I'm trying to load d3-path using RequireJS. Looking at the minified d3-path source code, it looks like it's AMD-compliant since I see this in the first line:
!function(t,s){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?s(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],s):s(t.d3=t.d3||{})}
My index.html looks like
paths: {
"d3": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.17/d3.min",
"d3-path": "https://d3js.org/d3-path.v1.min",
"underscore": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min",
"jquery": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"
And my JS file that I'm trying to load d3.path() looks like
) {
// d3, d3_path, and _ are defined
// but d3.path() isn't defined
I can use d3-path by doing d3_path.path() but I would ideally like to do d3.path(). However if I set both d3 and d3-path to d3 then d3-path overrides d3 and I lose the main d3 functions.
I'm also open to RequireJS best practices since I'm not sure if I'm using the best method. Thanks!
Preliminary note : you're trying to load d3 V3 with a V4 module, that's not going to mesh very well.
Onto your question : that's the way it is intended to work when you use the micro modules. You load isolated functionalities and combine them.
You only get a d3 global when you use the vanilla environments as said in the docs: try
paths: {
"d3": "https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min"
require(['d3'], function(myd3) {
console.log(window.d3); // undefined
console.log(myd3); // d3 object
Note that if you load the whole d3 v4 library, you will get d3.path :
require(['d3'], function(myd3) {
console.log(myd3.path); // function
Finally, if you intend to use multiple micro modules, you could use a mapped configuration:
paths: {
d3src: 'https://d3js.org'
map: {
'*': {
'd3': 'd3src/d3.v4.min',
'd3-selection': 'd3src/d3-selection.v1.min',
'd3-path': 'd3src/d3-path.v1.min',
// if you want to load the selection and the path modules
require(['d3-selection', 'd3-path'], function(selection, path) {
// ...
// if you want to load d3
require(['d3'], function(d3) {
// ...
In addition to nikoshr's answer on using d3 micro libraries: You should name the d3 modules in hyphens style, e.g. d3-selection, because some d3 libraries depend on other ones and require them in this syntax.
Moreover you can create your own d3 object in your modules, so you don't have to change your code and can use d3.path().
require(['d3-selection', 'd3-path'], function(d3Selection, d3Path) {
let d3 = Object.assign({}, d3Selection, d3Path);
So I'm trying to set up Typescript and Chutzpah for testing purposes. Typescript is set up to output in this format:
define(['require', 'exports', './someModule'], function(require, exports, someModule) {
Which works fine, the problem occurs when someModule is actually a directory with an index.js.
require.js is unable to resolve someModule in this way and the test fails.
Is there any way to tell require.js that this is a module?
RequireJS won't automatically check for the presence of index.js and load that as your module. You need to tell RequireJS that when you want to load someModule, it should load someModule/index. I'd set a map in my call to require.config:
[ ... ]
map: {
'*': {
someModule: 'someModule/index',
You have to adjust the name you give there so that it is a path relative to your baseUrl. It's not clear from the information you give in your question what it should be.
(For the record, there's also a packages setting that you could probably tweak to do what you want but putting something packages says "this is a package", which is not what you appear to have here. So I would not use it for what you are trying to do.)
I didn't like the configuration in map either. The most simple way I accomplished this was writing a plugin for require.
Let's name the plugin mod, where it is to be used as mod!module/someModule, you can also call it index as in index!module/someModule, whatever suits you best.
define(function(require, exports, module) {
// loading module/someModule/index.js with `mod!`
var someModule = require('mod!module/someModule');
// whatever this is about ..
module.exports = { .. };
So lets assume you have paths set in require's configuration with some sort of project structure:
- app
- modules
- someModule/index.js // the index we want to load
- someModule/..
- someModule/..
- etc
- plugins
- mod.js // plugin to load a module with index.js
Requires config:
paths: {
'module': 'app/modules',
// the plugin we're going to use so
// require knows what mod! stands for
'mod': 'app/plugins/mod.js'
To read all the aspects of how to write a plugin, read the docs at requirejs.org. The simplest version would be to just rewrite the name of the requested "module" you are attempting to access and pass it back to load.
(function() {
define(function () {
function parse(name, req) {
return req.toUrl(name + '/index.js');
return {
normalize: function(name, normalize) {
return normalize(name);
load:function (name, req, load) {
req([parse(name, req)], function(o) {
This is not production code, it's just a simple way to demonstrate that requires config wasn't meant to solve problems like this.
I'm trying to build a requirejs module giving client code the options to render stuff with d3.js. The first plugin I want to use is a sankey diagram.
My module so far:
define(['d3'], function(ignore) {
console.log("bef", d3);
console.log("aft", d3);
return {
d3: d3,
renderSankey: function(options) {
The sankey.js script uses the global d3 variable and adds the function sankey(). (I tried both btw, define(['d3'], function(ignore) and define(['d3'], function(d3), exactly the same result).
The error: TypeError: d3.sankey is not a function, no matter if I try to call it directly as the code shows or like this.d3.sankey() in the renderSankey function.
The console output says (both times, before and after the require(...) call:
sankey: d3.sankey()
No matter what I try, it won't work. I feel like I missed something JS specific about shadowing, but why is there a sankey function, when I console.log the object and a row later, when I try to call I get an error? What am I doing wrong?
I'm using this inside a splunk html dashboard, this is maybe important...
I don't want the client code to import the dependicies (with about 100 plugins to come, this would be a pain)
When I just copy the content of the sankey.js into my module, everything works fine
/edit: Here is the Require configuration (given by the Splunk Dashboard)
baseUrl: "{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/js",
waitSeconds: 0 // Disable require.js load timeout
The require call you are using to load sankey is asynchronous. It will launch the loading of sankey but by the time require returns, sankey is not loaded. You should change your code to:
define(['d3', 'sankey'], function (d3) {
I take it that d3 also leaks the symbol d3 in the global space but AMD modules should not rely on global symbols unless these are part of the runtime environment (e.g. window, document).
You also need to set your RequireJS configuration to make sankey dependent on d3 because the define above does not by itself ensure that d3 will load before sankey. So you need this in your configuration:
shim: {
sankey: ['d3']
This makes sankey dependent on d3. (Note that shim can only be used to affect the loading of files that are not proper AMD module. sankey does not call define to register itself, and thus is not a proper AMD module, and we can use shim for it.)
Also, module names should generally not have .js in them so when you want to load the plugin, load it as sankey, not sankey.js.
Okay, I think #Louis and I just misunderstood each other. This may be caused by my own stupidity, since I wasn't aware that a configuration of require.js can be done anywhere (and not only once in the root file). How ever, to still get the Splunk specific part I post this answer (instead of accepting Louis'):
I added a new app to my splunk environment to (a viz app). I actually configure the dependencies first (in the by other splunk apps loadable d3-viz module):
paths: {
'd3': '../app/D3_Viz/d3', // d3.js
'sankey': '../app/D3_Viz/sankey', // sankey.js
'XYZ': 'all the paths go here'
shim: {
'sankey': ['d3'],
'XYZ': ['d3'],
// all the dependecies go here
define(['splunkjs/ready!', 'jquery', 'd3'],
function(mvc, $, ignore) {
var d3Vis = {
renderSankey: function(options) {
// load dependencies dynamically
require(['sankey'], function() {
// actually render things
renderXYZ: function(options) {
require(['XYZ'], function() {
return d3Vis;
All my dependencies can be configured in the viz-app (and not in the client code using the app, this has been my fundamental missunderstanding of require.js); the only thing to do is loading the app/viz as a whole (in this example in a HTML dashboard:
... splunk specific stuff
// No dependencies have to be configured
// in the client code
I wanted to know if there is any way I can customize how r.js processes the source code of javascript (or other) files during the merging/optimization of a project that uses require.js.
I need to apply some custom transformations, as for example handling some java-like annotations.
I'm looking for something similar to what is possible with browserify using the b.use().
Found the solution. Is it actually possible using the "onBuildWrite" configuration parameter , and specifying a callback that is executed before each module is serialized.
Something like:
var config = {
baseUrl: 'src',
onBuildWrite: function( name, path, contents ) {
//Additional processing
return contents;
modules: [{
name: 'main'
requirejs.optimize( config, function(results) {});
I'm fairly new to RequireJS and I've run into a bit of a problem. I've written a little framework built on Backbone using RequireJS and I want it to be re-usable in different projects. So, with some searching I learned that require allows packages. This seemed like what I was looking for. I have a main.js file to launch my app that essentially looks like this:
packages: ['framework']
require(['framework'], function(framework) {
Then in the same directory as my main.js I have another directory called "framework" which contains another main.js which looks like this:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
exports.createDash = function(dash, element) {
require(['dash/dash.model', 'dash/dash.view'], function(DashModel, DashView) {
return new DashView({
model: new DashModel(dash),
el: element ? element : window
In searching I found this page which indicates that the 'require' argument should be scoped to the submodule. However, when I try to require things they are still relative to my original main.js. I've tried a number of things and searched for hours to no avail. Is there any way I can have my require/define calls within my package included relative to the main.js in it's root?
You need to define your submodule as package in the require configuration:
packages: [
{ name: 'packagename',
location: 'path/to/your/package/root', // default 'packagename'
main: 'scriptfileToLoad' // default 'main'
... some other stuff ...
To load your module you just need to use your 'packagename' at the requirements:
define(['jquery', 'packagename'], function($, MyPackage) {
In your package you must use the ./ prefix to load your files relative to your submodule:
define(['globalDependency', './myLocalFile'], function(Asdf, LocalFile) {
There is a useful shortcut: If your package name equals to your location and your main file is called 'main.js', then you can replace this
packages: [
{ name: 'packagename',
location: 'packagename',
main: 'main'
to this:
packages: ['packagename']
As far as I can see, you already tried to define a package but did you also use the ./ prefix? Without this prefix require will try to find the files in it's global root-path. And without a package, ./ will be useless because the relative path is the same as the global root-path.
I figured out the answer to my question, and the solution (they were not the same apparently). I guess I'll post it here in case it can help someone else in the future.
Essentially what I was wanting was to load my framework within its own context. I found the context option under the configuration section on require's website and an example of how to use it. Originally I tried this by doing something like:
var req = require.config({
baseUrl: 'framework',
context: 'framework',
paths: {
jQuery: 'lib/jquery/jquery-1.7.min.js',
Underscore: 'lib/underscore/underscore.min.js',
Backbone: 'lib/backbone/backbone.min.js',
req(['main'], function() {});
There were two problems with this. First, my 'req' variable was being defined outside of the framework, but I wanted the framework to define it's own paths. And second, whenever a file outside of the framework would require a file within the framework, which would in turn require 'jQuery', for example, then jQuery (or whatever else) wouldn't be required from within the context of the framework instance of require and so it couldn't find the file.
What I ended up doing was defining my framework's main.js to look something like this:
var paths = {
jQuery: 'lib/jquery/jquery-1.7.min.js',
Underscore: 'lib/underscore/underscore.min.js',
Backbone: 'lib/backbone/backbone.min.js',
define(function() {
var exports = {};
exports.initialize = function(baseUrl, overridePaths, callback) {
if(!overridePaths) {
overridePaths = {};
if(baseUrl && baseUrl[baseUrl.length - 1] != '/') {
baseUrl = baseUrl + '/';
var fullpaths = {};
for(var path in paths) {
// Don't add baseUrl to anything that looks like a full URL like 'http://...' or anything that begins with a forward slash
if(paths[path].match(/^(?:.*:\/\/|\/)/)) {
fullpaths[path] = paths[path];
else {
fullpaths[path] = baseUrl + paths[path];
var config = {paths: fullpaths};
for(var pathName in overridePaths) {
config.paths[pathName] = overridePaths[pathName];
// Do anything else you need to do such as defining more functions for exports
if(callback) {
return exports;
And then in my project's main.js file I just do this:
require(['framework/main'], function(framework) {
// NOTE: This setTimeout() call is used because, for whatever reason, if you make
// a 'require' call in here or in the framework without it, it will just hang
// and never actually go fetch the files in the browser. There's probably a
// better way to handle this, but I don't know what it is.
setTimeout(function() {
framework.initialize('framework', null, function() {
// Do stuff here
}, 0);
This takes whatever is passed in to the framework's initialize() method for 'baseURL' and prepends that to any paths that the framework defines that do not start with a forward slash or 'anything://', unless they are override paths. This allows the package using the framework to override things like 'jQuery'.
This worked for me, adding a "./" prefix to the module names:
define(function (require, exports, module) {
exports.createDash = function (dash, element) {
require([ './dash/dash.model', './dash/dash.view' ], function (DashModel, DashView) {
return new DashView({
model : new DashModel(dash),
el : element ? element : window
A process that worked well for me for allowing a package with submodules to be used directly from data-main or from an outside framework, assuming that a main.js (or other package main) is called by a particular name, was to use var baseUrl = require.toUrl('packageName') + '/../' as a prefix to a require.config({ paths: { ... } }) configuration file. For instance:
var music21Base = require.toUrl('music21') + '/../';
require.config({ paths: {
'jquery': music21Base + 'ext/jquery/jquery.2.1.10.min';
'subModuleLoader': music21Base + 'src/subModuleLoader';
} });
The setting of context: "xxx" worked fine for calling normal modules with ./modName but did not work for the paths argument for me.
I'm having issues trying to load ckeditor via requirejs (I've tried converting the main ckeditor js file into individual modules but that has just caused all hell to break loose) and so I'm now checking to see if there is a very simple way to do this that I've missed.
I know requirejs allows you to load normal js scripts so maybe just loading the ckeditor.js file (un-edited, so it's still an IIFE/self-executing function) - would that work with requirejs or if you're using requirejs for loading modules, does the entire project then need to be module based?
Any help appreciated.
Kind regards,
Alternatively, you can create a RequireJS shim to load things in the correct order, and alias proper RequireJS module names to the CKEditor distribution files.
This means your module still declares it is dependant on CKEditor, which is a lot nicer than having it just show up by magic.
shim: {
paths: {
"jquery": '/javascript/jquery-1.7.1/jquery.min',
then in a module you can depend on ckeditor-jquery (or ckeditor-core for that matter, if you don't need the jQuery integration) and know it'll be available:
function( _jquery_ ) {
customConfig : '',
Another way to do that:
var require = {
"shim": {
"path/foo/ckeditor/ckeditor": { "exports": "CKEDITOR" }
define(['moduleX', 'path/foo/ckeditor/ckeditor'], function (x, ckeditor) {
ckeditor.editor.prototype.fooFunc = function() {
OK, it seems I answered my own question here.
Instead of trying to break ckeditor down into modules I just used RequireJs to load the script in it's entirety.
require(['require', 'dependancy-A', 'dependancy-B', 'dependancy-C'], function(require, A, B, C){
// this = [object DOMWindow]
// CKEDITOR_BASEPATH is a global variable
this.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/ckeditor/';
require(['/ckeditor/ckeditor'], function(){
// Code to create a new editor instance