I want for my project, detect collision into multiple div.
Please see picture below:
Red box and black border is a div
Red box is movable
How detect if the red box touch one border around it?
I tried solution with canvas but is not a good way for me.
While this is not the exact solution, it seems to be working for cases in which the movable div is in the intersection area of given divs.
The movable div is indicated with the id #draggable. All the other divs used for intersection are selected with data-category="container" attribute.
<div data-category="container" style="width:200px;height:200px;border:3px solid #000; position:absolute;top:10;left:10"></div>
<div data-category="container" style="width:500px;height:300px;border:3px solid #000; position:absolute;top:100;left:100"></div>
<div data-category="container" style="width:400px;height:400px;border:3px solid #000; position:absolute;top:130;left:50"></div>
<div id="draggable" style="height:20px;width:30px;background-color:red;position:absolute;top:160;left:130"></div>
var minTop = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var posTop, posLeft = 0;
var minBottom = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minLeft = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minRight = Number.MAX_VALUE;
//loop through intersection divs
var diffTop = $('#draggable').offset().top - $(this).offset().top; //get distance between tops
var diffLeft = $('#draggable').offset().left - $(this).offset().left; //get distance between lefts
var diffBottom = ($(this).offset().top + $(this).height()) - ($('#draggable').offset().top + $('#draggable').height()); //get distance between bottoms
var diffRight = ($(this).offset().left + $(this).width()) - ($('#draggable').offset().left + $('#draggable').width()); //get distance between rights
//store min top
if (diffTop > 0 && diffTop < minTop)
minTop = diffTop;
posTop = $(this).offset().top;
//store min left
if (diffLeft > 0 && diffLeft < minLeft)
minLeft = diffLeft;
posLeft = $(this).offset().left;
//store min bottom
if (diffBottom > 0 && diffBottom < minBottom)
minBottom = diffBottom;
//store min right
if (diffRight > 0 && diffRight < minRight)
minRight = diffRight;
//create div within the intersection area
$("<div id = '#divFrame' style='border:3px solid blue;position:absolute;top:" + (posTop) + ";left:" + (posLeft) + ";width:" + (minLeft + minRight + $('#draggable').width()) + "px;height:" + (minTop + minBottom + $('#draggable').height()) + "px;'></div>").appendTo("body");
Below is how it looks like when the script is executed for the given html.
If you are using JQueryUI, maybe you can set the draggable object's boundries using containment option as follows.
$( "#draggable" ).draggable( { containment: "#divFrame" } );
I'd suggest a solution based on Element.getBoundingClientRect (documentation here). This method returns an object with 6 properties: top, bottom, left, right, width and height. You can use this method to find the areas your <div>s are covering.
Secondly, you'll have to create a method that checks if two areas overlap:
var rectanglesOverlap = function(rec1, rec2) {
// Return true if overlap, false if none
Once you have your red rectangle stored and all black bordered divs in an array you can check which of your rectangles overlap like so:
var overlappingRects = blackRects.filter(rectanglesOverlap.bind(null, redRect);
The length of the overlappingRects array now tells you how many overlap there is.
Let me know if you need help selecting the right elements or writing the overlap method. But there's a lot to find online about these topics already...
I'm making a sliding puzzle (something like this) using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.
Everything works fine, but I want to add a sliding transition each time a slide moves.
The code works based on the following logic:
12, 16 or 48 <div>s are created (depending on the level of difficulty).
A background-image is assigned to all of them, and cropped accordingly to simulate a "piece" of the original image.
They all have a class of image, and also piece<number>, where <number> is the number of the tile. The last tile (piece12, piece16 or piece48) also has a class of voidBlock, that removes the background-image. This is the empty tile that permits the ones directly next to it to move into its place. All the other tiles have an additional class, imgBlock.
When one of the tiles that are next to the voidBlock is clicked, it exchanges classes with the voidBlock. For example, if we were to click piece6, which happens to be next to the voidBlock(let's say the difficulty is set to easy, and thus voidBlock is piece12), this would happen:
The original voidBlock changes its piece12 class to piece6.
The original voidBlock changes its voidBlock class to imgBlock.
The original piece6 changes its piece6 class to piece12.
The original piece6 changes its imgBlock class to voidBlock.
After that, a draw() function is called; it sets the background-position of each tile, depending on its piece number.
As you might have guessed by now, none of the <div>s actually move. They remain still as the background-position of their background-image changes through their classes.
Although I do have some experience in programming (namely in Python and Java), web development in general is very new to me. I have tried various methods of transitioning, but the best thing I could come up with was to have the background image move each time a tile moved (which is just weird and unintuitive).
My question is, thus: is there any way to have an animation/transition of the tiles sliding each time that they move?
(the lines that are commented out have nothing to do with the question)
Part of the main.css file:
.image {
background-image: url(/Users/user/puzzle-test/img/image001.jpg);
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
.voidBlock {
background-image: none;
.imgBlock {
background-image: url(/Users/user/puzzle-test/img/image001.jpg);
The <div> click handler:
var clickHandler = function() {
var voidPosX = $(".voidBlock").css("left");
var voidPosY = $(".voidBlock").css("top");
voidPosX = parseInt(voidPosX.substring(0, voidPosX.length-2));
voidPosY = parseInt(voidPosY.substring(0, voidPosY.length-2));
var posX = $(this).css("left");
var posY = $(this).css("top");
posX = parseInt(posX.substring(0, posX.length-2));
posY = parseInt(posY.substring(0, posY.length-2));
if((voidPosX == posX - finalWidth) && (voidPosY == posY)){
posX -= finalWidth;
voidPosX += finalWidth;
}else if((voidPosX == posX + finalWidth) && (voidPosY == posY)){
posX += finalWidth;
voidPosX -= finalWidth;
}else if((voidPosY == posY - finalHeight) && (voidPosX == posX)){
posY -= finalHeight;
voidPosY += finalHeight;
}else if((voidPosY == posY + finalHeight) && (voidPosX == posX)){
posY += finalHeight;
voidPosY -= finalHeight;
The move function (used in the click handler) (h and v are the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the puzzle):
function move(element) {
var temp = element.attr("class").split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++){
if(temp[i].substring(0, 5) == "piece"){
var pieceNum = temp[i].substring(5);
The draw function (the numbers 800 and 600 represent the dimensions of the image):
function draw() {
//var imgSelect = $("input[type='radio'][name='bgImage']:checked").val();
var j = 1;
for(var pY = 0; pY > -600; pY -= finalHeight){
for(var pX = 0; pX > -800; pX -= finalWidth){
$(".piece"+j).css("background-position", pX+"px "+pY+"px");
//$(".piece"+j).css("background-image", "url(/Users/user/puzzle-test/img/"+imgSelect+".jpg)");
//$(".move").text("Moves: " + moveCounter);
$(".voidBlock").css("background-image", "none");
//$(".grid").find("img").attr("src", "img/"+imgSelect+".jpg");
//$(".image:not(.voidBlock)").css("cursor", "pointer");
//$(".voidBlock").css("cursor", "default");
Finally, the <div>s are created by the shuffle function, like this (pieces is a shuffled array of the puzzle pieces, basically used to tell where to position each tile):
for(var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++){
var el = "<div class=\"image piece"+(pieces[i])+"\"><p class=\"helpNum\"></p></div>";
// CSS div positioning
var j = 0;
for(var pY = 0; pY > -600; pY -= finalHeight){
for(var pX = 0; pX > -800; pX -= finalWidth){
$(".piece"+pieces[j]).css({left: pX, top: pY});
I finally solved it thanks to #BillyNate 's answer, which was to set the position property of the <div>s to absolute, then move them by changing the top and left properties.
Banging my head trying to sort out the correct logic for adding simple parallax behavior.
I would like to have a number of elements on a page which start out with their top offset a certain distance (e.g. 300px). Then as you scroll down the page, once the top of the element is revealed it will slowly shift upwards (tied to scroll) until the top of element reaches middle of viewport at which time it's top offset is 0 and it remains in place.
I tried using third party script (Scroll Magic, Stellar, etc), but when I couldn't get it right now I'm trying custom code:
var $Window = $(window);
var offset_amount = 400;
var window_height = $Window.height();
var window_half = (window_height/2);
var sections = $('SECTION.reveal');
sections.each(function() {
var element = $(this);
// Make sure we always start with the right offset
element.css({top: offset_amount});
$Window.bind('scroll', function() {
var viewport_top = $Window.scrollTop();
var viewport_middle = viewport_top + (window_height/2)
var viewport_bottom = viewport_top + window_height;
var element_top = element.offset().top;
if (element_top > viewport_top && element_top <= viewport_bottom) {
var distance_to_middle = (element_top - viewport_middle);
var amount_to_middle = (distance_to_middle / window_half);
if (amount_to_middle >= 0) {
element.css({top: (offset_amount * amount_to_middle)+ 'px'});
} else {
// ? Lock to end position ?
jsBin demo 1. (margin space effect on both enter and exit)
jsBin demo 2. (preserve 0 margin once touched)
Instead of targeting the section elements, (create and) target their first child elements,
otherwise you'll create a concurrency mess trying to get the top position but simultaneously modifying it.
Also, you cannot rely on fixed 300px margin (i.e: if window height is less than 500px, you're already missing 100px). That space can vary when the screen height is really small, so you also need to find the idealMarg value.
var $win = $(window),
$rev = $('.reveal'),
winH2 = 0,
winSt = 0;
function reveal() {
winSt = $win.scrollTop();
winH2 = $win.height()/2;
$rev.each(function(i, el){
var y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top,
toMiddleMax = Math.max(0, y-winH2),
idealMarg = Math.min(300, toMiddleMax),
margMin = Math.min(idealMarg, idealMarg * (toMiddleMax/winH2));
$(">div", this).css({transform: "translateY("+ margMin +"px)"});
$win.on({"load resize scroll" : reveal});
*{box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box;}
html, body{height:100%; margin:0;}
section > div{
padding: 40px;
min-height: 100vh;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div style="background-color:red">1</div>
<section class="reveal">
<div style="background-color: yellow">2</div>
<section class="reveal">
<div style="background-color: orange">3</div>
<section class="reveal">
<div style="background-color: pink">4</div>
I've used in HTML just a <div> logically, that has to be the one and only first child of a section parent.
You're welcome to tweak the above code to make it more performant.
Hey so here is my go at an awnser.
The jist of it is as follows.
var $Window = $(window),
parallaxFactor = 2;
var element = $(b);
element.css("top",element.data("pOffset") + "px");
$Window.bind('scroll', function() {
var pos =
// Base Offset
// parallaxFactor
- ($Window.scrollTop() / parallaxFactor);
pos = pos < 0 ? 0 : pos;
element.animate({"top": pos + "px"},10);
height: 4000px;
Example Usage
<div class="parallaxblock" data-p-offset=100>Im A Block</div>
<div class="parallaxblock" data-p-offset=200>Im Also Block</div>
<div class="parallaxblock" data-p-offset=1500>Im Another Block</div>
So by checking the offest its never lower then 0 we can lock it at the top of the screen once it reaches it.
I get the offset amount of the data tag on the div.
If you wanted to change the rate of scroll in different posistions you could change the parallax factor at a certain percentage of screen height.
Hope this helps.
I have created a parallax scroll, which seem to be working fine in firefox however in the chrome browser there's a slight jump on the body text when scrolling. click here scroll to the about section. I am not sure if t this is a css or JS issue.. below is a snippet i have incorporated into my parallax function
Does anyone know how i an fix this issue?
// Cache the Window object
$window = $(window);
// Cache the Y offset and the speed of each sprite
$('[data-type]').each(function() {
$(this).data('offsetY', parseInt($(this).attr('data-offsetY')));
$(this).data('Xposition', $(this).attr('data-Xposition'));
$(this).data('speed', $(this).attr('data-speed'));
// For each element that has a data-type attribute
// Store some variables based on where we are
var $self = $(this),
offsetCoords = $self.offset(),
topOffset = offsetCoords.top;
// When the window is scrolled...
$(window).scroll(function() {
// If this section is in view
if ( ($window.scrollTop() + $window.height()) > (topOffset) &&
( (topOffset + $self.height()) > $window.scrollTop() ) ) {
// Scroll the background at var speed
// the yPos is a negative value because we're scrolling it UP!
var yPos = -($window.scrollTop() / $self.data('speed'));
// If this element has a Y offset then add it on
if ($self.data('offsetY')) {
yPos += $self.data('offsetY');
// Put together our final background position
var coords = '50% '+ yPos + 'px';
// Move the background
$self.css({ backgroundPosition: coords });
$('[data-type="scroll-text"]', $self).each(function() {
var $text= $(this);
var pos = ($window.scrollTop()/10) * $text.data('speed');
var curP = $text.css('margin-top');
var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
if(is_chrome) {
paddingTop: pos,
}, 200, 'linear', function() {
// Animation complete.
} else {
$text.css('padding-top', pos);
}; // in view
}); // window scroll
}); // each data-type
}); // document ready
Some suggestions:
1.) Use position: fixed to avoid any jitter, as you'll be taking the element out of the document flow. You can then position it using z-index.
2.) Cache as much as you can to ease processing time.
3.) Math.round may not be necessary, but try adding this CSS to your moving areas: -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); This will force hardware acceleration in Chrome, which may ease some of the jittering. (It looked smoother on my screen when I added this with Inspector, but it didn't get rid of the jumpiness with the scroll wheel.) Note: Don't do this on your entire document (e.g. body tag), as it might cause some issues with your current layout. (Your navigation bar didn't stick to the top of the window, for instance.)
4.) If you have any animations running as part of your parallax logic (tweening the margin into place or something along those lines), remove it - that would probably cause the jump you see.
Hope this helps. Best of luck.
I see the same jittering in FireFox and Chrome (Mac). Looking at your containers, one thing that's glaring at me is the pixel position that's being calculated/used.
Chrome: <div id="about-title" style="margin-top: 1562.3999999999999px;">
FireFox: <div id="about-title" style="margin-top: 1562.4px;">
Browsers aren't going to allow content to sit at 1/2 pixel, let alone 0.3999999 of a pixel. I think it's moving it, and trying to calculate whether to round up or round down. It jitters because it's calculating with every click of your mouse wheel.
Thus, I'd try adding Math.round() to your positions so that the containers are never being left in limbo.
Take a look at the code here: http://webdesigntutsplus.s3.amazonaws.com/tuts/338_parallax/src/index.html
Firebug some of the elements, and you'll see that their only fraction of a pixel is '0.5'. Most of them (the bulk) go to round number values.
You are going to have to change the way that the scrolling works (i.e. change how the spacing is computed), but this can be fixed by adding the position:fixed CSS element to the page elements that are scrolling. The problem is coming from the time that it takes for the JavaScript to process and then render.
For example, on your page you would set each of the <div> tags containing text to have a fixed position and then use the JavaScript/JQuery function to update the top: CSS element. This should make the page scroll smoothly.
Have you tried adding the preventdefault inside the scroll function?
$(window).scroll(function(e) {
// rest of your code
In a previous question I created a fairly good parallax scrolling implementation. Jquery Parallax Scrolling effect - Multi directional You might find it useful.
Here's the JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/9R4hZ/40/ use the up/down arrows or scroll wheel.
Using padding and margin for the positioning are probably why you're experiencing rendering issues. While my code uses scroll or keyboard input for the effect you can loop the relavent portion and check the $moving variable until you reach the desired element on screen.
function parallaxScroll(scroll) {
// current moving object
var ml = $moving.position().left;
var mt = $moving.position().top;
var mw = $moving.width();
var mh = $moving.height();
// calc velocity
var fromTop = false;
var fromBottom = false;
var fromLeft = false;
var fromRight = false;
var vLeft = 0;
var vTop = 0;
if($moving.hasClass('from-top')) {
vTop = scroll;
fromTop = true;
} else if($moving.hasClass('from-bottom')) {
vTop = -scroll;
fromBottom = true;
} else if($moving.hasClass('from-left')) {
vLeft = scroll;
fromLeft = true;
} else if($moving.hasClass('from-right')) {
vLeft = -scroll;
fromRight = true;
// calc new position
var newLeft = ml + vLeft;
var newTop = mt + vTop;
// check bounds
var finished = false;
if(fromTop && (newTop > t || newTop + mh < t)) {
finished = true;
newTop = (scroll > 0 ? t : t - mh);
} else if(fromBottom && (newTop < t || newTop > h)) {
finished = true;
newTop = (scroll > 0 ? t : t + h);
} else if(fromLeft && (newLeft > l || newLeft + mw < l)) {
finished = true;
newLeft = (scroll > 0 ? l : l - mw);
} else if(fromRight && (newLeft < l || newLeft > w)) {
finished = true;
newLeft = (scroll > 0 ? l : l + w);
// set new position
$moving.css('left', newLeft);
$moving.css('top', newTop);
// if finished change moving object
if(finished) {
// get the next moving
if(scroll > 0) {
$moving = $moving.next('.parallax');
if($moving.length == 0)
$moving = $view.find('.parallax:last');
} else {
$moving = $moving.prev('.parallax');
if($moving.length == 0)
$moving = $view.find('.parallax:first');
// for debug
$('#direction').text(scroll + " " + l + "/" + t + " " + ml + "/" + mt + " " + finished + " " + $moving.text());
May not be related to your specifics, but I had a jumpy parallax scrolling problem, I was able to solve it adding the following CSS for the fixed portions of the page:
#supports (background-attachment: fixed)
background-attachment: fixed;
Not sure of all the specifics, but found at Alternate Fixed & Scroll Backgrounds
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to get a list of all elements that resides at the clicked point?
I know I can get the element with the highest z-index by using document.elementFromPoint(x,y).
The problem is I need to get every div that contains the touch event's location.
How can I propagate touches to elements underneath?
I have seen some hacky solutions that show/hide elements while re-generating the event, or pointer-events style with css, however I cannot use these and they may cause flickering...
The following diagram illustrates what I need to do:
If the purple, green, and blue boxes represent the div elements, and the red dot is the touch location, I need a function that would return "div3, div2, div1".
No flickering with this code:
var x = e.pageX, y = e.pageY;
var res = [];
var ele = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while(ele && ele.tagName != "BODY" && ele.tagName != "HTML"){
ele.style.display = "none";
ele = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
for(var i = 0; i < res.length; i++){
res[i].style.display = "";
What about doing:
$(document).click(function(e) {
var pageX = e.pageX;
var pageY = e.pageY;
$('*').each(function(index) {
var offset = $(this).offset();
var left = offset.left;
var right = offset.right;
var width = $(this).width();
var height = $(this).height();
if(pageX > left && pageX < left + width) {
if(pageY > top && pageY < top + height) {
//Handle the div
I want to calculate the total "height" of a div element considering the effect of collapsed margins because of child elements, that is, the total space that div element occupies in the document. I'm having a hard time thinking of the best algorithm / approach to do this.
Consider, for example, a div element with a margin-top of 10px and a height of 50px. This div element has a child <h2> element that has a margin-top of 20px. The div's margin will then collapse and the actual "height" of that div will be 70px. However, using jQuery methods, we are only able to get the height of the div without considering it's margins, or considering it's 10 pixel margin which would give us the wrong value:
$(elem).outerHeight() // 50
$(elem).outerHeight(true) // 60
To help illustrate my point, here is a jsfiddle I created with two examples.
My best guess at the moment is we have to iterate over all children of the div in some way and calculate the highest top and bottom margin.
According to what I understand from the W3C specification, we can skip this iteration for the top margin if the target div has a top-border-width or a top-padding. Ditto for the bottom margin.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
One (ugly) solution I thought about was wrapping the target div element in another div.
Then, we quickly add and remove a transparent borderTop and borderBottom to the wrapping div, measuring it's height in between. The borders will force the wrapping div's margin not to collapse with its children's margins. Something like this:
var collapsedHeight = function( target ) {
var $wrapper = $('<div />'),
$target = $(target);
borderTop: '1px solid transparent',
borderBottom: '1px solid transparent'
var result = $wrapper.outerHeight() - 2;
return result;
I made a jsFiddle for it here.
Consider this hack:
$( elem ).wrap( '<div style="border:1px solid transparent;"></div>' ).parent().height()
The above expression returns 70 which is what you want, right?
So, the idea is to wrap your element in a DIV that has a transparent border set. This border will prevent the margins of your element to interfere with the margins of its previous and next sibling.
Once you get the height value, you can unwrap your element...
For a solution that doesn't involve DOM manipulation, you can achieve the same effect by adding padding to the element being measured and then removing it afterwards.
function getRealHeight(elementP) {
element = (elementP instanceof jQuery)? elementP : $(element),
padTop = parseInt(element.css('paddingTop')),
padBottom = parseInt(element.css('paddingBottom')),
if (padTop == 0 || padBottom == 0) {
offset = 0;
if (padTop == 0) {
element.css('paddingTop', 1);
offset += 1;
if (padBottom == 0) {
element.css('paddingBottom', 1);
offset += 1;
height = (element.outerHeight(true) - offset);
if (padTop == 0) {
element.css('paddingTop', '');
if (padBottom == 0) {
element.css('paddingBottom', '');
} else {
height = element.outerHeight(true);
return height;
The bonus of this solution; you can sidestep the overhead of wrap/unwrap.
You can make it a jQuery plugin:
(function ($) {
//plugin name - realHeight
realHeight: function (options) {
//Settings list and the default values
var defaults = {};
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
function getRealHeight(elementP) {
element = (elementP instanceof jQuery) ? elementP : $(element),
padTop = parseInt(element.css('paddingTop')),
padBottom = parseInt(element.css('paddingBottom')),
if (padTop == 0 || padBottom == 0) {
offset = 0;
if (padTop == 0) {
element.css('paddingTop', 1);
offset += 1;
if (padBottom == 0) {
element.css('paddingBottom', 1);
offset += 1;
height = (element.outerHeight(true) - offset);
if (padTop == 0) {
element.css('paddingTop', '');
if (padBottom == 0) {
element.css('paddingBottom', '');
} else {
height = element.outerHeight(true);
return height;
return getRealHeight($(this));