How to convert timestamp to readable date/time? - javascript

I have an API result giving out timestamp like this 1447804800000. How do I convert this to a readable format using Javascript/jQuery?

You can convert this to a readable date using new Date() method
if you have a specific date stamp, you can get the corresponding date time format by the following method
var date = new Date(timeStamp);
in your case
var date = new Date(1447804800000);
this will return
Wed Nov 18 2015 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

Call This function and pass your date :
JS :
function getDateFormat(date) {
var d = new Date(date),
month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
day = '' + d.getDate(),
year = d.getFullYear();
if (month.length < 2)
month = '0' + month;
if (day.length < 2)
day = '0' + day;
var date = new Date();
return [day, month, year].join('-');

In my case, the REST API returned timestamp with decimal. Below code snippet example worked for me.
var ts= 1551246342.000100; // say this is the format for decimal timestamp.
var dt = new Date(ts * 1000);
alert(dt.toLocaleString()); // 2/27/2019, 12:45:42 AM this for displayed


Convert SQL date to javascript date

Everything works fine except for 1 date. This is my function.
export function formatDate(date) {
console.log(new Date(date), date);
let d = new Date(date),
month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
day = '' + d.getUTCDate(),
year = d.getFullYear();
if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;
if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day;
return [month, day, year].join('/');
I tried to log it in console and this is the result.
I have underlined the wrong date. It says may 1 eventhough its april 30. This is probably caused by the timezone. Does it mean that new Date().getMonth() can't be trusted?
Your dates are UTC (indicated by the Z at the end of the time string), but you are outputting them in your local timezone (Philippine Standard Time) which is GMT+0800, hence the difference in outputs (which you'll notice is exactly 8 hours). This is caused by your console.log
calling Date.toString() on the result of new Date(date), which outputs the datetime according to the client timezone.
If you want to get the same result as your SQL date, use Date.toUTCString() instead:
let d = new Date('2021-04-30T21:30:15.697Z')
Similarly, you need to use Date.getUTCMonth() and Date.getUTCFullYear() to get the correct month from the SQL date:
let d = new Date('2021-04-30T21:30:15.697Z')

Javascript date conversion and adding days

I have a date in the form of a string like below:
var dateInput= "Sat Dec 7 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)";
I want to convert this date to dd/mm/yyyy and be able to add and subtract days from this date and still retain the same format.
Here's what I did to convert this string to dd/mm/yyyy date format:
I used this helper function:
function convertDate(inputFormat) {
function pad(s) { return (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s; }
var d = new Date(inputFormat);
return [pad(d.getDate()), pad(d.getMonth()+1), d.getFullYear()].join('/');
So, then I did :
var date = new Date(convertDate(eddFromCouch));
which gave me the string 7/12/2019;
Then, when I tried to add the 5 days to the date above, I got the following:
date = date.setDate(date.getDate() + 5);
console.log(date); // returns 1563310800000
I believe 1563310800000 a UNIX timestamp which converts to July,16,2019
I was expecting it to return 12/12/2019.
Here is how you can achieve this using Moment.js. This library makes tasks like parsing, manipulating and displaying dates much easier to achieve.
var input = "2019-08-14T08:06:49.288Z";
var date = moment(input);
date.add(5, "days");
<script src=""></script>
Your dateInput is actually the format returned by date.toString, and can be passed directly to the date constructor to get a date object.
function toDDMMYYY(date) {
let parts = [];
let dd = date.getDate();
let mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
let yyyy = date.getFullYear();
if (dd < 10) {
} else {
if (mm < 10) {
} else {
return parts.join('/');
const input = "Sat Dec 7 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)";
let date = new Date(input);
date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 5));

How to convert date format into different formate

Hello I want to convert
March 2018 to 032018
in jQuery.I used
var d = new Date($('.selected_month').find("td:first").text());
But it is giving result is:
Thu Mar 01 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST)
You need to use getMonth() and getFullYear() on returned date object to format date as per requirement. Also, you need to add 1 to returned month as getMonth method is 0 index based:
(d.getMonth()+1).toString() + d.getFullYear().toString()
Try this
function formatDate(date) {
var d = new Date(date),
month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
year = d.getFullYear();
if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;
return [month,year].join('');
Call this function : formatDate('March 2018') // output : 032018
Try converting the date object you end up with to a string:
Try the following snippet, just change var d = new Date() to var d = new Date($('.selected_month').find("td:first").text()).
var d = new Date();
var twoDigitMonth = (d.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
var year = d.getUTCFullYear();
var result = twoDigitMonth + year;
<script src=""></script>
...or try this...
new Date("March 2018")
.toLocaleDateString('en-EN', {month: '2-digit',year: 'numeric'})

Set Date Time to Jquery date time picker

I have date in Javascript
Sun Feb 15 2015 08:02:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
how I can to set in format 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' into datetime picker?
If I set like this:
Sun Feb 15 2015 08:02:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
$('#dateTimeStart').datetimepicker('setDate', dateStart);
Error parsing the date/time string: Missing number at position 10
date/time string = 02-15-2015 08:02:00
timeFormat = HH:mm
dateFormat = mm-dd-yyyy
dateFormat: 'yy-dd-mm'
timeFormat: "hh:mm:ss"
You have to format date that you have. You can do it with help of function that you can grab here.
document.write($"Sun Feb 15 2015 08:02:00", "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss"));
It's small and really nice solution that can help you to resolve your issue.
You're looking for a format like
format:'d/m/Y H:i:s'
According to the DateTimePicker documentation at, the 'format' string is based on the PHP date format strings, which you can read up on at Note in particular they use just one letter to represent multiple numbers (e.g. 'd' instead of 'dd')
use below javascript code to change formate
var date = new Date('Sun Feb 15 2015 08:02:00 GMT+0200');
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var hours = date.getHours();
var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds();
var fulldate = day+'/'+(month+1)+'/'+year+' '+hours + ':' + minutes.substr(minutes.length-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(seconds.length-2);
see working copy of fiddle
you can create function which return date in format
function convertdate(param){
var date = new Date(param);
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var hours = date.getHours();
var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds();
return fulldate = day+'/'+(month+1)+'/'+year+' '+hours + ':' + minutes.substr(minutes.length-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(seconds.length-2);
alert(convertdate('Sun Feb 15 2015 08:02:00 GMT+0200'));
I change format of date from server in this : '02/15/2015 08:02:00 AM'
and then I parse this string and create new date:
var dateString ='02/15/2015 08:02:00 AM';
var dateStart = new Date(Date.parse(dateString, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"));
$('#dateTimeStart').datetimepicker('setDate', dateStart);

How to get year/month/day from a date object?

alert(dateObj) gives Wed Dec 30 2009 00:00:00 GMT+0800
How to get date in format 2009/12/30?
var dateObj = new Date();
var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12
var day = dateObj.getUTCDate();
var year = dateObj.getUTCFullYear();
newdate = year + "/" + month + "/" + day;
or you can set new date and give the above values
new Date().toISOString()
new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
new Date().toISOString().replace('-', '/').split('T')[0].replace('-', '/');
new Date().toLocaleString().split(',')[0]
var dt = new Date();
dt.getFullYear() + "/" + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dt.getDate();
Since month index are 0 based you have to increment it by 1.
For a complete list of date object functions see
Returns the month (0-11) in the specified date according to local time.
Returns the month (0-11) in the specified date according to universal time.
Why not using the method toISOString() with slice or simply toLocaleDateString()?
Beware that the timezone returned by toISOString is always zero UTC offset, whereas in toLocaleDateString it is the user agent's timezone.
Check here:
const d = new Date() // today, now
// Timezone zero UTC offset
console.log(d.toISOString().slice(0, 10)) // YYYY-MM-DD
// Timezone of User Agent
console.log(d.toLocaleDateString('en-CA')) // YYYY-MM-DD
console.log(d.toLocaleDateString('en-US')) // M/D/YYYY
console.log(d.toLocaleDateString('de-DE')) // D.M.YYYY
console.log(d.toLocaleDateString('pt-PT')) // DD/MM/YYYY
I would suggest you to use Moment.js
Then you can do:
moment(new Date()).format("YYYY/MM/DD");
Note: you don't actualy need to add new Date() if you want the current TimeDate, I only added it as a reference that you can pass a date object to it. for the current TimeDate this also works:
You can use the native .toLocaleDateString() function which supports several useful params like locale (to select a format like MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD), timezone (to convert the date) and formats details options (eg: 1 vs 01 vs January).
new Date().toLocaleDateString() // 8/19/2020
new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}); // 08/19/2020 (month and day with two digits)
new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-ZA'); // 2020/08/19 (year/month/day) notice the different locale
new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-CA'); // 2020-08-19 (year-month-day) notice the different locale
new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"}); // 8/19/2020, 9:29:51 AM. (date and time in a specific timezone)
new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {hour: '2-digit', hour12: false, timeZone: "America/New_York"}); // 09 (just the hour)
Notice that sometimes to output a date in your specific desire format, you have to find a compatible locale with that format.
You can find the locale examples here:
Please notice that locale just change the format, if you want to transform a specific date to a specific country or city time equivalent then you need to use the timezone param.
var date = new Date().toLocaleDateString()
If a 2 digit month and date is desired (2016/01/01 vs 2016/1/1)
var dateObj = new Date();
var month = ('0' + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var date = ('0' + dateObj.getDate()).slice(-2);
var year = dateObj.getFullYear();
var shortDate = year + '/' + month + '/' + date;
More info from and credit to this answer
To learn more about .slice the try it yourself editor at w3schools helped me understand better how to use it.
let dateObj = new Date();
let myDate = (dateObj.getUTCFullYear()) + "/" + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1)+ "/" + (dateObj.getUTCDate());
For reference you can see the below details
new Date().getDate() // Return the day as a number (1-31)
new Date().getDay() // Return the weekday as a number (0-6)
new Date().getFullYear() // Return the four digit year (yyyy)
new Date().getHours() // Return the hour (0-23)
new Date().getMilliseconds() // Return the milliseconds (0-999)
new Date().getMinutes() // Return the minutes (0-59)
new Date().getMonth() // Return the month (0-11)
new Date().getSeconds() // Return the seconds (0-59)
new Date().getTime() // Return the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
let dateObj = new Date();
let myDate = (dateObj.getUTCFullYear()) + "/" + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1)+ "/" + (dateObj.getUTCDate());
Use the Date get methods.
var dateobj= new Date() ;
var month = dateobj.getMonth() + 1;
var day = dateobj.getDate() ;
var year = dateobj.getFullYear();
Nice formatting add-in:
With that you could write:
var now = new Date();
I you need to get the current day too, you can use this one.
function getFormattedDate(today)
var week = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
var day = week[today.getDay()];
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
var hour = today.getHours();
var minu = today.getMinutes();
if(dd<10) { dd='0'+dd }
if(mm<10) { mm='0'+mm }
if(minu<10){ minu='0'+minu }
return day+' - '+dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy+' '+hour+':'+minu;
var date = new Date();
var text = getFormattedDate(date);
*For Spanish format, just translate the WEEK variable.
var week = new Array('Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado');
Output: Monday - 16/11/2015 14:24
With the accepted answer, January 1st would be displayed like this: 2017/1/1.
If you prefer 2017/01/01, you can use:
var dt = new Date();
var date = dt.getFullYear() + '/' + (((dt.getMonth() + 1) < 10) ? '0' : '') + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + ((dt.getDate() < 10) ? '0' : '') + dt.getDate();
Here is a cleaner way getting Year/Month/Day with template literals:
var date = new Date();
var formattedDate = `${date.getFullYear()}/${(date.getMonth() + 1)}/${date.getDate()}`;
It's Dynamic It will collect the language from user's browser setting
Use minutes and hour property in the option object to work with them..
You can use long value to represent month like Augest 23 etc...
function getDate(){
const now = new Date()
const option = {
day: 'numeric',
month: 'numeric',
year: 'numeric'
const local = navigator.language
labelDate.textContent = `${new
You can simply use This one line code to get date in year-month-date format
var date = new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + new Date().getMonth() + 1 + "-" + new Date().getDate();
ES2018 introduced regex capture groups which you can use to catch day, month and year:
const REGEX = /(?<year>[0-9]{4})-(?<month>[0-9]{2})-(?<day>[0-9]{2})/;
const results = REGEX.exec('2018-07-12');
Advantage of this approach is possiblity to catch day, month, year for non-standard string date formats.
One liner, using destructuring.
Makes 3 variables of type string:
const [year, month, day] = (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0, 10).split('-')
Makes 3 variables of type number (integer):
const [year, month, day] = (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0, 10).split('-').map(x => parseInt(x, 10))
From then, it's easy to combine them any way you like:
const [year, month, day] = (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0, 10).split('-');
const dateFormatted = `${year}/${month}/${day}`;
I am using this which works if you pass it a date obj or js timestamp:
getHumanReadableDate: function(date) {
if (date instanceof Date) {
return date.getDate() + "/" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + date.getFullYear();
} else if (isFinite(date)) {//timestamp
var d = new Date();
return this.getHumanReadableDate(d);
