Implementing JavaScript's left shift operator in Clojure - javascript

I need to do a left shift operation that behaves the exact same way as JavaScript's. The problem is that this:
a << 16
behaves like Clojure's "bit-shift-left" only if a <= 32767:
// JS
32767 << 16 // 2147418112
32768 << 16 // -2147483648
567890 << 16 // -1437466624
;; CLJ
(bit-shift-left 32767 16) // 2147418112
(bit-shift-left 32768 16) // 2147483648
(bit-shift-left 567890 16) // 37217239040
I noticed that, when doing "37431 << 16", JS does something completely different from Clojure at a binary level. While Clojure transforms 1001001000110111 into 10010010001101110000000000000000, JS transforms 1001001000110111 into 1101101110010010000000000000000:
// CLJ, then JS
10 01001 00011 01110 00000 00000 00000
1 10110 11100 10010 00000 00000 00000
I notice this is two's complement, and I notice that JS may be doing this because it cannot (for some reason) use more than 32 bits for this (all bit-level operations done on 32 bits, maybe?), so I wonder if I should apply two's complement to the number if it is above 32767. But then again, I'm a Clojure newbie so I'm not very sure on how to do this.

Firstly, clojure.core/bit-shift-left will treat its left input as a long. You can use clojure.lang.Numbers/shiftLeftInt to shift a number as an int:
(clojure.lang.Numbers/shiftLeftInt 567890 16)
;= -1437466624
This matches the result you get in JavaScript. There's no wrapper around this static method in clojure.core, but you can provide your own.
Secondly, (clojure.lang.Numbers/shiftLeftInt 37431 16) evaluates to -1841889280 in Clojure (1.8.0) and 37431 << 16 evaluates to the same number, -1841889280, in Node (4.4.5), so I don't think there's any problem there. You'll have to apply >>> 0 to your number in JavaScript to get the expected bits in the string representation, though:
// Node 4.4.5
> ((37431 << 16) >>> 0).toString(2)
It's good to note that fishing out individual bits with & works fine without the >>> 0 "unsigned cast":
> (37431 << 16) & (1 << 31)
> (37431 << 16) & (1 << 30)
> (37431 << 16) & (1 << 29)
> (37431 << 16) & (1 << 28)
And you can compute both string representations in Clojure:
(Integer/toString (clojure.lang.Numbers/shiftLeftInt 37431 16) 2)
;= "-1101101110010010000000000000000"
(Integer/toBinaryString (clojure.lang.Numbers/shiftLeftInt 37431 16))
;= "10010010001101110000000000000000"
Note that in Java bit shift operators take only the rightmost 5 or 6 bits (for ints and longs, respectively) of the right operand into account, so if you try shifting an int or long by more than 31/63 bits, you won't get the result you expect. java.lang.BigInteger has a shiftLeft method that does not have this limitation.


How to implement unsigned right shift for BigInt in JavaScript?

I tried this sort of implementation, but it doesn't appear to be working.
function urs32(n, amount) {
const mask = (1 << (32 - amount)) - 1
return (n >> amount) & mask
function flip32(n) {
const mask = (1 << 32) - 1
return ~n & mask
log(~0b10101010 >>> 0, urs32(~0b10101010, 0))
log(~0b10101010 >>> 0, flip32(0b10101010))
function log(a, b) {
console.log(a.toString(2), b.toString(2))
I would expect for a to equal b in both cases, if done right. Basically I am trying to flip 32-bits (so 1's become 0s, 0's become 1s). I see that 1 << 32 === 0, so to get the value, I do 2 ** 32, but still doesn't work.
How do you implement the equivalent of ~n >>> 0 on a BigInt?
Basically what I am trying to do is create the countLeadingOnes functions (out of the countLeadingZeroes functions), like so:
const LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE = makeLeadingZeroTable()
function makeLeadingZeroTable() {
let i = 0
const table = new Uint8Array(256).fill(0)
while (i < 256) {
let count = 8
let index = i
while (index > 0) {
index = (index / 2) | 0
table[i] = count
return table
function countLeadingZeroes32JS(n)
let accum = LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE[n >>> 24];
if (accum === 8) {
accum += LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE[(n >>> 16)]
if (accum === 16) {
accum += LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE[(n >>> 8)]
if (accum === 24) {
return accum;
function countLeadingZeroes16JS(n)
let accum = LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE[n >>> 8]
if (accum === 8) {
return accum;
function countLeadingZeroes8JS(n)
console.log('countLeadingZeroes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b10100010001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b00100010001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b00000010001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes16JS', countLeadingZeroes16JS(0b1010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes16JS', countLeadingZeroes16JS(0b0010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes16JS', countLeadingZeroes16JS(0b0000001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes16JS', countLeadingZeroes16JS(0b0000000000100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes8JS', countLeadingZeroes8JS(0b10100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes8JS', countLeadingZeroes8JS(0b00100010))
console.log('countLeadingZeroes8JS', countLeadingZeroes8JS(0b00000010))
function countLeadingOnes32JS(n) {
return countLeadingZeroes32JS(~n >>> 0)
function countLeadingOnes16JS(n) {
return countLeadingZeroes16JS(~n >>> 0)
function countLeadingOnes8JS(n) {
return countLeadingZeroes8JS(~n >>> 0)
console.log('countLeadingOnes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b00100010001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b11100010001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b11111100001000100010001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes16JS', countLeadingOnes16JS(0b0100001000100010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes16JS', countLeadingOnes16JS(0b1111110000100010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes16JS', countLeadingOnes16JS(0b1111111111000010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes8JS', countLeadingOnes8JS(0b01000010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes8JS', countLeadingOnes8JS(0b11000010))
console.log('countLeadingOnes8JS', countLeadingOnes8JS(0b11111100))
But it appears that ~n >>> 0 doesn't work on 32-bit integers. How to get this working properly?
How to implement unsigned right shift for BigInt in JavaScript?
Unsigned right-shift is difficult to define meaningfully for arbitrary-size integers, so before you (or anyone) can implement it, you'll have to decide how you want it to behave.
That said, considering the rest of this question, I don't see why you would even need this.
I would expect for a to equal b in both cases
Why would it? Unsigned right-shift and bit flipping are different operations and produce different results.
I see that 1 << 32 === 0
Nope, 1 << 32 === 1. JavaScript (like x86 CPUs) performs an implicit &31 on the shift amount, so since 32 & 31 === 0, ... << 32 is the same as ... << 0.
How do you implement the equivalent of ~n >>> 0 on a BigInt?
The equivalent of ~n is ~n. (That's not a typo. It's literally the same thing.)
The equivalent of ... >>> 0 is BigInt.asUintN(32, ...). (Note that neither the Number version nor the BigInt version shifts anything, so this doesn't answer your headline question "how to implement USR for BigInt".)
it appears that ~n >>> 0 doesn't work on 32-bit integers.
It sure does work. In fact, it only works on 32-bit integers.
The >>> 0 part is completely unnecessary though, you could just drop it.
The reason why this line:
console.log('countLeadingOnes32JS', countLeadingZeroes32JS(0b00100010001000100010001000100010))
isn't producing the number of leading ones is because the function it's calling is ...Zeroes...; an apparent copy-paste bug.
The reason why countLeadingOnes16JS isn't working correctly is because ~ in JavaScript always flips 32 bits. Since a 16-bit number's 32-bit representation has (at least) 16 leading zeros, those all become ones after flipping, and countLeadingZeroes16JS gets an input that's far bigger than it can handle: LEADING_ZERO_BIT_TABLE[n >>> 8] looks up an element that doesn't exist in the table, because the result of n >>> 8 is a 24-bit number in this case, not an 8-bit number. The solution is to use a mask after flipping; a valid implementation of clo16 might be:
function countLeadingOnes16(n) {
return countLeadingZeroes16(~n & 0xFFFF);
No BigInts and no >>> 0 required.
countLeadingOnes8 is similar.
You may want to read (or some other description of that concept) to understand what's going on with bitwise operations on negative numbers.
You may also want to learn how to debug your own code. There's a range of techniques: for example, you could have:
inserted console.log statements for intermediate results,
or stepped through execution in a debugger,
or simply evaluated small snippets in the console,
any of which would have made it very easy for you to see what's happening on the path from input number to end result.
For anyone else reading this: there's Math.clz32, which is highly efficient because it gets compiled to a machine instruction, so implementing countLeadingZeros by hand is unnecessary and wasteful. For smaller widths, just subtract: function clz8(n) { return Math.clz32(n) - 24; }

The meaning of this `long` function (two's complement and bit-shifting)

I have encountered this function:
const LIMIT32 = 2147483648; // The limit at which a 32-bit number switches signs == 2 ^ 31
function long(v) {
// Two's complement
if (v >= LIMIT32) {
v = -(2 * LIMIT32 - v);
return [(v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF];
// e.g.
[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
2147483647,2147483648,2147483649].forEach(x =>
console.log(`${x}: ${long(x)}`)
I'm wondering generally what this function is doing (why it's returning an array, and what the array elements are).
Then I'm wondering why it takes the v and does what looks like a sign flip and some multiplication.
Finally, the meaning of the bitshift and & operations for each item, why it's as multiples of 8, and why they chose 0xFF.
I'm wondering generally what this function is doing (why it's returning an array, and what the array elements are).
It returns an array of the 4 bytes that make up a int32 value. Why someone wrote the code to do that? I don't know.
Then I'm wondering why it takes the v and does what looks like a sign flip and some multiplication.
Because that's how int32 works: 0x7FFFFFFF + 1 === -0x80000000.
Although it is unnecessary in this code, the bit operations will take care of everything.
Finally, the meaning of the bitshift and & operations for each item, why it's as multiples of 8, and why they chose 0xFF.
Getting the distinct bytes of the int32, each one 8 bit long.

16-bit value becomes negative when bit shifting in JavaScript

I am seeing some odd behaviour when I try to bit shift a 16-bit value
0xF << 4 == 0xF0 // true
0xFF << 8 == 0xFF00 // true
0xFFF << 12 == 0xFFF000 // true
0xFFFF << 16 == 0xFFFF0000 // false
The reason the last one is true is that 0xFFFF << 16 actually gives the value -65536. Why is this happening when 0xFFFF0000 is a valid number in JavaScript
Because Javascript uses signed 32-bit integers numbers for bitwise operations.
That means, the numbers can be negative.
To have your desired output, you have to remove the sign with >>> 0.
(0xFFFF << 16) >>> 0 == 0xFFFF0000

JavaScript - Negative byte from integer

I transmit a byte that's always less than 127 with a 1 bit flag to the client by ORing the byte with 0x80.
On the client side, in JavaScript, I have an Array() of numbers representing the bytes of the message (yes it's probably dumb but I haven't figured out typed arrays yet).
Everything works fine until I hit a number with the highest bit of the lowest byte set.
Number: 0011 0101
flag: 1000 0000
1011 0101
Stored as
integer in ???
How can I retrieve the original byte (with the highest bit set to 0), plus the flag (denoted by the value of the highest bit)?
byte x = 90
x | 0x80
> -38
(client - JavaScript)
var x = -38
x ^ 0x80
> -166
How do I get 90 back?
EDIT - I discovered this was due to another bug in my code... I wasn't going crazy with the encoding... sorry all...
Try the following in JavaScript:
var received = -38;
var adjusted = received & 0xFF; // 218
var original = adjusted ^ 0x80; // 90
That should solve your problem.
Explanation: All numbers in JavaScript stored in the double-precision floating point format:
Bitwise operators however can't deal with floating point numbers. Hence they convert their operands into 32-bit signed integers. [source]
-38 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 11011010
Hence if you do -38 ^ 0x80 you get the wrong answer as only the 8th bit from the right is set to 0. You need to first limit -38 to 8-bits before xoring it with 0x80. Only the least significant byte (i.e. 11011010) is needed. Hence we do -38 & 0xFF to get the least significant byte.
Now that you have the correct byte you may simply xor it with 0x80.
TLDR: Use byte & 0xFF ^ 0x80.
Not sure I understand the question, but I will give a shot: you have just to XORing the 0x80:
var received = 181; // 10110101
var num = received ^ 0x80;
console.log(num); // 53, 00110101
If you have a different result, probably there is something different in your code – if you run the code above, should give the expected result.
I'm not seeing a problem.
Here is some code I've written to test, with JSFiddle live demo
var val = 57;
var flag = 1;
var valWithFlag = val | (flag ? 0x80 : 0);
var newVal = (valWithFlag & 0x7F);
var newValFlag = (valWithFlag & 0x80 ? 1 : 0);
alert("Val: " + val.toString() + "\n" +
"Flag: " + flag.toString() + "\n" +
"Val With Flag: " + valWithFlag.toString() + "\n" +
"New Val Without Flag: " + newVal.toString() + "\n" +
"New Val Flag: " + newValFlag.toString() + "\n");
It is giving the desired results...
Val: 57
Flag: 1
Val With Flag: 185
New Val Without Flag: 57
New Val Flag: 1
UPDATE based on extra details provided by the OP
I think this is probably due to integers in javascript being held either as 32 or 64 bit values... so when you pass through -38 to javascript it isn't being held in the same way as the single byte on your server.
You need to convert that -38 into an 8-byte...
var val = -38;
var jsVal = (val & 0xFF);
Which should give you your 90 value to work with. Here is an updated JSFiddle

How do I swap endian-ness (byte order) of a variable in javascript

I am receiving and sending a decimal representation of two little endian numbers. I would like to:
shift one variable 8 bits left
OR them
shift a variable number of bits
create 2 8 bit numbers representing the first and second half of the 16 bit number.
javascript (according to uses big endian representation when shifting...
endianness is a bit foreign to me (I am only 90 percent sure that my outlined steps are what i want.) so swapping is a bit dizzying. please help! I only really need to know how to swap the order in an efficient manner. (I can only think of using a for loop on a toString() return value)
function swap16(val) {
return ((val & 0xFF) << 8)
| ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
Let's say that val is, for example, 0xAABB.
Mask val to get the LSB by &ing with 0xFF: result is 0xBB.
Shift that result 8 bits to the left: result is 0xBB00.
Shift val 8 bits to the right: result is 0xAA (the LSB has "dropped off" the right-hand side).
Mask that result to get the LSB by &ing with 0xFF: result is 0xAA.
Combine the results from steps 3 and step 5 by |ing them together:
0xBB00 | 0xAA is 0xBBAA.
function swap32(val) {
return ((val & 0xFF) << 24)
| ((val & 0xFF00) << 8)
| ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00)
| ((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
Let's say that val is, for example, 0xAABBCCDD.
Mask val to get the LSB by &ing with 0xFF: result is 0xDD.
Shift that result 24 bits to the left: result is 0xDD000000.
Mask val to get the second byte by &ing with 0xFF00: result is 0xCC00.
Shift that result 8 bits to the left: result is 0xCC0000.
Shift val 8 bits to the right: result is 0xAABBCC (the LSB has "dropped off" the right-hand side).
Mask that result to get the second byte by &ing with 0xFF00: result is 0xBB00.
Shift val 24 bits to the right: result is 0xAA (everything except the MSB has "dropped off" the right-hand side).
Mask that result to get the LSB by &ing with 0xFF: result is 0xAA.
Combine the results from steps 3, 5, 7 and 9 by |ing them together:
0xDD000000 | 0xCC0000 | 0xBB00 | 0xAA is 0xDDCCBBAA.
Such function can be used to change endianness in js:
const changeEndianness = (string) => {
const result = [];
let len = string.length - 2;
while (len >= 0) {
result.push(string.substr(len, 2));
len -= 2;
return result.join('');
changeEndianness('AA00FF1234'); /// '3412FF00AA'
Use the << (bit shift) operator. Ex: 1 << 2 == 4.
I really think that the underlying implementation of JavaScript will use whatever endianess the platform it is running on is using. Since you cannot directly access memory in JavaScript you won't ever have to worry about how numbers are represented physically in memory. Bit shifting integer values always yield the same result no matter the endianess. You only see a difference when looking at individual bytes in memory using pointers.
Here is a oneliner for arrays to swap between big and little endian (and vise versa). The swapping is done using reverse on byte level. I guess for large arrays, it is more efficient than looping over scalar swap function.
function swapbyte(x) {
return new Float64Array(new Int8Array(x.buffer).reverse().buffer).reverse()
// Example
buf = new ArrayBuffer(16); // for 2 float64 numbers
enBig = new Float64Array(buf);
enBig[0] = 3.2073756306779606e-192;
enBig[1] = 2.7604354232023903e+199;
enLittle = swapbyte(enBig)
// two famous numbers are revealed
// Float64Array [ 6.283185307179586, 2.718281828459045 ]
// swapping again yields the original input
// Float64Array [ 3.2073756306779606e-192, 2.7604354232023903e+199 ]
