Why is Meteor Mongo collection inaccessible on the client? - javascript

I have a piece of code show below that creates a Mongo collection as show below. However whenever I try to access the collection from inside of the Meteor.isClient scope I get an error. Please can anyone spot my mistake.
ImagesCollection = new Mongo.Collection("Images");
Images = new Mongo.Collection("Images");
Template.body.helpers({ images :
function() {
console.log("Template Loade");
return Images.find({},{sort: -1 });
}) ;
'click .js-image' : function(event){
$(event.target).css("Width", "50px");
} ,
'click .js-del-image' : function(event){
var image_id = this._id ;
$("#"+image_id).hide({slow });
Images.remove({"_id" : image_id});
'click .js-rate-image' : function(event){
var rating = $(event.currentTarget).data("userrating");
var image_id = this.id ;
Images.find({"_id": image_id});
The content of my Startup.js is as below as well
for(var i = 0 ; i<=23 ; i++)
'img_src' : 'img_'+i+'.jpg' ,
'img_alt' : 'Image number' + i

consle.log("Template Loade");
Since you don't specify your error, the line above will raise an error.

From the code that you have provided, there are two problems that I can see.
First, in your images template helper, your second parameter for the Images.find() function call is incorrect. You are missing a document field specification for the sort operation. This second parameter needs to be in the format {sort: {'document_field': -1}}. Although you have not provided the error text that you are seeing, I suspect the error has something to do with Mongo not being able to process the query, and this would be the reason for that.
Second, although this is less severe and should not be causing the problems with your inability to access the Images collection on the client, in your console.log() statement in your server Meteor.startup() code you are accessing count as if it is a property on the cursor returned from the Images.find() function call. In actuality, it is a function and should be called like so: Images.find().count().
Also, as an aside, I would suggest that you give different names to your two collections that you have defined. Giving them both the same name may cause issues for you if you are trying to manipulate data through the Mongo shell.

I am not sure if this is an issue, but why are you initializing twice the "images" collection ?
ImagesCollection = new Mongo.Collection("Images");
Images = new Mongo.Collection("Images");
And ImagesCollection is not used anywhere in you're code.
Try to remove one of this lines.


Can't overwrite object saved with rhaboo in javascript

I'm trying to save an object with rhaboo in javascript. The first time after initialising it is working but when I'm trying to save it again it gives me the
rhaboo.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'refs' of undefined error. I pinned down the error to the line where I save the keyArray with notes.write('presentationNotes', keyArray);
How I get the error in detail:
I open my webapplication with a clean localStorage (nothing is saved) and rhaboo gets initialised. After that I navigate to a document and open the notes-div with the notes-button. I write something in the notes-area and hit the notes-submit button to save the notes with rhaboo to localStorage. I do the same for a second document. For now everything works. Both notes get saved correctly so that I have an object like this:
keyArray = {activeDoc1: ['note1', 'note2'], activeDoc2: ['note1', 'note2']}
saved in rhaboo in notes.presentationNotes. Then I reload my webapplication and rhaboo is already initialised. I navigate to the documents as before and check if I can load the saved notes. This works as expected but when I try to hit the notes-submit button again it gives me the aforementioned error. What am I doing wrong?
var notes = Rhaboo.persistent('Presentation Notes');
$(document).ready(function(event) {
var keyArray, activeDoc;
if (!notes.initialised) {
notes.write('initialised', true);
notes.write('presentationNotes', {});
console.log('Rhaboo Initialised');
keyArray = {};
} else {
console.log('Rhaboo already initialised');
keyArray = notes.presentationNotes;
console.log('notes.presentationNotes onLoad = ');
//Notes open
$(document).on('click', '#notes-button', function() {
activeDoc = $('.node.active').attr('id');
if (notes.presentationNotes[activeDoc] != null) {
//Iterate notes
$.each(notes.presentationNotes[activeDoc], function(index, value) {
$('#notes-area').append(value + '\n');
//Notes save
$(document).on('click', '#notes-submit', function() {
var str = $('#notes-area').val();
var array = str.split("\n");
keyArray[activeDoc] = array;
//Save notes
notes.write('presentationNotes', keyArray);
//Clear textarea
Without the HTML I haven't been able to try this, so I'm just guessing here, but I suspect your problem will go away if you stop using keyArray and activeDoc. The whole point of rhaboo is that it is not a place to store your data. It IS your data.
I see no transient data in your program, i.e., no data which you actively want to delete when the user goes away and comes back. All the data is supposed to be persistent, therefore it should all be under the Rhaboo.persistent.
That's the philosophy, but to be more specific, I think your problem is here:
keyArray[activeDoc] = array;
When I wonder what keyArray is is find:
keyArray = notes.presentationNotes;
so the earlier line actually says:
notes.presentationNotes[activeDoc] = array;
but it says on the tin that that should read:
notes.presentationNotes.write(activeDoc, array);
The upshot is that that the hooks that make rhaboo work have not been inserted into array, as notes.presentationNotes.write would have done.
When you next said:
notes.write('presentationNotes', keyArray);
it meant:
notes.write('presentationNotes', notes.presentationNotes).
which is clearly not what you meant. Rhaboo doesn't suspect that array has no hooks yet because it can see that notes.presentationNotes does have hooks.
I also forget to use write sometimes, and it really bugs me that JS offers no way to hook into the creation of a NEW key within an object X, no matter what you've done to X. Without that limitation, there'd be no need for write and it could be foolproof.

Two-way data binding for a Meteor app

I've built an app that is form-based. I want to enable users to partially fill out a form, and then come back to it at a later date if they can't finish it at the present. I've used iron router to create a unique URL for each form instance, so they can come back to the link. My problem is that Meteor doesn't automatically save the values in the inputs, and the form comes up blank when it is revisited/refreshes. I tried the below solution to store the data in a temporary document in a separate Mongo collection called "NewScreen", and then reference that document every time the template is (re)rendered to auto fill the form. However, I keep getting an error that the element I'm trying to reference is "undefined". The weird thing is that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I've tried setting a recursive setTimeout function, but on the times it fails, that doesn't work either. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Or, if I'm going about this all wrong, feel free to suggest a different approach:
Screens = new Meteor.Collection('screens') //where data will ultimately be stored
Forms = new Meteor.Collection('forms') //Meteor pulls form questions from here
NewScreen = new Meteor.Collection('newscreen') //temporary storage collection
Roles = new Meteor.Collection('roles'); //displays list of metadata about screens in a dashboard
//dynamic routing for unique instance of blank form
Router.route('/forms/:_id', {
name: 'BlankForm',
data: function(){
return NewScreen.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
//onRendered function to pull data from NewScreen collection (this is where I get the error)
var new_screen = NewScreen.findOne({_id: window.location.href.split('/')[window.location.href.split('/').length-1]})
function do_work(){
if(typeof new_screen === 'undefined'){
Meteor.setTimeout(do_work, 100);
$('input')[0].value = new_screen.first;
$('textarea')[i].value = new_screen.answers[i];
//onChange event that updates the NewScreen document when user updates value of input in the form
'change [id="on-change"]': function(e, tmpl){
var screen_data = [];
var name = $('input')[0].value;
for(i=0; i<$('textarea').length;i++){
Session.set("updateNewScreen", this._id);
answers: screen_data,
first: name
If you get undefined that could mean findOne() did not find the newscreen with the Id that was passed in from the url. To investigate this, add an extra line like console.log(window.location.href.split('/')[window.location.href.split('/').length-1], JSON.stringify(new_screen));
This will give you both the Id from the url and the new_screen that was found.
I would recommend using Router.current().location.get().path instead of window.location.href since you use IR.
And if you're looking for two way binding in the client, have a look at Viewmodel for Meteor.

Adding object to PFRelation through Cloud Code

I am trying to add an object to a PFRelation in Cloud Code. I'm not too comfortable with JS but after a few hours, I've thrown in the towel.
var relation = user.relation("habits");
user.save().then(function(success) {
I made sure that user and habit are valid objects so that isn't the issue. Also, since I am editing a PFUser, I am using the masterkey:
Don't throw in the towel yet. The likely cause is hinted at by the variable name newHabit. If it's really new, that's the problem. Objects being saved to relations have to have once been saved themselves. They cannot be new.
var user = // got the user somehow
var newHabit = // create the new habit
// save it, and use promises to keep the code organized
newHabit.save().then(function() {
// newHabit is no longer new, so maybe that wasn't a great variable name
var relation = user.relation("habits");
return user.save();
}).then(function(success) {
}, function(error) {
// you would have had a good hint if this line was here

Meteor Leaderboard example: resetting the scores

I've been trying to do Meteor's leaderboard example, and I'm stuck at the second exercise, resetting the scores. So far, the furthest I've got is this:
// On server startup, create some players if the database is empty.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Players.find().count() === 0) {
var names = ["Ada Lovelace",
"Grace Hopper",
"Marie Curie",
"Carl Friedrich Gauss",
"Nikola Tesla",
"Claude Shannon"];
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
Players.insert({name: names[i]}, {score: Math.floor(Random.fraction()*10)*5});
whymanwhy: function(){
Players.update({},{score: Math.floor(Random.fraction()*10)*5});
And then to use the whymanwhy method I have a section like this in if(Meteor.isClient)
'click input#resetscore': function(){Meteor.call("whymanwhy"); }
The problem with this is that {} is supposed to select all the documents in MongoDB collection, but instead it creates a new blank scientist with a random score. Why? {} is supposed to select everything. I tried "_id" : { $exists : true }, but it's a kludge, I think. Plus it behaved the same as {}.
Is there a more elegant way to do this? The meteor webpage says:
Make a button that resets everyone's score to a random number. (There
is already code to do this in the server startup code. Can you factor
some of this code out and have it run on both the client and the
Well, to run this on the client first, instead of using a method to the server and having the results pushed back to the client, I would need to explicitly specify the _ids of each document in the collection, otherwise I will run into the "Error: Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID. [403]". But how can I get that? Or should I just make it easy and use collection.allow()? Or is that the only way?
I think you are missing two things:
you need to pass the option, {multi: true}, to update or it will only ever change one record.
if you only want to change some fields of a document you need to use $set. Otherwise update assumes you are providing the complete new document you want and replaces the original.
So I think the correct function is:
Players.update({},{$set: {score: Math.floor(Random.fraction()*10)*5}}, {multi:true});
The documentation on this is pretty thorough.

Sorting Dynamic Data with Isotope

I am trying to use Isotope.js to sort data by type. There seem to be a few ways to do this however they all require that you know the sort variables before hand.
One of the best examples of what I'm talking about is found in this question.
In the example they are trying to sort by class for example group all elements with class .milk like so:
milk: function( $elem ) {
var isMilk = $elem.hasClass('milk');
return (!isMilk?' ':'');
A jsfiddle is provided here: http://jsfiddle.net/Yvk9q/9/
My problem:
I am pulling the categories (classes or data-type) from a user generated database. For this reason I cannot simply add all the sorting variables to the code before hand.
I played with the fiddle and got a semi working sort here: http://jsfiddle.net/BandonRandon/erfXH/1/ by using data-category instead of class. However,this just sorts all data alphabetically not by actual category.
Some possible solutions:
Use JSON to return an array of all categories and then use this to loop through classes
Use inline javascript and run a PHP loop inside a <script> tag
Write an external PHP file with a javascript header
What I'm looking for
The simplest best approach here, being if it's one of the solutions above or something different. This doesn't seem like it should need to be this complicated. So I may be over complicating this.
I now have a json array of my data but I can't figure out how to pass the data into the isotope settings when i try something like this
var $container = $('.sort-container');
var opts = {
itemSelector: '.member-item',
layoutMode: 'straightDown',
getSortData : {
$.getJSON( 'member-cat-json.php', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
var slug = data[i].slug;
slug : function( $elem ) {
var is+slug = $elem.hasClass(slug);
return (!is+slug?' ':'');
var $container = $('.sort-container');
It fails because I can't use a loop inside of the plugin settings. Not sure what can be done about this though.
I found this question which seems about what I'm trying to do but unfortunately the most recent jsfiddle fails with isotope
Here is a sample of my JSON output:
{term_id:9, name:Milk, slug:milk, term_group:0, term_taxonomy_id:17...}
{term_id:9, name:Eggs, slug:eggs, term_group:0, term_taxonomy_id:17...}
I am using the slug as the class name and in my loop.
I'm not sure I entirely understand your question, but I'll state my assumptions and work from there:
You have data in a format as described above:
{term_id:9, name:Milk, slug:milk, term_group:0, term_taxonomy_id:17...}
You want to sort on the slug names, even though we do not know what the slugs will be named ahead of time.
Assuming these two things, the fiddle you've linked to is close, but has a problem due to closures which I have fixed.
As expected, your situation is similar to the one listed, except that you need to obtain the JSON data first, as you have.
var $container = $('.sort-container'),
createSortFunction = function(slug) {
return function($elem) {
return $elem.hasClass(slug) ? ' ' : '';
getSortData = function(data) {
var sortMethods = {};
for (var index in data) {
var slug = data[index].slug;
// immediately create the function to avoid
// closure problems
sortMethods[slug] = createSortFunction(slug);
return sortMethods;
$.getJSON('member-cat-json.php', function (data) {
// I'm wrapping the isotop creation inside the `getJSON`
// call, just to ensure that we have `data`
itemSelector: '.member-item',
layoutMode: 'straightDown',
getSortData: getSortData(data);
