Coloring a map using D3.js - javascript

I'm new to StackOverflow and I just started using D3.
I need to show the values on a map. I saw this question that is very similar to what I should do.
What I'd like is to color the countries based on the values in the column Date to a CSV and based on selected year by user (radio button).
How can I do that?
I created a gray color scale and have included them in an array, then I created a method chooseColor(value) that returns the correct color based on the value of the country in that year.
I think it is not the most efficient method to do this thing...
Also in my CSV there are not all the countries present in the European Union. For example, I have no data on Russia so I "turned off" some countries putting an if inside the event on mouseover.
But I would also cut part of Russia in the map in order to enlarge the known countries. How can I do also that thing?
I looked at these examples: Choropleth and Threshold Choropleth by Mike Bostock on but I have not understand how to color the countries...
(I wanted to put links but I can't post more than 2 links because of my low reputation)
This is my code.
I apologize for my bad English. Thank you all,
I admit I did not understand some things in your code.
Why I need events on mouseover and mouseout? And what are hover and rhover? I thought they were events related to this question. But in my case I don't need it, no?
Use array_values or d is the same, right? Does not change if I use d or array_values, right? It is a stupid question but it confused me.
I modified the makemap method in this way. I understand correctly how to use your code?
function makemap(error, europe, dessease) {
dess = dessease.slice();
counties = topojson.feature(europe, europe.objects.collection);
vector = svg.selectAll("path")
.attr("class", "county")
.attr("id", function(d) {
return "coun" +;
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", function(array_values) {
return color(array_values[]);
In this case there is an error concerning d, of course. Sorry, I do not know where I'm wrong...

The country's color will depend on a value. So the color IS a function of "value". To do that you must to define a range of color based on your values:
var color = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([mn,mx]) // <--- min and MAX of your value
then define the color of your country:
.style("fill", function(array_values) {
return color(array_values[]);
Must-Read: Jerome Cukier - d3: scales, and color


d3 pie chart problems with exiting entering

After making several bar charts using enter, update, exit method in D3js, I wanted to try the same with a pie chart. I thought I applied selections correctly, but the pie chart won't update with the new data in JSON. I looked for similar examples online, but couldn't find one which involved an .on("click" method. I want users to compare the lifespans of humans and animals using a donut chart. I'm trying to implement the search tool through the database of animals right now.
here's what a data object looks like for the query Goat:
I'm having trouble with this code in particular:
var pie = d3.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.Life_Span; });
//code for accessing data, etc
//enter remove selections
var path = svg.selectAll("path")
var enterdata =
I posted the full code on Plunkr here:
A few weeks into learning d3js, I'm still struggling with enter,update exit selections even after reading many tutorials on the subject. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks
In D3 v4.x, you need to merge the update and enter selections:
var enterdata = path.enter()
You don't need an exit selection because your data array has always 2 objects: except for the first time, your enter selection is always 0, and your exit selection is always 0.
I took the liberty of colouring the paths in different colours, according to their indices:
.attr("fill", (d,i) => i ? "teal" : "brown");
Here is your updated plunker:
PS: You have some problems in your code, which I'll not change (here I'm only answering your main question), but I reckon you should think about them:
Don't mix jQuery and D3. You can do everything here without jQuery
Don't load all your CSV every time the user chooses an animal. It doesn't make sense. Instead of that, put the click function inside the d3.csv function (that way, you load the CSV only once).

Node.Js Map example, adding speed and on-click data?

I've been attempting to learn better visualization with node.js and the mapbox library.
Using this example here: Running Map Example
I'd like to add a graph of speed, and allow a user to click on a node, and see data about that position in a little popup - For today, I just want to get speed working.
It seems to be a recursive algorithm, so I need to implement variables to store the previous position and time, but I've ran into three problems:
I don't know how to use this date format: "2015-01-19T21:24:20Z" or Chroniton's parsing of it to generate a subtractable number to get the difference in time.
I don't know how to get the distance between two points using the code given, I could simply do sqrt((.x(point1) - .x(point2)) + (.y(point1) + .y(point2)), but I'm not sure how coordinates are stored or parsed in this example.
I don't know where to calculate the speed. It seems like the coordinates are only defined after the graphs are displayed, since the coordinates aren't used in the graphics. I am probably wrong, but I need some direction.
Here is what I have now:
Using the elevation display as my template, I think I have made it able to display the line by adding in the following three snippets:
Setting the scale:
var speed = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0])
.domain([0, d3.max(dataRet, function(d) {
return d[1][2];
Adding in the line, with data:
var SpeedLine = d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d) { return x(d[0]); })
.y(function (d) { return speed(d[2])})
Displaying the line:
.attr('class', 'speed-line')
.attr('d', speedLine);
I know I have to add in a speed function similar to this psudocode:
var dt = chroniton.domain(Time1, Time2)
var speed[i] = LongLat(previousPoint).distanceto(currentPoint)/dt
And on the popup box:
dt.format(something to do with time formatting)
Note 1:, I changed the name of the function datePlaceHeart to dataRet since I'll be adding new things to do it, and datePlaceHeartSpeedStuffAndThings was getting a bit long ;)
Note 2: I haven't been able to start the pop-up because I haven't figured out how to calculate speed using the given data, and well, it seems kinda silly to do the easy one first. (With my luck, its actually not easy)
Please help? Here is my edited code in full (Edited index.js):

How to update chart elements after changing time domain

First of all, let me be clear on this: i'm a d3 newbie!
So, i have a chart based on utc time domain. the domain is one of this: 1 day | 3 days, and I can switch from one to the other with a user action.
Refreshing / transitioning the x to represent 24hs to 72hs is working properly, but I'm having difficulties to update the elements that are already in the chart. Some how it seems that after changing the domain .data() .enter() won't actually enter (so my attr don't get updated).
This is a jsbin with the full example of my problem. Any clues?
You need to follow this series of examples very carefully.
Here is the problem code corrected ...
.attr('class', 'flight');
group.attr('transform', function (trip) {
return 'translate(' + hourDomain( Math.min.apply(null,, 'departureDateTime'))) + ', 60)';
The problem is that you are applying the positioning to the enter selection only: only new nodes. After the first call, the enter selection is always empty because there are no new nodes. The linked examples will explain it.

D3 change elements based on two different datasets?

I am new to d3 and no javascript expert. I've found similar questions, but none that are quite what I'm looking for.
I have two csv files, one with school data that looks like this
id, name, longitude, latitude
The other csv has network data
id, netId (this is other school ids that are connected), hits (this is basically how many connections are between the two schools)
I have the school data bound to circles on a map. What I'm trying to do is on a click, find each of the connected schools and transition their circles on the map based on how many connections they have.
I'm assuming this is going to need to be a series of for loops, but I'm not sure of the best way to do it.
Currently, skipping past all the map creation stuff, I have this:
var currData = [];
d3.csv("network.csv", function(networkData){
d3.csv("schoolData.csv", function(data) {
//create the circles
var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
//bind the data
.attr("cx", function(d) {
return projection([d.lon,])[0];
.attr("cy", function(d) {
return projection([d.lon,])[1];
//initial style of circles (will move this into a class eventually)
.attr("r", 5)
.style("fill", "orange")
.style("opacity", 0.75)
//on click
.on("click", function (d) {
for (i = 0; i<= networkData.length; i++) {
if( == networkData[i].id) {
currData.push({"netId": networkData[i].netId,
"hits": networkData[i].hits}
This is returning the netId and hits if I log it to the console within the for loop, but I can't seem to access currData outside of the for loop. I'm not sure why.
I am also not sure of the best way to take each of the subsequent netIds and link them back to the school data bound to the circle elements. Am I making this more complicated than necessary? Does D3 have an easy way of doing this?
When a circle is clicked on the map, I need to find the id of schools in the network for the selected school and then make a change to their circles on the map based on the number of hits. Very much like this.
The data looks like this:
School Data:
1,UC Berkeley,-122.250502,37.872855
2,UC Los Angeles,-118.445227,34.06886
3,Cal State Los Angeles,-118.168266,34.068232
4,University of Southern California,-118.2866414,34.021801
Network Data:
If you want to be able to select an element based on its data attribute, the easiest way to do that is to give the element a class name based on that data. For example, all your school elements could have a class based on their id in the data, "s-1", "s-203", etc.
Then, when you find that id referenced in a row from your network data table, it is easy to select the corresponding element and change it however you want.
Here's an example. I'm using Array.forEach() instead of a for loop, but it is a similar idea to what you had. I'm not quite sure how you were using your filtered data array and why it wasn't working for you, but hopefully this will get you started:
However, instead of scanning through the net data on every click, it might be worth manipulating the data up front and including it in the school's data objects. You can use d3.nest to group the network data into sub-arrays based on the id, and then sort through the school array once, attaching the correct network sub-array to the school data before attaching the school data to your d3 graphics. Then it will be right there waiting in your function(d) event handler.

d3.js Update circle on line chart

I'm posting there because I couldn't find something on other post or on google.
As you can see on the JS fiddle, I have a line chart with circle on each point.
I want to update this chart with new data. The problem is that I can receive less or more point than I already have on the graph. For example, I can have 8 point on my line chart and then when I'm updating the chart, I can have just 4, or even 15 point. And my circle are not updating properly because I'm just changing the value of the circle which already exist.
But I really don't know how to update them properly.
I can have that data sometimes :
var data = [
And just that data other times : (more or less)
var data = [
Is someone can help me please ?
Thanks a lot !
It might be better to remove the old points and add the new ones rather than trying to move them. To do this you can use an id function to make the points unique - see here
A small example:
.data(myData, function(d) { return d.x; })
The important part here is that points are identified by their x-value, rather than their index in the data point array. Infact this might help in your current situation as the points will only move up/down and not side to side.
