Finding structure with highest energy screeps - javascript

So I have this creep role called storer that is supposed to go fetch energy from containers and bring it to the storage. However, currently, it finds the container closest by Path and with an energy level greater to a certain threshold so that it doesn't wait there for hours every time a miner refills the container.
The problem I have is if I lower the threshold, the storer will run back and forth to the same containers, ignoring any containers further in the room and letting them fill up.
And raising the threshold will make him sit out and wait for too long, not giving him enough time to empty containers and thus the storage will be empty almost all the time.
I need a way for the creep to determine the container with the highest energy and fill up from there.
Here's the code its running:
if ((source = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_STRUCTURES, {filter: (s) => {return (s.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER &&[RESOURCE_ENERGY] >= 150)}})) != undefined) {
if (creep.withdraw(source, RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
EDIT: here's the code I tried, but I feel like it is using too much CPU power and can be done in a better way:
for (let i = 2000; i>=0; i=i-100) {
source = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_STRUCTURES, {filter: (s) => {return s.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER &&[RESOURCE_ENERGY] >= i}});
if (source != undefined) {
if (creep.withdraw(source, RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {

What you can do is loop trough all the containers once, get their energy level and pick the highest one. Set a value when the creep is working so the creep dosen't move to another container if he get higher.
This is the code i made for the storer role:
module.exports = {
run: function( creep ) {
// Setting the working variable so the creep focus
// on getting the ressource or returning it.
if ( creep.memory.working && == 0 ) {
creep.memory.working = false;
if ( ! creep.memory.working && == creep.carryCapacity ) {
creep.memory.working = true;
creep.memory.targetContainer = false;
if ( creep.memory.working ) {
// Bring the ressources to the storage.
var theStorage = creep.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_MY_STRUCTURES, {
filter: (structure) => {
return (structure.structureType == STRUCTURE_STORAGE );
if ( creep.transfer( theStorage, RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
creep.moveTo( theStorage );
} else {
// If the creep have a target.
if ( creep.memory.targetContainer ) {
// Go to the container.
var theContainer = Game.getObjectById( creep.memory.targetContainer );
if ( creep.withdraw( theContainer, RESOURCE_ENERGY ) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE ) {
creep.moveTo( theContainer );
} else {
// Find the container with the most energy.
var target = FIND_STRUCTURES, {
filter: (structure) => {
return (structure.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER );
if ( target.length ) {
var allContainer = [];
// Calculate the percentage of energy in each container.
for ( var i = 0; i < target.length; i++ ) {
allContainer.push( { energyPercent: ( ( target[i] / target[i].storeCapacity ) * 100 ), id: target[i].id } );
// Get the container containing the most energy.
var highestContainer = _.max( allContainer, function( container ){ return container.energyPercent; });
console.log( 'Going for the container id "' + + '" at ' + highestContainer.energyPercent + '% full.' );
// set the target in memory so the creep dosen't
// change target in the middle of the room.
creep.memory.targetContainer =;

I do not know if this method uses more CPU, but it is much simpler to use JavaScript's built in sort method. It allows for the objects in an array to be sorted based on any property or calculation involving it. If you'd like to see the full syntax and some examples:
This code should work for your purposes. A and B are the two pieces of the array it compares. The return portion tells it the comparison to do on the array elements.
var sources = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_STRUCTURES,
{filter: (s) => {return (s.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER &&[RESOURCE_ENERGY] >= 150)
sources.sort(function(a, b) {return[RESOURCE_ENERGY] -[RESOURCE_ENERGY]});
Then just run your normal code to take energy from the sources. If it starts taking energy from the one with the least amount of energy, I probably got the order of a and b wrong in the return portion so just flip them.

Instead of having the filter do everything for you, why not return a list of structures that match your criteria and then figure out which structure in the list has the most energy? Something like this will find all containers, figure out which has the most energy, and if you have a tie for energy pick the closest one (direct line, doesn't account for obstacles).
var sources =, {
filter: (structure) => {
return (structure.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);
var maxAmount = -1;
var maxSource = null;
var maxRange = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (sources[i].store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] >= maxAmount) {
var range = creep.pos.getRangeTo(sources[i]);
if (sources[i].store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] > maxAmount || range < maxRange) {
maxAmount = sources[i].store[RESOURCE_ENERGY];
maxSource = sources[i];
maxRange = range;


Bidirectional A* (A-Star) Not Returning the Shortest Path

For some reason, my implementation of bidirectional A* isn't returning the shortest path in very specific initializations of the graph.
I'm running two A* searches, one from the source to the destination, and one from the destination to the source. From what I've read, when the closed sets for both of these searches intersect, then we've connected the shortest paths from both searches and have found the shortest path.
The problem is, in very specific situations, the closed sets for both searches are intersecting before the searches can actually discover the nodes which should be included in their respective shortest paths. This means A* doesn't get to explore enough nodes to find the shortest path.
Is this intersection condition the right way to go about things, or is there a different condition I should be using to figure out when to stop both searches?
You can run my code here:
The cases where this problem occurs are certain (not all) situations when both walls and weights have been placed on the grid.
Here is the code if it helps, sorry if it is very messy!:
async function bidirectionalAStar(graph, startNode, finishNode) {
searching = true;
const infinity = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var openSource = [];
var openDest = [];
var closedSource = [];
var closedDest = [];
var numSteps = -3; // -2 for both start and finish nodes + -1 for overlapping connecting node
$("#steps-taken").html("Cells Examined: " + numSteps);
const startX = startNode.x;
const startY = startNode.y;
const finishX = finishNode.x;
const finishY = finishNode.y;
var bidirectionalAStarGraph = shallowCopyGraph(graph, []);
// initialize all nodes to dist infinity from the startNode
for (let i = 0; i < bidirectionalAStarGraph.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < bidirectionalAStarGraph[i].length; j++) {
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].fSrc = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].gSrc = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].hSrc = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].fDest = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].gDest = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].hDest = infinity;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].setSource = "neither";
bidirectionalAStarGraph[i][j].setDest = "neither";
// initialize start/finish node distance from start/finish to 0
bidirectionalAStarGraph[startX][startY].fSrc = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[startX][startY].gSrc = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[startX][startY].hSrc = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[startX][startY].setSource = "open";
bidirectionalAStarGraph[finishX][finishY].fDest = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[finishX][finishY].gDest = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[finishX][finishY].hDest = 0;
bidirectionalAStarGraph[finishX][finishY].setDest = "open";
var lastNodeSource;
var lastNodeDest;
while (openSource.length > 0 && openDest.length > 0) {
openSource.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.fSrc !== b.fSrc) return a.fSrc - b.fSrc;
else return a.hSrc - b.hSrc;
openDest.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.fDest !== b.fDest) return a.fDest - b.fDest;
else return a.hDest - b.hDest;
var currNodeSource = openSource.shift();
var currNodeDest = openDest.shift();
if (checkIntersection(closedSource, closedDest)) {
break; // the paths have reached each other
numSteps += 2;
$("#steps-taken").html("Cells Examined: " + numSteps);
currNodeSource.setSource = "closed";
currNodeDest.setDest = "closed";
colorNode(currNodeSource, "currentNode");
colorNode(currNodeDest, "currentNode");
if (lastNodeSource !== undefined && currentSpeed !== "instantaneous")
colorNode(lastNodeSource, "visited");
if (lastNodeDest !== undefined && currentSpeed !== "instantaneous")
colorNode(lastNodeDest, "visited");
if (currentSpeed === "fast") await sleep(20);
else if (currentSpeed === "medium") await sleep(180);
else if (currentSpeed === "slow") await sleep(500);
var validNeighborsSource = [];
var validNeighborsDest = [];
var left = currNodeSource.x - 1;
var right = currNodeSource.x + 1;
var up = currNodeSource.y - 1;
var down = currNodeSource.y + 1;
// consider all of the current node's (from source) valid neighbors
if (left >= 0 && !bidirectionalAStarGraph[left][currNodeSource.y].blocked) {
if (
right < grid_width &&
) {
if (up >= 0 && !bidirectionalAStarGraph[currNodeSource.x][up].blocked) {
if (
down < grid_height &&
) {
left = currNodeDest.x - 1;
right = currNodeDest.x + 1;
up = currNodeDest.y - 1;
down = currNodeDest.y + 1;
// consider all of the current node's (from dest) valid neighbors
if (left >= 0 && !bidirectionalAStarGraph[left][currNodeDest.y].blocked) {
if (
right < grid_width &&
) {
if (up >= 0 && !bidirectionalAStarGraph[currNodeDest.x][up].blocked) {
if (
down < grid_height &&
) {
for (let i = 0; i < validNeighborsSource.length; i++) {
let neighbor = validNeighborsSource[i];
if (neighbor.setSource === "closed") continue;
let cost = 0;
if (currNodeSource.weighted === true || neighbor.weighted === true)
cost = currNodeSource.gSrc + 10;
else cost = currNodeSource.gSrc + 1;
if (neighbor.setSource === "open" && cost < neighbor.gSrc) {
neighbor.setSource = "neither";
neighbor.gSrc = cost;
neighbor.fSrc = neighbor.gSrc + neighbor.hSrc;
if (neighbor.setSource === "neither") {
neighbor.setSource = "open";
neighbor.gSrc = cost;
neighbor.hSrc = calculateHeuristic(neighbor, finishNode);
neighbor.fSrc = neighbor.gSrc + neighbor.hSrc;
neighbor.predecessorSource = currNodeSource;
lastNodeSource = currNodeSource;
for (let i = 0; i < validNeighborsDest.length; i++) {
let neighbor = validNeighborsDest[i];
if (neighbor.setDest === "closed") continue;
let cost = 0;
if (currNodeDest.weighted === true || neighbor.weighted === true)
cost = currNodeDest.gDest + 10;
else cost = currNodeDest.gDest + 1;
if (neighbor.setDest === "open" && cost < neighbor.gDest) {
neighbor.setDest = "neither";
neighbor.gDest = cost;
neighbor.fDest = neighbor.gDest + neighbor.hDest;
if (neighbor.setDest === "neither") {
neighbor.setDest = "open";
neighbor.gDest = cost;
neighbor.hDest = calculateHeuristic(neighbor, startNode);
neighbor.fDest = neighbor.gDest + neighbor.hDest;
neighbor.predecessorDest = currNodeDest;
lastNodeDest = currNodeDest;
Without any code I can't identify any specific bugs in your algorithm but the thing about Bidirectional A* is that it is only as good as your A*.
A* is flexible in that it is capable of acting just like a dumb breadth first search and just like a dumb depth first search - usually it's somewhere in the middle, and that "middle" is defined by the quality of your heuristic.
Adding a second A* on the other side is a good way to "speed up" an A* heuristic that leans towards breadth, but, it won't "fix" a heuristic that leans towards depth.
If you want a guarantee that your Bidirectional A* search will always find the shortest possible path, then your heuristic needs to lean towards breadth. (Usually this is done by estimating the heuristic - the imagined cost of a node to explore as the Manhattan distance to the target plus the distance traveled to that node. Then sort the nodes and toss nodes more than 1.5x the lowest node -- 1.5 being a variable you can play with, too high and you'll do a traditional breadth first and too low and you might toss the actual lowest path, if it's a complicated one.)
Sorry for the vagueness, some code snippets might help give more direction!

Javascript - dont compare if condition met

I have this script for my html table which colors the cells in column row by row:
$(document).ready( function () {
var table, aP, rtvP, mmP, meP;
table = document.getElementById('productTable');
for (i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
var rowCells = table.rows.item(i).cells;
if (rowCells[3] !== '—') {
aP = parseFloat(rowCells[3];
} else {
aP = 0;
if (rowCells[5] !== '—') {
rtvP = parseFloat(rowCells[5];
} else {
rtvP = 0;
if (rowCells[7] !== '—') {
mmP = parseFloat(rowCells[7];
} else {
mmP = 0;
if (rowCells[9] !== '—') {
meP = parseFloat(rowCells[9];
} else {
meP = 0;
console.log(aP, rtvP, mmP, meP);
if (aP > rtvP || mmP || meP) {
rowCells[3].bgColor = 'red';
} else if (aP === rtvP || mmP || meP) {
rowCells[3].bgColor = 'yellow';
} else {
rowCells[3].bgColor = 'green';
I know that is a little monster, but the only thing I miss is that, there should be no comparison for value if that value = 0. Ex. If aP = 100, rtvP = 150, mmP = 0, meP = 50, value of mmP should be skipped in comparison. Is there easy way to do that? I don't want to make another spaghetti of IFs
You could try converting one of those instances to a proper function:
function convertP(value) {
if (value !== '—') {
return parseFloat(value);
return 0;
Then you can call it like:
meP = convertP(rowCells[9];
Where you can augment that convertP function to be "smarter" and handle different cases later.
Now for your comparison problem you probably want to store these converted values into an array instead of as a bunch of unrelated variables, like:
var points = [ ];
[ 3, 5, 7, 9 ].forEach(function(i) {
Where now you have all of them in one neat, tidy container. You can then compare them quickly by doing something like:
var diffs = [ ];
points.forEach(function(p) {
diffs.push(aP - p);
The key thing to remember here is that floating point values are often approximations so it's important to not depend on them being precisely equal. 1.0 + 2.0 does not necessarily === 3.0. There's going to be a tiny amount of deviation due to floating point quirks, so go with +/- some tiny value, even if that value is 0.000001.
Now you can identify your color condition with a function:
function colorCondition(aP, points) {
var state = 'green';
var epsilon = 0.000001;
points.forEach(function(p) {
if (aP > (p + epsilon)) {
state = 'red';
else if (aP > (p - epsilon)) {
state = 'yellow';
return state;
Now you have a generic solution that can work with N inputs. This is the goal of programming when you're trying to adhere to the Zero, One or Infinity Rule.
One of the ways to put a prerequisite condition in if is using the logical AND operator: &&.
For your variables it will be something like:
if (mmP!=0 && mmP>aP){}
This way if mmP is 0, first condition will return false and second condition won't be processed.
You can enforce a condition without making another spaghetti of IFs.
I'm not sure I understood your use case, so if that does not work for you just comment it.

shuffling cards with Javascript and inconsistent array values?

I'm building a little module in javascript to act like a pack of cards. My first method works but was quite simple, and so i wanted to create some shuffle methods that mimic the idea behind real world card shuffling.
Amongst some other useful functions I've create riffle, overhand and cut functions, that all seem to do there job, but when calling them repeatedly in sequence the returned pack amount is inconsistent, from running it over and over again it appears to be some sort of race condition, but can't seem to get my head around how to avoid it.
The relevant private methods are :
riffle : function riffle() {
var top = Pack.slice(0, 26);
var bottom = Pack.slice(26, 52);
Pack = [];
console.log('top is '+top.length+" and bottom is "+bottom.length);
var hand = 'right';
var result = [];
var i = 52;
while (i > 0) {
var drop = Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1;
var cards;
if (hand === 'right' ) {
if (drop >= top.length) {
cards = top;
} else {
cards = top.splice(0, drop);
hand = 'left';
} else {
if (drop >= bottom.length) {
cards = bottom;
} else {
cards = bottom.splice(0, drop);
hand = 'right';
result = result.concat(cards);
i -= drop;
Pack = result;
console.log(Pack.length+" after riffle");
return this;
cut : function cut(fn) {
var top = Pack.slice(0, 26);
var bottom = Pack.slice(26, 52);
Pack = [];
Pack = bottom.concat(top);
console.log(Pack.length+" after cut");
if (fn && typeof(fn) === 'function') { fn(); }
return this;
Later on I have a privileged method called shuffle that calls them :
shuffle : function shuffle(cb) {
State.cardsOut = [];
if (cb && typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(); }
Note : I start with a generate function that creates an arrray of objects representing a full pack of 52 cards. The results I get when I console log the pack at different times after shuffles and cuts vary and I can't seem to figure out why.
you can see what i'km working on here
Any help would be awesome.
The drop variable stores the number of cards you are supposed to be riffling from either the left or right hand. However, there are two instances:
if (drop >= top.length) {
cards = top;
if (drop >= bottom.length) {
cards = bottom;
where drop can be greater than the number of remaining cards in the half of the pack so more cards will be subtracted from i than you have actually riffled. You can fix this by:
if (drop >= top.length) {
drop = top.length;
cards = top;
top = [];
if (drop >= bottom.length) {
drop = top.length;
cards = bottom;
bottom = [];
(You need to empty the arrays or you may end up adding the same cards twice).
Other issues
You have magic numbers in the code (26 and 52) these could be constants defined in the class and given appropriate names (i.e. PACK_SIZE = 52) which would mean that if you create a sub-class representing a different number of cards then it would still work.
hand has two possible values which could be represented as a boolean but you assign it strings (again you could use constants LEFT_HAND = true, RIGHT_HAND = !LEFT_HAND).
Pack appears to be a global variable - I would have thought it ought to be a member of the class.
You do not need to name the functions as this is just polluting the global namespace: riffle : function riffle() { can just be an anonymous function riffle : function() {.
Performance - you create additional arrays with each iteration and the cards are moved multiple times. This could be more efficient.
Something like this:
riffle : function() {
var index_of_cards_riffled_from_top = 0;
var index_of_cards_riffled_from_bottom = this.PACK_SIZE / 2;
var riffled_cards = [];
while ( index_of_cards_riffled_from_top < this.PACK_SIZE / 2
|| index_of_cards_riffled_from_bottom < this.PACK_SIZE ) {
var num_cards_to_riffle_top = Math.min( this.PACK_SIZE / 2 - index_of_cards_riffled_from_top, Math.floor( Math.random() * 3 ) + 1 );
var num_cards_to_riffle_bottom = Math.min( this.PACK_SIZE - index_of_cards_riffled_from_bottom, Math.floor( Math.random() * 3 ) + 1 );
while ( num_cards_to_riffle_top > 0 ) {
riffled_cards.push( this.Pack[ index_of_cards_riffled_from_top++ ] );
while ( num_cards_to_riffle_bottom > 0 ) {
riffled_cards.push( this.Pack[ index_of_cards_riffled_from_bottom++ ] );
this.Pack = riffled_cards;
while #MTO 's answer did solve my problem, I'd like to shed some light on how I've chosen to begin refactoring this function.
riffle : function riffle() {
var cutPos = Math.floor(Math.random()*rv)+( (cardCount-rv) / 2 );
var splitPack = {
left : Pack.splice(0, cutPos),
right : Pack.splice(0, Pack.length)
var hand = 'right',result = [], i = 52, cards;
while(i > 0) {
drop = Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1;
if (drop >= splitPack[ hand ].length) {
drop = splitPack[ hand ].length;
cards = splitPack[ hand ].splice(0, drop);
hand = (hand === 'left') ? 'right' : 'left';
result = result.concat(cards);
cards = [];
i -= drop;
Pack = result;
console.log(Pack.length+" after riffle");
return this;
a few things :
the elements that seem global are not really, as this is all wrapped within a function that creates a new "deck" object, and some elements need to be private, such as the cards remaining in the pack once dealing has begin.
While booleans would work well for the hands, I wanted to boil this down somewhat and so use the strings to select obj properties.
everything MTO said about using constants is absolutely valid.
by now splicing each time, we're removing the elements from the array.
I prefer this approach as it only uses one while loop.
lastly, this type of shuffle is meant to emulate hand shuffling, and must be combined with other hand shuffling methods, ideally in a repetitive sequence, to produce something useful,
if you want something consistently random and efficient use fischer-yates algorithm.

Threejs remove all together object from scene

I tried to make a function to remove all object from scene in one shoot but it removes only one object for invocation.
GeometryModel.prototype.clearScene = function(scene) {
var i;
for(i=0; i < scene.children.length; i++){
obj = scene.children[i];
another solution I tried and that works is this:
but I am not sure if it is correct.
You have to do the opposite:
for( var i = scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
obj = scene.children[i];
because in each iteration the .children array changes once you do a .remove() from the start and the indexing of that array changes.
If you want to understand it better, unroll the for loop and follow what the index into the array is.
You can accomplish that with while :
while (object.children.length)
Explanations :
object.children.length return true if object.children.length is not 0, if it's equal to 0 it return false.
So you just have to remove the first child element as long as object has children.
A preferred method is using the scene's traverse function. All objects have this function and will do a depth-first search through the parent's children.
Here's a snippet from Mr. Doob himself.
scene.traverse( function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
var geometry = object.geometry;
var matrixWorld = object.matrixWorld;
And here's a bit from r82's source:
traverse: function ( callback ) {
callback( this );
var children = this.children;
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
children[ i ].traverse( callback );
You can also use traverseVisible in your case:
scene.traverseVisible(function(child) {
if (child.type !== 'Scene') {
The existing answer is good, I just want to provide a fuller response for those running into this same issue. When I'm using hot module reloading with Three.js, I often want to recreate all objects other than the plane and camera. To do that I do the following:
export const reload = (/* updatedDependencies */) => {'Canceling the run loop...')
cancelAnimationFrame(runLoopIdentifier) // the return value of `requestAnimationFrame`, stored earlier'Removing all children...')
for (let i = scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
let child = scene.children[ i ];
if ( child !== plane && child !== camera ) { // plane & camera are stored earlier
while (renderer.domElement.lastChild) // `renderer` is stored earlier
document.removeEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onDOMLoad )
conicalDendriteTreeSegments = require('./plantae/conical-dendrite-trees').default
initializeScene() // re-add all your objects
runLoopIdentifier = startRenderRunLoop() // render on each animation frame'Reload complete.')
This solution seems to work better than traversing (according to the documentation of Three.js it is not recommended to use the traverse function to make scene graph changes). Also do not forget to dispose geometries in order to release the memory. It releases first the nodes that are deep in the graph so as to avoid memory leaks.
// Remove all objects
if(obj.children.length > 0){
for (var x = obj.children.length - 1; x>=0; x--){
removeObjectsWithChildren( obj.children[x]);
if (obj.geometry) {
if (obj.material) {
if (obj.material.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < obj.material.length; ++i) {
if (obj.material[i].map) obj.material[i].map.dispose();
if (obj.material[i].lightMap) obj.material[i].lightMap.dispose();
if (obj.material[i].bumpMap) obj.material[i].bumpMap.dispose();
if (obj.material[i].normalMap) obj.material[i].normalMap.dispose();
if (obj.material[i].specularMap) obj.material[i].specularMap.dispose();
if (obj.material[i].envMap) obj.material[i].envMap.dispose();
else {
if (;
if (obj.material.lightMap) obj.material.lightMap.dispose();
if (obj.material.bumpMap) obj.material.bumpMap.dispose();
if (obj.material.normalMap) obj.material.normalMap.dispose();
if (obj.material.specularMap) obj.material.specularMap.dispose();
if (obj.material.envMap) obj.material.envMap.dispose();
return true;

How to use an array of static variables?

This is a bit awkward but I need an array of static variables. Each time a function is called I need access to these variables. Basically I have an effects functions that is "controlled" by a single variable currently called elapsed_time.
However, I need an elapsed_time for each element that is passed to the function so I can make sure not to run effects on the same element...(for my fade function this causes a flickering effect).
I would like to use the to name my variables.
I just read a post saying that associative arrays are not really associative arrays and that you should not use them here.
Below is my current function that I need to update.
* Effects
var Effects = function( element )
this.element = element;
Effects.prototype.fade = function( direction, max_time )
Effects.elapsed = 0;
Effects.arrayHold = [];
Effects.arrayHold.push( );
var persist_element = this.element;
function next()
Effects.elapsed += 10;
if ( direction === 'up' )
{ = Effects.elapsed / max_time;
else if ( direction === 'down' )
{ = ( max_time - Effects.elapsed ) / max_time;
if ( Effects.elapsed <= max_time )
setTimeout( next, 10 );
return true;
Just use an Object instead of an array
