I defined the swagger option below:
const swaggerDocOptions = { explorer: true, definition: {
swagger: '2.0',
components: {},
info: {
title: 'Document API',
version: '1.0.0',
description: 'document API',
schemes: [
security: [{
simple: [],
securityDefinitions: {
simple: {
type: 'basic',
}, }, basedir: `${__dirname}`, apis: [
`${__dirname}\\routes\\*.js`, ], };
const specs = swaggerJsDoc(swaggerDocOptions);
app.use('/api-docs', swaggerUI.serve, swaggerUI.setup(specs));
The Api doc can display successfully when I run on my local
And then I try to deploy to server with bytenote
and the __dirname = app/dist on server, but the Api doc does not display
Could you advise, what is wrong here?
I am using Nuxt 2.15.7 in VS Code, using Node version 14.17.1 and the eslint extension.
The problem
I started seeing a red squiggly line under the 1st character of every file. When hovering over it, this is the error I see:
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of C:\Users\SR Gears\Documents\work\my-website\node_modules\eslint\node_modules\eslint-scope\lib\definition.js
from C:\Users\SR Gears\Documents\work\my-website\node_modules\babel-eslint\lib\require-from-eslint.js
is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
Instead rename definition.js to end in .cjs,
change the requiring code to use import(),
or remove "type": "module" from
C:\Users\SR Gears\Documents\work\my-website\node_modules\eslint\node_modules\eslint-scope\package.json.eslint
What I have tried so far
First, I tried renaming the appropriate files as listed above in the error, and restarting the eslint server, but the error remains.
So, I went over to the eslint extension in VS Code and read the following:
The approval flow to allow the execution of a ESLint library got reworked. Its initial experience is now as follows:
- no modal dialog is shown when the ESLint extension tries to load an ESLint library for the first time and an approval is necessary. Instead the ESLint status bar item changes to ESLint status icon indicating that the execution is currently block.
- if the active text editor content would be validated using ESLint, a problem at the top of the file is shown in addition.
The execution of the ESLint library can be denied or approved using the following gestures:
- clicking on the status bar icon
- using the quick fix for the corresponding ESLint problem
- executing the command ESLint: Manage Library Execution from the command palette
Okay, so I tried the above suggestions:
clicking on the status bar icon (it isn't there in my status bar)
using the quick fix for the corresponding ESLint problem (shows no quick fix available)
executing the command ESLint: Manage Library Execution from the command palette (I get a message that this request is unknown)
Potential Fix with error
So, I navigated over to eslintrc.js I hovered over module.exports = { on line 1, and got the lightbulb icon show. The Quick Fix says Convert to ES6 module. When I click this, the file is updated. All variable keys within the options are updated to have export in front of them. This does remove the error line at the top of the files, but gives a new error for export const extends: [] variable:
'extends' is not allowed as a variable declaration name.. My eslintrc.js file (before updating to ES6 module) is here:
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
browser: true,
node: true
parserOptions: {
parser: 'babel-eslint'
extends: [
// 'prettier/vue',
globals: {
$nuxt: true,
page: true,
browser: true,
context: true,
jestPuppeteer: true
plugins: ['nuxt', 'vue', 'prettier'],
rules: {
'new-cap': 'off',
'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off',
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off',
'vue/component-name-in-template-casing': ['off', 'PascalCase'],
'vue/attribute-hyphenation': ['warn'],
'vue/no-unused-components': ['warn'],
'vue/html-self-closing': [
html: {
void: 'any',
normal: 'always',
component: 'always'
svg: 'always',
math: 'always'
'vue/max-attributes-per-line': 'off',
'vue/no-v-html': 'off',
'no-unused-vars': ['warn'],
eqeqeq: ['warn'],
'no-lonely-if': ['warn'],
'require-await': ['warn'],
'handle-callback-err': ['warn'],
'space-before-function-paren': 0
One other potential fix - but not for me
For anyone else with the same errors, there is a fix here, (that also worked for me): ESlint - Error: Must use import to load ES Module `
I cannot use this fix though, as my team suggested that adjusting babel settings can create errors elsewhere.
As that cannot be my solution, would anyone else know how to manage this error? Here is my nuxt.config file. If you need to see something else, I can update it here too.
import { storyblokConfig, localeMessages } from './config'
export default {
// Target:
target: 'server',
ssr: true,
dev: false,
// Global page headers:
head: {
title: '',
htmlAttrs: {
lang: 'en'
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
{ hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: '' }
link: [
rel: 'icon',
sizes: '192x192',
href: '/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png'
rel: 'icon',
sizes: '512x512',
href: '/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png'
rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
sizes: '180x180',
href: '/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png'
{ rel: 'icon', sizes: '16x16', href: '/favicon/favicon-16x16.png' },
{ rel: 'icon', sizes: '32x32', href: '/favicon/favicon-32x32.png' },
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon/favicon.ico' },
{ rel: 'manifest', href: '/favicon/site.webmanifest' }
// Global CSS:
css: [
// Plugins to run before rendering page:
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/logger.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/nujek-ui.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/validation.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/utils.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/vue-tailwind.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/rich-text-renderer.js' },
{ src: '~/plugins/defaultButton.js' }
// Auto import components:
components: [{ path: '~/components', pathPrefix: false, prefix: '' }],
// Modules for dev and build (recommended):
buildModules: [
withConsole: true,
storeTemplates: {
nav: true
nujekStoryblok: {
withConsole: false,
debug: true
// Modules:
modules: ['nuxt-i18n', '~/modules/nuxt-storyblok-queries/lib/module.js'],
storyblokQueries: storyblokConfig,
i18n: {
locales: [
code: 'en',
iso: 'en-US'
code: 'de',
iso: 'de-DE'
defaultLocale: 'de',
strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
detectBrowserLanguage: {
useCookie: true,
cookieKey: 'i18n_redirected',
redirectOn: 'root'
vueI18n: {
fallbackLocale: 'de',
silentTranslationWarn: true,
messages: localeMessages
vuex: {
syncLocale: true,
syncMessages: true
// publicRuntimeConfig: {
// accessToken: process.env.SB_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN
// },
// Build Configuration:
build: {
transpile: ['vee-validate', '#marvr/storyblok-rich-text-vue-renderer']
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Dark+",
"": "Git Bash",
"editor.wordWrap": "on",
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
"eslint.validate": ["javascript"]
I met this error today on a fresh installation of nuxt.
It would npm run dev fine on the first time, but whenever I changed a file, the hot reloading would give an eslint error, as if trying to lint my eslint files.
I solved it by updating Nodejs and npm to their latest version and creating a new nuxt app.
It's probably not the answer you've been looking for, but maybe it will help others.
I'm trying to create a project with typeorm with javascript, a connection works correctly, but typeorm can't find my entities.
I am following the example provided by the type documentation:
type: 'mysql',
host: process.env.MYSQL_IP, // Docker Env
port: process.env.MYSQL_INTERNAL_PORT,
username: process.env.MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME,
password: process.env.MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.MYSQL_DATABASE,
synchronize: true,
entities: [
}).then((connection) => {
const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
const testRepository = connection.getRepository('Category');
const teste = { name: 'TypeScript' };
app.listen(process.env.BACKEND_PORT, () => {
console.log(`Rodando na porta: ${process.env.BACKEND_PORT.toString()}`);
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error: ', error);
module.exports = {
name: 'Category',
columns: {
id: {
primary: true,
type: 'int',
generated: true,
name: {
type: 'string',
the connection is working correctly, the problem and when I run it shows me:
Error: RepositoryNotFoundError: No repository for "Category" was found. Looks like this entity is not registered in current "default" connection?
at new RepositoryNotFoundError (/app/src/error/RepositoryNotFoundError.ts:11:9)
at EntityManager.getRepository (/app/src/entity-manager/EntityManager.ts:919:19)
at Connection.getRepository (/app/src/connection/Connection.ts:346:29)
at /app/src/app.js:32:37
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
Maybe in
entities: [
you need remove the .js extension on file path, smt like:
entities: [
First, anyone who is using TypeOrm with javascript should read this article once, because in most places documentation is about how to use TypeOrm with typescript not javascript.
Abner, please change your TestSchema.js to this:
var EntitySchema = require("typeorm").EntitySchema;
module.exports = new EntitySchema({
name: "Category",
tableName: "Category",
columns: {
id: {
primary: true,
type: 'int',
generated: true,
name: {
type: 'string',
I have registered good plugin in hapi server and all of my responses are getting logged in. But when I do a console.log, console.error, console.warn, all the logs are getting printed in plain text but not in the good plugin way.
Can anyone help me with what I might have missed.
I have read following documentation:
console.log naturally goes to console. If you want to print things to console use something like:
request.server.log(['error', 'contentFetch'], err);
This is my good plugin configuration maybe you can ditch and find something works for you.
logging: {
$filter: 'env',
production: {
reporters: {
file: [{
module: 'good-squeeze',
name: 'Squeeze',
args: [{error: '*', log: ['error'], ops: '*'}]
}, {
module: 'good-squeeze',
name: 'SafeJson',
args: [
{separator: '\n'}
}, {
module: 'rotating-file-stream',
args: [
size: '10M', // rotate every 10 MegaBytes written
interval: '1d', // rotate daily
compress: 'gzip', // compress rotated files
path: './logs'
$default: {
ops: {
interval: 1000
reporters: {
console: [{
module: 'good-squeeze',
name: 'Squeeze',
args: [{log: '*', response: '*'}]
}, {
module: 'good-console'
}, 'stdout']
Registering like this
plugin: {
register: 'good',
options: Config.get('/logging')
So I've been at this for awhile and can't see how my code is different from the documentation.
I've also checked out this question, this question, this question, and this unanswered different question.
For my admin panel I'm trying to query to get all the information associated with a user and display a 'master' user profile to the admin.
My User model looks like this:
module.exports = {
autoPK: true,
attributes : {
id: {
type: 'integer',
primaryKey: true,
unique: true
email : {
type : 'email',
unique : true,
required : true,
password : {
type : 'string',
minLength : 8,
required : true
type: 'bool'
collection: 'userprofile',
via: 'user_id',
properties: {
collection: 'subjectproperties',
via: 'user_id'
employment_info: {
collection: 'employmentinfo',
via: 'user_id'
file_uploads: {
collection: 'fileupload',
via: 'user_id'
collection: 'nearestlivingrelative',
via: 'user_id'
mortgage_info: {
collection: 'mortgageinfo',
via: 'user_id'
collection: 'userprogressionstate',
via: 'user_id'
collection: 'usersappliedloanvalues',
via: 'user_id'
I don't want to list out all the belongs to user models cause there are a lot of them, but here is one of the simpler one's.
module.exports = {
tableName: "employment_info",
attributes : {
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'string',
required: true
type: 'integer',
required: true
And as for my controller:
create_admin_user_profile: function(req, res){
var user_id = req.query.userId;
User.find({'id': user_id}).populateAll().exec(function(err, user){
if(err || user.length === 0){
It doesn't error out but all I see in the terminal is this for the above:
[ { user_profile: [],
properties: [],
employment_info: [],
file_uploads: [],
nearest_living_relatives: [],
mortgage_info: [],
user_progression_state: [],
users_applied_loan_values: [],
id: 5,
email: '',
admin: 1 } ]
Even though there is an entry in all of those tables for that user.
If I change the line:
User.find({'id': user_id}).populateAll().exec(function(err, user){
User.find({'id': user_id}).populate('employment_info').exec(function(err, user){
Same but shorter result:
[ { employment_info: [],
id: 5,
email: '',
admin: 1 } ]
I've tried changing the case, I've tried adding columnName to the user_id attribute, I've tried changing the column name across the entire breadth of the project to not have an under_score in it, though that never seemed to be issue in it picking up the names correctly, but nothing I've done seems to work. I've also tried uninstalling sails, and the sails-mysql adapter and clearing my npm cache.
At this point my just stuck, I really can't see a reason why it's not working.
As for project info:
Sails v: 0.12.11
npm v: 3.10.9
node v: 7.2.0
Additional info asked for in comments:
SQL row taken right from db for user 5
employers_name, employers_address, employers_city, employers_state, employers_zip, job_position, years_in_position, years_in_industry, user_id
'Company', 'Mill Steet', 'SLC', 'Utah', '88888', 'Developer', '2', '2', '5'
And json format returned by find method in EmploymentInfo.js controller
"employmentInfo": {
"employers_name": "Company",
"employers_address": "Mill Steet",
"employers_city": "SLC",
"employers_state": "Utah",
"employers_zip": "88888",
"job_position": "Developer",
"years_in_position": "2",
"years_in_industry": 2,
"user": 5
The reason the last param is user and not user_id is because I rename it in the find method to serve the front-end mvc which also has the ability to work with associations. It's also why the JSON has the format it does.
Code from the find method that replaces user_id:
EmploymentInfo.find({'user_id': user_id}).exec(function(err, profile){
if(err || !profile.length){
return res.json(err);
profile[0].user = profile[0].user_id;
delete profile[0].user_id;
res.send({'employmentInfo': profile[0]});
However I've tried not renaming it; I've also tried getting rid of my find override and just relying on the blueprint find method, neither of those worked either.