How to execute external JS file blocked by users' adblockers - javascript

We use an external service (Monetate) to serve JS to our site such that we can perform adhoc presentation-layer site updates without going through the process of a site re-deploy - which in our case is a time-consuming, monolithic process which we can only afford to do about once per month.
However, users who use adblockers in the browser do not see some of these presentation-layer updates. This can negatively affect their experience of the site as we sometimes include time-sensitive promotions that those users may not be aware of.
To work around this, I was thinking to duplicate the JavaScript file that Monetate is serving and host it on a separate infrastructure from the site. That way, it we needed to make updates to it, we could do so as needed without doing a full site re-deploy.
However, I'm wondering if there is some way to work around the blocking of the Monetate JS file and somehow execute the remote Monetate JS file from our own JS code in such a way that adblockers would not be able to block it? This avoid the need to duplicate the file.

If that file is blocked by adblockers, chances are that it is used to serve ads. In fact, your description of time-sensitive promotions sounds an awful lot like ads, just not for an external provider, but for your own site.
Since adblockers usually match the URL, the easiest solution would indeed be to rehost this file, if possible under a different name. Instead of hosting a static copy, you can also implement a simple proxy with the equivalent of <?php readfile(''); or apache's mod_rewrite. While this will increase load times and can fail if the remote host goes down, it means the client will always get the newest version of the file.
Apart from using a different URL, there is no client-side solution - adblockers are included in the browser (or an extension thereof), and you cannot modify that code for good reasons.
Beware that adblockers may decide to block your URL too, if the script is indeed used to serve ads.

Monetate if probably blacklisted in Adblock, so you can't do nothing about.
I think that self-hosting Monetate script would require to keep it updated by checking for new versions from time to time (maintaining it could become a pain in the ass).
A good solution in my opinion is to inform your users about that limitation with a clear message.
Or, you can get in touch with Monetate and ask for a solution.


Is it faster to load if all webpage resources are compiled into a single HTML file?

What if I had a compilation step for my website that turned all external scripts and styles into a single HTML file with embedded <script> and <style> tags? Would this improve page load times due to not having to send extra GETs for the external files? If so, why isn't this done more often?
Impossible to say in general, because it is very situational.
If you're pulling resources from many different servers, these requests can slow your page loading down (especially with some bad DNS on the visiting side).
Requesting many different files may also slow down page load even if they're from the same origin/server.
Keep in mind not everyone has gigabit internet (or even on megabit level). So putting everything directly into your HTML file (inlining or using data URIs) will definitely reduce network overhead at first (less requests, less headers, etc.).
In addition (and making the previous point even worse) this will also break many other features often used to reduce page loading times. For example, resources can't be cached - neither locally nor on some proxy - and are always transferred. This might be costly for both the visitor as well as the hosting party.
So often the best way to approach this is going the middle ground, if loading times are an issue to you:
If you're using third party scripts, e.g. jQuery, grab these from a public hosted CDN that's used by other pages as well. If you're lucky, your visitor's browser will have a cached copy and won't do the request.
Your own scripts should be condensed and potentially minified into a single script (tools such as browersify, webpack, etc.). This must not include often changing parts, as these would force you to transfer even more data more often.
If you've got any scripts or resources that are really only part of your current visitor's experience (like logged in status, colors picked in user preferences, etc.), it's okay to put these directly into the parent HTML file, if that file is customized anyway and delivering them as separate files wouldn't work or would cause more overhead. A perfect example for this would be CSRF tokens. Don't do this if you're able to deliver some static HTML file that's filled/updated by Javascript though.
Yes, it will improve page load time but still this method is not often used due to these reasons:
Debugging will be difficult for that.
If we want to update later, it also won't be so easy.
Separate css and .js files remove these issues
And yeah, for faster page load, you can use a BUILD SYSTEM like GRUNT, GULP, BRUNCH etc. for better performance.

How to optimally serve and load JavaScript files?

I'm hoping someone with more experience with global-scale web applications could clarify some questions, assumptions and possible misunderstandings I have.
Let's take a hypothetical site (heavy amount of client-side / dynamic components) which has hundreds of thousands of users globally and the sources are being served from one location (let's say central Europe).
If the application depends on popular JavaScript libraries, would it be better to take it from the Google CDN and compile it into one single minified JS file (along with all application-specific JavaScript) or load it separately from the Google CDN?
Assetic VS headjs: Does it make more sense to load one single JS file or load all the scripts in parallel (executing in order of dependencies)?
My assumptions (please correct me):
Compiling all application-specific/local JS code into one file, using CDNs like Google's for popular libraries, etc. but loading all of these via headjs in parallel seems optimal, but I'm not sure. Server-side compiling of third party JS and application-specific JS into one file seems to almost defeat the purpose of using the CDN since the library is probably cached somewhere along the line for the user anyway.
Besides caching, it's probably faster to download a third party library from Google's CDN than the central server hosting the application anyway.
If a new version of a popular JS library is released with a big performance boost, is tested with the application and then implemented:
If all JS is compiled into one file then every user will have to re-download this file even though the application code hasn't changed.
If third party scripts are loaded from CDNs then the user only has download the new version from the CDN (or from cache somewhere).
Are any of the following legitimate worries in a situation like the one described?
Some users (or browsers) can only have a certain number of connections to one hostname at once so retrieving some scripts from a third party CDN would be result in overall faster loading times.
Some users may be using the application in a restricted environment, therefore the domain of the application may be white-listed but not the CDNs's domains. (If it's possible this is realistic concern, is it at all possible to try to load from the CDN and load from the central server on failure?)
Compiling all application-specific/local JS code into one file
Since some of our key goals are to reduce the number of HTTP requests and minimize request overhead, this is a very widely adopted best practice.
The main case where we might consider not doing this is in situations where there is a high chance of frequent cache invalidation, i.e. when we make changes to our code. There will always be tradeoffs here: serving a single file is very likely to increase the rate of cache invalidation, while serving many separate files will probably cause a slower start for users with an empty cache.
For this reason, inlining the occasional bit of page-specific JavaScript isn't as evil as some say. In general though, concatenating and minifying your JS into one file is a great first step.
using CDNs like Google's for popular libraries, etc.
If we're talking about libraries where the code we're using is fairly immutable, i.e. unlikely to be subject to cache invalidation, I might be slightly more in favour of saving HTTP requests by wrapping them into your monolithic local JS file. This would be particularly true for a large code base heavily based on, for example, a particular jQuery version. In cases like this bumping the library version is almost certain to involve significant changes to your client app code too, negating the advantage of keeping them separate.
Still, mixing request domains is an important win, since we don't want to be throttled excessively by the maximum connections per domain cap. Of course, a subdomain can serve just as well for this, but Google's domain has the advantage of being cookieless, and is probably already in the client's DNS cache.
but loading all of these via headjs in parallel seems optimal
While there are advantages to the emerging host of JavaScript "loaders", we should keep in mind that using them does negatively impact page start, since the browser needs to go and fetch our loader before the loader can request the rest of our assets. Put another way, for a user with an empty cache a full round-trip to the server is required before any real loading can begin. Again, a "compile" step can come to the rescue - see require.js for a great hybrid implementation.
The best way of ensuring that your scripts do not block UI painting remains to place them at the end of your HTML. If you'd rather place them elsewhere, the async or defer attributes now offer you that flexibility. All modern browsers request assets in parallel, so unless you need to support particular flavours of legacy client this shouldn't be a major consideration. The Browserscope network table is a great reference for this kind of thing. IE8 is predictably the main offender, still blocking image and iFrame requests until scripts are loaded. Even back at 3.6 Firefox was fully parallelising everything but iFrames.
Some users may be using the application in a restricted environment, therefore the domain of the application may be white-listed but not the CDNs's domains. (If it's possible this is realistic concern, is it at all possible to try to load from the CDN and load from the central server on failure?)
Working out if the client machine can access a remote host is always going to incur serious performance penalties, since we have to wait for it to fail to connect before we can load our reserve copy. I would be much more inclined to host these assets locally.
Many small js files is better than few large ones for many reasons including changes/dependencies/requirements.
JavaScript/css/html and any other static content is handled very efficiently by any of the current web servers (Apache/IIS and many others), most of the time one web server is more than capable of serving 100s and 1000s requests/second and in any case this static content is likely to be cached somewhere between the client and your server(s).
Using any external (not controlled by you) repositories for the code that you want to use in production environment is a NO-NO (for me and many others), you don't want a sudden, catastrophic and irrecoverable failure of your whole site JavaScript functionality just because somebody somewhere pressed commit without thinking or checking.
Compiling all application-specific/local JS code into one file, using
CDNs like Google's for popular libraries, etc. but loading all of
these via headjs in parallel seems optimal...
I'd say this is basically right. Do not combine multiple external libraries into one file, since—as it seems you're aware—this will negate the majority case of users' browsers having cached the (individual) resources already.
For your own application-specific JS code, one consideration you might want to make is how often this will be updated. For instance if there is a core of functionality that will change infrequently but some smaller components that might change regularly, it might make sense to only compile (by which I assume you mean minify/compress) the core into one file while continuing to serve the smaller parts piecemeal.
Your decision should also account for the size of your JS assets. If—and this is unlikely, but possible—you are serving a very large amount of JavaScript, concatenating it all into one file could be counterproductive as some clients (such as mobile devices) have very tight restrictions on what they will cache. In which case you would be better off serving a handful of smaller assets.
These are just random tidbits for you to be aware of. The main point I wanted to make was that your first instinct (quoted above) is likely the right approach.

Scripts folder a vulnerability?

In my .NET web applications I usually have a Scripts folder that contains all of my JavaScript files - jQuery mostly these days, with the occasional JavaScript library of some sort or another.
I'm running vulnerability scans against one of my websites through a scanner called Nexpose, and it informed me that the Scripts folder is open to the world - meaning unauthenticated users can download the JavaScript files contained in the folder and that this is a critical vulnerability. According to Nexpose, the Scripts folder should be restricted to only allow authenticated users to access it. Which leads me to my first question.
How do I restrict the Scripts folder to only authenticated users? I tried placing a web.config file into the Scripts folder and denying access to all unauthenticated users that way, but it didn't work. I was able to determine this myself but going to my website's login page, but not logging in, and then typing https://mywebsite/scripts/menubar.js and sure enough it allowed me to download the menubar.js file.
Second question - Why is this considered a vulnerability? I've tried to reason my way through the possibilities here, but I've failed to come up with much at all. Is it a vulnerability simply because Joe the l33t h4x0r could figure out the various libraries that I'm using and then maybe use known exploits against them?
Overwhelmingly the answer seems to be that in no way should a vulnerability exist just because a .js file can be opened and read on the client's browser. The only vulnerability that might exist would be if the developer were using the .js file in an insecure fashion of some sort (which I'm not).
Logically, you wouldn't want to actually disallow access to the actual files because then you couldn't use them in your webpage. The webserver makes no distinction between a browser requesting a file as part of the process of rendering a webpage versus someone just manually downloading the file.
As a result, the answer to your first question is: you can't and wouldn't want to. If you don't want users to access take it out of the web folder. If it's required to render your site, then you want anyone to have access to it so your site can render properly.
As to why it's considered a vulnerabiliy, who's saying it is? I can go pull any JavaScript Facebook uses right now. Or, more to the point, I could go to Bank of America or Chase's website and start looking through their JavaScript. If I had an account, I could even take a look at the JavaScript used once the user is logged in.
The only thing that you might need to worry about is the same thing you always need to worry about: exposing details that shouldn't be exposed. I'm not sure why you would, but it obviously wouldn't be a good idea to put your database password in a JavaScript file, for example. Other than things like that, there's nothing to worry about.
In most cases it's not a vulnerability. Consider all of the massive public sites with anonymous traffic and/or where it's very easy to become an authenticated user (Google, eBay, Amazon, etc.) These sites also have some of the most elaborate scripts.
The more subtle thing to watch out for are other files which you DO want protected. For example, if users must login to your site and purchase a document, video, image, etc. before viewing it, it certainly should not be in a publicly accessible folder.
Yes. You should keep most of your processing to be done server-side, as most (if not all) client-side scripts can be edited, and such. Most sites use Javascript, so simply using it isn't dangerous, you just have to be careful about what you do with it.
Also, to answer your first question, don't protect them if unauthenticated users need them too.
Sounds like some security suite has an itchy trigger finger. The only two problems I could see is that you could end up loaning your server out as a CDN if someone chooses to point to your jQuery or your -insert library name here- OR (now this is a real security risk) if you are also serving any kind of dynamic .js files out of there that could pose a potential threat. The only other thing I can think of is if you have your "custom" app js in the mix with all the libraries someone could potentially discover your endpoints (web services and such) and try and see if they're secure... but that's it! nothing more... (unless you did something really dumb like hard code a password or something in there... lol)
So the attack isn't that people can edit the script the attack is getting the web server to arbitrarily write to a directory. What you need to do is make sure they are read-only files. chmod 400 or windows read. In terms of Defense in Depth (DiD) you want to make sure the web server is a non-privileged user that cannot log into the system. Further what needs to occur is that you are doing all data sanitization on the server, irrespective of what you are doing on client side, because you do not control the client side. Typically this involves making sure that you cleanse all data coming from the web as well as the database before it gets served. One of my favorite things to do is insert arbitrary javascript into the database and watch it do things in the UI because the development team assumed everything would be fine since they already cleaned it once.
I can provide more details around securing the system if it is warranted.

Link to external source or store locally

When using third-party libraries such as jquery, yui-reset, swfobject and so on, do you link to the hosted versions, or download and host your own versions?
Pros and cons either way?
Hosted versions are apparently the way to go. For three main reasons (edit: I've added a fourth reason, but it's sort of a moot point):
Google/jQuery/etc servers are likely to be faster than your own
A lot of these servers use content distribution so it will be served from a server geographically close to the requester
If every site used the hosted versions, users are more likely to have the files cached in their browsers, so a trip to the server might not even be necessary
They are possibly more reliable than your own server (however if your own server goes down, this point is moot, as you probably won't be able to serve the main page, so there won't be a request to the js file anyway)
Cons would be
You have no control over the uptime/reliability of the servers (though they are more likely more reliable than your own)
Cannot make any custom mods/patches to these files (though most good frameworks allow you to extend them without needing to modify the original code)
If the hosted file does not allow you to specify the version as part of the filename (eg "jquery-1.3.2.js" rather than "jquery.js"), you probably don't want to use the hosted version, as any updates could possibly break your code
I would say the pros generally outweigh the cons.
These are all javascript libraries - You want to put a copy of it on your own server.
If you somehow use a different version then you would not have tested against the newer version and it might break your code.
I always download and host them locally, just because I'm worried about their server downtime, there's no real guarantee that their servers will be up for the rest of time. There is usually a note in the script about who it belongs to anyway.
I guess the only con would be if the person who made the script wouldn't actually want it downloaded.. But I don't see that ever happening.
Plus the requests times are much faster, instead of requesting a script hosted at google, just request it on your own server.
For production use hosted.
For development use local because if you're offline then your dev site is broke.

What are advantages of using google.load('jQuery', ...) vs direct inclusion of hosted script URL?

Google hosts some popular JavaScript libraries at:
According to google:
The most powerful way to load the libraries is by using google.load() ...
What are the real advantages of using
google.load("jquery", "1.2.6")
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Aside from the benefit of Google being able to bundle multiple files together on the request, there is no perk to using google.load. In fact, if you know all libraries that you want to use (say just jQuery 1.2.6), you're possibly making the user's browser perform one unneeded HTTP connection. Since the whole point of using Google's hosting is to reduce bandwidth consumption and response time, the best decision - if you're just using 1 library - is to call that library directly.
Also, if your site will be using any SSL certificates, you want to plan for this by calling the script via Google's HTTPS connection. There's no downside to calling a https script from an http page, but calling an http script from an https page will causing more obscure debugging problems than you would want to think about.
It allows you to dynamically load the libraries in your code, wherever you want.
Because it lets you switch directly to a new version of the library in the javascript, without forcing you to rebuild/change templates all across your site.
It lets Google change the URL (but they can't since the URL method is already established)
In theory, if you do several google.load()s, Google can bundle then into one file, but I don't think that is implemented.
I find it's very useful for testing different libraries and different methods, particularly if you're not used to them and want to see their differences side by side, without having to download them. It appears that one of the primary reason to do it, would be that it is asynchronous versus the synchronous script call. You also get some neat stuff that is directly included in the google loader, like client location. You can get their latitude and longitude from it. Not necessarily useful, but it may be helpful if you're planning to have targeted advertising or something of the like.
Not to mention that dynamic loading is always useful. Particularly to smooth out the initial site load. Keeping the initial "site load time" down to as little as possible is something every web designer is fighting an uphill battle on.
You might want to load a library only under special conditions.
Additionally the google.load method would speed up the initial page display. Otherwise the page rendering will freeze until the file has been loaded if you include script tags in your html code.
Personally, I'm interested in whether there's a caching benefit for browsers that will already have loaded that library as well. Seems like if someone browses to google and loads the right jQuery lib and then browses to my site and loads the right jQuery lib... ...both might well use the same cached jQuery. That's just a speculative possibility, though.
Edit: Yep, at very least when using the direct script tags to the location, the javascript library will be cached if someone has already called for the library from google (e.g. if it were included by another site somewhere).
If you were to write a boatload of JavaScript that only used the library when a particular event happens, you could wait until the event happens to download the library, which avoids unnecessary HTTP requests for those who don't actually end up triggering the event. However, in the case of libraries like Prototype + Scriptaculous, which downloads over 300kb of JavaScript code, this isn't practical.
