Fade canvas video from greyscale to color - javascript

I have 2 elements - video and canvas. On video play event, a functions draws the same video on canvas only greyscale. Then I have a button which is supposed to fade canvas video from greyscale back to color. So far I've managed to get back colors on button click, but I need it to fade - from greyscale to color, not just instantly show color.
Any ideas on how could I accomplish that? Or.. is it even possible?
Here's the code:
function grey() {
if (!stop) {
bgContext.drawImage(video, 0, 0, w, h);
var pixelData = bgContext.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
for (var i = 0; i < pixelData.data.length; i += 4 ) {
var r = pixelData.data[i];
var g = pixelData.data[i+1];
var b = pixelData.data[i+2];
var averageColour = (r + g + b) / 3;
pixelData.data[i] = averageColour;
pixelData.data[i+1] = averageColour;
pixelData.data[i+2] = averageColour;
context.putImageData(pixelData, 0, 0);
function color() {
bgContext.drawImage(video, 0, 0, w, h);
var pixelData = bgContext.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
for (var i = 0; i < pixelData.data.length; i += 4 ) {
var r = pixelData.data[i];
var g = pixelData.data[i+1];
var b = pixelData.data[i+2];
pixelData.data[i] = r;
pixelData.data[i+1] = g;
pixelData.data[i+2] = b;
context.putImageData(pixelData, 0, 0);
video.addEventListener('play', function() {
setInterval("grey()", 0);
}, false);
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
stop = true;
setInterval("color()", 0);
}, false);

Canvas Filters for real-time Video/Animation.
Black & White filter
To do a black and white filter is easy.
// mixAmount is a value from 0 - 1 0 = no mix 1 = full FX
// video is the video
ctx.drawImage(video,0,0); // draw the video
// set up filter
ctx.fillStyle = "#888"; // gray colour
ctx.globalAlpha = mixAmount; // amount of FX
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "color"; // The comp setting to do BLACK/WHITE
ctx.fillRect(0,0,video.width,video.height); // Draw gray over the video
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // reset comp
Or you can render the video over itself to get other FX, the demo shows the Black and White filter and several more by just using the above code and a few extra layers.
More info
For more on displaying a video see Display video inside canvas
The demo show how to do Black and white and some other FX while I am at it.
How to use.
See video title for attribution. FX on left from top to bottom "Lighten", "Black & white", "Sepia", "Saturate", and "Negative".
The Demo has the following FX Lighter, Darken, Black/White, Negative, Saturate, Sepia, B&W negative, and more.
The Javascript
The code relating to the question is all at the top and marked. The rest is UI loading etc..
Each FX is a function that will call either addMix or addOverlay to apply the filter as shown in the snippet above. The addMix function is slightly different as it draws the video over the video to get the FX rather than a fill.
Instructions are on the demo.
Please note not all browser support all comp modes (WHY?? who knows!! :( ) Nor is there a way to be 100% sure if a browser supports a mode or not. The safe bet is Firefox, Chrome, and Edge for all other browsers best of luck..
// All the mix function are in this section
var FXMix = 1;
var addOverlay = function(type, repeat = 1){
if(FXMix > 0){
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = type;
ctx.globalAlpha = FXMix;
while (repeat-- > 0) {
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
var addMix = function(type,video, repeat = 1){
if(FXMix > 0){
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = type;
ctx.globalAlpha = FXMix;
while (repeat-- > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(video,0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
var fill = function(style){
ctx.globalAlpha = FXMix;
ctx.fillStyle = style;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
var FX = {
var FXList = [];
var currentFX = "";
var addFX = function(name,func){
FX[name] = func;
currentFX = name;
// multiply,screen,overlay,color-dodge,color-burn,hard-light,soft-light,difference,exclusion,hue,saturation,color,luminosity
addFX("Ligher",(vid)=>{ addMix("lighter",vid);} );
addFX("BlackWhite",(vid)=>{ ctx.fillStyle = "#888"; addOverlay("color");} );
addFX("Negative",(vid)=>{ ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF"; addOverlay("difference");} );
addFX("Sepia",(vid)=>{ fill("#F94"); addMix("luminosity",vid); ;} );
addFX("B&W Negative",(vid)=>{ ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF"; addOverlay("difference");ctx.fillStyle = "#888"; addOverlay("color");} );
addFX("Ligher+",(vid)=>{ addMix("lighter",vid);addMix("lighter",vid);addMix("lighter",vid);} );
addFX("B&W Lighten",(vid)=>{ addMix("lighter",vid);ctx.fillStyle = "#888"; addOverlay("color");} );
addFX("Darken+",(vid)=>{ addMix("multiply",vid);addMix("multiply",vid);addMix("multiply",vid);} );
addFX("Darken",(vid)=>{ addMix("multiply",vid);} );
addFX("Saturate",()=>{ ctx.fillStyle = "#F00";addOverlay("saturation");});
addFX("Movement",(vid) => {
const keepMix = FXMix;
FXMix = 1;
FXMix = keepMix * 0.95;
can2.ctx.drawImage(ctx.canvas,0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
FXMix = 1;
FXMix = keepMix;
var scale = videoContainer.scale;
var vidH = vid.videoHeight;
var vidW = vid.videoWidth;
var top = canvas.height / 2 - (vidH /2 ) * scale;
var left = canvas.width / 2 - (vidW /2 ) * scale;
if(can1.counting === undefined) { can1.counting = 0 }
else { can1.counting ++ }
if(can1.counting % 2 === 0) {
can1.ctx.drawImage(vid, left, top, vidW * scale, vidH * scale);
// end of FX mixing
var mediaSource = "http://video.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm";
var mediaSource = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Big_Buck_Bunny_small.ogv";
var muted = true;
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); // get the canvas from the page
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const can1 = document.createElement("canvas");
can1.width = canvas.width;
can1.height = canvas.height;
can1.ctx = can1.getContext("2d");
const can2 = document.createElement("canvas");
can2.width = canvas.width;
can2.height = canvas.height;
can2.ctx = can2.getContext("2d");
var videoContainer; // object to hold video and associated info
var video = document.createElement("video"); // create a video element
video.src = mediaSource;
// the video will now begin to load.
// As some additional info is needed we will place the video in a
// containing object for convenience
video.autoPlay = false; // ensure that the video does not auto play
video.loop = true; // set the video to loop.
video.muted = muted;
videoContainer = { // we will add properties as needed
video : video,
ready : false,
// To handle errors. This is not part of the example at the moment. Just fixing for Edge that did not like the ogv format video
video.onerror = function(e){
document.body.innerHTML += "<h2>There is a problem loading the video</h2><br>";
document.body.innerHTML += "Users of IE9+ , the browser does not support WebM videos used by this demo";
document.body.innerHTML += "<br><a href='https://tools.google.com/dlpage/webmmf/'> Download IE9+ WebM support</a> from tools.google.com<br> this includes Edge and Windows 10";
video.oncanplay = readyToPlayVideo; // set the event to the play function that
// can be found below
function readyToPlayVideo(event){ // this is a referance to the video
// the video may not match the canvas size so find a scale to fit
videoContainer.scale = Math.min(
canvas.width / this.videoWidth,
canvas.height / this.videoHeight);
videoContainer.ready = true;
// the video can be played so hand it off to the display function
// add instruction
document.getElementById("playPause").textContent = "Click video to play/pause.";
document.querySelector(".mute").textContent = "Mute";
var playClick = false;
function updateCanvas(){
// only draw if loaded and ready
if(videoContainer !== undefined && videoContainer.ready){
// find the top left of the video on the canvas
video.muted = muted;
var scale = videoContainer.scale;
var vidH = videoContainer.video.videoHeight;
var vidW = videoContainer.video.videoWidth;
var top = canvas.height / 2 - (vidH /2 ) * scale;
var left = canvas.width / 2 - (vidW /2 ) * scale;
// now just draw the video the correct size
ctx.drawImage(videoContainer.video, left, top, vidW * scale, vidH * scale);
if(videoContainer.video.paused){ // if not playing show the paused screen
overUI = false;
cursor = "default";
if((mouse.button&1)===1){ // bit field
playClick = true;
if((mouse.button&1)===0 && playClick){ // bit field
playClick = false;
cursor = "pointer";
if(showFXName > 0){
showFXName = Math.max(0,showFXName - 0.05);
ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(1,showFXName);
ctx.font = "32px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textbaseLine = "middle";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.lineJoin = "round"
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
canvas.style.cursor = cursor;
// all done for display
// request the next frame in 1/60th of a second
var showFXName = 0;
var cursor = "default";
var overUI = false;
var sliderAlpha = 1;
var listAlpha = 1;
var dragging = false;
var listWidth = null;
function getMaxListWidth(){
ctx.font = "12px arial";
FXList.forEach(text => {listWidth = Math.max(listWidth,ctx.measureText(text).width)})
function drawList(){
if(listWidth === null){
listWidth += 10;
if(!overUI && mouse.over && mouse.x > canvas.width - listWidth){
listAlpha = 1;
overUI = true;
listAlpha = Math.max(0,listAlpha - 0.05);
if(listAlpha > 0){
ctx.font = "12px arial";
var textH = 14;
var border = 10;
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.globalAlpha = listAlpha;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
var len = FXList.length;
var h = len * textH;
var y = canvas.height / 2 - h/2;
var x = canvas.width - border * 2;
ctx.fillRect(x - listWidth,y - border, listWidth+border,h + border );
ctx.strokeRect(x - listWidth,y - border, listWidth + border,h + border );
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
for(var i = 0; i < len; i ++){
var yy = y + i * textH;
if(FXList[i] === currentFX){
ctx.fillStyle = "#0FF";
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
if(mouse.x > canvas.width - listWidth && mouse.y > yy - textH/2 && mouse.y < yy + textH /2){
ctx.fillStyle = "#0F0";
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
cursor = "pointer";
if((mouse.button & 1) === 1){
currentFX =FXList[i];
showFXName = 4;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
function drawSlider(){
if(currentFX === "None"){
sliderAlpha = 0;
var cw = canvas.width;
var ch = canvas.height;
var handle = 5;
var inset = 10
var x = inset;
var w = cw - inset*2;
var h = 20;
var y = ch - inset - h;
var pos = FXMix * w + x;;
if(mouse.y > y - h* 2){
cursor = "e-resize";
overUI = true;
if((mouse.button&1) && !dragging){ // bit field
dragging = true;
cursor = "pointer";
overUI = true;
cursor = "e-resize";
sliderAlpha = 1;
pos = mouse.x - x;
FXMix = Math.min(1,Math.max(0,pos / w));
if( (mouse.button&1) === 0 ){ //bit field
dragging = false;
if(!dragging && mouse.y > y-h*2 && mouse.over){
sliderAlpha = 1;
if(sliderAlpha > 0){
sliderAlpha = Math.max(0,sliderAlpha- 0.05);
if(sliderAlpha === 0){
ctx.globalAlpha = sliderAlpha;
ctx.font = "18px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
var amount = FXMix;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText(currentFX + " "+ (FXMix * 100).toFixed(0)+"%",w/2,y + h / 2);
pos = amount * w + x;
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(pos-handle*2,y-handle,handle* 4,h + handle * 2);
ctx.strokeRect(pos-handle*2,y-handle,handle* 4,h + handle * 2);
ctx.strokeRect(pos-1,y-handle * 0.5,2,h + handle);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
function drawPayIcon(){
// ctx.fillStyle = "black"; // darken display
// ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
// ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "#DDD"; // colour of play icon
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.75; // partly transparent
ctx.beginPath(); // create the path for the icon
var size = (canvas.height / 2) * 0.5; // the size of the icon
ctx.moveTo(canvas.width/2 + size/2, canvas.height / 2); // start at the pointy end
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width/2 - size/2, canvas.height / 2 + size);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width/2 - size/2, canvas.height / 2 - size);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // restore alpha
mouse = (function(){
var mouse = {
x : 0, y : 0, w : 0,
button : 0,
over : false,
bm : [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3],
active : false,
bounds : null,
border : {top : 10, left : 10},
mouseEvents : "mousemove,mousedown,mouseup,mouseout,mouseover,contextmenu".split(",")
var m = mouse;
function mouseMove(e) {
var t = e.type;
m.bounds = m.element.getBoundingClientRect();
m.x = e.clientX - m.bounds.left - m.border.left;
m.y = e.clientY - m.bounds.top - m.border.top;
if (t === "mousedown") {
m.button |= m.bm[e.which-1];
} else if (t === "mouseup") {
m.button &= m.bm[e.which + 2];
}else if (t === "mouseout") {
m.button = 0;
m.over = false;
}else if (t === "mouseover") {
m.over = true;
m.start = function (element) {
m.element = element;
m.mouseEvents.forEach( n => { m.element.addEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
m.active = true;
//m.border.top = Number(element.style.borderTopWidth.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,""));
//m.border.left = Number(element.style.borderLeftWidth.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,""));
m.remove = function () {
if (m.element !== undefined) {
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => { m.element.removeEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
m.active = false;
m.element = undefined;
return mouse;
function playPauseClick(){
if(videoContainer !== undefined && videoContainer.ready){
function videoMute(){
muted = !muted;
document.querySelector(".mute").textContent = "Mute";
document.querySelector(".mute").textContent= "Sound on";
// register the event
body {
font :14px arial;
text-align : center;
background : #36A;
h2 {
color : white;
canvas {
border : 10px white solid;
cursor : pointer;
a {
color : #F93;
.mute {
cursor : pointer;
display: initial;
<h2>Simple video FX via canvas "globalCompositeOperation"</h2>
<p>This example show how to use the 2d context "globalCompositeOperation" property to create a variety of FX. Video may take a few moment to load.
<p>Play pause video with click. Move to bottom of video to see FX mix slider (Not available if filter None). Move to right to get filter selection and select the filter example. Happy filtering</p>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width = "532" height ="300" ></canvas><br>
<h3><div id = "playPause">Loading content.</div></h3>
<div class="mute"></div><br>
Update 30 Sep 2019
Add filter "Movement" that highlight the change per frame (movement). Slider changes the persistence of the highlighted changes.

The simplest is to set a greyscale css filter on the canvas.
var video = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var button = document.getElementById("myButton");
function grey() {
video.className += " greyscale";
function color() {
classGreyscale = video.className.indexOf("greyscale");
if (classGreyscale > 0)
video.className = video.className.substring(0, video.className.length - 10)
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
.greyscale {
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
filter: grayscale(100%);
.transition {
transition: all 1s;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Lenna.png" id="myCanvas" class="transition" />
<button id="myButton">to Colour</button>
So what we do here is add a transition class for our canvas, so it can animate the changes. Then when we add a grayscale class to it and this changes a css filter along with the transition so it fades in. When we want to make it colorful again we remove the greyscale class.
I made the example with an image but it will work with everything.
This way you fade in the class with 1s transition on all parameters (greyscale here). It is better to use this, because you don't have to count every pixel in grayscale, it is cleaner.
Note that you could use jQuery addClass removeClass for simpler and cleaner soultion.
Also note that you should average r,g,b with weights:

Saturation version with transition and -webkit-transition: -webkit-filter 10s;
This is only for Safari and Chrome.
The code is for hovering.
I guess very similar to #godzsa
The other method I can think of is to create a div with a higher index on top of your video with a play on white saturation.
For working Youtube video,
And for image,
div {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-filter 10s; /* Safari */
transition: -webkit-filter 10s;
div:hover {
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Lenna.png" id="myCanvas" class="transition" />


Canvas code not updating and I'm not sure why

I'm trying to make a simple canvas program where the user clicks to create bouncing moving circles. It keeps freezing but still creates the circles without updating. I'm not sure whats going on, please help!
I'm adding each circle to an array of circles with the constructor
The setInterval loop seems to be freezing but the circles are still created even when this is happening
I'm having a hard time debugging this, any advice is greatly appreciated
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Background Test</title>
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
// Request animation frame -> Optimizes animation speed
const requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
const c = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
// Fullscreen
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
let fps = 60;
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
fps = 29;
// Options
const background = '#333';
const circleMinSpeed = 3;
const circleMaxSpeed = 6;
const circleMinSize = 3;
const circleMaxSize = 10;
const circles = [];
let circlesCounter = 0;
const circlesTimeAlive = 20 * fps; // seconds
let i = 0;
const interval = 1000 / fps;
let now, delta;
let then = Date.now();
// Coordinate variables
let mouseX, mouseY, clickX, clickY;
// Tracks mouse movement
c.onmousemove = function(event)
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
// Tracks mouse click
c.onmousedown = function(event)
clickX = event.clientX;
clickY = event.clientY;
circle(clickX, clickY);
function draw()
// Loop
// Set NOW and DELTA
now = Date.now();
delta = now - then;
// New frame
if (delta > interval) {
// Update THEN
then = now - (delta % interval);
// Our animation
// Clear canvas then draw
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// Circle constructor
function circle(x, y)
// Pick random color
let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
let g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
self.color = 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')';
self.xCo = x;
self.yCo = y;
// Pick random size within ranges
self.size = circleMinSize + Math.floor(Math.random() *
(circleMaxSize - circleMinSize));
// Pick random direction & speed (spdX spdY)
self.speed = circleMinSpeed + Math.floor(Math.random() *
(circleMaxSpeed - circleMinSpeed));
self.spdX = self.speed * (Math.random() * 2) - 1; // picks -1 to 1
self.spdY = self.speed * (Math.random() * 2) - 1;
self.draw = function()
ctx.arc(self.xCo, self.yCo, self.size, 0, 2*Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = self.color;
circles[circlesCounter++] = self;
// Draw the background
function drawBackground()
ctx.fillStyle = background;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
function drawCircles()
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++)
function drawTest()
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(i++, i, 5, 5);
function drawCos()
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillText("X: " + mouseX + " Y:" + mouseY, 10, 10, 200);
// Main loop
// Loop through circles and move them
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++)
if (circle[i])
// Check left and right bounce
if (circle[i].xCo <= 0 || circle[i].xCo >= c.width)
circle[i].spdX = -circle[i].spdX;
circle[i].xCo += circle[i].spdX;
// Check left and right bounce
if (circle[i].yCo <= 0 || circle[i].yCo >= c.height)
circle[i].spdY = -circle[i].spdY;
circle[i].yCo += circle[i].spdY;
// Draw Everything
}, interval);
This code:
self.draw = function()
ctx.arc(self.xCo, self.yCo, self.size, 0, 2*Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = self.color;
Is overriding this function:
function draw()
// Loop
// Set NOW and DELTA
now = Date.now();
delta = now - then;
// New frame
if (delta > interval) {
// Update THEN
then = now - (delta % interval);
// Our animation
// Clear canvas then draw
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
You need to rethink how you want to draw your circles because you're re-drawing the black canvas every time a click event is triggered. I mean, when a click is triggered, you're applying new coordinates, color, Etc, and probably that's not what you want to do.
My suggestion is create canvas per circle and append them into a DIV.
Hope it helps!

How can i add a Start button to this function?

I'm trying to figure out how I can add a start button to play a javascript game by replacing the audio in the background. I came across this game, the way it works is as soon as you load the page the music plays in the background and the games already started. When I removed the audio link, the game paused after the players 3 lives are up, if I leave the audio in, then when the 3 lives are up you can see your points and a pop up message, can someone please help me understand this
here is a link to the game so you can look at the code and understand what I'm trying to say : https://jsfiddle.net/74nbrdak/embedded/result/
<canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="500"></canvas>
<audio id="background-music" preload="auto" autoplay loop>
src="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5r3iu7kjsl0mx81/Wildfire%20Cut%20Loopable.wav" type="audio/wav">
function ShowGamesFinished() {
var message = gamesfinished[Math.floor(Math.random() * gamesfinished.length)];
When I removed the audio link, the game paused after the players 3 lives are up, if I leave the audio in, then when the 3 lives are up you can see your points and a pop up message, can someone please help me understand this
So, In the second scenario when the audio element is on the page, the game works just as the creator intended.
In the first scenario when the audio element isn't on the page, the game works fine until the function that handles the game over is called. What causes the problem in that function is this line document.getElementById("background-music").pause();. Since the audio element doesn't exist, it throws an error and the game over screen isn't drawn. Hope that this helps
If you are using pure javascript Without any external libraries, you can initialize your canvas and on a click of the button you can start animating the canvas and your game starts.
let me know If you don't get my answer.
At first glance, removing the audio tag should not have any effect at all on the javascript. The audio plays upon openeing the page because the audio tag has the autoplay attribute.
All of the javascript code seems to be just within a script tag, so it will also autorun once the page gets opened. What you could try is wrapping the entire code from the fiddle into a function and just bind it to your button.
Something like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
h1 {
font-family: Architects Daughter;
text-align: center;
font-size: 48pt;
margin-top: 50px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
h2 {
font-family: Architects Daughter;
text-align: center;
font-size: 28pt;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 50px;
span {
display: block;
font-family: Arial;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 2px;
div {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
canvas {
border: 2px solid #CC3333;
<canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="360"></canvas>
<button id="start_game">Start</button>
var run_game = function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var WIDTH = canvas.width;
var HEIGHT = canvas.height;
var updateTime = 20; // Milliseconds
var keys = [false, false, false];
var score = 0;
var kills = 0;
// Player Size = 50x18
var playerHealth = 3;
var playerX = WIDTH / 2;
var playerY = HEIGHT - 20;
var playerSpeed = 6;
var lazerSpeed = 16;
var lazerReloadDistance = playerY - 120;
var lazerLoaded = true;
var lazers = [];
var maxEnemies = 12;
var enemySpeed = 4;
var enemies = [];
function Clear() {
ctx.fillStyle = "#404040";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
function DrawHealth(health) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#E52B50";
ctx.shadowColor = "#E52B50";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.font = "18px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "start";
var hearts = "";
if (health == 3) {
hearts = "<3 <3 <3";
else if (health == 2) {
hearts = "<3 <3 X";
else if (health == 1) {
hearts = "<3 X X";
else {
hearts = "X X X";
ctx.fillText(hearts, 10, 25);
function DrawScore() {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFF00";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.font = "18px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "end";
ctx.fillText(score, WIDTH - 10, 25);
function DrawPlayer(x, y) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#1E90FF";
ctx.shadowColor = "#1E90FF";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.font = "24px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("</^\\>", x, y);
function Lazer() {
this.x = playerX;
this.y = playerY - 38;
this.draw = function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFF00";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
this.y -= lazerSpeed;
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 2, 18);
function DrawLazers() {
// Check if the last lazer fired is far enough away to fire another
if (lazers.length != 0) {
if (lazers[lazers.length - 1].y <= lazerReloadDistance) {
lazerLoaded = true;
else {
lazerLoaded = true;
for (var i = 0; i < lazers.length; i++) {
var currentLazer = lazers[i];
// Still on screen
if (currentLazer.y > -20) {
else {
lazers.splice(i, 1);
function Enemy(x) {
this.x = x;
this.y = 0;
this.health = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4);
this.speed = enemySpeed / this.health;
var letterIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length);
this.letter = letters.substr(letterIndex, 1);
this.size = 24 + (this.health * 4); // Font size based on health
ctx.font = this.size+"px Arial";
this.width = ctx.measureText(this.letter).width;
this.height = this.size * 0.75; // Approximate height;
this.draw = function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0040";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FF0040";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.font = this.size+"px Arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
this.y += this.speed;
ctx.fillText(this.letter, this.x, this.y);
function DrawEnemies() {
// Spawn new enemies
if (Math.random() <= 0.05 && enemies.length < maxEnemies) {
var randX = 40 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (WIDTH - 80));
enemies.push(new Enemy(randX));
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
var currentEnemy = enemies[i];
if (currentEnemy.health <= 0) {
enemies.splice(i, 1);
score += 25;
// Put enemies that passed the player back at the top
if (currentEnemy.y > HEIGHT + currentEnemy.height) {
currentEnemy.y = 0;
var gameOverMessages = [
"You're in a better place",
"You're Cooked!",
"You gave it your all",
"At least you tried",
"You're Ruined!",
"You're Finished!"
function DrawGameOver() {
var message = gameOverMessages[Math.floor(Math.random() * gameOverMessages.length)];
// after deleting the audio element, this doesnt work anymore.
// document.getElementById("background-music").pause();
ctx.fillStyle = "#505050";
ctx.shadowColor = "#505050";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.fillRect(50, (HEIGHT / 2) - 100, WIDTH - 100, 200)
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFFFF";
ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.font = "36pt Arial";
ctx.fillText(message, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 40);
ctx.textAlign = "end";
ctx.font = "18pt Arial";
ctx.fillText("Final Score - ", WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 + 30);
ctx.textAlign = "start";
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFF00";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFF00";
ctx.fillText(score, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 + 30);
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FFFFFF";
ctx.textAlign = "end";
ctx.font = "18pt Arial";
ctx.fillText("Total Kills - ", WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 + 60);
ctx.textAlign = "start";
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0040";
ctx.shadowColor = "#FF0040";
ctx.fillText(kills, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 + 60);
// Core Functions //
var collidedEnemyIndex = -1;
function CheckCollision() {
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
var currentEnemy = enemies[i];
// Check if enemy hits player. The 2 is to account for the text width of the player
if (
currentEnemy.x <= playerX - 2 + 25 + (currentEnemy.width / 2) &&
currentEnemy.x >= playerX - 2 - 25 - (currentEnemy.width / 2) &&
currentEnemy.y >= playerY - 18 &&
currentEnemy.y <= playerY + currentEnemy.height &&
collidedEnemyIndex != enemies.indexOf(currentEnemy)
collidedEnemyIndex = enemies.indexOf(currentEnemy);
// Reset the index of the enemy colliding with the player
if (collidedEnemyIndex == enemies.indexOf(currentEnemy) && currentEnemy.y < HEIGHT / 2) {
collidedEnemyIndex = -1;
for (var j = 0; j < lazers.length; j++) {
var currentLazer = lazers[j];
if (
currentLazer.x <= currentEnemy.x + (currentEnemy.width / 2) &&
currentLazer.x >= currentEnemy.x - (currentEnemy.width / 2) &&
currentLazer.y <= currentEnemy.y
score += 10;
lazers.splice(lazers.indexOf(currentLazer), 1);
function HandleInput() {
if (keys[0] == true && keys[1] == false && playerX <= WIDTH - 30) {
playerX += playerSpeed;
if (keys[1] == true && keys[0] == false && playerX >= 30) {
playerX -= playerSpeed;
if (keys[2]) {
if (lazerLoaded) {
lazers.push(new Lazer());
lazerLoaded = false;
function KeysDown(e) {
// Right
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
keys[0] = true;
// Left
else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
keys[1] = true;
// Up/Fire
if (e.keyCode == 38) {
keys[2] = true;
function KeysUp(e) {
// Right
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
keys[0] = false;
// Left
else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
keys[1] = false;
// Up/Fire
if (e.keyCode == 38) {
keys[2] = false;
document.addEventListener("keydown", KeysDown, true);
document.addEventListener("keyup", KeysUp, true);
function Update() {
DrawPlayer(playerX, playerY);
if (playerHealth <= 0) {
var gameLoop = setInterval(Update, updateTime);
document.querySelector( '#start_game' ).addEventListener( 'click', run_game );

Rotate a particular image only in canvas when left or right key is pressed

I am new to canvas and developing a game where a car moves straight and now I want to rotate the image of the car only to rotate anti clockwise when the left key is pressed and clockwise when right key is pressed.
Currently I am trying with
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var heroReady = false;
var heroImage = new Image();
heroImage.onload = function () {
heroReady = true;
heroImage.src = "images/car.png";
if (37 in keysDown) { // Player holding left
But this rotates the whole screen .I only want the heroImage to be rotated and not the screen.Any help is appreciated.
My source code: working pen
To get key input and rotate paths and what not on the canvas.
/** SimpleUpdate.js begin **/
// short cut vars
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
ctx.font = "18px arial";
var cw = w / 2; // center
var ch = h / 2;
var focused = false;
var rotated = false;
var angle = 0;
// Handle all key input
const keys = { // key input object
ArrowLeft : false, // only add key names you want to listen to
ArrowRight : false,
keyEvent (event) {
if (keys[event.code] !== undefined) { // are we interested in this key
keys[event.code] = event.type === "keydown";
rotated = true; // to turn off help
// add key listeners
document.addEventListener("keydown", keys.keyEvent)
document.addEventListener("keyup", keys.keyEvent)
// check if focus click
canvas.addEventListener("click",()=>focused = true);
// main update function
function update (timer) {
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // reset transform
// draw outside box
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect(50, 50, w - 100, h - 100);
// rotate if input
angle += keys.ArrowLeft ? -0.1 : 0;
angle += keys.ArrowRight ? 0.1 : 0;
// set orgin to center of canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, cw, ch);
// rotate
// draw rotated box
ctx.fillStyle = "Black"
ctx.fillRect(-50, -50, 100, 100);
// set transform to center
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, cw, ch);
// rotate
// move to corner
// rotate once more, Doubles the rotation
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow"
ctx.fillRect(-20, -20,40, 40);
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // restore default
// draw center box
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
ctx.fillRect(cw - 25, ch - 25, 50, 50);
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.strokeText("Click on canvas to get focus.",10,20);
ctx.fillText("Click on canvas to get focus.",10,20);
}else if(!rotated){
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.strokeText("Left right arrow to rotate.",10,20);
ctx.fillText("Left right arrow to rotate.",10,20);
/** SimpleUpdate.js end **/
<canvas id = canvas></canvas>
Looking at you pen bellow is a function that will help.
The following function will draw a scaled and rotated sprite on the canvas
// draws a image as sprite at x,y scaled and rotated around its center
// image, the image to draw
// x,y position of the center of the image
// scale the scale, 1 no scale, < 1 smaller, > 1 larger
// angle in radians
function drawSprite(image, x, y, scale = 1,angle = 0){
ctx.setTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, x, y); // set scale and center of sprite
ctx.drawImage(image,- image.width / 2, - image.height / 2);
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // restore default transform
// if you call this function many times
// and dont do any other rendering between
// move the restore default line
// outside this function and after all the
// sprites are drawn.
OK more for you.
Your code is all over the place and the only way to work out what was happening was to rewrite it from the ground up.
The following does what I think you want your pen to do. Not I squash the width to fit the snippet window.
Code from OP pen and modified to give what I think the OP wants.
// Create the canvas
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1024;
canvas.height = 1024;
var monstersCaught = 0;
var lastFrameTime;
var frameTime = 0; // in seconds used to control hero speed
// The main game loop
function main (time) {
if(lastFrameTime !== undefined){
frameTime = (time - lastFrameTime) / 1000; // in seconds
lastFrameTime = time
// this is called when all the images have loaded
function start(){
monstersCaught = 0;
function displayStatus(message){
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // set default transform
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.font = "24px Helvetica";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "center";
ctx.fillText(message,canvas.width / 2 ,canvas.height / 2);
// reset objects
function resetObjs () {
monsters.array.forEach(monster => monster.reset());
heros.array.forEach(hero => hero.reset());
// Update game objects
function updateObjects (modifier) {
monsters.array.forEach(monster => monster.update());
heros.array.forEach(hero => hero.update());
function drawObjects (modifier) {
monsters.array.forEach(monster => monster.draw());
heros.array.forEach(hero => hero.draw());
// Draw everything
function render () {
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // set default transform
ctx.drawImage(images.background, 0, 0);
// Score
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // set default transform
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(250, 250, 250)";
ctx.font = "24px Helvetica";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillText("Points: " + monstersCaught, 32, 32);
// hold all the images in one object.
const images = { // double underscore __ is to prevent adding images that replace these functions
__status : {
count : 0,
ready : false,
error : false,
__onready : null,
var image = new Image();
image.src = src;
images.__status.count += 1;
image.onerror = function(){
images.__status.error = true;
displayStatus("Error loading image : '"+ name + "'");
image.onload = function(){
images.__status.count -= 1;
if(images.__status.count === 0){
images.__status.ready = true;
displayStatus("Images remaing : "+ images.__status.count);
images[name] = image;
return image;
// Handle all key input
const keys = { // key input object
ArrowLeft : false, // only add key names you want to listen to
ArrowRight : false,
ArrowDown : false,
ArrowUp : false,
keyEvent (event) {
if (keys[event.code] !== undefined) { // are we interested in this key
keys[event.code] = event.type === "keydown";
// default setting for objects
const objectDefault = {
x : 0, y : 0,
dir : 0, // the image rotation
isTouching(obj){ // returns true if object is touching box x,y,w,h
return !(this.x > obj.x +obj.w || this.y > obj.y +obj.h || this.x + this.w < obj.x || this.y + this.h < obj.y);
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h / 2);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, - this.image.width / 2, - this.image.height / 2);
// default setting for monster object
const monsterDefault = {
w : 32, // width
h : 32, // height
this.x = this.w + (Math.random() * (canvas.width - this.w * 2));
this.y = this.h + (Math.random() * (canvas.height - this.h * 2));
// default settings for hero
const heroDefault = {
w : 32, // width
h : 32, // height
speed : 256,
spawnPos : 1.5,
this.x = canvas.width / this.spawnPos;
this.y = canvas.height / this.spawnPos;
if (keys.ArrowUp) { // Player holding up
this.y -= this.speed * frameTime;
this.dir = Math.PI * 0; // set direction
if (keys.ArrowDown) { // Player holding down
this.y += this.speed * frameTime;
this.dir = Math.PI * 1; // set direction
if (keys.ArrowLeft) { // Player holding left
this.x -= this.speed * frameTime;
this.dir = Math.PI * 1.5; // set direction
if (keys.ArrowRight) { // Player holding right
this.x += this.speed * frameTime;
this.dir = Math.PI * 0.5; // set direction
if(Math.sign(this.speed) === -1){ // filp directio of second car
this.dir += Math.PI; // set direction
monsters.array.forEach(monster => {
monstersCaught += 1;
if (this.x >= canvas.width || this.y >= canvas.height || this. y < 0 || this.x < 0) {
// objects to hold monsters and heros
const monsters = { // dont call a monster "array"
array : [], // copy of monsters as array
const heros = { // dont call a monster "array"
array : [], // copy of heros as array
// add monster
function createMonster(name, settings = {}){
monsters[name] = {...objectDefault, ...monsterDefault, ...settings, name};
return monsters[name];
// add hero to heros object
function createHero(name, settings){
heros[name] = {...objectDefault, ...heroDefault, ...settings, name};
return heros[name];
// set function to call when all images have loaded
images.__onready = start;
// load all the images
images.__createImage("background", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/v1491958481/road_lrjihy.jpg");
images.__createImage("hero", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/c_scale,w_32/v1491958999/car_p1k2hw.png");
images.__createImage("monster", "http://res.cloudinary.com/dfhppjli0/image/upload/v1491959220/m_n1rbem.png");
// create all objects
createHero("hero", {image : images.hero, spawnPos : 1.5});
createHero("hero3", {image : images.hero, spawnPos : 2, speed : -256});
createMonster("monster", {image : images.monster});
createMonster("monster3", {image : images.monster});
createMonster("monster9", {image : images.monster});
createMonster("monster12", {image : images.monster});
// add key listeners
document.addEventListener("keydown", keys.keyEvent);
document.addEventListener("keyup", keys.keyEvent);
canvas {
width : 100%;
height : 100%;

JavaScript Canvas on draw vanishes

I have a canvas function which draws a square if I click on the canvas field and move the mouse, that works so far.
My Problem is that if I release the mouse and click at the canvas again the old drawn rectangle vanishes.
How do I make it possible that the old drawn does not get vanished.
My function:
function foo() {
var tool = this;
this.started = false;
var canvasx = canvas.offsetLeft;
var canvasy = canvas.offsetTop;
var last_mousex = 0;
var last_mousey = 0;
var mousex = 0;
var mousey = 0;
this.mousedown = function (ev) {
if(checkboxSquare.checked) {
last_mousex = parseInt(ev.clientX-canvasx);
last_mousey = parseInt(ev.clientY-canvasy);
context.strokeStyle = $('#selectColor').val();
context.lineWidth = $('#selectWidth').val();
tool.started = true;
this.mousemove = function (ev) {
if (tool.started && checkboxSquare.checked) {
mousex = parseInt(ev.clientX-canvasx);
mousey = parseInt(ev.clientY-canvasy);
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // clear canvas
var width = mousex-last_mousex;
var height = mousey-last_mousey;
this.mouseup = function (ev) {
if (tool.started && checkboxSquare.checked) {
tool.started = false;
It Looks something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/AbdiasSoftware/kqW4X/
The old drawn rectangle vanishes on click because, you are clearing the entire canvas each time before drawing a rectangle.
The easiest workaround would be to save the entire canvas as an image on mouseup and draw that image before drawing each rectangle.
var canvas;
var _foo = new foo();
canvas.onmousedown = _foo.mousedown;
canvas.onmousemove= _foo.mousemove;
canvas.onmouseup = _foo.mouseup;
function foo() {
canvas = $('#canvas')[0];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var checkboxSquare = $('#checkboxSquare')[0];
var img = new Image();
var tool = this;
this.started = false;
var last_mousex = 0;
var last_mousey = 0;
var mousex = 0;
var mousey = 0;
this.mousedown = function (ev) {
if(checkboxSquare.checked) {
last_mousex = ev.offsetX;
last_mousey = ev.offsetY;
context.strokeStyle = $('#selectColor').val();
context.lineWidth = $('#selectWidth').val();
tool.started = true;
this.mousemove = function (ev) {
if (tool.started && checkboxSquare.checked) {
mousex = ev.offsetX;
mousey = ev.offsetY;
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // clear canvas
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // draw saved canvas (image)
var width = mousex-last_mousex;
var height = mousey-last_mousey;
this.mouseup = function (ev) {
if (tool.started && checkboxSquare.checked) {
img.src = canvas.toDataURL(); // save canvas as image
tool.started = false;
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
cursor: default;
margin-top: 5px
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="checkbox" id="checkboxSquare">Square | Color
<select id="selectColor">
<option value="red">red</option>
<option value="green">green</option>
<option value="blue">blue</option>
</select> | Width
<select id="selectWidth">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
Just create a background canvas same as the main canvas. When you drag out a new box, first draw the background canvas (with all the past boxes) on the main canvas then the current box being drawn. When you finish dragging the box, just daw it to the background canvas.
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const background = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.style.border="2px solid black";
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
background.width = canvas.width = innerWidth - 24;
background.height = canvas.height = innerHeight - 24;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
background.ctx = background.getContext("2d");
const bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var currentBox;
const boxStyle = {
fillStyle : "#4aF",
strokeStyle : "black",
lineWidth : 3,
lineJoin : "round",
const mouse = { x : 0, y : 0,button : false, changed : false };
["mousemove","mousedown","mouseup"].forEach(en => document.addEventListener(en, mouseEvent));
function createBox(x,y,w,h,style){ return {x,y,w,h,style,draw : drawBox} }
function drawBox(ctx){
setStyle(ctx, this.style);
function setStyle(ctx, style){ Object.keys(style).forEach(key => ctx[key] = style[key]) }
function mouseEvent(event) {
mouse.x = event.pageX - bounds.left - scrollX;
mouse.y = event.pageY - bounds.top - scrollY;
if(event.type === "mousedown"){ mouse.button = true }
else if(event.type === "mouseup"){ mouse.button = false }
mouse.changed = true;
function mainLoop(){
var b = currentBox; // alias for readability
b = currentBox = createBox(mouse.x,mouse.y,0,0,boxStyle);
b.w = mouse.x - b.x;
b.h = mouse.y - b.y;
}else if(b){
b = currentBox = undefined;
canvas.style.cursor = "none";
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
mouse.changed = false;
Extra Note. Capture the mouse using the Document
When you create canvas drawing apps you should listen to the document mouse events rather than the canvas. When the mouse button is down the mouse is captured and will continue to send mouse events while the mouse is down, even if you have moved off the canvas, document, or event outside the browser window.
This means you can drag content of the canvas and not worry about losing the mouseup event.
Burn some time.
I have some time to burn so will extend the demo above to include selecting and moving existing boxes. Draw boxes as normal. Mouse over boxes will highlight them, click to select them. When selected can be dragged. Uses the same method background image to hold old boxes. But have added a box list to hold old boxes
A more extensive example
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const background = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.style.border="2px solid black";
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
background.width = canvas.width = innerWidth - 24;
background.height = canvas.height = innerHeight - 24;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
background.ctx = background.getContext("2d");
const bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var currentBox;
var selectedBox;
var mouseOverBox;
const styles = {
box : {
fillStyle : "#4aF",
strokeStyle : "black",
lineWidth : 3,
lineJoin : "round",
highlight : {
strokeStyle : "white",
lineWidth : 1,
lineJoin : "round",
setLineDash : [[10,10]],
selected : {
strokeStyle : "red",
lineWidth : 2,
lineJoin : "round",
setLineDash : [[5,5]],
const boxes = {
items : [],
add(box){ // add a box and fix width and height to positive
if(box.w < 0){
box.x += box.w;
box.w = -box.w;
if(box.h < 0){
box.y += box.h;
box.h = -box.h;
apply(name, ...args){
for(var i = 0; i < boxes.items.length; i ++ ){
const mouse = { x : 0, y : 0,button : false, changed : false };
["mousemove","mousedown","mouseup"].forEach(en => document.addEventListener(en, mouseEvent));
const boxBehaviours = {
draw(ctx, style = this.style){
setStyle(ctx, style);
if(style.fillStyle) { ctx.fill() }
if(style.strokeStyle) {ctx.stroke() }
var b = this;
if(x >= b.x && x < b.x + b.w && y >= b.y && y < b.y + b.h){
b.mouseOver = true;
boxBehaviours.topMouseBox = b;
}else {
b.mouseOver =false;
function createBox(x,y,w,h,style){
return {x,y,w,h,style, ...boxBehaviours};
function setStyle(ctx, style){
Object.keys(style).forEach(key => {
if(typeof ctx[key] === "function"){
ctx[key] = style[key];
function mouseEvent(event) {
mouse.x = event.pageX - bounds.left - scrollX;
mouse.y = event.pageY - bounds.top - scrollY;
if(event.type === "mousedown"){ mouse.button = true }
else if(event.type === "mouseup"){ mouse.button = false }
function redrawBackground(){
function mainLoop(time){
var b = currentBox; // alias for readability
var mob = mouseOverBox; // alias for readability
var sb = selectedBox; // alias for readability
// first check mouse button. If button down could be
// dragging a selected box or creating a new box
if(sb){ // is selected box
if(!mouse.drag){ // start the drag
mouse.drag = {x : mouse.x - sb.x, y : mouse.y - sb.y}
}else{ // move the box
sb.x = mouse.x- mouse.drag.x;
sb.y = mouse.y- mouse.drag.y;
}else{ // else muse be create (or select click)
b = currentBox = createBox(mouse.x,mouse.y,0,0,styles.box);
b.w = mouse.x - b.x;
b.h = mouse.y - b.y;
}else if(b || sb){ // mouse up and there is a box
if(sb){ // if selected box
if(mouse.drag){ // is dragging then drop it
mouse.drag = undefined;
sb.hide = false;
sb = selectedBox = undefined;
// is the mouse is down and has not moved over 2 pixels
// and there is a mob (mouseOverBox) under it
// then dump the new box and select the mob box
}else if(Math.abs(b.w) < 2 && Math.abs(b.h) < 2 && mob){
sb = selectedBox = mob;
mob = mouseOverBox = undefined;
b = currentBox = undefined;
sb.hide = true;
// just a normal box add it to box array
// draw it and remove it from currentBox
b = currentBox = undefined;
// clear andf draw background
if(b){ // is there a current box then draw that
canvas.style.cursor = "none";
} else { // no current box so
// find any boxes under the mouse
boxBehaviours.topMouseBox = null;
boxes.apply("isPointOver",mouse.x, mouse.y);
// is there a selected box (sb)
if(sb){ // yes selected box then draw it
styles.selected.lineDashOffset = time / 25;
sb.hide = false;
sb.hide = true;
canvas.style.cursor = "move";
// no selected box sp then just high light the box under the
// mouse and assign it to mouseOverBox (mob);
}else if(boxBehaviours.topMouseBox){
mob = mouseOverBox = boxBehaviours.topMouseBox;
styles.highlight.lineDashOffset = time / 20;
mob.draw(ctx, styles.highlight);
canvas.style.cursor = "pointer";
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
var point = [];
var clicks = 0;
var sketch = document.querySelector('#sketch');
var sketch_style = getComputedStyle(sketch);
// Creating a tmp canvas
var tmp_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var tmp_ctx = tmp_canvas.getContext('2d');
tmp_canvas.id = 'tmp_canvas';
tmp_canvas.width = parseInt(sketch_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
tmp_canvas.height = parseInt(sketch_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.id = 'paint';
canvas.width = parseInt(sketch_style.getPropertyValue('width'));
canvas.height = parseInt(sketch_style.getPropertyValue('height'));
tmp_canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedown, false);
tmp_canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove, false);
tmp_canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, false);
function mousemove(e) {
if (clicks == 1) {
x = e.layerX - this.offsetLeft;
y = e.layerY - this.offsetTop;
showRect(x, y);
function showRect(x, y) {
tmp_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // clear canvas
var width = x - point[0].x;
var height = y - point[0].y;
tmp_ctx.rect(point[0].x, point[0].y, width, height);
function mousedown(e) {
x = e.layerX - this.offsetLeft;
y = e.layerY - this.offsetTop;
function mouseup() {
context.drawImage(tmp_canvas, 0, 0);
clicks = 0;
point.length = 0;
html, body {
width: 100% ;
height: 100% ;
#sketch {
border: 10px solid gray;
height: 100% ;
position: relative;
#tmp_canvas {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
top: 0;
cursor: crosshair;
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="sketch">
Try to do in temporary canvas and redraw all in main.
I'm assuming that the foo() function is being called for every frame, either through setInterval or requestAnimationFrame. If my assumption is right, the reason why your previously drawn square disappears is because you are only storing the x and y coordinates of one rectangle, and every time you click on the canvas again, it gets overwritten by the new values for the new rectangle.
To solve your problem, you should store the x and y coordinates as well as the dimensions of the square on mouseup. These coordinates can be stored in an array.
var squares = [];
this.mouseup = function (ev) {
// other code
var square = {
x: last_mousex,
y: last_mousey,
width: mousex - last_mousex,
height: mousey - last_mousey
Now every time you draw the square, draw the squares stored in the squares array first.
this.mousemove = function (ev) {
if (tool.started && checkboxSquare.checked) {
// other code
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // clear canvas
// draw each square in the squares array after clearning the canvas
squares.forEach(function(square) {
context.rect(square.x, square.y, square.width, square.height);
var width = mousex - last_mousex;
var height = mousey - last_mousey;
context.rect(last_mousex, last_mousey, width, height);
You'll see some code repetitions in drawing the squares, it's a good opportunity to abstract it into a separate function.

How to draw canvas trailing line with opacity

I'm attempting to draw the rotating line in this canvas animation with trailing opacity but it's not working. I've seen this effect with rectangles and arcs but never with a line, so I'm not sure what I need to add.
function radians(degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
var timer = 0;
function sonar() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('sonar');
if (canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var cx = innerWidth / 2,
cy = innerHeight / 2;
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
//ctx.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
var radii = [cy, cy - 30, innerHeight / 3.33, innerHeight / 6.67];
for (var a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
ctx.arc(cx, cy, radii[a], radians(0), radians(360), false);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'limegreen';
// draw grid lines
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var x = cx + cy * Math.cos(radians(i * 30));
var y = cy + cy * Math.sin(radians(i * 30));
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(50, 205, 50, 0.45)';
if (timer <= 360) {
ctx.fillstyle = 'limegreen';
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.lineTo(cx + cy * Math.cos(radians(timer)), cy + cy * Math.sin(radians(timer)));
ctx.strokeStyle = 'limegreen';
} else {
timer = 0;
jsbin example
Here are two ways to do this: with a gradient and by adding translucent lines.
Sidenote, you should try and only redraw what you need to redraw. I separated the canvases and put one on top of the other so that we don't redraw the grid all the time.
function radians(degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
var timer = 0;
function trail() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('trail');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
var cx = innerWidth / 2,
cy = innerHeight / 2;
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
if (timer <= 360) {
ctx.fillstyle = 'limegreen';
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.lineTo(cx + cy * Math.cos(radians(timer)), cy + cy * Math.sin(radians(timer)));
var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
cx+cy*Math.cos(radians(timer)), cy+cy*Math.sin(radians(timer)),
cx+cy*0.9*Math.cos(radians(timer-30)), cy+cy*0.9*Math.sin(radians(timer-30)));
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
var fade = 10;
for(var i =0;i<fade;i++)
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.strokeStyle ="rgba(50,205,50,0.1)";
} else {
timer = 0;
function sonar() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('sonar');
if (canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var cx = innerWidth / 2,
cy = innerHeight / 2;
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
//ctx.clearRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
var radii = [cy, cy - 30, innerHeight / 3.33, innerHeight / 6.67];
for (var a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
ctx.arc(cx, cy, radii[a], radians(0), radians(360), false);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'limegreen';
// draw grid lines
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var x = cx + cy * Math.cos(radians(i * 30));
var y = cy + cy * Math.sin(radians(i * 30));
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(50, 205, 50, 0.45)';
position: absolute;
<canvas id=sonar></canvas>
<canvas id=trail></canvas>
The problem is that to get this effect, you need to draw a triangle with a gradient along an arc, and you can't do that in a canvas. Gradients must be linear or radial.
The other option is to have an inner loop run each time you want to draw the sweeper, and go backwards from your sweeper line, drawing with slightly less opacity each time. But lets say you want your sweep to cover 15 degrees--obviously, if you have a 100% opacity line at d and a 5% opacity line at d - 15, that doesn't do the trick. So start filling in more lines, and more lines...you will have to draw so many lines to make it seem filled your performance would probably suffer.
My suggestion--you shouldn't have to redraw that on every frame. I would just make a PNG that looks like you want it to, and then place it and just rotate it around the center on each frame. No need to redraw it all the time then. That will be much faster than drawing a bunch of lines.
Canvas stack trails.
Below is a quick demo of how to use a stack of canvases to create a trailing effect.
You have a normal on screen canvas (this FX will not effect it) and then a stack of canvases for the trail FX. Each frame you move to the next canvas in the stack, first slightly clearing it then drawing to it what you want to trail. Then you render that canvas and the one just above it to the canvas.
A point to keep in mind is that the trails can also have a hugh range of FX, like blurring (just render each frame stack on itself slightly offset each time you render to it), zoom in and out trails. Trails on top or trails under. You can change the trail distance and much more.
It is overkill but over kill is fun.
The slider above the demo controls the trail length. Also the code need babel because I dont have time to write it for ES5.
Top slider is trail amount.One under that is trail distance. Trail dist does not transition well. Sorry about that.
// helper function
function $(query,q1){
if(q1 !== undefined){
if(typeof query === "string"){
var e = document.createElement(query);
if(typeof q1 !== "string"){
for(var i in q1){
e[i] = q1[i];
e.id = q1;
return e;
return [...query.querySelectorAll(q1)];
return [...document.querySelectorAll(query)];
function $$(element,e1){
if(e1 !== undefined){
if(typeof element === "string"){
return e1;
return e1;
return element;
function $E(element,types,listener){
if(typeof types === "string"){
types = types.split(",");
element = $(element)[0];
return element;
function R(I){
if(I === undefined){
return Math.random();
return Math.floor(Math.random()*I);
// answer code
// canvas size
const size = 512;
const trailDist = 10; // There is this many canvases so be careful
var trailDistCurrent = 10; // distance between trails
var clearAll = false;
// create a range slider for trail fade
$$($("input",{type:"range",width : size, min:0, max:100, step:0.1, value:50, id:"trail-amount",title:"Trail amount"}));
$("#trail-amount")[0].style.width = size + "px";
$E("#trail-amount","change,mousemove",function(e){fadeAmount = Math.pow(this.value / 100,2);});
// create a range slider trail distance
$$($("input",{type:"range",width : size, min:2, max:trailDist , step:1, value:trailDist , id:"trail-dist",title:"Trail seperation"}));
$("#trail-dist")[0].style.width = size + "px";
$E("#trail-dist","change,mousemove", function(e){
if(this.value !== trailDistCurrent){
trailDistCurrent= this.value;
clearAll = true;
$$($("br","")) // put canvas under the slider
// Main canvas
var canvas;
$$(canvas = $("canvas",{width:size,height:size})); // Not jquery. Just creates a canvas
// and adds canvas to the document
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Trailing canvas
var trailCanvases=[];
var i =0; // create trail canvas
while(i++ < trailDist){trailCanvases.push($("canvas",{width:size,height:size}));}
var ctxT = trailCanvases.map(c=>c.getContext("2d")); // get context
var topCanvas = 0;
var fadeAmount = 0.5;
// Draw a shape
function drawShape(ctx,shape){
ctx.lineWidth = shape.width;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.strokeStyle = shape.color;
var i = 0;
while(i < shape.shape.length){
// Create some random shapes
var shapes = (function(){
function createRandomShape(){
var s = [];
var len = Math.floor(Math.random()*5 +4)*2;
s[s.length] = (R() + R()) * 20 * (R() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1);
return s;
var ss = [];
var i = 10;
ss[ss.length] = createRandomShape();
ss[ss.length] = [0,0,300,0]; // create single line
return ss;
// Create some random poits to move the shapes
var points = (function(){
function point(){
return {
color : "hsl("+R(360)+",100%,50%)",
shape : shapes[R(shapes.length)],
width : R(4)+1,
x : R(size),
y : R(size),
scaleMax : R()*0.2 + 1,
scale : 1,
s : 0,
rot : R()*Math.PI * 2,
dr : R()*0.2 -0.1,
dx : R()*2 - 1,
dy : R()*2 - 1,
ds : R() *0.02 + 0.01,
var line = shapes.pop();
var ss = [];
var i = 5;
ss[ss.length] = point();
var s = ss.pop();
s.color = "#0F0";
s.x = s.y = size /2;
s.dx = s.dy = s.ds = 0;
s.scaleMax = 0.5;
s.dr = 0.02;
s.shape = line;
s.width = 6;
return ss;
var frameCount = 0; // used to do increamental fades for long trails
function update(){
// to fix the trail distance problem when fade is low and distance high
clearAll = false;
frameCount += 1;
// get the next canvas that the shapes are drawn to.
topCanvas += 1;
topCanvas %= trailDistCurrent;
var ctxTop = ctxT[topCanvas];
// clear the main canvas
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // reset transforms
// Fade the trail canvas
ctx.clearRect(0,0,size,size); // clear main canvas
// slowly blendout trailing layer
if(fadeAmount < 0.1){ // fading much less than this leaves perminant trails
// so at low levels just reduce how often the fade is done
if(((Math.floor(frameCount/trailDistCurrent)+topCanvas) % Math.ceil(1 / (fadeAmount * 10))) === 0 ){
ctxTop.globalAlpha = 0.1;
ctxTop.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
ctxTop.globalAlpha = fadeAmount;
ctxTop.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
ctxTop.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctxTop.globalAlpha = 1;
// draw shapes
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i ++){
var p = points[i];
p.x += p.dx; // move the point
p.y += p.dy;
p.rot += p.dr;
p.s += p.ds;
p.dr += Math.sin(p.s) * 0.001;
p.scale = Math.sin(p.s) * p.scaleMax+1;
p.x = ((p.x % size) + size) % size;
p.y = ((p.y % size) + size) % size;
drawShape(ctxTop,p); // draw trailing layer (middle)
// draw the trail the most distance from the current position
ctx.drawImage(trailCanvases[(topCanvas + 1)%trailDistCurrent],0,0);
// do it all again.
