Javascript Socket.IO - Socket empty when passing to other object - javascript

I'm trying to give the socket object to my 'ConnectionHandler' class, but when using this socket object it gives this error: 'cannot read property socket of undefined'.
Server class:
Server.prototype.handleConnections = function ()
this.queueTime = 15; // Queue time in seconds
var that = this; // Create a global variable of the server object
// On incoming connection'connection', function (socket) {
console.log('connection incoming...'); // Log a message to the server console
// When a client tries to join the queue
socket.on('client_join_queue', function (username) {
// Check if the username is valid
if (! (username.length < 3)) {
var newPlayer = new player(username);
var connectionHandler = new connectionHandling(socket, that, newPlayer);
ConnectionHandler class:
'use strict';
var ConnectionHandler = function (_socket, _server, _player)
this.socket = _socket;
this.server = _server;
this.player = _player;
this.server.connections[0].socket.emit('player_joined_queue', this.player, this.server.queueHandler.getQueue().length);
var that = this;
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log("user disconnected");
console.log("queue:", that.server.queueHandler.getQueue());
module.exports.ConnectionHandler = ConnectionHandler;
I've absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong.

What fljs was saying, you are emitting an event called 'player_joined_queue'.
But you are listening for the event 'client_join_queue'. You need to listen for the event with the same name you are emitting. So you would need to change one or the other. for example,
socket.on('player_joined_queue', function (username) {


React Native Websocket outside access

Im trying to send an answer to my websocket-server from a component which does not contain the websocket. My Websocket server looks like this:
componentDidMount() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws:// URL');
ws.onmessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this);
How can I pass the "var ws" to another class or component. Or is it possible to make the websocket globally accessable?
Thank you very much for any help!
I found a solution with help from this question in stackoverflow:
React native: Always running component
I created a new class WebsocketController like this:
let instance = null;
class WebsocketController{
constructor() {
instance = this;
} = new WebSocket('ws://URL');
return instance;
export default WebsocketController
And then in my other class where I need my websocket I just called it like this:
let controller = new WebsocketController();
var ws =;
websocket connection
keep this code in some file, name it with .js extenstion. ex: websocket.js
var WebSocketServer = require("ws").Server;
var wss = new WebSocketServer({port:8100});
wss.broadcast = function broadcast(msg) {
wss.clients.forEach(function each(client) {
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
// Store the remote systems IP address as "remoteIp".
var remoteIp = ws.upgradeReq.connection.remoteAddress;
// Print a log with the IP of the client that connected.
console.log('Connection received: ', remoteIp);
ws.send('You successfully connected to the websocket.');
In your app/website side. create .js file. Ex: client.js
var SERVER_URL = 'ws://';
var ws;
function connect() {
ws = new WebSocket(SERVER_URL, []);
// Set the function to be called when a message is received.
ws.onmessage = handleMessageReceived;
// Set the function to be called when we have connected to the server.
ws.onopen = handleConnected;
// Set the function to be called when an error occurs.
ws.onerror = handleError;
function handleMessageReceived(data) {
// Simply call logMessage(), passing the received data.
function handleConnected(data) {
// Create a log message which explains what has happened and includes
// the url we have connected too.
var logMsg = 'Connected to server: ' +;
// Add the message to the log.
ws.send("hi am raj");
function handleError(err) {
// Print the error to the console so we can debug it.
console.log("Error: ", err);
function logMessage(msg) {
// $apply() ensures that the elements on the page are updated
// with the new message.
$scope.$apply(function() {
//Append out new message to our message log. The \n means new line.
$scope.messageLog = $scope.messageLog + msg + "\n";
Please let me know if you face any issue with this code

How to mock event handler method using sinon.js?

I am newbie to Node.js and I am writing DAO layer for HBase which will wrap thrift and provide clear interface to other layers. I am trying to write unit tests for it using sinon.js and mocha but not sure how to ensure mock one event of Thrift connection class and its event handler.
My DAO code is as follows:
var thrift = require('thrift');
var libDirRelativePath = "../../../lib";
var hbaseThriftDirPath = libDirRelativePath + "/hbase-gen-nodejs";
var hbase = require(hbaseThriftDirPath + '/THBaseService');
var hbaseTypes = require(hbaseThriftDirPath + '/hbase_types');
var thritfPrimaryServerAddress = 'nn2';
var thritfBackupServerAddress = 'backup-nn2';
var thriftServerPort = 9090;
exports.putRows = function(tableName, putObjectArray, callback) {
var primaryClusterConnection = thrift.createConnection(thritfPrimaryServerAddress, thriftServerPort, {
transport: thrift.TBufferedTransport,
protocol : thrift.TBinaryProtocol
console.log('DEBUG : connection object created.');
var client = thrift.createClient(hbase, primaryClusterConnection);
console.log('DEBUG : client object created.');
primaryClusterConnection.on('connect', onConnectOfPutRows);
primaryClusterConnection.on('connect', function() {
console.log('Connected to HBase thrift server at ' + thritfPrimaryServerAddress + ":" + thriftServerPort);
client.putMultiple(tableName, putObjectArray, callback);
primaryClusterConnection.on('error', function() {
console.log('Error occurred in HBase thirft server connection.');
For above code I Just want to create stubs primaryClusterConnection and client objects which I have managed but problem is that stub of primaryClusterConnection doesn't have any idea about connect event and its handler so console.log('Connected to HBase thrift server at '... line never gets executed. I want to test that part of the code as well. Can anyone please help me in writing proper stubs/mocks for this problem?
My test code is as follows:
var hbaseDao = require('../../../src/dao/hbase/HBaseDao.js');
var libDirRelativePath = "../../../lib";
var hbaseThriftDirPath = libDirRelativePath + "/hbase-gen-nodejs";
var hbase = require(hbaseThriftDirPath + '/THBaseService');
var chai = require('chai');
var should = chai.should();
var expect = chai.expect;
var sinon = require('sinon');
describe("HBaseDao", function() {
describe(".putRows()", function() {
it("Should execute callback after inserting objects in HBase.", function(done) {
var commonStub = sinon.stub();
var connection = {
close : function() {
console.log('connection closed.');
commonStub.withArgs('nn2', 9090).returns(connection);
var client = {};
commonStub.withArgs(hbase, connection).returns(client);
var tableName = 'DUMMY_READINGS_TABLE';
var callBackMethod = function() {
console.log('dummy callback function.');
commonStub.withArgs(tableName, [], callBackMethod).returns(0);
hbaseDao.putRows(tableName, [], callBackMethod);
Let's start by simplifying the problem a bit.
it.only("Should execute callback after inserting objects in HBase.", function(done) {
var events = require('events');
var hbaseDao = new events.EventEmitter();
hbaseDao.putRows = function() {
console.log('putting rows');
hbaseDao.on('notify', function(){
console.log('notify event fired');
done(); //here's where you call the callback to assert that the event has fired
sinon.spy(hbaseDao, 'putRows');
var commonStub = sinon.stub();
var tableName = 'DUMMY_READINGS_TABLE';
var client = {};
var connection = {
close : function() {
console.log('connection closed.');
var callBackMethod = function() {
console.log('dummy callback function.');
commonStub.withArgs('nn2', 9090).returns(connection);
commonStub.withArgs({}, connection).returns(client);
commonStub.withArgs(tableName, [], callBackMethod).returns(0);
hbaseDao.putRows(tableName, [], callBackMethod);
The above test will just work, because it creates a new "hbaseDao" from a simple event emitter and has the method and the notify event ready to go.
Because we're doing an async test, we need to have the done callback in the spec. Notice that this will only fire "done" when the event has occurred. Hence, the test will not pass unless the event fires. Also notice that we're spying specifically on the the hbaseDao 'putRows' and we're asserting that the its called once, another way to ensure that the test is working. Now consider this example and apply it to your original question.
I think you almost got it, but you need to put your done callback in the callback stub as so:
var callBackMethod = function() {
console.log('dummy callback function.');
That way, when your primaryClusterConnection.on('connect') event is fired, the supplied callback will execute the done and complete the test.
That being said, you should leave your primaryClusterConnection intact and let the implementation details of hbaseDao not be considered in your test.
You mentioned that:
primaryClusterConnection doesn't have any idea about connect
But that can't be right, because you're creating a new connection in the test and there's nothing in your implementation that tells me you have changed the event handler for the connection.
So I think in the end, you're missing the point of the test, which is simply should execute callback... and you're stubbing out stuff that you don't even need to.
Try something like this:
//use it.only to make sure there's no other tests running
it.only("Should execute callback after inserting objects in HBase.", function(done) {
//get the class
var hbaseDao = require('../../../src/dao/hbase/HBaseDao.js');
//spy on the method
sinon.spy(hbaseDao, 'putRows');
//create a table name
var tableName = 'DUMMY_READINGS_TABLE';
//create callback method with done.
var callBackMethod = function() {
console.log('dummy callback function.');
//run the function under test
hbaseDao.putRows(tableName, [], callBackMethod);
//assert called once

I am receiving a message in node.js and the object socket is undefined

I have the following code:
function Socket(io, playGame, mapper) {
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
// message handler for the chat message
socket.on('sendChat', function (data) {
console.log('recieved chat');
var connectedPlayer = playGame.findConnectedPlayer(socket);
if (!connectedPlayer)
var connectedGame = playGame.findConnectedGame(socket, connectedPlayer.gameId);
if (!connectedGame)
// send update game with players properly ordered
for (socketIndex in this.sockets) {
var socket = this.sockets[socketIndex];
// send the new data to each player
socket.socket.emit('chatUpdate', { chatText: });
// message handler for join game message
socket.on('joinGame', function (data) {
console.log('recieved join:', JSON.stringify(data));
if (!playGame.newConnectedPlayer(socket, data))
In the method for sendChat, socket is undefined. In the method for joinGame, socket is defined. I have tried several ideas, but the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated.
You'll have to rename one of the 2 socket variables -- either the parameter for 'connection' or the var in the loop:
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
for (socketIndex in this.sockets) {
var socket = this.sockets[socketIndex];
The var is shadowing the parameter, rendering the parameter inaccessible.
This happens in part because the var socket doesn't only exist within the for loop. JavaScript vars are function-scoped and their declarations are hoisted to the top of the function, as in:
socket.on('sendChat', function (data) {
var connectedPlayer, connectedGame, socket; // each initially `undefined`
// ...
for (socketIndex in this.sockets) {
socket = this.sockets[socketIndex];
// ...
And, having the same exact name, at most only one of them can be reached from a particular function.
Also note that the for loop and var socket aren't really necessary.
You can use the Socket.IO Server's own .emit() method to send a message to all clients.
io.emit('chatUpdate', { chatText: });

how to prevent new connection on every page refresh in sockjs

So, every time I refresh the page, it seems like sockjs is creating a new connection.
I am saving every message to my mongodb on every channel.onmessage, so if I refresh my page 7 times and send a message, I would save 7 messages of the same content into my mongodb.
This is very problematic because when I retrieve those messages when I go into the chat room, to see the log, I would see bunch of duplicate messages.
I want to keep track of all connections that are 'active', and if a user tries to make another connection, I want to terminate the old one so there is only one connection listening to each message at a time.
How do I do this ?
var connections = {};
//creating the sockjs server
var chat = sockjs.createServer();
//installing handlers for sockjs server instance, with the same url as client
chat.installHandlers(server, {prefix:'/chat/private'});
var multiplexer = new multiplexServer.MultiplexServer(chat);
var configChannel = function (channelId, userId, userName){
var channel = multiplexer.registerChannel(channelId);
channel.on('connection', function (conn) {
// console.log('connection');
connections[channelId] = connections[channelId] || {};
if (connections[channelId][userId]) {
//want to close the extra connection
} else {
connections[channelId][userId] = conn;
// }
// if (channels[channelId][userId]) {
// conn = channels[channelId][userId];
// } else {
// channels[channelId][userId] = conn;
// }
// console.log('accessing channel! ', channels[channelId]);
conn.on('new user', function (data, message) {
console.log('new user! ', data, message);
// var number = connections.length;
conn.on('data', function(message) {
var messageObj = JSON.parse(message);
handler.saveMessage(messageObj.channelId, messageObj.user, messageObj.message);
console.log('received the message, ', messageObj.message);
conn.write(JSON.stringify({channelId: messageObj.channelId, user: messageObj.user, message: messageObj.message }));
conn.on('close', function() {
conn.write(userName + ' has disconnected');
return channel;
The way I resolve a problem like yours was with a Closure and Promises, I don't know if that could help you. I let you the code that help me, this is with EventBus from Vertx:
window.Events = (function NewEvents() {
var eventBusUrl = $('#eventBusUrl').val();
var eventBus = null;
return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if(!eventBus) {
eventBus = new vertx.EventBus(eventBusUrl);
eventBus.onopen = function eventBusOpened() {
console.log('Event bus online');
eventBus.onclose = function() {
eventBus = null;
And then in other script I call it in this way:
Events.then(function(eventBus) {
console.log("registering handlers for comments");
eventBus.registerHandler(address, function(incomingMessage) {
I hope this can help you.

Dynamic Namespaces Socket.IO

How can I use dynamic namespaces in
I'm looking in the (poor) documentation, and it says that namespaces must be used like this:
To use a namespace you do io.of("/namespace").
Do I need to register every single namespace in the server? Maybe I want a namespace for dynamic content.
How can I do something like :
Socket.IO supports 'rooms' (, you can use it instead of namespaces. Also when you need dynamic in routes (and you using express in your app) - best way is to use use route-engine from express box.
Best way to do dynamic routing with Express.js (node.js)
Using routes in Express-js
However, if you still think that you need dynamic in namespaces in, here is small example how it can be implemented:
var connect = function (ns) {
return io.connect(ns, {
query: 'ns='+ns,
resource: ""
var socket = connect('/user/12');
var url = require('url');
, ev = new events.EventEmitter()
// <ns name>: <ns regexp>
var routes = {
// /user/:id
'user': '^\\/user\\/(\\d+)$',
// /:something/:id
'default': '^\\/(\\\w+)\\/(\\d+)$'
// global entry point for new connections
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// extract namespace from connected url query param 'ns'
var ns = url.parse(socket.handshake.url, true).query.ns;
console.log('connected ns: '+ns)
for (var k in routes) {
var routeName = k;
var routeRegexp = new RegExp(routes[k]);
// if connected ns matched with route regexp
if (ns.match(routeRegexp)) {
console.log('matched: '+routeName)
// create new namespace (or use previously created)
io.of(ns).on('connection', function (socket) {
// fire event when socket connecting
ev.emit('socket.connection route.'+routeName, socket);
// #todo: add more if needed
// on('message') -> ev.emit(...)
// when nothing matched
// ...
// event when socket connected in 'user' namespace
ev.on('socket.connection route.user', function () {
console.log('route[user] connecting..');
// event when socket connected in 'default' namespace
ev.on('socket.connection route.default', function () {
console.log('route[default] connecting..');
I hope this will help you!
I would use "rooms" to support your dynamic content.
Server Side
var server = require('http').createServer(),
io = require('')(server);
io.on('connection', function(socket){
var room = socket.handshake['query']['r_var'];
console.log('user joined room #'+room);
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('user disconnected');
socket.on('chat message', function(msg){'chat message', msg);
Client Side
var socket_connect = function (room) {
return io('localhost:3000', {
query: 'r_var='+room
var random_room = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1);
var socket = socket_connect(random_room);
socket.emit('chat message', 'hello room #'+random_room);
As of version 2.1.1 I was able to make it work with this:
wss.of((nsp, query, next) => {
const { token } = query;
// Do your authentication or whatever here...
// If success
next(null, true);
}).on('connect', (socket) => {
// socket connected to your namespace
var MAX_CLIENTS = 5;
var namespace_queue = [];
function searchObjectOnArray(nameKey, myArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i].id === nameKey) {
return myArray[i];
function createNamespace(data){
var ns = {
//id: require('node-uuid')(),
id :,
clients: 0,
return ns;
createNamespace({name: 'primer'});
io.of('').on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('-' +;
/// Welcome to the new client
socket.emit('Welcome', {SocketId :});
socket.on('JoinToApp', function (data, callback) {
var namespaceToConnect = searchObjectOnArray(data.namespace, namespace_queue)
if(namespaceToConnect.clients <= MAX_CLIENTS){
var dynamicNamespace = io.of('/' +;
dynamicNamespace.on('connection', function(ns_socket){
console.log('user connected to ' +;
dynamicNamespace.emit('hi', 'everyone!');
join_cb({message:'Namespace created'});
<input id="namespaceInput" type="text" placeholder="New namespace name">
<input id="namespaceToConnect" type="text" placeholder="namespace to connect">
<button onclick="javascript: createNamespace()">Create Namespace</button>
<button onclick="javascript: joinToNamespace()">Connect to Namespace</button>
<script src=""></script>
var socket = null;
socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/');
function createNamespace(){
var namespaceName = document.getElementById("namespaceInput").value;
socket.emit('createNamespace', {name : namespaceName}, function(data){
function joinToNamespace(){
var name = document.getElementById("namespaceToConnect").value;
socket.emit('JoinToApp', {namespace: name}, function(data){
console.log('Namespaces created:');
var ns_socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/' + name);
console.log('joined namespace ' + name);
ns_socket.on('hi', function(data){
console.log('hi ' + data)
More details on:
Here is one way. Here is a subclass I created to solve the problem:
That subclass adds dynamic namespaces as well as virtual hostname support (each host can go into its own namespace tree if you like). That repo has some examples.
Here is a universal listener that listens to every namespace requested, and logs a message for every socket that connects. You could listen to a different regexp to listen to any subset of namespaces.
It works with the standard client library without any modification.
var DynamicServer = require('');
io = DynamicServer({
host: true, // Enable virtual host handling
publicStatus: true // Enable / page.
// Any number of namespace patterns can be set up.
// This is an example of a single catch-all pattern.
io.setupNamespace(/.*/, function(nsp) {
nsp.on('connect', function(socket) {
console.log('a socket connected on', nsp.fullname());
nsp.expire(function() {
console.log(nsp.fullname(), 'is expiring');
On newer versions you can use something like io.of(/^\/\w+$/).on('connection', (socket) where /^\/\w+$/ is a regular expression that will allow connection if it is a match.
Here is a full example on how to use this to setup many namespaces, here I suppose the only concerne is preventing emit diffusion from reaching other namespaces.
const workspaces = {}
io.of(/^\/\w+$/).on('connection', (socket) => {
const workspace = socket.nsp;
const namespace =;
console.log("New Connection NameSpace", namespace);
// you can test here if "namespace" is allowed to be used
// if event handlers are set no need to got further
if (workspaces[namespace]) return;
// save workspace to prevent setting event handlers on each connection
workspaces[namespace] = workspace;
workspace.on("connection", (socket) => {
console.log(`${namespace} > connection from ${}`);
// set the event handlers same as normal socket
socket.on('event-1', (msg) => {
console.log("event-1", msg);
