How to make saveRow function wait for editRow function in jqGrid - javascript

Im trying to adapt jqGrid add function to my own purposes. I have navButton that I want to make a specific behavior:
When user click that button, new row, in edit mode appears on the
When user type data, and click enter, then data is send to
Right now, my code looks like this:
.navButtonAdd("#${pagerId}", {
caption: "${resolveMessage('assign')}",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-add",
onClickButton: function() {
if (assignMode == false){
assignMode = true;
$('#${tableId}').jqGrid('addRowData', 0, {});
$('#${tableId}').jqGrid('editRow', 0);
$('#${tableId}').jqGrid('saveRow', 0, function(){ assignMode = false; }, "${assignURL}");
My problem is that saveRow function is not waiting for the end of editRow. It send empty data to server after the button is clicked immediately. How to made saveRow to wait for typed data?

I recommend you to use inlineNav instead of re-implementing the same functionality yourself. For example, you current code, for example uses the same rowid 0 for every added row, which is very bad. Moreover you call editRow without any additional options and then call saveRow immediately after editRow which force saving the empty row with probably wrong data. Saving can fail during validation.
Moreover I'd recommend you to consider to use free jqGrid available for free under MIT or GNU GPLv2 licenses instead of usage commercial Guriddo jqGrid JS (see the prices here). I develop free jqGrid fork since the end of 2014 (short after the post) and have implemented really many fixes, improvements and new features described shortly in readmes to every published version, wiki articles and the answers on the steckoverflow which I posted at the time.


Shopware 5, open BatchProcess window from Own Plugin

I hope its not to harsh to ask not to mince matters.
Here we go:
I have a problem developing a custom Plugin for Shopware 5.
I already have a working plugin which lists orders for certain criteria.
Now I want a Button (which i already have) in the toolbar of this grid-window.
The Button should open the Batch Process Window which is already available in the native "Order" Window of shopware.
Q: How Can I open this app with the selected Ids of my grid?
Heres what I have:
createToolbarButton: function () {
var me = this;
return Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'Batch Processing Orders',
name: 'customBatchProcessButton',
cls: 'secondary',
handler: function () {
onClickCustomBatchProcessButton: function(me){
var thisGrid = me.getTransferGrid();
var records = thisGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
name: 'Shopware.apps.Order',
action: 'batch',
params: {
mode: 'multi',
records: records
It always opens the normal view of the order window. (no error in console)
Anybody has a suggestions?
That would be great!
Thanks for your time :)
Hey, thank you for your reply so far.
I managed to open the Batch-process-window like this:
orderStatusStore: Ext.create('').load(),
records: orderRecords,
mode: 'multi'
But now the Problem ist, the Event for the Batch-Process isn't applied on the button on the form...
I am still on try and error.
Many Shopware ExtJS SubApplications can be executed from another app with certain parameters exactly the way you're trying to. Unfortunately I don't see any code in the Order plugin that might lead to the desired result. You can see what actions/params a Shopware SubApplication supports by reading the init function of the main controller -> Shopware.apps.Order.controller.Main
Shopware.apps.Customer.controller.Main from the Customer plugin for example accepts an action like you are using it – it is checking for this:
if (me.subApplication.action && me.subApplication.action.toLowerCase() === 'detail') {
if (me.subApplication.params && me.subApplication.params.customerId) {
//open the customer detail page with the passed customer id
In the Order plugin there is similar code, but it just takes an order ID and opens the detail page for the corresponding order. It apparently doesn't feature the batch.Window
You might be able to reuse this class somehow, but that might be a ton of code you need to adapt from the actual Order plugin. If you really need this feature, you can carefully read how the Order plugin is initializing the window and its dependencies and have a try.
I'd rather go for developing a lightweight module in this scenario (It's a frame within a backend window that just uses controllers and template views with PHP/Smarty/HTML)

ExtJS 4 grid and some problems with mask

I have a not too big grid (30x20) with numbers in cells. I have to display all, calculate them in different ways (by columns, rows, some cells, etc.) and write values to some cells. This data is also written and read from db table fields. Everything is working, excluding simple (theoretically) mask tools.
In time of e.g. writing data to the field in the table I try to start mask and close it on finish. I used such a “masks” very often but only in this situation I have a problem and can’t solve it.
I prepare this mask the following way:
msk = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), { msg: "data loading ..." });;
[writing data loops]
I also tried to use grid obiect in place of Ext.getBody(), but without result.
I found also that the program behaves in a special way – loops which I use to write data to the table field are "omitted" by this mask, and it looks like loops are working in the background (asynchronously).
Would you be so kind as to suggest something?
No, no, no, sorry guys but my description isn’t very precise. It isn’t problem of loading or writing data to the database. Let’s say stores are in the memory but my problem is to calculate something and write into the grid. Just to see this values on the screen. Let me use my example once again:
msk = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), { msg: "data loading ..." });;
Ext.each(dataX.getRange(), function (X) {
Ext.each(dataY.getRange(), function (Y) {
X.set('aaa', 10);
And in such a situation this mask isn’t visible or is too fast to see it.
In the mean time I find (I think) a good description of my problem but still can’t find a solution for me. When I use e.g. alert() function I see this mask, when I use delay anyway, mask is too fast. Explanation is the following:
The reason for that is quite simple - JS is single threaded. If you modify DOM (for example by turning mask on) the actual change is made immediately after current execution path is finished. Because you turn mask on in beginning of some time-consuming task, browser waits with DOM changes until it finishes. Because you turn mask off at the end of method, it might not show at all. Solution is simple - invoke store rebuild after some delay.*
I have no idea how is your code looks in general but this is some tip that you could actually use.
First of all loading operations are asynchronously so you need to make that mask show and then somehow destroy when data are loaded.
First of all check if in your store configuration you have autoLoad: false
If yes then we can make next step:
Since Extjs is strongly about MVC design pattern you should have your controller somewhere in your project.
I suppose you are loading your data on afterrender or on button click event so we can make this:
In function for example loadImportantData
loadImportantData: function(){
var controller = this;
var store = controller.getStore('YourStore'); //or Ext.getStore('YourStore'); depends on your configuration in controller
var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {msg:"Please wait..."});;
callback: function (records, operation, success) {
//this callback is fired when your store load all data.
//then hide mask.
When data is loaded your mask will disappear.
If you have a reference to the grid, you can simply call grid.setLoading(true) to display a loading mask over the grid at any time.

ExtJs 4.2 ref-selector vs Ext.getcmp() vs Ext.ComponentQuery.query()

I was asked to develop a tab panel with 6 tabs, each having 30 to 40 elements. Each tab is acting as a form in accumulating the details of a person and the last tab is a Summary page which displays all the values entered in the first five tabs. I was asked to provide summary as a tab because, the user can navigate to summary tab at any instance and look at the details entered by him/ or glace the summary. i am following ExtJs MVC pattern. Payload is coming from / going to Spring MVC Application. (JSON)
Using tab change event in controller and if the newtab is summary I am rendering the page with show hide functionality.
Method 1 :In controller I have used Ext.getCmp('id of each element inside the tabs') and show hide the components in summary tab based on the value entered by the user. This killed my app in IE8 popping a message saying that the "script is slow and blah blah..." i had to click on NO for 5 to 6 times for the summary tab to render and display the page.
Method 2 :In controller I used ref and selectos to acccess all the items in tabs. I have used itemId for each and every field in summary tab. like this.getXyz().show(). I thought it would be fast. Yes it was in Google chrome. but my app in IE8 is slow compared to goolge chrome/firefox
Any suggestions regarding this and plan to decrease page render time. The summary page has more than 1000 fields. Please feel free to shed ur thoughts or throw some ideas on this.
thank you!!
I've got a few suggestions you can try. First, to answer your title, I think the fastest simple way to lookup components in javascript is to build a hash map. Something like this:
var map = {};
Ext.each(targetComponents, function(item) {
map[item.itemId] = item;
// Fastest way to retrieve a component
var myField = map[componentId];
For the rendering time, be sure that the layout/DOM is not updated each time you call hide or show on a child component. Use suspendLayouts to do that:
// intensive hide-and-seek business
// just one layout calculation and subsequent DOM manipulation
Finally, if despite your best efforts you can't cut on the processing time, do damage control. That is, avoid freezing the UI the whole time, and having the browser telling the user your app is dead.
You can use setTimeout to limit the time your script will be holding the execution thread at once. The interval will let the browser some time to process UI events, and prevent it from thinking your script is lost into an infinite loop.
Here's an example:
var itemsToProcess = [...],
// The smaller the chunks, the more the UI will be responsive,
// but the whole processing will take longer...
chunkSize = 50,
i = 0,
function next() {
slice = itemsToProcess.slice(i, i+chunkSize);
i += chunkSize;
if (slice.length) {
Ext.each(slice, function(item) {
// costly business with item
// defer processing to give time
setTimeout(next, 50);
} else {
// post-processing
// pre-processing (eg. disabling the form submit button)
next(); // start the loop
up().down().action....did the magic. I have replaced each and every usage of Ext.getCmp('id'). Booooha... it's fast and NO issues.
this.up('tabpanel').down('tabName #itemIdOfField').actions.
actions= hide(), show(), setValues().
Try to check deferredRender is true. This should only render the active tab.
You also can try a different hideMode. Especially hideMode:'offsets ' sounds promising
Quote from the sencha API:
hideMode: 'offsets' is often the solution to layout issues in IE specifically when hiding/showing things
As I wrote in the comment, go through this performance guide:!/guide/performance
In your case, this will be very interesting for you:
// batch of updates
// show() / hide() elements

misleading jqgrid documentation : Client side sorting, but server side paging

this question has already been answered multiple times. but here I want to site that if the code provided in the documentation can't be achieved without additional codes, why it has been given there in first place. Its simply misleading. The code given in the documentation achieves paging, but while sorting, the grid data simply disappears.
Correct me if I am wrong.
datatype: 'json', // can be xml
loadComplete : function () {
onPaging : function(which_button) {
You don't posted the exact reference to the documentation where you get the code. I found it here.
jqGrid is open source product which you get for free. It's practical, but you should understand, that in the case the product and its documentation could not be perfect. The part of code which you referenced could work probably in some very old version of jqGrid, but it's wrong code in the current version of jqGrid. The sense of implementing "Client side sorting, but server side paging" is very suspected at all. My old answer about the subject you would find here. I would rewrite some part of the answer now, but in general the code tested with old versions could be not full compatible with the new version of jqGrid.
I can say there is no place where intentional misleading has happened. They are giving the pluging for free though it is a very huge plugin. And the work done by people like Oleg is making it more perfect. For you question, the code related to "client side sorting and server side paging" here is the code that can solve your problems. And this was taken with the help of some old answer given by Oleg.
This is my version of code,
loadComplete: function(data) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'datatype') === 'json') {
// because one use repeatitems: false option and uses no
// jsonmap in the colModel the setting of data parameter
// is very easy. We can set data parameter to data.rows:
$this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
datatype: 'local',
data: data.userdata,
recordsServer: data.records,
// because we changed the value of the data parameter
// we need update internal _index parameter:
if ($this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'sortname') !== '') {
// we need reload grid only if we use sortname parameter,
// but the server return unsorted data
} else {
$this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
page: $this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'pageServer'),
records: $this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'recordsServer'),
lastpage: $this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'lastpageServer')
this.updatepager(false, true);}
/*this code is to fix the issue when we click on next page with some data in filter tool bar
* along with this in grid definition( in filterToolbar ) we have to return true in "beforeClear "event
* */
var data = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData");
data._search = false;
/* comment this line if you disable filter toolbar*/
//Here making _search alone false will not solve problem, we have to make search also false. like in below.
$(this).jqGrid('setGridParam', { search: false, postData:data });
var data = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData");
/*this is to fix the issue when we go to last page(say there are only 3 records and page size is 5) and click
* on sorting the grid fetches previously loaded data (may be from its buffer) and displays 5 records
* where in i am expecting only 3 records to be sorted out.along with this there should be a modification in source code.
/* this is to make the grid to fetch data from server on page click*/
$(this).setGridParam({datatype: 'json'}).triggerHandler("reloadGrid");
For the modification that you have to do in source code is , see this answer..

NetSuite - Fields are not being set in the sales order after I set context to 'scheduled'

Hope you can assist.
I am currently trying to conduct one of the most simplest tasks via a user event script - that is to set a new value in the 'discount rate' field on the sales order. My script works fine when testing it on the client, but when the scheduled script is triggered, the field fails to set/update.
The following code is within a 'beforesubmit' operation. Can you spot what I have done wrong?
function beforeSubmit_discountVAT(type){
if(nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() !='scheduled')
var getDiscountVal = nlapiGetFieldValue('discountrate');
var correctDiscount = getDiscountVal / 1.2;
nlapiSetFieldValue('discountrate', correctDiscount);
In short - All i want to do is deduct the discount value by 20%. Can you use 'nlapiSetFieldValue' when a user event script is triggered from a scheduled script?
Thanks in advance.
When editing an existing record, nlapiSetFieldValue cannot be used in a Before Load event on fields that are stored with the record. From the function's JSDocs:
Sets the value of a given body field. This API can be used in user event beforeLoad scripts to initialize field on new records or non-stored fields.
nlapiSetFieldValue can thus only be used reliably in Before Load on new records or non-stored fields.
Realizing this is a month old so you've probably found a solution, I would move your code to the Before Submit event. I tested this using a Scheduled Script:
var customer = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', '31294');
and User Event on the Customer record, Before Submit event:
if (nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() === 'scheduled') {
nlapiSetFieldValue('url', '', false);
This works as expected for me in a 2013.1 Sandbox environment.
Using nlapiSubmitField in After Submit as mentioned in the other answer is an unnecessarily long operation that will use extra governance units. Not a huge deal if that's the only thing your script is doing, but if you ever expand the script or add looping, it can add up quickly in terms of performance and governance usage.
Also, it may not be necessary, but you should ensure that getDiscountVal is a Number by doing:
var getDiscountVal = parseInt(nlapiGetFieldValue('discountrate'), 10);
If it comes back as a String then your division operation may give a strange result which may also cause nlapiSetFieldValue to fail or set the field to an odd value.
two suggestions
Make sure that your script is being executed by adding a few nlapiLogExecution statements
Instead of doing it in beforesubmit, change this field in aftersubmit function using nlapiSubmitField
"Can you use 'nlapiSetFieldValue' when a user event script is triggered from a scheduled script?"
Yeah Absolutely yes.Context is also correct its scheduled.
Please make sure that you are submitting the record nlapiSubmitRecord(recordObj) at the end.
If you are not comfortable with nlapiSubmitRecord() you can obviously use nlapiSubmitField()
If still you get stuck up then please paste the complete code so that we could assist you.
