Waterline Many-To-Many update with existing records - javascript

I am trying to write an update of my model to allow my application to pass an array of Id's (or an array of object Id's) to the server and for the update function to remove all existing relations and add in the new ones.
For example the data I am sending is:
the current ids in the database are:
So after my update I would like the ids to be:
The update function I currently have is:
var id = req.param('id'),
newIds = req.param('newIds');
User.findOne({id: id})
.exec(function(err, results){
if(err) return res.serverError(err);
var user = results;
if (user){
if (newIds && newIds.length > 0) {
user.save(function(err) {
if(err) {
return res.serverError(err);
result.success = true;
return res.json(result);
However when I call the update I get an error complaining about the relationships already being there (It complains about id's 3,4 and 5 as they already exist).

Just replace your add() + save() with update().
var id = req.param('id'),
newIds = req.param('newIds');
User.update({id: id}, {ids: newIds})
.then(function(updatedUser) {
result.success = true; // assuming you've defined result somewhere earlier
return res.json(result)
See: http://sailsjs.org/documentation/reference/waterline-orm/models/update
An array of primary key values passed to .update() for a collection association will set the association to contain only the records with those primary key values provided. That is- it unlinks all other records from the association.


Querying MySQL with JS Object returning [object Object] as table name

I'm building a program that queries MySQL databases, gets the tables, fields, field data types, and entries and returns it as a single object to be later used to view the MySQL data as a table.
This is what the built object will look like:
`Table_Name`: {
Title: `Table_Name`,
Fields: {
`Field Name`: `Datatype`
RowData: []
The query to get the tables is fine, however the query to get the row data isn't. The query function looks like this:
function getRows(){
let secondpromises = [];
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for(x in Tables){
Connect_SQL(SQLcreds, w_newSconn, (conn) => {
conn.query(`SELECT * FROM ${Tables[x]}`, (err, results) => {
for(r in results){
if(x == Tables.length - 1){
Promise.all(secondpromises).then(() => {
w_newSconn = null;
The error is coming from conn.query(). It is throwing an error stating there is an error in my SQL syntax at:
SELECT * FROM [object Object]
I understand the reason why and I'm sure there is a way to resolve this through JSON.Stringify() but there must be a simpler way. I have already tried creating a variable like so:
let objArray = Object.keys(Tables)
But it still returned [object Object], any help would be appreciated.
Tables[x] is an object. You need to get the table name from it.
conn.query(`SELECT * FROM ${Tables[x].Title}`, (err, results) => {
It also looks like the property name is the same as the title, so you can do:
conn.query(`SELECT * FROM ${x}`, (err, results) => {
I ended up creating a variable in the loop
let table = keys[x]
and that did the trick, for whatever reason ${keys[x]} was returning undefined but the variable returned the table name. Theoretically I could have changed the for loops to a
for(x in Tables)
and x would have returned the title so I may go back and rewrite it that way. Thank you.

Unable to retrieve data from Cloud Firestore using queries

I am attempting to retrieve a collection of data from my Cloud Firestore, so that I can arrange the data in a "Bootstrap" Table, displaying the name and the score from the Firestore documents.FireStore Layout Here.
I have created a reference to the user collection and queried this to obtain data, however when I run this it throws an exception "Uncaught ReferenceError: querySnapshot is not defined".
var usersCollectionRef = db.collection("users"); //Creates a reference to the Users collection
var query = usersCollectionRef.orderBy("score", "desc").limit(10); //Creates a query based on the collection
query.get().then(function(querySnapshot) { //If query is needed
if (querySnapshot.empty) { //Check whether there are any documents in the result
console.log('no documents found');
} else {
querySnapshot.docs.map(function (documentSnapshot) {
var name = documentSnapshot.data().name;
var score = documentSnapshot.data().score;
console.log(name + score);
My aim is to retrieve all of the documents inside the user collection, order and sort them using the inbuilt .limit and orderBy methods, then store them in an array so that they can be displayed using a "Bootstrap" table.
var query = usersCollectionRef.orderBy("score").limit(10); //Selects the 10 highest scoring player's documents
Note for potential readers: the fist part of the answer corresponds to the initial question of the OP, before it was edited.
You have to put the second part of your code within the then() function, as below.
This is because get() returns "a promise that will be resolved with the results of the query." (see the Ref https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.CollectionReference#get)
var usersCollectionRef = db.collection("users"); //Creates a reference to the Users collection
var query = usersCollectionRef.where("name", "==", "Steeve"); //Creates a query based on the collection
query.get().then(function(querySnapshot) { //Call get() to get a QuerySnapshot
if (querySnapshot.empty) { //Check whether there are any documents in the result
console.log('no documents found');
} else {
querySnapshot.docs.map(function (documentSnapshot) {
//Not necessary to do that -> return documentSnapshot.data();
EDIT following your comment:
In case you would have several documents for a given name which hold a different score (in a number field score), you could get the total score like that:
var usersCollectionRef = db.collection("users"); //Creates a reference to the Users collection
var query = usersCollectionRef.where("name", "==", "Steeve"); //Creates a query based on the collection
query.get().then(function(querySnapshot) { //Call get() to get a QuerySnapshot
var score = 0;
if (querySnapshot.empty) { //Check whether there are any documents in the result
console.log('no documents found');
} else {
var data = querySnapshot.docs.map(function (documentSnapshot) {
//Not necessary to do that -> return documentSnapshot.data();
score += documentSnapshot.data().score;
EDIT after edit of the original post
Do like that
var query = usersCollectionRef.orderBy("score", "desc").limit(10); //Creates a query based on the collection
query.get().then(function(querySnapshot) { //If query is needed
if (querySnapshot.empty) { //Check whether there are any documents in the result
console.log('no documents found');
} else {
var nameArray = Array.from(querySnapshot.docs, x => x.data().name);
var scoreArray = Array.from(querySnapshot.docs, x => x.data().score);
querySnapshot.docs returns "An array of all the documents in the QuerySnapshot." (See Ref: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.QuerySnapshot#docs)
Then you use Array.from() to create the two arrays (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from)

Get json array from sub mongoose query

I have a sub query in mongoose need to get array out of sub query and attach to main json out put/ object.
my first query get user info which contains blocked_users array which is nothing but array of user id's.
i my second query we get profile details of blocker_users array and append to main user object in blocked_users.
var userId = ObjectID(req.body.user_id);
//Get user
newUserModel.findById(userId, function(err, user){
utils.getResponse(res, req.url, messages.failure, "");
} else {
var userInfo = {};
var blcked_contacts;
//get users details from blocked contacts userid's array
newUserModel.find({'_id': {$in:user.blocked_contacts}}, function (err,blocked_users) {
blcked_contacts = [];
userInfo['user_id'] = user.id;
userInfo['country_code'] = user.country_code;
//userInfo['blocked_contacts'] = user.blocked_contacts;
var userData = Array();
Don't really know what you're looking for. But saw a problem in your code. You've assigned the blocked_users to the blocked_contacts field outside the find method.
Since these calls are asynchronous in nature, it might happen that the assignment takes place even before the documents are fetched from MongoDB. So you should write your assignment statements inside the find methods' callback, just the way Medet did.
Noticed few mistakes in your code like trying to use .push on an object. You cant do
userInfo['blocked_contacts'].push(blocked_users); // incorrect as userInfo is an empty object and you dont have an array defined for userInfo['blocked_contacts']
You probably get cannot push into undefined error for this. So instead do
userInfo['blocked_contacts'] = blocked_users;
Also you have to do this inside the second find() as blocked_users is only available inside it. So your final query should be something like
var userId = ObjectID(req.body.user_id);
//Get user
newUserModel.findById(userId, function(err, user){
utils.getResponse(res, req.url, messages.failure, "");
} else {
var userInfo = {};
//get users details from blocked contacts userid's array
newUserModel.find({'_id': {$in:user.blocked_contacts}}, function (err,blocked_users) {
userInfo['user_id'] = user.id;
userInfo['country_code'] = user.country_code;
userInfo['blocked_contacts'] = blocked_users; // assign blocked_users into userInfo
console.log(userInfo) // Your required object
} else {
userInfo['user_id'] = user.id;
userInfo['country_code'] = user.country_code;
userInfo['blocked_contacts'] = []; // assign null array if no blocked users fould
var userData = Array();
The result of console.log should be an object like this
user_id : "..id of searched user...",
country_code : "..country code of searched user..",
blocked_contacts : [<array containing detais of all blocked users>] // null array if no users found

Sails.js: Nested MongoDB queries

I am using Sails v0.11 and am developing an standalone importer script in order to import data to mongoDB and - that is now the not-working part - build the associations between the models.
For this process I introduced temporary helper properties in the models in order to find the associated records and replace them by in real MongoDB _ids.
The script starts Sails in order to be able use its features (waterline, etc.):
var app = Sails();
hooks: { grunt: false },
log: { level: 'warn' }
}, function sailsReady(err){
processUsers() finds all users and their _ids and iterates over them to invoke a second function addOrgsToOneUser()
var processUsers = function() {
// Iterate through all users in order to retrieve their _ids and
app.models['user'].native(function(err, collection) {
collection.find({}, projectionOrgInUser).toArray(function (err, users) {
Async.eachSeries(users, function (user, next){
// prepare userInOrgs
whereUserInOrg = { orgId: { $in: userInOrgs } };
//This is invoking
addOrgsToOneUser(user, whereUserInOrg);
}, function afterwards (err) {
if (err) {
console.error('Import failed, error details:\n',err);
return process.exit(1);
return process.exit(0); // This returns too early, not executing the addOrgsToOneUser
addOrgsToOneUser() finds all orgs belonging to THIS user and updates then the orgs array property of THIS user
var addOrgsToOneUser = function(user, whereUserInOrg) {
var projectionUserInOrg = "...";
// Find all orgs that this user is associated to and store it in inOrgs
app.models['org'].native(function(err, collection) {
collection.find(whereUserInOrg, projectionUserInOrg).toArray(function (err, orgs) {
// prepare inOrgs which is needed for updating
//update user to have an updated orgs array based on inOrgs.
app.models['user'].update({'id' : user._id.toString()}, {'orgs': inOrgs}).exec(function afterwards(err, updated){
console.log('Updated user ' + user._id.toString() + ' to be in their orgs');
Process.exit(0) is called before the query/update of saddOrgsToOneUser() has completed. It behaves as expected if saddOrgsToOneUser() contains just a console.log for instance, but queries are triggered ansynchronously of course.
In case I comment out Process.exit(0), the script never stops, but the queries are executed as intented.
As the script will have further nested queries, I need a better approach to this as manually kill this script ...
How is nesting queries and iterating over their results done properly?
Thank you very much,
addOrgsToOneUser is asynchronous. next() needs to be called after everything is done inside addOrgsToOneUser. The way I would do it is to pass in a callback (next) and call it when everything is done. So the call is
addOrgsToOneUser(user, whereUserInOrg, next);
and the addOrgsToOneUser will have an extra argument:
var addOrgsToOneUser = function(user, whereUserInOrg, callback) {
var projectionUserInOrg = "...";
// Find all orgs that this user is associated to and store it in inOrgs
app.models['org'].native(function(err, collection) {
collection.find(whereUserInOrg, projectionUserInOrg).toArray(function (err, orgs) {
// prepare inOrgs which is needed for updating
//update user to have an updated orgs array based on inOrgs.
app.models['user'].update({'id' : user._id.toString()}, {'orgs': inOrgs}).exec(function afterwards(err, updated){
console.log('Updated user ' + user._id.toString() + ' to be in their orgs');
callback(); // your original next() is called here

How to use "q" module for refactoring mongoose code?

I'm using mongoose to insert some data into mongodb. The code looks like:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var conn = mongoose.connection;
// insert users
conn.collection('users').insert([{/*user1*/},{/*user2*/}], function(err, docs) {
var user1 = docs[0], user2 = docs[1];
// insert channels
conn.collection('channels').insert([{userId:user1._id},{userId:user2._id}], function(err, docs) {
var channel1 = docs[0], channel2 = docs[1];
// insert articles
conn.collection('articles').insert([{userId:user1._id,channelId:channel1._id},{}], function(err, docs) {
var article1 = docs[0], article2 = docs[1];
You can see there are a lot of nested callbacks there, so I'm trying to use q to refactor it.
I hope the code will look like:
.then(function (value4) {
// Do something with value4
}, function (error) {
// Handle any error from step1 through step4
But I don't know how to do it.
You'll want to use Q.nfcall, documented in the README and the Wiki. All Mongoose methods are Node-style. I'll also use .spread instead of manually destructuring .then.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var conn = mongoose.connection;
var users = conn.collection('users');
var channels = conn.collection('channels');
var articles = conn.collection('articles');
function getInsertedArticles() {
return Q.nfcall(users.insert.bind(users), [{/*user1*/},{/*user2*/}]).spread(function (user1, user2) {
return Q.nfcall(channels.insert.bind(channels), [{userId:user1._id},{userId:user2._id}]).spread(function (channel1, channel2) {
return Q.nfcall(articles.insert.bind(articles), [{userId:user1._id,channelId:channel1._id},{}]);
.spread(function (article1, article2) {
// you only get here if all three of the above steps succeeded
.fail(function (error) {
// you get here if any of the above three steps failed
In practice, you will rarely want to use .spread, since you usually are inserting an array that you don't know the size of. In that case the code can look more like this (here I also illustrate Q.nbind).
To compare with the original one is not quite fair, because your original has no error handling. A corrected Node-style version of the original would be like so:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var conn = mongoose.connection;
function getInsertedArticles(cb) {
// insert users
conn.collection('users').insert([{/*user1*/},{/*user2*/}], function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
var user1 = docs[0], user2 = docs[1];
// insert channels
conn.collection('channels').insert([{userId:user1._id},{userId:user2._id}], function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
var channel1 = docs[0], channel2 = docs[1];
// insert articles
conn.collection('articles').insert([{userId:user1._id,channelId:channel1._id},{}], function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
var article1 = docs[0], article2 = docs[1];
cb(null, [article1, article2]);
getInsertedArticles(function (err, articles) {
if (err) {
// you get here if any of the three steps failed.
// `articles` is `undefined`.
} else {
// you get here if all three succeeded.
// `err` is null.
With alternative deferred promise implementation, you may do it as following:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var conn = mongoose.connection;
// Setup 'pinsert', promise version of 'insert' method
var promisify = require('deferred').promisify
mongoose.Collection.prototype.pinsert = promisify(mongoose.Collection.prototype.insert);
var user1, user2;
// insert users
// insert channels
.then(function (users) {
user1 = users[0]; user2 = users[1];
return conn.collection('channels').pinsert([{userId:user1._id},{userId:user2._id}]);
// insert articles
.match(function (channel1, channel2) {
return conn.collection('articles').pinsert([{userId:user1._id,channelId:channel1._id},{}]);
.done(function (articles) {
// Do something with articles
}, function (err) {
// Handle any error that might have occurred on the way
Considering Model.save instead of Collection.insert (quite the same in our case).
You don't need to use Q, you can wrap yourself the save method and return directly a Mongoose Promise.
First create an utility method to wrap the save function, that's not very clean but something like:
//Utility function (put it in a better place)
var saveInPromise = function (model) {
var promise = new mongoose.Promise();
model.save(function (err, result) {
promise.resolve(err, result);
return promise;
Then you can use it instead of save to chain your promises
var User = mongoose.model('User');
var Channel = mongoose.model('Channel');
var Article = mongoose.model('Article');
//Step 1
var user = new User({data: 'value'});
saveInPromise(user).then(function () {
//Step 2
var channel = new Channel({user: user.id})
return saveInPromise(channel);
}).then(function (channel) {
//Step 3
var article = new Article({channel: channel.id})
return saveInPromise(article);
}, function (err) {
//A single place to handle your errors
I guess that's the kind of simplicity we are looking for.. right? Of course the utility function can be implemented with better integration with Mongoose.
Let me know what you think about that.
By the way there is an issue about that exact problem in the Mongoose Github:
Add 'promise' return value to model save operation
I hope it's gonna be solved soon. I think it takes some times because they are thinking of switching from mpromise to Q: See here and then here.
Two years later, this question just popped up in my RSS client ...
Things have moved on somewhat since May 2012 and we might choose to solve this one in a different way now. More specifically, the Javascript community has become "reduce-aware" since the decision to include Array.prototype.reduce (and other Array methods) in ECMAScript5. Array.prototype.reduce was always (and still is) available as a polyfill but was little appreciated by many of us at that time. Those who were running ahead of the curve may demur on this point, of course.
The problem posed in the question appears to be formulaic, with rules as follows :
The objects in the array passed as the first param to conn.collection(table).insert() build as follows (where N corresponds to the object's index in an array):
[ {}, ... ]
[ {userId:userN._id}, ... ]
[ {userId:userN._id, channelId:channelN._id}, ... ]
table names (in order) are : users, channels, articles.
the corresopnding object properties are : user, channel, article (ie the table names without the pluralizing 's').
A general pattern from this article by Taoofcode) for making asynchronous call in series is :
function workMyCollection(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function(promise, item) {
return promise.then(function(result) {
return doSomethingAsyncWithResult(item, result);
}, q());
With quite light adaptation, this pattern can be made to orchestrate the required sequencing :
function cascadeInsert(tables, n) {
/* tables: array of unpluralisd table names
/* n: number of users to insert.
/* returns promise of completion|error
var ids = []; // this outer array is available to the inner functions (to be read and written to).
for(var i=0; i<n; i++) { ids.push({}); } //initialize the ids array with n plain objects.
return tables.reduce(function (promise, t) {
return promise.then(function (docs) {
for(var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
if(!docs[i]) throw (new Error(t + ": returned documents list does not match the request"));//or simply `continue;` to be error tolerant (if acceptable server-side).
ids[i][t+'Id'] = docs[i]._id; //progressively add properties to the `ids` objects
return insert(ids, t + 's');
}, Q());
Lastly, here's the promise-returning worker function, insert() :
function insert(ids, t) {
/* ids: array of plain objects with properties as defined by the rules
/* t: table name.
/* returns promise of docs
var dfrd = Q.defer();
conn.collection(t).insert(ids, function(err, docs) {
(err) ? dfrd.reject(err) : dfrd.resolve(docs);
return dfrd.promise;
Thus, you can specify as parameters passed to cascadeInsert, the actual table/property names and the number of users to insert.
cascadeInsert( ['user', 'channel', 'article'], 2 ).then(function () {
// you get here if everything was successful
}).catch(function (err) {
// you get here if anything failed
This works nicely because the tables in the question all have regular plurals (user => users, channel => channels). If any of them was irregular (eg stimulus => stimuli, child => children), then we would need to rethink - (and probably implement a lookup hash). In any case, the adaptation would be fairly trivial.
Today we have mongoose-q as well. A plugin to mongoose that gives you stuff like execQ and saveQ which return Q promises.
