JsRender - How to Translate templates? (Best Practices) - javascript

Im rokiee using Jsrender, I would like to know which is the best way to translate my templates
I have templates like this:
<div> Hello, {{:name}}</div>
<div> welcome to {{:place}}</div>
and i read daat from file like this:
"name": "David"
"place": "wien"
Until here, works fine.
So, now i would like to translate the words "hello" and "welcome to" in diferrents languages. But my system its really ugly and inefficient.
I have different files that i load depends on "lang" attribute. For expample
lang="EN" im going to load:
var t_hello = "Hello";
var t_msg = "Welcome to";
if lang="es" im going to load:
var t_hello = "Hola";
var t_msg = "Bienvenido a";
Then my templates looks like this:
var wellcomeTemplate = `
<div>`+t_hello+`, {{:name}}</div>
<div>`+t_msg+` {{:place}}</div>`
There are any way to improve this templates engine translations?
Note: Translations MUST NOT come in the same .json that DATA

If you have your localized dictionary as JSON or a JavaScript object (hash):
var terms = {
hello: "Hola",
welcome: "Bienvenido a"
then you can pass in the terms separately from the data, as helper variables:
<script id="tmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div>{{:~hello}}, {{:name}}</div>
<div>{{:~welcome}} {{:place}}</div>
like this:
var data = {
name: "John",
place: "Madrid"
var html = $.templates("#tmpl").render(data, terms);
When you change language, pass in the appropriate localized terms.
See http://www.jsviews.com/#helpers
An alternative possibility is to translate the template for each language, using JsRender itself to translate. Simply change the delimiters for the translation step, so you only translate the terms, without changing the other tags:
<script id="baseTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div><%:hello%>, {{:name}}</div>
<div><%:welcome%> {{:place}}</div>
$.views.settings.delimiters("<%", "%>");
var localizedTemplate = $.templates("#baseTmpl").render(terms);
$.views.settings.delimiters("{{", "}}");
var html = $.templates(localizedTemplate).render(data);
See http://www.jsviews.com/#settings/delimiters
Both approaches are shown in this jsfiddle


binding object to templates with javascript

I have been playing with jquery and templates, and I cobbled together a simple template binding system:
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
var buffer = '';
var template = $("#Template").html();
buffer += template.format(arrayElement.p1,);
My question is: Is there a more natural way that I can take a JSON object, such as:
{"user": { "id": "1","name": "bob" }}
And use a more natural binding sintax, such a this:
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
straight JS or jquery would be idea. I know that some of the more complex data binding tools like Angular provide these features, but the complexity of some of the data binding plugins makes my head swim. Anything based on node is right out.
Is there some native feature I don't know about that makes this easy?
If you can use ES2015 "template strings".
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
You have not added response array, so I am assuming it as
{"user": { "id": "1","name": "bob" }},
{"user": { "id": "2","name": "Some Name" }}
var buffer = '';
var template = $("#Template").html();
response.Data.forEach(function(arrayElement) {
var user = arrayElement.user;
buffer += eval('`' + template + '`');

Use the same data object across multiple templates in Handlebars.js

I want to use the same data object across multiple templates in different contexts, how can I reuse it. By any chance, handlebars partials would be helpful in this situation.
var source = $("#homePage-template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var dataPanel = {activites:[
{activity: "Events" , activityRedirect:"#", icon:"fa fa-camera-retro" , imageUrl:"xyz"},
{activity: "Ciriculars" , activityRedirect:"#", icon:"fa fa-paper-plane", imageUrl:"xyz"}
And here is my template:
<script id="homePage-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<li><i class="{{icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{activity}}</li>
Another Template
<script id="another-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<img src="{{imageUrl}}"/>
Now how can I reuse this data into "another-template", because I want an image and text in that but it renders like "homePage-template" only in form of a list, if anyone has an idea over this!
In order to have a second template you must fetch its HTML source from the DOM and compile it into a template method just as you are doing for the Home Page Template.
var homepage_template_source = $('#homePage-template').html();
var another_template_source = $('#another-template').html();
var homepage_template = Handlebars.compile(homepage_template_source);
var another_template = Handlebars.compile(another_template_source);
You must call the template method for the specific template you wish to render:
See this fiddle for an example.

Selecting with jquery in my own js templating system/engine

For simplification and control, I have my own js templating engine, which works like this:
<ul id="persons">
<li class="person-template hide">
<span>{name}</span>, <span class="placemark" data-lat="{latitude}" data-lng="{longitude}">{location}</span>
var persons = [
{"name":"hulk", "location": "usa", latitude: -33.4, longitude: -70.5},
{"name":"wolverine", "location": "mexico", latitude: -33.4, longitude: -70.5},
$.each(persons, function(i, person) {
var html = $(".person-template").clone().removeClass("person-template").addClass("person").show().outerHtml();
html = html.replaceAll("{name}", person.name);
html = html.replaceAll("{latitude}", person.latitude);
html = html.replaceAll("{longitude}", person.longitude);
html = html.replaceAll("{location}", person.location);
(replaceAll and outerHtml are two helper functions I've made, they are self-explained by their names)
My problem with this is that sometimes I want to select things with jQuery but my template notation interferes, for example:
$(".placemark").each(function(i, v) {
Will alert: "{latitude}", "-33.4", "-33.4"
Obviously I want to avoid the template value.
What is the most clean solution for this?
Start using a formal template engine?
Skip first in the $.each? (kind of ugly)
You are cloning the template, so it still exists. You need to remove it after you loop through.
or, you can just make sure not to grab the person-template when you alert. $(".location_but_not_location_template").each ...

Backbone js.How to pass data from view to template in backbone js

I am new to Backbone js. Can some one help me to send data in template from my view.
My View has this code:
and my template contains
<li class="menu-item"><%user_name%></li>
and I want to send "awsome_user"to it.
It would be great if any one would help me.
var compiled = _.template($("#loginned-top-bar-template").html());
var templateVars = {user_name : 'awesome_user' };
$('#top-bar').html( compiled(templateVars) );
<%user_name%> should be <%=user_name%> if you want to print the variable.
If you want to use other user_name, set user_name property before compiled function called.
var compiled = _.template($("#loginned-top-bar-template").html());
var templateVars = {user_name : 'awesome_user' };
templateVars.user_name = Parse.User.current().get("name");
$('#top-bar').html( compiled(templateVars) );

Scrape text of a specific pattern using Javascript/Jquery

I am fetching the contents of a webpage (using scipio module of nodejs). From the webpage, I need to extract all lines of the form {title: "..." ......}. The relevant portion of the webpage is shown below:
var ALEXA={viewsHelpers:{}};
ALEXA.viewsHelpers.map.div= "visitsMap";
{title:"United States: 29.8%",id:"US",value:"5.39"},
{title:"India: 8.9%",id:"IN",value:"4.19"},
{title:"Russia: 3.3%",id:"RU",value:"3.19"},
{title:"Japan: 3.3%",id:"JP",value:"3.19"},
{title:"Brazil: 3%",id:"BR",value:"3.1"},
{title:"United Kingdom: 2.9%",id:"GB",value:"3.06"},
{title:"Iran: 2.5%",id:"IR",value:"2.92"},
{title:"France: 2.3%",id:"FR",value:"2.83"},
{title:"Spain: 2.3%",id:"ES",value:"2.83"},
{title:"Germany: 2.3%",id:"DE",value:"2.83"},
{title:"Mexico: 2.1%",id:"MX",value:"2.74"},
{title:"Italy: 2%",id:"IT",value:"2.69"},
{title:"Canada: 1.9%",id:"CA",value:"2.64"},
{title:"Indonesia: 1.7%",id:"ID",value:"2.53"},
{title:"Turkey: 1.2%",id:"TR",value:"2.18"},
{title:"Australia: 1.2%",id:"AU",value:"2.18"},
{title:"Pakistan: 1%",id:"PK",value:"2"},
{title:"Taiwan: 0.9%",id:"TW",value:"1.89"},
{title:"Argentina: 0.9%",id:"AR",value:"1.89"},
{title:"Netherlands: 0.9%",id:"NL",value:"1.89"},
{title:"South Korea: 0.9%",id:"KR",value:"1.89"},
{title:"Poland: 0.9%",id:"PL",value:"1.89"},
{title:"China: 0.8%",id:"CN",value:"1.78"},
{title:"Saudi Arabia: 0.8%",id:"SA",value:"1.78"},
{title:"Malaysia: 0.8%",id:"MY",value:"1.78"},
{title:"South Africa: 0.8%",id:"ZA",value:"1.78"},
{title:"Thailand: 0.7%",id:"TH",value:"1.64"},
{title:"Nigeria: 0.7%",id:"NG",value:"1.64"},
{title:"Colombia: 0.7%",id:"CO",value:"1.64"},
{title:"Egypt: 0.6%",id:"EG",value:"1.49"},
{title:"Ukraine: 0.6%",id:"UA",value:"1.49"},
{title:"Venezuela: 0.6%",id:"VE",value:"1.49"},
{title:"Philippines: 0.6%",id:"PH",value:"1.49"},
{title:"Singapore: 0.5%",id:"SG",value:"1.31"},
{title:"Greece: 0.5%",id:"GR",value:"1.31"}];
Any suggestions on how to achieve this will be helpful
If I understand well your question, you can do
html = html.split('\n').filter(function(l){
return !/^\s*{title:.*},?\s*/.test(l)
