5, 5],
strokeColor: 'black',
applyMatrix: false
function onFrame(event) {
item.scaling += 0.1;
The way i approached this issue was attaching a new object called originalBounds to the paper.js shapes immediately after their instantiation. If i needed to play with its size, coming back its original one became fairly trivial.
