File my_script.js:
(function() {
Calling this file (run_me.js) should cause IMPORTED to print twice:
However it only prints once.
How can I change run_me.js so that IMPORTED is printed to the console twice.
Assume for this question, no changes can be made to my_script.js
require() caches its results. So, the first time a module is required, then its initialization code runs. After that, the cache just returns the value of module.exports without running the initialization code again. This is a very desirable feature of node.js modules.
If you want code to be run each time, then you should export a function that you can call after you require it like this:
Your module:
module.exports = function() {
Requiring it and running the code each time
Also, please note that there is no reason to use an IIFE in a module. The node.js module is automatically wrapped in a private function already so you don't need to do it again.
As you now say in a comment (but your question does not directly say), if you don't want to edit my_script at all (which is simply the wrong way to solve this issue), then you have to delete the module from the node.js cache before requiring it again which can be done like this:
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./my_script')];
I would not recommend this as a solution. It's not the proper way to code in node.js. It's a hack work-around. And, it is not compatible with ESM modules.
If you use jest and want code to be run each time for testing, you can use jest.isolateModules:
jest.isolateModules(() => {
jest.isolateModules(() => {
I don't think it is possible without modifying the myscript.js file. Especially since as you show it, it doesn't export anything.
It will execute the first time you require it (which is why you see "Imported" once), but then nothing will happen on future calls to require because the "cached" value (ie. module.exports) which is returned is empty.
See below for an example of what I think you want (except that myscript.js has been modified). The biggest difference is that in your original myscript.js file the function was actually executed, while in the example below it is just defined, and then actually executed in the require call in the run_me.js file.
File myscript.js:
module.exports = () => console.log("Imported");
File run_me.js:
require('myscript.js')(); // note the () at the end which actually calls the function
require('myscript.js')(); // note the () at the end which actually calls the function
You can use this package, it is an npm module that will clear the cache and load a module from source fresh each time.
const requireUncached = require('require-uncached');
//=> 1
//=> 2
//=> 1
//=> 1
end command gets executed even if a preceding command fails. E.g. browser.waitForElementIsVisible("non-existing-item", 500).end()
I need to write a custom command that gets called always same as end command. If I try browser.waitForElementIsVisible("non-existing-item", 500).saveVideo().end() or browser.waitForElementIsVisible("non-existing-item", 500).saveVideoAndEnd() the command does not get called if prev command fails.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I think it might just be the way you are writing your custom command. .end() is not a function that your saveVideo() custom command is aware of, so instead, do something like this. (You don't give a lot of information in terms of your function but the below should work with a few tweaks specific to needs)
let saveVideoAndEnd = require ('../saveVideo.js');
this.myTest = (browser) => {
saveVideo(browser).end( /* Callback Function */ )
Chain more nightwatch functions calls below if needed. Adjust to your needs.
// saveVideo.js - or amend from module export to function declaration if same file
module.exports = (client) => {
.waitForElementIsVisible("non-existing-item", 500)
function saveVideo() {
// fn: logic
I need to capture debug information while I make a require call to find out why some packages are not found.
In Module (internal module.js) there are several debug calls such as:
if (parent) {
debug('looking for %j in %j', id, paths);
What do I need to do to capture this debug information?
debug() is a function that was created using util.debuglog(), which means that if you set the correct environment variable, the debug messages will be written to stderr, which you can then capture to a file (for instance):
env NODE_DEBUG=module node your-app.js 2> debug.log
EDIT: to capture these messages from within your own app, I think you have to resort to monkeypatching, for instance console.error()
let error = console.error.bind(console);
console.error = function() {
if (arguments[1] !== 'MODULE') {
return error.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('error log', arguments);
This code needs to run before any of the require() statements that you want to track, and it's not very robust (if the implementation of util.debuglog ever changes, it might break).
What does assert mean in JavaScript?
I’ve seen something like:
assert(function1() && function2() && function3(), "some text");
And would like to know what the method assert() does.
There is no standard assert in JavaScript itself. Perhaps you're using some library that provides one; for instance, if you're using Node.js, perhaps you're using the assertion module. (Browsers and other environments that offer a console implementing the Console API provide console.assert.)
The usual meaning of an assert function is to throw an error if the expression passed into the function is false; this is part of the general concept of assertion checking. Usually assertions (as they're called) are used only in "testing" or "debug" builds and stripped out of production code.
Suppose you had a function that was supposed to always accept a string. You'd want to know if someone called that function with something that wasn't a string (without having a type checking layer like TypeScript or Flow). So you might do:
assert(typeof argumentName === "string");
...where assert would throw an error if the condition were false.
A very simple version would look like this:
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
throw message || "Assertion failed";
Better yet, make use of the Error object, which has the advantage of collecting a stack trace and such:
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed");
If using a modern browser or nodejs, you can use console.assert(expression, object).
For more information:
Chrome API Reference
Firefox Web Console
Firebug Console API
IE Console API
Opera Dragonfly
Nodejs Console API
The other answers are good: there isn't an assert function built into ECMAScript5 (e.g. JavaScript that works basically everywhere) but some browsers give it to you or have add-ons that provide that functionality. While it's probably best to use a well-established / popular / maintained library for this, for academic purposes a "poor man's assert" function might look something like this:
const assert = function(condition, message) {
if (!condition)
throw Error('Assert failed: ' + (message || ''));
assert(1 === 1); // Executes without problem
assert(false, 'Expected true');
// Yields 'Error: Assert failed: Expected true' in console
assert() is not a native javascript function. It is a custom function someone made. You will have to look for it on your page or in your files and post it for anybody to help determine what it's doing.
check this:
it is for testing JavaScript. Amazingly, at barely five or six lines, this code provides a great level of power and control over your code, when testing.
The assert function accepts two parameters:
outcome: A boolean, which references whether your test passed or failed
description: A short description of your test.
The assert function then simply creates a list item, applies a class of either “pass” or “fail,” dependent upon whether your test returned true or false, and then appends the description to the list item. Finally, that block of coded is added to the page. It’s crazy simple, but works perfectly.
If the assertion is false, the message is displayed. Specifically, if the first argument is false, the second argument (the string message) will be be logged in the developer tools console. If the first argument is true, basically nothing happens. A simple example – I’m using Google Developer Tools:
var isTrue = true;
var isFalse = false;
console.assert(isTrue, 'Equals true so will NOT log to the console.');
console.assert(isFalse, 'Equals false so WILL log to the console.');
It probably came with a testing library that some of your code is using. Here's an example of one (chances are it's not the same library as your code is using, but it shows the general idea):
Word or function "assert" is mostly used in testing parts of application.
Assert functions are a short way of instructing the program to check the condition (also called "assertion") and if the condition is not True, it will throw error.
So let's see how it would look like in "normal code"
if (typeof "string" === "array") {
throw Error('Error: "string" !== "array"');
With assert you can simply write:
assert(typeof "string" === "array")
In Javascript, there's no native assert function, so you have to use one from some library.
For simple introduction, you can check this article:
I hope it helps.
Assertion throws error message if first attribute is false, and the second attribute is the message to be thrown.
There are many comments saying assertion does not exist in JavaScript but console.assert() is the assert function in JavaScript
The idea of assertion is to find why/where the bug occurs.
console.assert(document.getElementById("title"), "You have no element with ID 'title'");
console.assert(document.getElementById("image"), "You have no element with ID 'image'");
Here depending on the message you can find what the bug is.
These error messages will be displayed to console in red color as if we called console.error();
You can use assertions to test your functions eg:
console.assert(myAddFunction(5,8)===(5+8),"Failed on 5 and 8");
Note the condition can be anything like != < > etc
This is commonly used to test if the newly created function works as expected by providing some test cases and is not meant for production.
To see more functions in console execute console.log(console);
In addition to other options like console.assert or rolling your own, you can use invariant. It has a couple of unique features:
It supports formatted error messages (using a %s specifier).
In production environments (as determined by the Node.js or Webpack environment), the error message is optional, allowing for (slightly) smaller .js.
Java has a assert statement, the JVM disables assertion validation by default. They must be explicitly enabled using command line argument -enableassertions (or its shorthand -ea),
while JavaScript supports console.assert(), it's just a logging method and won't interrupt current procedure if assertion failed.
To bring things together and satisfy various needs, here is a tiny js assertion lib.
globalThis.assert = (()=> {
class AssertionError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); = 'AssertionError';
let config = {
async: true,
silent: false
function assert(condition, message = undefined) {
if (!condition) {
if (config.silent) {
} else if (config.async) {
console.assert(condition, message || 'assert');
} else {
throw new AssertionError(message || 'assertion failed');
assert.config = config;
return assert;
/* global assert */
Object.assign(assert.config, {
// silent: true, // to disable assertion validation
async: false, // to validate assertion synchronously (will interrupt if assertion failed, like Java's)
let items = [
{id: 1},
{id: 2},
{id: 3}
function deleteItem(item) {
let index = items.findIndex((e)=> ===;
assert(index > -1, `index should be >=0, the item(id=${}) to be deleted doesn't exist, or was already deleted`);
items.splice(index, 1);
deleteItem({id: 1});
deleteItem({id: 1});
Node.js has an assert function you can import:
const assert = require('assert')
It works as one would expect, in that assert(false) throws an error, and assert(false, message) throws an error with a message.
The other answers have already pointed out that JS itself has no native assert function, and that remains true as of this writing (April 2021).
Previous answers can be improved in terms of performances and compatibility.
Check once if the Error object exists, if not declare it :
if (typeof Error === "undefined") {
Error = function(message) {
this.message = message;
Error.prototype.message = "";
Then, each assertion will check the condition, and always throw an Error object
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) throw new Error(message || "Assertion failed");
Keep in mind that the console will not display the real error line number, but the line of the assert function, which is not useful for debugging.
If you use webpack, you can just use the node.js assertion library. Although they claim that it's "not intended to be a general purpose assertion library", it seems to be more than OK for ad hoc assertions, and it seems no competitor exists in the Node space anyway (Chai is designed for unit testing).
const assert = require('assert');
assert(jqXHR.status == 201, "create response should be 201");
You need to use webpack or browserify to be able to use this, so obviously this is only useful if those are already in your workflow.
As mentioned by T.J., There is no assert in JavaScript.
However, there is a node module named assert, which is used mostly for testing. so, you might see code like:
const assert = require('assert');
assert(5 > 7);
assert() is the assert function in JavaScript. The main idea of assertion is to find why/where the bug occurs.
Chrome devtools support console.assert
You can open devtools and create a snippet in devtools-source-navigator-Snippets. And code some code... and run the snippet...
Let's assume I have an AMD module that conditionally requires a second module in some environments:
define(["require"], function(require) {
var myObj = {
foo: console.error.bind(console)
require(["./conditional-polyfill"],function(polyfill){ = console.log.bind(console,polyfill) ;
return myObj; //returns before conditional require is satisfied
The question is: How can I delay the define() call to return/callback AFTER the conditional require has been completed?
I.e. the code below fails:
require(["module-from-above"],function(logger){"Hello!"); //console.error gets called
My thoughts on solutions to this issue:
If I inline ./polyfill, everything would work. However, that just circumvents the problem and doesn't work for every case. I want it modularized for a reason.
I could return a Deferred object instead of myObj that gets fulfilled by ./conditional-polyfill later. This would work, but it's really ugly to call loggerDeferred.then(function(logger){ ... }); all the time.
I could make a AMD loader plugin for this module. And call the callback as soon as everything is ready. Again, this would work, but own loader plugins don't work with my build tool.
All solutions I can think of are more hacks than good code. However, I think that my issue isn't too far-fetched. So, how to handle this?
Push conditional outside of "factory function" (the name commonly used in AMD community to refer to the require's and define's callback function)
;(function() {
function factory(require, polyfill){
var myObj = {
foo: console.error.bind(console)
if(polyfill){ = console.log.bind(console, polyfill)
return myObj
var need = ['require']
define(need, factory)
I would use a Deferred, as you say.
The deferred pattern is the ideal solution to this kind of issue, because it allows you to tie complex async operations together in a consistent way.
It will make your code a bit larger, but its a simple solution compared to modifying the loader and the build tools.