Error In Javascript code with php - javascript

I wanna make statistics in my website for the last 3 years
I want to show result like this
2016 : 159
2015 : 132
2014 : 200
I try my code (this's)
$date2 = date('Y');
$n = $date2;
for($i=$n-2;$i<=$n;$i++) {
$sql = "SELECT sum(count) AS value_sum FROM statistics where YEAR(st_date) = $i ";
$sql_sel = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
echo '
var pieData = [
while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_sel)) {
if($i == $n-2) {
echo '{
value: '.$rows['value_sum'].',
else if($i == $n-1) {
echo '{
value: '.$rows['value_sum'].',
else if($i == $n) {
echo '{
value: '.$rows['value_sum'].',
new Chart(document.getElementById("pie").getContext("2d")).Pie(pieData);
but this code give me just 1 one row like this
2016 : 159
I wanna see all result, any help ?

You're creating 3 charts within your for loop. If you allow php to encode the data for you, you can echo the script outside of the PHP like so:
$date2 = date('Y');
$n = $date2;
$data = array();
for($i=$n-2;$i<=$n;$i++) {
$sql = "SELECT sum(count) AS value_sum FROM statistics where YEAR(st_date) = $i ";
$sql_sel = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_sel)) {
if($i == $n-2) {
$data[] = array('value'=> $rows['value_sum'], 'color'=>'#337AB7');
else if($i == $n-1) {
$data[] = array('value'=> $rows['value_sum'], 'color'=>'#FC8213');
else if($i == $n) {
$data[] = array('value'=> $rows['value_sum'], 'color'=>'#8BC34A');
var pieData = <?php json_encode($data) ?>;
new Chart(document.getElementById("pie").getContext("2d")).Pie(pieData);

This should help you out:
// Store the array for the pie data within PHP at first
$js_pie_data = [];
// Define colors
$colors = [
date('Y') => '8BC34A', // current year
(date('Y') - 1) => 'FC8213', // last year
(date('Y') - 2) => '337AB7' // 2 years ago
$sql = "SELECT
YEAR(st_date) as `year`, -- get year from DB, makes life simpler :)
sum(count) AS value_sum
YEAR(st_date) >= (YEAR(CURDATE())-2) -- get all records from 2 years ago to today
YEAR(st_date) -- group by year so that our sum() above will work";
$sql_sel = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_sel))
// keep adding entries to the pie data
$js_pie_data[] = [
'value' => $rows['value_sum'],
'color' => '#'.$colors[$rows['year']] // based on year from DB, pick a color
echo '<script>
var pieData = '.json_encode($js_pie_data).'; // this will output a properly formatted JS array which will be understood by JS with no problem
new Chart(document.getElementById("pie").getContext("2d")).Pie(pieData);

1)You can create array in php side.
2)Then convert it as json string.
3)Define javascript variable with that json string
4)Convert it as object with JSON.parse
5)Insert it in option
$db = Array("1","2","3");
$out = Array();
$x = 0;
foreach($db as $vals){
if($x == 1){
$out[] = Array("value"=>$vals,"color"=>"#bfbfbf");
if($x == 2){
$out[] = Array("value"=>$vals,"color"=>"#00ffff");
if($x == 3){
$out[] = Array("value"=>$vals,"color"=>"#fff00");
if($x == 3){$x = 0;}
echo "
<script language='javascript'>
var stat_str = '".json_encode($out)."';
var stat_obj = JSON.parse(stat_str);
// then you can insert stat_obj if you need object into stats


How to make a table react in javascript when clicked in php?

if (isset($_POST['search']))
$startDate = $_POST['start'];
$startDate = str_replace('/', '-', $startDate );
$startDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($startDate));
echo $startDate;
$endDate = $_POST['end'];
$endDate = str_replace('/', '-', $endDate );
$endDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($endDate));
echo $endDate;
$model = $_POST['model'];
echo $model;
$dates = getDatesStartToLast($startDate, $endDate);
for ($i=0; $i < count($dates); $i++){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><text class = 'dateselect'>$dates[$i]</text></td>";
$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from electec_db where DateInputTime >= '$dates[$i]' and DateInputTime <= '$dates[$i] 23:59:59' and Model = '$model'");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($query);
// echo $count;
echo "<td>$count</td>";
$arrays = array("Result = 'NG'", "Species = 'Burr'", "Species = 'Dirt'", "Species = 'Scratch'", "Species = 'Cracked'", "Species = 'Gas'" );
for ($j=0; $j < count($arrays); $j ++){
$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from electec_db where DateInputTime >= '$dates[$i]' and DateInputTime <= '$dates[$i] 23:59:59' and Model = '$model' and $arrays[$j]");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($query);
echo "<td>$count</td>";
// And this is jsp code
$('.dateselect').click(function() {
var dateSelect = $(this).text();
This is php code and javascript code.
When I click echo "$dates[$i]"; part,
I want to make react in script like alert dateSelect variable. But it doesn't make any reaction.
How to make a table react in javascript when clicked in php?
Do you have jQuery installed in your project? That's what the $ indicates.. Not sure what the jsp comment is about.
In straight javascript you could do something like this:
document.querySelectorAll('.dateSelect').forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener('click', event => {
<p class="dateSelect">thing1</p>
<p class="dateSelect">thing2</p>
<p class="dateSelect">thing3</p>

Detect time from Wordpress

i hope this is the correct place to ask this. I'm working with a Wordpress theme which detects opening times of a business from a custom field, compares it to the current day and time and then displays a message to say if the business is currently open. This works perfectly in English, but when i change the site language to Spanish using qTranslate X Plugin, the business permanently appears as not open. I really have limited skills at this kinda thing, so i'm hoping someone can advise me.
From what i can see this is the js that does the comparison.
/* ============== Check TIme ============ */
if (!function_exists('listingpro_check_time')) {
function listingpro_check_time($postid,$status = false) {
$buisness_hours = listing_get_metabox_by_ID('business_hours', $postid);
$lat = listing_get_metabox_by_ID('latitude',$postid);
$long = listing_get_metabox_by_ID('longitude',$postid);
//$timezone = getClosestTimezone($lat, $long);
$timezone = get_option('gmt_offset');
$time = gmdate("H:i", time() + 3600*($timezone+date("I")));
$day = gmdate("l");
$time = strtotime($time);
$lang = get_locale();
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang.'.utf-8');
$day = strftime("%A");
$day = ucfirst($day);
foreach($buisness_hours as $key=>$value){
if($day == $key){
$dayName = esc_html__('Today','listingpro');
$dayName = $key;
$open = $value['open'];
$open = str_replace(' ', '', $open);
$close = $value['close'];
$close = str_replace(' ', '', $close);
$open = strtotime($open);
$close = strtotime($close);
$newTimeOpen = date('h:i A', $open);
$newTimeClose = date('h:i A', $close);
if($day == $key){
if($time > $open && $time < $close){
if($status == false){
$output = '<span class="grid-opened">'.esc_html__('Open Now~','listingpro').'</span>';
$output = 'open';
if($status == false){
$output = '<span class="grid-closed">'.esc_html__('Closed Now!','listingpro').'</span>';
$output = 'close';
if($status == true){
$output = 'open';
return $output;
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

how to add characters to the end of the value if it already exists?

Here when I click post button it inserts a random value on database.
If a value already exists on database then show error. It works fine.
But I want to add 2/3 characters at the end of value if it already exists on database. If $check == 1 then I want to add some characters at the end of the value instead of showing alert. How to do this?
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","post") or die("unable to connect to internet");
$slug = $_POST['rand'];
$get_slug = "select * from slug where post_slug='$slug' ";
$run_slug = mysqli_query($con,$get_slug );
$check = mysqli_num_rows($run_slug );
// if $check==1 then i want to add 2 characters at the end of $slug .
if($check == 1)
// instead of showing alert i want to add 2 more characters at the end of that value and and insert it on database
echo "<script> alert('something is wrong') </script> ";
exit ();
$insert ="insert into slug (post_slug) values ('$slug') ";
$run = mysqli_query($con,$insert);
echo "<p style='float:right;'> Posted successfully </p>";
<form method="POST" >
$result = "";
$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
$chararray = str_split($chars);
for($i = 0; $i < 7 ; $i++)
$randitem = array_rand($chararray);
$result .= "".$chararray[$randitem];
echo $result ;
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $result;?>" name="rand" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-info" type="submit" name="submit">POST</button>
just run update query if $check == 1
if($check == 1){
$newSlug = $slug."xy";
$update = "update slug set post_slug = '".$newSlug."' where post_slug = '".$slug."'";
$run = mysqli_query($con,$update );
echo "<script> alert('Updated Successfully') </script> ";
exit ();
This is helpful for you
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","post" ) or die
( "unable to connect to internet");
$tmp_slug = $_POST['rand'];
$slug = $_POST['rand'];
$tmp_rand = rand(11,99);
$tmp_slug = $slug.$tmp_rand;
$insert ="insert into slug (post_slug) values ('$tmp_slug') ";
$run = mysqli_query($con,$insert);
echo "<p style='float:right;'> Posted successfully </p>";
public function check_exiest($slug)
$get_slug = "select * from slug where post_slug='$slug' ";
$run_slug = mysqli_query($con,$get_slug );
$check = mysqli_num_rows($run_slug );
if($check >= 1)
return true;
return false;
Just few modification in your code to insert new value.
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","post") or die("unable to connect to internet");
$slug = $_POST['rand'];
$get_slug = "select * from slug where post_slug='$slug' ";
$run_slug = mysqli_query($con,$get_slug );
$check = mysqli_num_rows($run_slug );
if($check == 1)
$slug_new = $slug.'ab'; // Add 2 characters at the end
$update ="UPDATE slug SET post_slug = '$slug_new' WHERE post_slug = '$slug'";
$run = mysqli_query($con,$update);
$insert ="insert into slug (post_slug) values ('$slug') ";
$run = mysqli_query($con,$insert);
echo "<p style='float:right;'> Posted successfully </p>";

Select data from oracle and draw a chart using Google charts?

I want to select data from oracle and draw the chart but when I run the my code nothing else drawed.new3.php:
$tns2 = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = CLUSTDB1)))";
if ($conn = oci_connect("CAKTAS","******", $tns2)) {
echo "";
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "select wonum,STATUS, trunc( (sysdate-STATUSDATE) ) || 'd ' || trunc( mod((sysdate-STATUSDATE)*24,24) ) || ':' || trunc( mod( (sysdate-STATUSDATE)*24*60, 60 ) ) from maximo.WORKORDER_IT_VIEW where VFOPMGRGRP = 'IS_PRICHARHG' and STATUS <> 'COMPLETE' and STATUS <> 'CLOSE'");
$row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS);
echo json_encode($row);
} else {
die("could not connect to Maximo DB");
And it gives me correct array.
My html code:
<title> Tracker</title>
<!-- Load jQuery -->
// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
<!-- Load Google JSAPI -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", { packages: ["corechart"] });
function drawChart() {
var jsonData = $.ajax({
url: "new3.php", //my getting data php file
dataType: "json",
async: false
var obj = window.JSON.stringify(jsonData);
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(obj);
var options = {
title: ' Trackerdaten'
// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it.
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(
chart.draw(data, options);
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;">
but in browser, I couldnt any chart
Refer my blog:
Here is the code.
ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, 123456);
If (!conn)
if (!$conn) {
$e = oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);
$query= oci_parse($conn, “select col1, col2 from tablename“);
$rows = array();
$table = array();
$table['cols'] = array(
array(‘label’ => ‘col1‘, ‘type’ => ‘string‘),
array(‘label’ => ‘col2‘, ‘type’ => ‘number‘),
$rows = array();
while($r = oci_fetch_array($query, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
$temp = array();
//The below col names have to be in upper caps.
echo $r["COL1"];
$temp[] = array(‘v’ => (string) $r["COL1"]);
$temp[] = array(‘v’ => (int) $r["COL2"]);
$rows[] = array(‘c’ => $temp);
$table['rows'] = $rows;
$jsonTable = json_encode($table);
//Use the line below to see the data in jason format
//echo $jsonTable;
//Use the below lines of code to see data in a HTML table
/*echo “<table border=’1′ >\n”;
echo “<tr><th>col1</th><th>col2</th></tr>\n”;
while ($row = oci_fetch_array($query, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
echo “<tr>\n “;
foreach ($query as $block) {
echo ” <td>” . ($block !== null ? htmlentities($block, ENT_QUOTES) : “ ”) . “</td>\n”;
echo “</tr>\n”;
echo “</table>\n”; */
//In head section
<!–Load the Ajax API–>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
google.load(‘visualization’, ‘1’, {‘packages':['corechart']});
function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(<?=$jsonTable?>);
var options = {
title: ‘name of the chart‘,
is3D: ‘true’,
width: 1000,
height: 600,
fontName: ‘Times-Roman‘,
fontSize: 23,
hAxis: {textStyle: {
fontName: ‘Times-Roman‘,
fontSize: ‘25‘ }}
//To create a line chart
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById(‘chart_div’));
chart.draw(data, options);
//To create a column chart
var chart2 = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(‘chart_div2′));
chart2.draw(data, options);
// In body section
<!–this is the div that will hold the pie chart–>
<div id=”chart_div” ></div>
<div id=”chart_div2″ ></div>
You cannot just use json_encode, the PHP output needs to be in the format that the Google API will understand (Google Documentation Here). So basically, you need to have some kind of function in php that transforms the OCI results into a JSON string readable by Google.
I have published a solution that works pretty well in my setup, other users might benefit from it. You can see my code on GitHub:
The php code looks as folows:
* #author Ernesto Monroy <>
* #version 1.0
* This function takes the Connection Details and the SQL String and creates an two arrays, one for the column info
* and one for the row data. This is then passed to the arrayToGoogleDataTable that builds and outputs the JSON string
* Input for this is:
* $un: User Name
* $pw: Password
* $db: Connection String for the DB
* (tip, if you are running your PHP and Oracle Instance on the same server should be used)
* -I have not included any Oracle Error Handling
* -I have not included any row limit, so if your query returns an unmanageable amount of rows, it may become an issue for you or your web users.
* -This functions only return type and label properties. If you want to use pattern, id or p (for styling) you can add a check when looping through the columns
* and try to detect a particular column name that you define as the property (EG. if oci_field_name($stid, $i)=="GOOGLE_P_DATA" then ....)
function getSQLDataTable($un,$pw,$db,$SQLString){
$stid= oci_parse($conn, "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'");
$stid= oci_parse($conn, $SQLString);
$ncols = oci_num_fields($stid);
$cols = array();
$rows = array();
$cell = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $ncols; $i++) {
$column_label = '"'.oci_field_name($stid, $i).'"';
$column_type = oci_field_type($stid, $i);
switch($column_type) {
case 'CHAR': case 'VARCHAR2':
case 'DATE':
case 'NUMBER':
while (($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_NUM+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $ncols-1; $i++) {
switch(oci_field_type($stid, $i+1)) {
case 'CHAR': case 'VARCHAR2':
case 'DATE':
} else {
$cellFormat='"'.date_format(date_create($row[$i]), 'd/m/Y H:i:s').'"';
case 'NUMBER':
$cellValue=number_format($row[$i], 2, '.', '');
} //end of switch
arrayToGoogleDataTable($cols, $rows);
/*This function takes in the columns and rows created in the previous function and returns the JSON String*/
function arrayToGoogleDataTable($cols, $rows) {
//Convert column array into google string literal
echo "{\n";
echo "\t".'"cols"'.": [\n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($cols)-1; $i++) {
echo "\t\t{";
foreach($cols[$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "},\n";
//Last column without ending comma (},)
echo "\t\t{";
foreach($cols[$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "}\n\t]";
//Now do the rows
//Check if empty first
if (count($rows)>0){
echo ",\n\t".'"rows"'.": [\n";
//For each row
for($j = 0; $j < count($rows)-1; $j++) {
echo "\t\t{".'"c":[';
//For each cell
for($i = 0; $i < count($rows[$j])-1; $i++) {
echo "{";
foreach($rows[$j][$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "},";
//Last column without ending comma (},)
echo "{";
foreach($rows[$j][$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "}]},\n";
//Last row
echo "\t\t{".'"c":[';
//For each cell
for($i = 0; $i < count($rows[$j])-1; $i++) {
echo "{";
foreach($rows[$j][$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "},";
echo "{";
foreach($rows[$j][$i] as $arrayKey => $arrayValue) {
echo $arrayKey . ":" . $arrayValue;
if ($n>0) {echo ",";}
echo "}]}\n";
echo "\t]";
/*This simply takes in a Date and converts it to a string that the google API recognizes as a Date*/
function convertGoogleDate(DateTime $inDate) {
$googleString=$googleString.date_format($inDate, 'Y').',';
$googleString=$googleString.(date_format($inDate, 'm')-1).',';
$googleString=$googleString.(date_format($inDate, 'd')*1).',';
$googleString=$googleString.(date_format($inDate, 'H')*1).',';
$googleString=$googleString.(date_format($inDate, 'i')*1).',';
$googleString=$googleString.(date_format($inDate, 's')*1).')"';
return $googleString;
For the rest of the implementation on Java and HTML check the git repo posted above
I know its a late reply, but still a top hit on Google and I have been asked the question a couple of times

Update data through checkbox using jquery

I can't get this to work. I need to update the value of a column of the checked checkboxes in mysql. When I click the button it is supposed to update the value of the checked checkboxes. Here is my code for editLayout.php:
<form action="updateLayout.php" method="POST">
<input name="update" type="SUBMIT" value="Update" id="update">
$x = 'seats';
$linkID = # mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "Newpass123#") or die("Could not connect to MySQL server");
# mysql_select_db("seatmapping") or die("Could not select database");
/* Create and execute query. */
$query = "SELECT * from $x order by rowId, columnId desc";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$prevRowId = null;
$seatColor = null;
$tableRow = false;
//echo $result;
echo "<table class='map'>";
while (list($rowId, $columnId, $status, $name, $seatid) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
if ($prevRowId != $rowId) {
if ($rowId != 'A') {
echo "</tr></table></td>";
echo "\n</tr>";
$prevRowId = $rowId;
echo "\n<tr><td align='center'><table><tr>";
} else {
$tableRow = false;
if ($status == 0) {
$seatColor = "#A6E22E";
else if ($status == 1){
$seatColor = "#D34836";
else if ($status == 2){
$seatColor = "#00A0D1";
echo "\n<td bgcolor='$seatColor'>";
echo $seatid;
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='seats[]' id='seats' value=".$seatid."> </checkbox>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
/* Close connection to database server. */
And here is my code for the jquery residing on different page (functions.js). I already included this in the header:
jQuery(function($) {
$("form input[id='update']").click(function() {
var count_checked = $("[name='seats[]']:checked").length;
if(count_checked == 0) {
alert("Please select product(s) to update.");
return false;
if(count_checked == 1) {
return confirm("Are you sure you want to update these product?");
} else {
return confirm("Are you sure you want to update these products?");
And here is my updateLayout.php.:
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "Newpass123#");
if(!$db) { echo mysql_error(); }
$select_db = mysql_select_db("seatmapping");
if(!$select_db) { echo mysql_error(); }
if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
$id_array = $_POST['seats'];
$id_count = count($_POST['seats']);
for($i=0; $i < $id_count; $i++) {
$id = $id_array[$i];
$query = mysql_query("Update `seats` set `status`='2' where `seatid`='$seatid'");
if(!$query) { die(mysql_error()); }
header("Location: editLayout.php");
I'm using jquery 1.11.0. I know there's a lot of sql injection in here and im still using mysql but I plan to change it all once I get this to work. Any kind of help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Your update query doesn't use the correct update value. You use '$seatid', which isn't declared anywhere. You should use '$id'.
for($i=0; $i < $id_count; $i++) {
$id = $id_array[$i];
$query = mysql_query("Update `seats` set `status`='2' where `seatid`='$seatid'");
if(!$query) { die(mysql_error()); }
for($i=0; $i < $id_count; $i++) {
$id = $id_array[$i];
$query = mysql_query("Update `seats` set `status`='2' where `seatid`='$id'");
if(!$query) { die(mysql_error()); }
