I've read a few threads on this, but I didn't get a reply: is it possible to detect the specific IE11 version? For example, the version of my IE is 11.420.10586.0. Is there a way to get all this using Javascript?
I'm currently using Polymer to build a webapp and I found that there is a specific problem that only occurs on IE 11.0.9600.17420 and lower, but newer versions are not affected by this problem and I was trying to show a message to the user saying they need to update the browser.
I am trying to use requestPointerLock from Javascript on Android. I got some errors when trying the most basic things, so I tried out some examples like this or this don't work. At the same time, I read that the API should be supported in Android Chrome. Does anyone have a working example of this?
The specific error I get is similar to what I see in the 2nd example when running it: WrongDocumentError: The root document of this element is not valid for pointer lock.
I want to debug that issue, but I want to see any example working first.
I use Internet Explorer (IE) to browse a website that uses some non-standardized JavaScript code. Particularly, document.all which is not supported in Chrome nor Firefox anymore.
My aim is to use Chrome or Firefox for browsing it, and this is possible if the document.all is replaced by document.getElementsByTagName("*") as per my research.
I don't have access to the server side in order to make this change, and I am looking for a way to do this modification in the client side. I tried to directly make the modification using DevTools of Chrome (Windows 10) but when I tried to save my changes I got an error saying that:
change to this file were not saved to file system
Is there a way to resolve this? I also appreciate any alternative solutions.
I need to detect the browser type and version from where a Angular app is being accessed. I know there are a few JS libraries out there but don't know which one to use.
The web app is supposed to be supported on the latest editions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.
I've found this answer but I don't know if is the right way to go, so any advice around this? How I can achieve this?
If browser not support JavaScript then you can not display that message using JavaScript you need to use
<noscript> Message that has to display </noscript>
and you can apply css to it
if support and you want to check version using ng-device-detector is not possible because it only detect device types, OS types and browser name not version. I found this article which may help. If you still wanna use ng-device-detector here is GitHub source and this is plunker.
I use a desktop application, an aspx page is loaded through web browser control in my application. IE8 was upgraded to IE11 and I started facing javascript errors with web browser control. The web browser control worked perfectly with IE8.
I have tried options like setting features for my exe - FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION set to 8000/8888, FEATURE_USE_LEGACY_JSCRIPT set to 1, FEATURE_BROWSER_MODE set to 8. Also tried with meta tag for compatibility and with app browser file.
I am able to achieve rendering like IE8 but the javascript errors keep coming up.
Upgrading framework to 4.5 is not an option for me now.
Is there any registry setting or application setting that would force the web browser control to run javascript like it did with IE8?
I did it by putting following line below HEAD tag.
<script>window.onerror=function(){return true;}</script>
FEATURE_BROWSER_MODE now seems to be undocumented. As far as I could find out, it used to be the same FEATURE key as FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION, but only briefly in IE8 or IE9. I have no idea how it appeared in my registry.
After removing this key my issues with scripting went away. Before I couldn't get the body element of an IHTMLDocument2 pointer.
I have written a Firefox extension and am currently in the process of updating it for Firefox 4 and adding some new features.
Firefox 4 has a great new notification display that I'd quite like to use and have found plenty of documentation on how to use it. However, for anything less than 4 I have created my own notification window with specific styles.
My question is: how can I detect whether I'm using Firefox 4 or not in the javascript for my extension. Or, is there a better way of doing this?
You can use nsIXULAppInfo:
var appInfo = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
// appInfo.version contains the version
You can compare versions with nsIVersionComparator.
Maybe there is a better way, but this definitely works for me.
Following links will give you some idea how to do it.