Objective: Copy a chunk of HTML and send it to a website on another domain.
My problem: The website I'm working on and the website in the iframe are on different domains. I own both of them and have set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to allow the websites to communicate to each other. However, I can't seem to pass the HTML chunk to the parent window.
I've tried parent.window.postMessage(chunk, http://www.parent-page.com) (chunk is the chunk of HTML code) but I get this error:
Uncaught DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': An object could not be cloned.
I have also tried to use ajax to send a PUT request to the parent window but, I get a 404 error that it cannot find the parent window. *I am running the parent window from my local server.
My Question: Can anyone tell me the best way to send an object, containing HTML code, from an iframe to the parent window given that the two websites are NOT on the same domain?
EDIT: I removed the stuff about a skeleton object as that was out of the scope of the question I was really trying to ask.
Here is what I wrote to solve this. Any constructive criticism is welcome.
Code on parent window's website:
//send a message to the website in the iframe
$("#frame").on("load", function (event) {
var viewContainer = $('#element-highlight');
var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
var receiver = iframe.contentWindow;
var location = 'http://www.child-website.com';
//listen for a response
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { //event = onmessage event object
if (~event.origin.indexOf('http://ccook.oegllc.com')) { //indexOf returns a -1 if the searchValue is not found
var structure = event.data;
var container = document.getElementById("element-highlight");
container.innerHTML = structure;
<script src="../jquery/3.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="frame-container">
<iframe id="frame" src="http://www.main-site.com" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<div id="element-highlight">
<!-- Store Skeleton Copies here -->
Code on the website that is shown in the iframe:
I can't get the case statement below to look any better.
//listen for command from main-site.com
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { //event = onmessage event object
if (~event.origin.indexOf('http://www.main-site.com')) { //indexOf returns a -1 if the searchValue is not found
case "sendStructure":
var structure = getStructure(),
tempNode = document.createElement("div");
structure.appendTo(tempNode); //appends structure to html document
var str = tempNode.innerHTML; //creates a serilized version of the structure
parent.window.postMessage(str, event.origin); //send structure string to main-site.com
//I reccomend using a case statement if the two sites will be sending more than one message to each other
function getStructure(){
//this method creates a skeleton of the course page you are on
//returns a skeleton object
console.log("compiling structure");
var viewFrame = $('body').contents(); //<-change 'body' to whatever element you want to copy
var visible = viewFrame.find('*:not(html body)').filter(':visible');
var overlayElements = visible.map(function (i, el) {
var el = $(el);
var overlayEl = $('<div>');
position: 'absolute',
width: el.outerWidth(),
height: el.outerHeight(),
'z-index': el.css('z-index')
}, el.offset()));
return overlayEl.get();
return overlayElements;
function sendError(){
console.log("main-website's request could not be understood");
I'm currently working on an iframe for clients
It's juste a carrousel with pictures if the user clicks on a picture I need to display the content in full screen with some navigation (next, previous)
Since I never worked with CORS before, I'm getting a hard time figuring how to pass my data from the iframe to the client website :/
Here's a simplified version of the code
<div class="carrousel">
<div class="carrousel_item">
<img data_id="0">
<div class="carrousel_item">
<img data_id="1">
var gallery = { 0: url1, 1: url2}
jQuery('.carrousel.carrousel_item img').on('click', function(){
var data = { data: gallery, last_iterator: jQuery(this).data('id')}
var event = new CustomEvent('display_post', { detail: data })
return window.parent.document.dispatchEvent(event)
window.document.addEventListener('display_post', handleEvent, false)
function handleEvent(e) {
challenge_marque_explorer = data['data'] // image list
last_iterator = data['last_iterator'] // which image is displayed
display_post_details() // fill an overlay display with the image and nav arrow
If I try it on my domain, everything's is fine
But on an other domain I get error's (this one return : Uncaught DOMException: Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin object)
After 1 hour making close to no progress, I noticed my FTP soft wasn't succeeding in sending the script, now my code works
Here's my working code using postMessage
var gallery = { 0: url, 1: url}
var origin
window.onmessage = function(event) {
origin = event.origin
jQuery('.carrousel.carrousel_item img').on('click', function(){
var data = { data: challenge_marque_explorer, last_iterator: i, dest: last_dest, page: 0 }
return window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data),origin);
The script for the parent page:
window.onmessage = function(event) {
Thanks guys for your time and help :)
If you're stuck and don't see any progress in one of your script, try using 'alert()' to do a quick check on wether or not your file was really updated
Also think about checking the cache, don't loose time and patience due to a file that wasn't sending
Today I did a my text editor in iframe. I know that values from iframe doesn't send to database. My first idea relies on sending the values from iframe to the div, and that div data send to DataBase with the respective text formats.
function wlaczTrybEdycji(){
edytorTextowy.document.designMode = "On";
function execCmd(command){
edytorTextowy.document.execCommand(command, false, null);
function przeniesDane(){
var ramka = document.getElementById("ramka");
var dodiv = document.getElementById("daneIframe");
dodiv == ramka;
width: 700px;
float: left;
height: 240px;
border: 2px solid black;
clear: both;
padding: 5px;
<body onload="wlaczTrybEdycji();">
<form action="" method="post">
<div class="EdytorTextowy">
<div class="przyciskiTextEdytor">
<button onclick="execCmd('bold');">BOLD</button>
<iframe name="edytorTextowy" class="textarea2" id="ramka"></iframe>
<div id="daneIframe">
<button type="submit" name="wyslijText">WYSLIJ</button><!-- here send from "daneIframe" to DB (PHP)-->
One important thing to understand about what you're doing is that the browser has rules about Cross-document communication.
A page inside an iframe is not allowed to access or modify the DOM of its parent and vice-versa unless both have the same origin. So putting it in a different way: document or script loaded from one origin is prevented from getting or setting properties of a document from another origin.
Here's the docs on Same-Origin Policy from MDN.
If the iframe and the page that loads it are of the same origin you should be able to do exactly what you're trying to do just fine. If not, then these documents need to be made available in the same origin to do so.
Hmm I understand now! You can get elements with ajax or javascript like so :
JavaScript for the Example
The JavaScript displayed here is just an example to show how to access to iframe elements.
// attach handlers once iframe is loaded
document.getElementById('ifrm').onload = function() {
// get reference to form to attach button onclick handlers
var form = document.getElementById('demoForm');
// set height of iframe and display value
form.elements.button1.onclick = function() {
var ifrm = document.getElementById('ifrm');
var ht = ifrm.style.height = '160px';
this.form.elements.display.value = 'The iframe\'s height is: ' + ht;
// increment and display counter variable contained in iframed document
form.elements['button2'].onclick = function() {
// get reference to iframe window
var win = document.getElementById('ifrm').contentWindow;
var counter = ++win.counter; // increment
this.form.elements['display'].value = 'counter in iframe is: ' + counter;
// reference form element in iframed document
form.elements.button3.onclick = function() {
var re = /[^-a-zA-Z!,'?\s]/g; // to filter out unwanted characters
var ifrm = document.getElementById('ifrm');
// reference to document in iframe
var doc = ifrm.contentDocument? ifrm.contentDocument: ifrm.contentWindow.document;
// get reference to greeting text box in iframed document
var fld = doc.forms['iframeDemoForm'].elements['greeting'];
var val = fld.value.replace(re, '');
// display value in text box
this.form.elements.display.value = 'The greeting is: ' + val;
form.elements.button4.onclick = function() {
// get reference to iframe window
var win = document.getElementById('ifrm').contentWindow;
win.clearGreeting(); // call function in iframed document
Or you can do something like this in jquery :
var content=$("iframe").contents().find('body').html();
//alert elements in iframe or show elements as a response in and div
Test page: https://jsfiddle.net/y25rk55w/
On this test page you can see 3 <iframe>'s embeded into each other. Each <iframe> contains a <script> tag in it's <head> tag.
The problem is: only the <script> in the first <iframe> will be loaded by the browser. The other two <script> tags will be present in the dom but the browser will never even try to load them. The problem is not browser specific, it can be reroduced in chrome, firefox, ie. The problem cannot be fixed by adding timeouts or waiting before appending the scripts. It seems to be important that all the iframes have programatically generated content; if you replace this iframes with iframes with actual src links, the problem will disappear.
The question is: how can I actually load a script into iframes 2 and 3?
Full test code:
// It doesn't matter if the scripts exist or not
// Browser won't try to load them either way
var scripts = [
function createIFrame(win, onCreated) {
var iframe = win.document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () {
function loadScript(win, url) {
var script = win.document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
script.onload = function() {
console.log("Script " + url + " is loaded.");
createIFrame(window, function(iframe1) {
loadScript(iframe1.contentWindow, scripts[0]);
createIFrame(iframe1.contentWindow, function (iframe2) {
loadScript(iframe2.contentWindow, scripts[1]);
createIFrame(iframe2.contentWindow, function (iframe3) {
loadScript(iframe3.contentWindow, scripts[2]);
Your code is working fine --> http://plnkr.co/edit/vQGsyD7JxZiDlg6EZvK4?p=preview
Make sure you execute createIFrame on window.onload or DOMContentLoaded.
var scripts = [
function createIFrame(win, onCreated) {
var iframe = win.document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () {
function loadScript(win, url) {
var script = win.document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
script.onload = function() {
console.log("Script " + url + " is loaded.");
window.onload = function(){
createIFrame(window, function(iframe1) {
loadScript(iframe1.contentWindow, scripts[0]);
createIFrame(iframe1.contentWindow, function (iframe2) {
loadScript(iframe2.contentWindow, scripts[1]);
createIFrame(iframe2.contentWindow, function (iframe3) {
loadScript(iframe3.contentWindow, scripts[2]);
In the question you can see that I was ommiting the protocol:
/* This is valid to omit the http:/https: protocol.
In that case, browser should automatically append
protocol used by the parent page */
var scripts = [
The thing is, programatically created iframes have protocol about: (or javascript:, depending on how you create them). I still can't explain why the first script was loading or why the other two scripts were not showing up in the network tab at all, but I guess it's not very important.
The solution: either explicitly use https:// or programatically append protocol using something like the following code:
function appendSchema(win, url) {
if (url.startsWith('//')) {
var protocol = 'https:';
try {
var wPrev = undefined;
var wCur = win;
while (wPrev != wCur) {
if (wCur.location.protocol.startsWith("http")) {
protocol = wCur.location.protocol;
wPrev = wCur;
wCur = wCur.parent;
} catch (e) {
/* We cannot get protocol of a cross-site iframe.
* So in case we are inside cross-site iframe, and
* there are no http/https iframes before it,
* we will just use https: */
return protocol + url;
return url;
I've been successful using a simpler method than what the OP proposes in the self-answer. I produce the URLs using:
new URL(scriptURL, window.location.href).toString();
where scriptURL is the URL that needs to be fixed to get a proper protocol and window is the parent of the iframe element that holds the scripts. This can take care of scenarios that differ from the OPs example URLs: like relative URLs (../foo.js) or absolute URLs that don't start with a host (/foo.js). The above code is sufficient in my case.
If I were to replicate the search through the window hierarchy that the OP used, I'd probably do something like the following. This is TypeScript code. Strip out the type annotations to get plain JavaScript.
function url(win: Window, path: string): string {
// We search up the window hierarchy for the first window which uses
// a protocol that starts with "http".
while (true) {
if (win.location.protocol.startsWith("http")) {
// Interpret the path relative to that window's href. So the path
// will acquire the protocol used by the window. And the less we
// specify in `path`, the more it gets from the window. For
// instance, if path is "/foo.js", then the host name will also be
// acquired from the window's location.
return new URL(path, win.location.href).toString();
// We searched all the way to the top and found nothing useful.
if (win === win.parent) {
win = win.parent;
// I've got a big problem on my hands if there's nothing that works.
throw new Error("cannot normalize the URL");
I don't have a default return value if the window chain yield nothings useful because that would indicate a much larger issue than the issue of producing URLs. There'd be something wrong elsewhere in my setup.
Basically, im making a javascript to refresh a page and it will find the price and buy the item when it goes up for the price desired.
I got it to work without the iframe, but I need to to work in the iframe, which is the problem ive reached.
If you went to this page: [ http://m.roblox.com/items/100933289/privatesales ]
and ran this code:
You would get an alert for the lowest price. In the code, this doesnt work (Hence, my problem.)
Try running the code below on this page to get it to work [ http://www.roblox.com/Junk-Bot-item?id=100933289 ]
var filePath = document.URL;
var itemid = filePath.slice(((filePath.search("="))+1));
var mobileRoot = 'http://m.roblox.com/items/';
var mobileEnd = '/privatesales';
var mobileFilePath = mobileRoot+itemid+mobileEnd;
var iframe2 = '<iframe id="frame" width="100%" height="1" scrolling="yes"></iframe>';
var iframe = parent.document.getElementById("frame");
iframe.height = 300;
iframe.width = 500;
iframe.src = mobileFilePath;
var price;
var snipe = false;
var lp = Number(prompt("Snipe Price?"));
document.title = "Sniping";
function takeOutCommas(s){
var str = s;
while ((str.indexOf(",")) !== -1){
str = str.replace(",","");
return str;
function load() {
if (snipe == false) {
tgs = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName('currency-robux');
price = Number((takeOutCommas(tgs[0].innerHTML)));
iframe.onload = load;
You might try having both pages — the one from "m.roblox.com" and the one from "www.roblox.com" — add the following up at the top of the head:
document.domain = "roblox.com";
Code from the different domains won't be allowed to look at each others page contents, but if you set the domains to the same suffix then it should work.
If you can't get it to work by sharing the same document.domain="roblox.com" code then you can try posting messages to the iframe.
Put this inside the iframe page:
window.addEventListener('message',function(e) {
In the parent page execute this to pass a message (can be a string or object, anything really) to the iframe:
document.getElementById("frame").contentWindow.postMessage({ "json_example": true }, "*");
Put this in the parent to listen for the message:
window.addEventListener("message", messageReceived, false);
function messageReceived(e) {
From inside the iframe posting a message back out:
window.parent.postMessage('Hello Parent Page','*');
How would I open a new window in JavaScript and insert HTML data instead of just linking to an HTML file?
I would not recomend you to use document.write as others suggest, because if you will open such window twice your HTML will be duplicated 2 times (or more).
Use innerHTML instead
var win = window.open("", "Title", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=200,top="+(screen.height-400)+",left="+(screen.width-840));
win.document.body.innerHTML = "HTML";
You can use window.open to open a new window/tab(according to browser setting) in javascript.
By using document.write you can write HTML content to the opened window.
When you create a new window using open, it returns a reference to the new window, you can use that reference to write to the newly opened window via its document object.
Here is an example:
var newWin = open('url','windowName','height=300,width=300');
newWin.document.write('html to write...');
Here's how to do it with an HTML Blob, so that you have control over the entire HTML document:
This is the code, but StackOverflow blocks the window from being opened (see the codepen example instead):
const winHtml = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Window with Blob</title>
<h1>Hello from the new window!</h1>
const winUrl = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([winHtml], { type: "text/html" })
const win = window.open(
You can open a new popup window by following code:
var myWindow = window.open("", "newWindow", "width=500,height=700");
Afterwards, you can add HTML using both myWindow.document.write(); or myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = "HTML";
What I will recommend is that first you create a new html file with any name.
In this example I am using
And make sure to add all content in that file such as bootstrap cdn or jquery, means all the links and scripts. Then make a div with some id or use your body and give that a id. in this example I have given id="mainBody" to my newFile.html <body> tag
<body id="mainBody">
Then open this file using
var myWindow = window.open("newFile.html", "newWindow", "width=500,height=700");
And add whatever you want to add in your body tag. using following code
var myWindow = window.open("newFile.html","newWindow","width=500,height=700");
myWindow.onload = function(){
let content = "<button class='btn btn-primary' onclick='window.print();'>Confirm</button>";
myWindow.document.getElementById('mainBody').innerHTML = content;
it is as simple as that.
You can also create an "example.html" page which has your desired html and give that page's url as parameter to window.open
var url = '/example.html';
var myWindow = window.open(url, "", "width=800,height=600");
Use this one. It worked for me very perfect.
For New window:
new_window = window.open(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([HTML_CONTENT], { type: "text/html" })))
for pop-up
new_window = window.open(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([HTML_CONTENT], { type: "text/html" })),"width=800,height=600")
Replace HTML_CONTENT with your own HTML Code
new_window = window.open(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(["<h1>Hello</h1>"], { type: "text/html" })))
if your window.open() & innerHTML works fine, ignore this answer.
following answer only focus on cross-origin access exception
#key-in_short,workaround:: [for cross-origin access exception]
when you exec code in main.html -- which tries to access file window_ImageGallery.html by using window.open() & innerHTML
for anyone who encounter cross-origin access exception
and you dont want to disable/mess_around_with Chrome security policy
-> you may use query string to transfer the html code data, as a workaround.
say you exec following simple window.open command as other answer suggested.
let window_Test = window.open('window_ImageGallery.html', 'Image Enlarged Window' + $(this).attr('src'), 'width=1000,height=800,top=50,left=50');
window_Test.document.body.innerHTML = 'aaaaaa';
you may encounter following cross-origin access exception
window_Test.document.body.innerHTML = 'aaaaaa'; // < Exception here
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
=> #problem-solution-workaround::
you may use query string to transfer the html code data, as a workaround. <- Transfer data from one HTML file to another
in your main.html
// #>> open ViewerJs in a new html window
eleJq_Img.click(function() {
// #>>> send some query string data -- a list of <img> tags, to the new html window
// #repeat: must use Query String to pass html code data, else you get `Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a cross-origin frame.` (cross origin access issue)
let id_ThisImg = this.id;
let ind_ThisImg = this.getAttribute('data-index-img');
let url_file_html_window_ImageGallery = 'window_ImageGallery.html'
+ '?queryStr_html_ListOfImages=' + encodeURIComponent(html_ListOfImages)
+ '&queryStr_id_ThisImg=' + encodeURIComponent(id_ThisImg)
+ '&queryStr_ind_ThisImg=' + encodeURIComponent(ind_ThisImg);
// #>>> open ViewerJs in a new html window
let window_ImageGallery = window.open(url_file_html_window_ImageGallery, undefined, 'width=1000,height=800,top=50,left=50');
in your window_ImageGallery.html
window.onload = function () {
// #>> get parameter from URL
// #repeat: must use Query String to pass html code data, else you get `Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a cross-origin frame.` (cross origin access issue)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17502071/transfer-data-from-one-html-file-to-another
let data = getParamFromUrl();
let html_ListOfImages = decodeURIComponent(data.queryStr_html_ListOfImages);
let id_ThisImgThatOpenedTheHtmlWindow = decodeURIComponent(data.queryStr_id_ThisImg);
let ind_ThisImgThatOpenedTheHtmlWindow = decodeURIComponent(data.queryStr_ind_ThisImg);
// #>> add the Images to the list
document.getElementById('windowImageGallery_ContainerOfInsertedImages').innerHTML = html_ListOfImages;
// -------- do your stuff with the html code data
function getParamFromUrl() {
let url = document.location.href;
let params = url.split('?')[1].split('&');
let data = {};
let tmp;
for (let i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
tmp = params[i].split('=');
data[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
return data
(seems) sometimes you may not get the cross-origin access exception
due to, if you modify the html of 'window_ImageGallery.html' in main.html before window_ImageGallery.html is loaded
above statement is based on my test
& another answer -- window.open: is it possible open a new window with modify its DOM
if you want to make sure to see that Exception,
you can try to wait until the opening html window finish loading, then continue execute your code
use defer() <- Waiting for child window loading to complete
let window_ImageGallery = window.open('window_ImageGallery.html', undefined, 'width=1000,height=800,top=50,left=50');
window_ImageGallery.addEventListener("unload", function () {
defer(function (){
console.log(window_ImageGallery.document.body); // < Exception here
function defer (callback) {
var channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = function (e) {
or use sleep() with async What is the JavaScript version of sleep()?
eleJq_Img.click(async function() {
let window_Test = window.open( ...
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000));
console.log(window_Test.document.body.innerHTML); // < Exception here
or you get null pointer exception
if you try to access elements in window_ImageGallery.html
There are too many similar Posts about the cross-origin issue. And there are some posts about window.open()
Idk which post is the best place to place the answer. And I picked here.