Can audio be triggered to play during phone lock - javascript

I am making a web chat app and now I am in need of playing notification sounds as a new message arrives.
To begin with I am using howler.js to play the sounds. In howler we can start playing a sound and then if we lock the screen or change browser tab focus it keeps playing. But it doesn't start playing the sound if the tab is opened and mobile screen is locked nor does it play if the user is on another tab with the app on another tab opened.
So basically my question is, is it possible to start playing sound even when screen is locked or start playing the sound when user is on another tab?
var notify_sound = new Howl({
src: ['./assets/sounds/notify2.mp3'],
volume: 1.0
if(type == "user"){
if(userAddress == remoteAddress) {
messages.append('<li class="self"><p class="message">'+ obj.message + '</p><p class="time">' + time +'</p></li><p class="username_self">' + userAddress + '</p>');
else {
messages.append('<li class="other"><p class="message">'+ obj.message + '</p><p class="time">' + time +'</p></li><p class="username_other">' + userAddress + '</p>');;

HTML5 audio and mobile don't really get along. Howler.js (If you're using 2.0) uses a workaround to get audio to 'autoplay' at all by attaching an event handler to the first touch event that'll trigger playback. If the view isn't active, there won't be a touch event (even a simulated one) to trigger playback.
From the docs:
Mobile Playback
By default, audio on iOS, Android, etc is locked until a sound is
played within a user interaction, and then it plays normally the rest
of the page session (Apple documentation). The default behavior of
howler.js is to attempt to silently unlock audio playback by playing
an empty buffer on the first touchend event. This behavior can be
disabled by calling:
Howler.mobileAutoEnable = false;
If there's no initial interaction, there's not much you can do.


Audio file won't play when hovering over image - until a click event takes place on page [duplicate]

I'm trying to get a small sound file to play automatically using an tag and javascript to initiate it.
<audio id="denied" preload="auto" controls="false">
<source src="sound/denied.wav" />
And then through javascript, at the appropriate time:
Works fine on Chrome on my desktop. In Android 4.1.1, the sound will not play, unless I hit "play" on the HTML5 audio controls before javascript attempts to play it.
So basically the Android browser (stock or Dolphin) will not play the audio unless the user initiates it at some point before the javascript. Is this intended? Is there any way around this?
Well, for my purposes, here's what I did:
Luckily, before the user can trigger the behavior to start audio, they have to click a button. I set the volume of the element to 0.0, and have it "play" when they click this button.
After the sound is played silently, I simply set the volume property back to 1.0, and it plays without user intervention just fine.
In my case this was an easy solution:
Copy & paste this in your chrome:
My web app has many page reload so I can't force the user to press a button every time; but it is for internal usage, so I can force the users to use chrome and configure that option.
I know that in mobile safari any javascript call to play() must be in the same call stack as a user initialted click event. Spoofing the the click with a javascript trigger won't work either.
On my nexus 7 I can confirm that unless the javascript was triggered by a user click, it does not play.
The main issue is that sound (on iOS and Android) must be triggered by a user click. My workaround was very simple. Tie the to a click event listener and then immediately pause it. From that point and on the sound works perfect.
var myAudio = new Audio('assets/myAudio.mp3');
button.addEventListener("click", function() {;
Here is a blog-post on the reason and how to overcome it by loading all the audio files on first user interaction and play them later in programmed manner: Adopting this approach a small javascript module is available on GitHub
I tried this simple approach on my own - worked seamlessly & great!
Luckily for me the html5 app I'm working on only needs to work in Android 4.1, but if you're trying to make something cross-platform you'll need to adapt this slightly. Neither setting volume to 0.0 then back or autoplay on the control worked for me. I also tried muted and that didn't work either. Then I thought, what if I set the duration and only play a miniscule amount of the file? Here's yet another hacked-together script that actually did work:
function myAjaxFunction() {
clearTimeout(rstTimer); //timer that resets the page to defaults
var snd=document.getElementById('snd');
snd.currentTime=snd.duration-.01; //set seek position of audio near end; //play the last bit of the audio file
snd.load(); //reload file
var AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest(); //won't work in old versions of IE
sendValue=document.getElementById('myInput').value;'GET', encodeURI('action.php?val='+sendValue+'&fn=find'), true);
AJAX.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (AJAX.readyState==4 && AJAX.status==200) {
if (document.getElementById('err')) { //php returns <div id="err"> if fail
rstTimer = setTimeout('reset()', 5000); //due to error reset page in 5 seconds; //play error sound
document.getElementById('myInput').value=''; //clear the input
You don't need JavaScript for autoplay, and I see several issues in your code:
<audio id="denied" preload="auto" controls="false">
<source src="sound/denied.wav" />
I'd change it to (in HTML5 you don't need attribute="value" syntax in some cases, that's for XHTML):
<audio id="denied" autobuffer controls autoplay>
<source src="sound/denied.wav" />
In iOS autoplay is disabled, you need to click play button or put a user click event on custom controls like this with JavaScript:
var audio = document.getElementById('denied');
var button = document.getElementById('play-button');
or with jQuery:
$('#play-button').click(function(){; });}
Keep in mind that HTML5 is pretty recent technology (at least some functionalities), so browser compatibility and functionality changes every once in a while.
I encourage everybody to keep informed about the current status, as sometimes things start to be less hack-dependant, or the other way around.
A good starting point: (check the tabs at the bottom).
Also for a global audio solution I recommend using SoundManager2 JS library
I met the same problem in my app. My application usage scenario was like this:
click the button to show a table with information (user action)
show the table and refresh data in it by AJAX
play sound when data has been changed
Fortunately I had the user action (step 1) so I was able to "initiate" the sound by it and then play it by javascript without the user action needed. See the code.
<audio id="kohoutAudio">
<source src="views/images/kohout.mp3">
<button id="btnShow">Show table</button>
$("#btnShow").click(function () {
//some code to show the table
//initialize the sound
function announceChange(){
It happened to me too. Here's how I hacked this:
I set the audio to autoplay and set the vol to 0.
When I need it to play, I use the load() method and it will autoplay.
It's a light mp3 file and it plays every one hour/two hour, so this works fine for me.

PHP and JS to read if audio streaming is broken from HTML5

Right now I have a very basic HTML5 Audio player that play from webradio.
I use a old iPad to play the music but also to show some information from a webpage. The problem is that is happen sometime the wifi and the old iPad does not like to stay connect so it disconnect and reconnect and then the player stop play the webradio. I need somehow a script that notice in real time or every 1 min if the radio is not running and restart the player for me. I guess I can use Javascript but have search a Little and not find any good idea and it also have to work in Chrome. It looks that some javaScript does not work in specific webbrowser
Basically, your <audio> element will dispatch an error event. Just listen for that and then retry. You could also listen to the progress event to see when it starts receiving again and then call play from there. It'd be something roughly like this:
const audio = getAudioElement();
audio.addEventListener('error', () => { playing = false; /* handle error */ });
audio.addEventListener('progress', () => {
if (!playing) {;
playing = true;

Preventing media to replay

There is an onClick event for a link, and I am playing some audio using these lines there:
tts = new Media(url, onSuccessTTS, onErrorTTS);;
However, if user clicks second time on the link before it finishes playing the first media, it plays the same file simultaneously again. Is there any way to prevent playing if the media is currently being played?
There is a callback event for mediaStatus, but it is not documented.
With the phonegap media api, you are manually creating an audio player. Therefore you must manage the state of your player programatically.
Since there should be one control for your media player, I would keep the state on the HTML DOM element that has the play button
//on click
var $el = $(this); //or $('someselector');
//check if you have already added the playing state to the element
if ($'state') == 'playing') {
//pause or ignore
} else {
$'state', 'playing'); //save state on element
tts = new Media(url, onSuccessTTS, onErrorTTS);;
} // handle stopped if needed
BTW phonegap is up to version 2.0, so consider using the 2.0 media api.

Setting currentTime on HTML5 video tag on ipad

I'm writing a jQuery plugin for the video tag on the ipad. One of the things my plugin does is resumes playing a movie where you last quit watching it. I'm having issues setting current time. I've found I can only set it after the "stalled" event has fired. The stalled seems to fire on an ipad after a movie starts playing (this is an HTTP live stream video). I don't see this event in other environments i.e. google chrome on a PC. So this code works but I feel uncomfortable using the stalled event. I've tried canplaythrough, playing and others and in those cases my update to currentTime is ignored. Does anyone else have experience with this?
var theClass = this;
$(this.videoElement).bind("pause play stalled error abort progress waiting playing webkitfullscreenchange canplaythrough", null, function (e) {
///<summary>bind to the various events we are interested in during playback. event state changes will be saved to
///local storage. If we detect the media has finished playing we will exit fullscreen and trigger our mediaDone event</summary>
if (e.type == "stalled" && theClass.resumeTriggered) {
theClass.resumeTriggered = false;
theClass.resumeTime = theClass.resumeTime + 0.1;
$("#smpPlayerDebug").append("<p> seeking to time " + theClass.resumeTime + "</p>");
e.srcElement.currentTime = theClass.resumeTime;
It just plain doesn't work. The iPad's support for controlling video play is weak, probably in Apple's attempt to create a standard experience (not allowing too much variation).

Preloading HTML5 Audio in Mobile Safari

I'm having a problem preloading HTML5 audio content and then using what I have in cache rather than attempting to redownload the audio every time I try to replay it.
The experience is suppose to be that when someone clicks on the banner, it pops up an ad with a loading bar. THe loading bar is loading all the images necessary for the animation. In the meantime, the audio is also getting loaded via audio tags already on in the DOM (which is fine). After all the images are loaded, the loading bar disappears and the user can continue on. There are 4 buttons on the bottom of the screen that they can click. Clicking one of them plays the audio file and images do a flipbook-style animation thats synced to the audio.
Audio Tags:
<audio id="mmviperTrack" src='tigress.mp3'></audio>
<audio id="mmmantisTrack" src='viper.mp3'></audio>
<audio id="mmtigressTrack" src='kungfu3.mp3'></audio>
<audio id="mmcraneTrack" src='crane.wav'></audio>
Play Button Event Listeners:
if ( f.playing ) return false;
f.playing = true;;
},false);'playing', function(){
}, false);
The problem is, in javascript, everytime I click play(), it reloads the audio file and then plays it. I can't seem to get it to load the audio once in the beginning and go off of whats stored in memory rather than try to reload the audio every single time I click the button.
I've tried experimenting with the preload and autobuffer properties, but it seems that mobile safari ignores those properties, because no matter what I set them too, the behavior is always the same. I've tried experimenting with source tags and different file formats... nothing.
Any ideas?
Alright, so the solution was a bit of a hack, cheat, workaround, whatever you want to call it.
What I noticed is that if I hit the play button on an audio file that I just played, it doesn't reload itself. It could be because I paused the audio after it finished playing through, but I'm not 100% sure on that. In any case, what I did is I combined all 4 audio files into one large audio file (yay Audacity~!). Then, every time I hit one of the play buttons I would set the currentTime property of the audio object to whatever the starting point of that track and then play the track until it hit its ending point, and then pause it again. Mission accomplished! Loaded once in the beginning and never again for each play.
Not crazy about the idea that I had to combine all the different audio tracks, but hey it works.
Oh, also. To get the audio track to load and fire a "canplaythrough" event, I attached this function to a user click event:
var track;
function addHTMLAudio() {
track = document.createElement('audio'); = 'mm_audio'
track.autoplay = false;
track.preload = false;
audioLoaded = true;
track.src = f.trackURL;;
setTimeout(function(){ track.pause(); },1);
if ( playStatus > 0 ) return;
playStatus = 1;
var myId =;
var myClip = findClip( myId );
myClip.state = 'active';
track.currentTime = myClip.tIndex.start;;
