Mongodb/mongoose insert is not a function - javascript

My insert is not working, I got error of Error :
Token.insert is not a function
var Token = module.exports = mongoose.model('tokens', tokenSchema);
module.exports.saveToken = function(owner_id, token, callback){
module.exports.getAllTokens = function(owner_id, callback){

Check this code example, it should work as You need.
I don's see here any non-understanding part.
Ask questions in comments, I can explain if don't understand.
var tokenSchema = mongoose.Schema({
owner: {
type: 'String',
required: true,
index: {
unique: true
token: {
type: ['String'],
default: []
var Token = module.exports = mongoose.model('tokens', tokenSchema);
//save token, if token document exist so push it in token array and save
module.exports.saveToken = function(owner_id, token, callback){
.findOne({owner: owner_id})
.exec(function(err, tokenDocument) {
if(tokenDocument) {
if(tokenDocument.token.indexOf(token) > -1) { // found that token already exist in document token array
return callback(null, tokenDocument); // don't do anything and return to callback existing tokenDocument
return; // don't go down, cuz we already have a token document
new Token({owner: owner_id, token: [token]}).save(callback); // create new token document with single token in token array
//get all tokens by owner_id
module.exports.getAllTokens = function(owner_id, callback){
.findOne({owner: owner_id})
.exec(function(err, tokenDocument) {
callback(err, tokenDocument.token);

You can use:
let newvalue = new Token({"owner":owner_id,"token":token});;

Here i defined what is the problem that why they did not find the insertMany
generally, we create an instance to save a document in DB like this :
const instance = new Model(data);
After then we hit the save query
But when we talk about the insertMany Section, No need to create any instance. you can insert all entries directly via Model


About how the value is returned using app.set() and app.get()

I am releasing access to pages using connect-roles and loopback but I have a pertinent question about how I can collect the customer's role and through the connect-roles to read the session and respond to a route.
Example, when the client logs in I load a string containing the client's role and access it in a function that controls access to pages.
I have this doubt because I'm finalizing a large scale service that usually there are multiple client sessions that are accessed instantly using a same storage and check function.
It would be efficient to store the customer's role using app.set() and app.get()?
app.get('/session-details', function (req, res) {
var AccessToken = app.models.AccessToken;
AccessToken.findForRequest(req, {}, function (aux, accesstoken) {
// console.log(aux, accesstoken);
if (accesstoken == undefined) {
'Error': 'Unauthorized',
'Message': 'You need to be authenticated to access this endpoint'
} else {
var UserModel = app.models.user;
UserModel.findById(accesstoken.userId, function (err, user) {
// console.log(user);
// storage employee role
app.set('employeeRole', user.accessLevel);
Until that moment everything happens as desired I collect the string loaded with the role of the client and soon after I create a connect-roles function to validate all this.
var dsConfig = require('../datasources.json');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = function (app) {
var User = app.models.user;
var ConnectRoles = require('connect-roles');
const employeeFunction = 'Developer';
var user = new ConnectRoles({
failureHandler: function (req, res, action) {
// optional function to customise code that runs when
// user fails authorisation
var accept = req.headers.accept || '';
if (~accept.indexOf('ejs')) {
res.send('Access Denied - You don\'t have permission to: ' + action);
} else {
res.render('access-denied', {action: action});
// here
user.use('authorize access private page', function (req) {
if (employeeFunction === 'Manager') {
return true;
app.get('/private/page', user.can('authorize access private page'), function (req, res) {
Look especially at this moment, when I use the
console.log(app.get('employeeRole')); will not I have problems with simultaneous connections?
app.get('/private/page', user.can('authorize access private page'), function (req, res) {
Example client x and y connect at the same time and use the same function to store data about your session?
Being more specific when I print the string in the console.log(app.get('employeeRole')); if correct my doubt, that I have no problem with simultaneous connections I will load a new variable var employeeFunction = app.get('employeeRole'); so yes my function can use the object containing the role of my client in if (employeeFunction === 'Any Role') if the role that is loaded in the string contain the required role the route it frees the page otherwise it uses the callback of failureHandler.
My test environment is limited to this type of test so I hope you help me on this xD
Instead of using app.set you can create a session map(like hashmaps). I have integrated the same in one of my projects and it is working flawlessly. Below is the code for it and how you can access it:
var hashmapSession = {};
exports.auth = auth = {
set : function(key, value){
hashmapSession[key] = value;
get : function(key){
return hashmapSession[key];
delete : function(key){
delete hashmapSession[key];
all : function(){
return hashmapSession;
var hashmap = require('./hashmap');
var testObj = { id : 1, name : "john doe" };
hashmap.auth.set('employeeRole', testObj);

express/nodejs: stop duplicates in post request

What should I do to stop the post request from posting new object if the object already exists?
I have pasted my code and json object. I have tried next(); but it doesnt work and a duplicate object with some other id is created no matter what. I am using before beforePostTransaction function to check if the product already exists. The request contains the id and the store id of the
const Transaction = require('./transactions/TransactionModel');
const TransactionCTL = require('./transactions/TransactionController');
Transaction.before('post', TransactionCTL.beforePostTransaction);
Transaction.register(router, '/transactions');
const beforePostTransaction = (req, res, next) => {
var id =;
(err, data)=>{
if (!data){
var store =;
store = JSON.stringify(store);
store = store.replace(/\"/g, "");
if(store !=={ //update the whole object
//do what?
json object
"_id": "596db06849822a13c97ba3f9",
"store": "596b088131ea400490897c50"
Not sure what is your model. But if it is mongoose you can use method
{upsert: true},
function (error, result) {
if (!error) { //if you need to do something else
Where update is your object. It will create new item if it not exist and update it if it exist.

Querying mongoose to perform a join

I have 2 collections setup as below, Dates and Streets.
What I would like to achieve is to, query Streets by a param StreetName and look that up to find it's unique ID and then query the other collection by that ID to pull back all the dates that match.
My route is set up to /wasteDate/:StreetName. Here's what I have:
var DateSchema = new Schema({
date: {
type: Date
street_id: {
type: String,
var StreetSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
module.exports = function(app) {
var wasteCollections = require('../controllers/wasteController');
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
ColDate = mongoose.model('Dates'),
that = this,
Street = mongoose.model('Streets');
exports.manual_get_dates_by_street = function (id) {
var wasteDates = ColDate.find({ street_id: id }).lean();
return wasteDates;
exports.get_dates_by_street_name = function (req, res) {
name: req.params.streetName
}, function(err, street) {
var query;
var theStreetId = street[0].id;
if (err) res.send(err);
query = that.manual_get_dates_by_street(theStreetId);
at the moment i'm getting a circular reference error on the JSON.
I don't think I'm doing it the right way and think I may need to amend my schema?
Any help appreciated
You can either use (1) find twice or (2) aggregation.
Here's the first way:
exports.manual_get_dates_by_street = function (id, callback) {
// you are dealing with asynchronous operations, so you have to wait for the callback
// to execute before you can get the data
ColDate.find({ street_id: id }).lean().exec(callback);
exports.get_dates_by_street_name = function (req, res) {
// you are expecting one result, so use findOne instead of find
Street.findOne({ name: req.params.streetName }, function (err, street) {
// make sure you handle errors properly such as stopping execution of
// the next lines or else you may get unexpected errors
if (err)
return res.send(err);
// we pass a callback that will be executed once results (or an error) are found
that.manual_get_dates_by_street(street._id, function (err, dates) {
res.json({ dates: dates });
I never used it but I think mongoose-models may resolve your problem.
Another possible approach is to put the second query function as a callback of the first.

Sending an AlchemyData News query using Node.js (watson-developer-cloud module)

I'm currently working with Node.js using the watson-developer-cloud Node.js SDK and I'm having problems when sending a query that includes an entity.
This is my code:
// require watson's node sdk and fs
var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud');
var fs = require('fs');
// Define output file
var outputJSONFile = '/home/vagrant/Desktop/node/dir/data.json';
// Create alchemy_data_news object using our api_key
var alchemy_data_news = watson.alchemy_data_news({
api_key: ''
// Define params for the query and what values to return
// Accepted returne values:
var params = {
start: 'now-1m',
end: 'now',
count: 2,
qs: ['q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text=apple'],
return: ['enriched.url.url,enriched.url.title']
// Call getNews method and return json
alchemy_data_news.getNews(params, function (err, news) {
if (err) {
console.log('error:', err);
} else {
fs.writeFile(outputJSONFile, JSON.stringify(news, null, 2), function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('WriteFile Error:', err);
} else {
console.log("JSON saved to " + outputJSONFile);
I'm still trying to figure out how to send the entities parameters using the params object.
While digging up through some code I came across qs so I have been using that to test but I haven't had success at all.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
P.S: I'm trying to pass:
If you look at the node-sdk source code for AlchemyDataNews, you will see that the top level parameters are being sent as query strings.
Then params map should be:
var params = {
start: 'now-1m',
end: 'now',
count: 2,
return: ['enriched.url.url,enriched.url.title'],
// fields here
'q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.text': 'apple',
'q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.entities.entity.type': 'company'

Get the _id of inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS

I use NodeJS to insert documents in MongoDB. Using collection.insert I can insert a document into database like in this code:
// ...
collection.insert(objectToInsert, function(err){
if (err) return;
// Object inserted successfully.
var objectId; // = ???
// ...
How can I get the _id of inserted object?
Is there any way to get the _id without getting latest object inserted _id?
Supposing that in same time a lot of people access the database, I can't be sure that the latest id is the id of object inserted.
A shorter way than using second parameter for the callback of collection.insert would be using objectToInsert._id that returns the _id (inside of the callback function, supposing it was a successful operation).
The Mongo driver for NodeJS appends the _id field to the original object reference, so it's easy to get the inserted id using the original object:
collection.insert(objectToInsert, function(err){
if (err) return;
// Object inserted successfully.
var objectId = objectToInsert._id; // this will return the id of object inserted
There is a second parameter for the callback for collection.insert that will return the doc or docs inserted, which should have _ids.
collection.insert(objectToInsert, function(err,docsInserted){
and check the console to see what I mean.
As ktretyak said, to get inserted document's ID best way is to use insertedId property on result object. In my case result._id didn't work so I had to use following:
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
// handle error
It's the same thing if you use callbacks.
I actually did a console.log() for the second parameter in the callback function for insert. There is actually a lot of information returned apart from the inserted object itself. So the code below explains how you can access it's id.
collection.insert(objToInsert, function (err, result){
else {
// The above statement will output the id of the
// inserted object
if you want to take "_id" use simpley
// toString will convert from hex
Mongo sends the complete document as a callbackobject so you can simply get it from there only.
for example,room){
var newRoomId = room._id;
You could use async functions to get _id field automatically without manipulating data object:
async function save() {
const data = {
name: "John"
await db.collection('users').insertOne(data)
return data
Returns (data object):
    _id: '5dbff150b407cc129ab571ca',
    name: 'John',
Now you can use insertOne method and in promise's result.insertedId
#JSideris, sample code for getting insertedId.
db.collection(COLLECTION).insertOne(data, (err, result) => {
if (err)
return err;
return result.insertedId;
Similar to other responses, you can grab the variable using async await, es6+ features.
const insertData = async (data) => {
const { ops } = await db.collection('collection').insertOne(data)
Another way to do it in async function :
const express = require('express')
const path = require('path')
const db = require(path.join(__dirname, '../database/config')).db;
const router = express.Router()
// Create.R.U.D'/new-order', async function (req, res, next) {
// security check
if (Object.keys(req.body).length === 0) {
msg: "Error",
code: 404
try {
// operations
let orderNumber = await db.collection('orders').countDocuments()
let number = orderNumber + 1
let order = {
number: number,
customer: req.body.customer,
products: req.body.products,
totalProducts: req.body.totalProducts,
totalCost: req.body.totalCost,
type: req.body.type,
time: req.body.time,
if (req.body.direction) {
order.direction = req.body.direction
if (req.body.specialRequests) {
order.specialRequests = req.body.specialRequests
// Here newOrder will store some informations in result of this process.
// You can find the inserted id and some informations there too.
let newOrder = await db.collection('orders').insertOne({...order})
if (newOrder) {
// MARK: Server response
msg: `Order N°${number} created : id[${newOrder.insertedId}]`,
code: 201
} else {
// MARK: Server response
msg: `Order N°${number} not created`,
code: 404
} catch (e) {
// C.Read.U.D
// C.R.Update.D
// C.R.U.Delete
module.exports = router;
