Why is this simple CORS GET failing? - javascript

I have a server running apache. The .htaccess contains the following:
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(eot|ttf|otf|woff|css)$">
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Why is it that
works (try it in the console from any domain), whereas
fails with this error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/_assets/v6/lib/icons.data.svg.css. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://whatever.com' is therefore not allowed access.
And how can I get it working?

The missing Header can be confirmed using curl:
curl -v https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/_assets/v6/fonts/otama-text-regular/otamatextregular.eot > delme.txt
curl -v https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/_assets/v6/lib/icons.data.svg.css > delme.txt
The regex should be happy with the filename so I expect that the problem is either because there is a conflicting configuration somewhere in the apache configuration.
Another diagnostic check would be to copy the failing file into the fonts directory and check whether the header is present - this will confirm that the regex or the filename isn't the problem but indicates that it is directory configuration related.
You have stated that there are no other .htaccess files in the document root or children ( this could cause the problem ) and the file is being served just without the headers.
My feeling at this stage is that this may be related to your mod_pagespeed which is disabled for lib/icons. It could even come down to the ordering of the modules being loaded.
Trivially I would first restart your apache just in case. Any caching or proxy infrastructure in between should be disabled. Next I would disable mod_pagespeed and see if the issue remains.
I would also check to see whether there is a block of configuration in either your httpd.conf or the virtual hosts configuration that is similar as it is possible that this is catching some directories and not others and that your .htaccess is not doing what is expected. As a further check I would try removing or temporarily renaming .htaccess ( to htaccess-removed or something similar ) to confirm that the URL request headers are no longer being included using the curl or other approaches to validating the CORS headers.
Probably not related however another thing I'd check is the permissions and ownership of the files and directories - thought worth mentioning just in case.
Also worth checking the error logs on restarting the apache and on making the requests as this may provide further insight.

What is the full path to your .htaccess file?
Ether your .htaccess file is not set up in a way to have it apply it's rules to files in the https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/_assets/v6/lib/ location, or there is another rule somewhere else superseding the rule you have shown above.


URLs don't work within production - return 404

This issue seems to be well documented but all solutions people suggest on posts don't work for me :/
I managed to fix urls giving 404 on my localhost by applying
to the "scripts" package.json
however when I move the production over to my apache2 setup, any url I manually type or refresh returns 404, on site navigation works fine.
for example, http://www.craftmc.net/ works but http://www.craftmc.net/login returns 404, despite that url working if i navigate to it on site.
I saw a post saying use this .htaccess,
Sadly it didn't work. :/
navigation in question - https://hastebin.com/xevecefoda.xml
You need to configure Apache to serve your app on all URLs that it's supposed to handle.
By default, Apache will only serve your app when the user requests the specific path where the app is located, say for example www.example.com
If you now try to visit www.example.com/user/123, Apache will try to find a file named "123.html" inside the "user" folder. You have to tell Apache that what it should do is reply with your app even if the path requested by the browser doesn't actually point to your app within the filesystem on the server.
You can do this in several ways, but a common one is to use mod_rewrite. For example, you might try something along these lines:
DocumentRoot "/var/www/example.com"
AliasMatch "^/myapp" "/opt/myapp-1.2.3"
<Directory "/opt/myapp-1.2.3">
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase "/myapp/"
RewriteRule "^index\.html$" "welcome.html"
For more information about mod_rewrite and the various directives it uses, refer to the documentation, and/or google.

Apache - serving pre-compressed gzip file doesn't work

I'm having trouble using the rewrite rules for Apache (2.4) to serve compressed files.
My javascript bundling process generate .gz files for every .js it creates. I've activated the rewrite module on apache a2enmod rewrite and set the .htacess file like this:
AddEncoding gzip .gz
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.gz -s
RewriteRule "^(.*)\.js" "$1\.js\.gz" [QSA]
# Serve correct content types, and prevent mod_deflate double gzip.
RewriteRule "\.js\.gz$" "-" [T=text/javascript,E=no-gzip:1]
<FilesMatch ".+\.(js\.gz)$">
Header append Content-Encoding gzip
Header append worked yes
The problems I'm running are:
The first condition RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip never evaluates to true. On Chrome Developer tools the client is sending this header Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br (I've tried adding gzip, deflate, br to the condition but it doesn't work);
Even if I take this above condition out I can't see the header Content-Encoding in Chrome dev-tools;
I don't see Content-length in response headers. But it responds with a Transfer-Encoding:chunked which I find weird;
These are the modules that are enabled on my apache (I think they are enabled by default in my ubuntu dist because I didn't active any of those)
access_compat.load authz_user.load filter.load rewrite.load
alias.conf autoindex.conf headers.load setenvif.conf
alias.load autoindex.load mime.conf setenvif.load
auth_basic.load deflate.conf mime.load status.conf
authn_core.load deflate.load mpm_event.conf status.load
authn_file.load dir.conf mpm_event.load
authz_core.load dir.load negotiation.conf
authz_host.load env.load negotiation.load
The code you have there looks correct and seems to work fine on my computer, which suggests the problem is elsewhere. Some possibilities I can think of:
Perhaps a cache server/reverse proxy is messing with things (that would be my first guess, unless you're testing on localhost or set up everything yourself or otherwise know there isn't such a server)
Or perhaps mod_deflate is interfering anyways (I don't seem to have it installed on my computer so I can't test it); if you have access to the main server configuration maybe try commenting out the LoadModule line for it?
If any subdirectory has a .htaccess file that also uses rewrite rules, then rewrite rules in the parent directory won't run. (If this is the issue, RewriteOptions Inherit should work with these specific rules. However, this wouldn't explain the chunked encoding.)
Force refresh or clear cache in your browser?

PHP Web Server - Change localhost to custom domain name?

I am currently creating a Laravel project and need to store cookies in a http://localhost:8000 address, of course, I have found out that to set a cookie through JavaScript, the domain must have two or more periods (.) in.
Obviously, with the address set to localhost:8000, cookies fail to be stored. I need to be able to fake my host to point something like http://dev.project.laravel as opposed to localhost:8000
Apologies if I'm not making sense, but hopefully you catch my drift. Thanks in advance for any help given.
Try the following:
Assuming you have Windows OS and have installed XAMPP (or similar) stack:
Add the following line to httpd.conf file under # Supplemental configuration which is in the configuration folder of apache... (I have XAMP installed and for me, this path is: C:\xampp\apache\conf)
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
it should be around line 484
if you already have that line, but its commented out, then un-commment it.
Add the following to your httpd-vhosts.conf file (which, in my case, is located at C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra)--
In the first line below, change 80 to whatever port your localhost is running on... if you do not use port to access localhost, then leave it as 80)
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/"
ServerName desired.name.of.your.site
ServerAlias desired.name.of.your.site
And lastly, and most importantly, add the following in your hosts file (for me, this is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) and then restart apache desired.name.of.your.site
If you have a LAMP stack, the above should still apply... just the folder paths would need to change.
Hope this helps!

Kibana stuck on loading screen [UPDATE - Nginx only serving partial JS file]

Kibana is not starting up properly. When I open up the console it appears to be a javascript resource issue. When I open the js files directly (clicking on their link in the console) it appears they are incomplete and have been abruptly been cut off. Not sure if this is a browser file limit or somehow my files have been cut off? Please see the images below to show you what Im seeing.
File as seen in chrome. This is the very bottom of the file as per how chrome loads it.
I have restarted kibana to see if that would resolve it, no luck.
I think browsers have a max line limit in js files. I am not sure why kibana hasn't minified the js files? has it started up in some dev mode?
question summary
I guess I have discovered the reason for kibana not loading is because of the js not fully loading, this would change my question to how can I get all of my javascript to load?
I have located the JS files in the kibana bundles folder and found that the file is fully intact. It is indeed a browser loading complete file issue. I'm confused why suddenly those files are too long to be loaded by the browser? Was working fine a fortnight ago. Still trying to work out how I can get chrome to load the files.
As suggested by #asettouf I have removed(backed up) bundles folder in the /opt/kibana/optimize directory and started kibana up again. This did re-generate the bundles folder but the files are identical, meaning I still have the same issue. How come Kibana is not minifying the js when it bundles the files for caching?
My kibana.yml. I think it is cleaner to paste a link to it:
went back turned on verbose logging and this is my output from deleting optimize folder and restarting. nothing stands out as an error message to me.
replaced hostname with localhost for privacy and security reasons
I think this is an error with the webpack module not compiling the JS correctly. however i dont know enough about the module to debug it.
the files in question in the optimize folder are:
commons.bundle.js which is 65723 lines
kibana.bundle.js at 108950 lines
These are far from optimized and the content inside the files are not minified.
Result of curl -v localhost:5601
I can confirm that curl -ukibanaadmin -v http://localhost/bundles/commons.bundle.js returns me the full 108950 lined JS file and curl -ukibanaadmin -v http://actual_kibana_hostname/bundles/commons.bundle.js returns the same content (number of lines) as my browser.
With that information I can make the assumption that this is not a Kibana issue at all. As mentioned by #val it is probably a setting in nginx that is preventing the entire file from being served unless accessed by localhost.
I think I can rule out Cloudflare as I still get the issue when I hit my server directly from the browser.
Thanks to everyone's suggestions and help so far. Getting closer and closer to solving my issue. I will do some more research on Nginx and its settings.
Nginx appears to only be loading the first 72kbs of my havascript files. Ive search all around my nginx config files and cannot see this setting anywhere. Ive added things like
location / {
proxy_max_temp_file_size 1m;
location / {
sendfile on;
sendfile_max_chunk 1m;
But still I'm unable to overwrite this weird setting that is only allowing first part of file being loaded.
The connection uses nginx proxy_pass to foward port 80 to kibanas port '5601'. I feel like there could be a setting that limits file transfer over proxy? just not sure where to find it.
proxypass connection looks like:
server {
listen 80;
server_name logs.mydomain.com;
auth_basic "Restricted Access";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
And my default nginx settings is posted here.
I have tried adding sendfile_max_chunk 512k and changed worker_processes from 4 to 2. Any other config things were already there. I was not the the one who initially set up the ELK stack.
And after the mentioned changes it looks like this:
This issue has come back. When I checked the VMs health I noticed that the disk drive was full. Elasticsearch was logging a couple of GBs worth of text in to error logs each day. I still Have not fully identified why elastic search is flooding the error logs.
But I think excessive disk space usage has contributed to this error. Nginx could be detecting this and switching over to minimal safe configuration which would only allow 72kbs of data to be served per file.
When I cleared out the excessive logs i stopped getting the incomplete js error without needing to restart nginx or kibana.
Since you're accessing Kibana behind a proxy, you'd need to bypass the proxy and see if the problem persists, i.e. compare the load times of
// through proxy
curl -v kibana_host/bundles/commons.bundle.js
curl -v kibana_host/bundles/kibana.bundle.js
// bypass proxy
curl -v localhost:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js
curl -v localhost:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js
If the load time is lower when you bypass the proxy then you know it's not a Kibana issue but more with the way your proxy is configured.
Since we've narrowed this down to a proxy issue, try to update your nginx config with this
sendfile_max_chunk 512k
worker_processes 2
Try another modification of your nginx configuration:
proxy_buffering: off;

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

What does this error message mean and how do I resolve it? That is from console of Google Chrome v33.0, on Windows 7.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH http://and.img.url/here.png
I'm trying to change the images' src attribute using jQuery. For example like this (simplified):
$('.image-prld').attr('src', someDynamicValue);
There are about 30 images on the page. And the above error is happening for random images every time when I reload the page. But sometimes it is working well for all the images, without any error.
When this error happens, the particular image is displaying like this:
However, when I open the link next to the error message on a new tab, the image is loading, which says me logically that the images is valid and it exists.
Docker + NGINX
In my situation, the problem was nginx docker container disk space. I had 10GB of logs and when I reduce this amount it works.
Step by step (for rookies/newbies)
Enter in your container: docker exec -it <container_id> bash
Go to your logs, for example: cd /var/log/nginx.
[optional] Show file size: ls -lh for individual file size or du -h for folder size.
Empty file(s) with > file_name.
It works!.
For advanced developers/sysadmins
Empty your nginx log with > file_name or similar.
Hope it helps
This error is definite mismatch between the data that is advertised in the HTTP Headers and the data transferred over the wire.
It could come from the following:
Server: If a server has a bug with certain modules that changes the content but don't update the content-length in the header or just doesn't work properly. It was the case for the Node HTTP Proxy at some point (see here)
Proxy: Any proxy between you and your server could be modifying the request and not update the content-length header.
As far as I know, I haven't see those problem in IIS but mostly with custom written code.
Let me know if that helps.
It could be even caused by your ad blocker.
Try to disable it or adding an exception for the domain from which the images come from.
This can be caused by a full disk (Ubuntu/Nginx).
My situation:
this error occured in Chrome with Nginx serving a static file: ".../static/js/vendor.c4ed7962fb4a63ad3c3b.js net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)"
root disk was full; after cleaning tmp files the error disappeared.
to prevent: make sure your disk remains clean ( a script such as this could help:https://crunchify.com/how-to-automatically-delete-tmp-folders-in-linux-automatic-disk-log-cleanup-bash-script/ )
In my case I was miscalculating the Content-Length that I advertised in the header. I was serving Range-Requests for files and I mistakenly published the filesize in Content-Length.
I fixed the problem by setting Content-Length to the actual range that I was sending back to the browser.
So in case I am answering to a normal request I set the Content-Length to the filesize. In case I am answering to a range-request I set the Content-Length to the actualy length of the requested range.
In my case I was modifying the request to append a header (using Fiddler) to an https request, but I did not configure it to decrypt https traffic. You can export a manually-created certificate from Fiddler, so you can trust/import the certificate by your browsers. See above link for details, some steps include:
Click Tools > Fiddler Options.
Click the HTTPS tab. Ensure the Decrypt HTTPS traffic checkbox is checked.
Click the Export Fiddler Root Certificate to Desktop button.
This is what worked for me.
proxy_buffer_size 1M;
proxy_buffers 4 1M;
I increased the size of the above parameters in nginix proxy.conf file.
Here, nginix is working as a proxy for my microservice-based applications.
It is definitely has to do something with disk space on your server
clearing the log folder worked for me.
follow these steps
1. go to nginx log directory
cd /var/log/nginx
2. delete all the older log
rm *.gz
3. emplty error log
truncate -s 0 error.log.1
4. empty access log
truncate -s 0 access.log.1
In my case it was a proxy issue (requests proxied from nginx to a varnish cache) that caused the issue. I needed to add the following to my proxy definition
proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
I found the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55341260/1062129
If this is related to docker, try stopping the erroneous container and starting a new container using docker run command from the same image.
If anyone struggle with that problem using docker + nginx, it could be permissions.
Nginx logs shown error:
2019/12/16 08:54:58 [crit] 6#6: *23 open() "/var/tmp/nginx/fastcgi/4/00/0000000004" failed (13: Permission denied) while reading upstream, client:, server: test.loc, request: "GET /login HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "test.loc"
Run inside nginx container(path might vary):
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/tmp/nginx/
Running docker system prune -a did the trick for me. I did not have any luck rebuilding my containers or following #mrroot5's answer, although those would seem to achieve similar things.
In my case, I had to deactivate "All-in-One WP Migration" WordPress plugin.
