Small tiles that get bigger when clicked [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to create a webpage with several small tiles that enlarge when clicked (And show more/different content, but that's not a part of this question).
This is what I have now:
When I click on the first tile, it looks exactly like I want it to:
But when I click the second tile it looks like this: (gap on the left)
That's not what I want, I want to other (small) tiles to float around it. To fill the empty space.
The source code (+ live example) can be found here (but I wouldn't mind doing it in a completely different way):
I don't even know what to Google, because I have absolutely no idea what kind of technique I can use to achieve what I want. Any suggestions? Take a look at this I am sure this will help you, what you want is even displayed at the bottom of the page i am linking.
Download masonry in your computer link to it and follow the little guide in their website.


Animation - Revelation of a text by a shape [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've been learning how to code for some time and I come to you because I'm stuck on the construction of an animation. I've been trying to figure out how to make it for two days (image attached) but it seems that I don't have the knowledge to build this animation alone. I've been looking in css but the revelation of a text at a fixed position is not possible with a moving element, and I don't master java script frameworks.
The animation starts with the right image (this is the default state), it then goes through the left image to then let appear only the orange background and the texts.
Animation description
What I can't manage to do is the progressive revelation of the text by this orange form (the two little bars are important and I want to keep them even if it's more complicated).
I simply don't know what to search on google to find the answer, nor if I should do it with css or js or a framework.
I don't necessarily want you to give me the code already pre-made but mostly a direction to exploit.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
You’ll might want to make an SVG shape, and then use clip-path to create a mask. These two articles work their way up to something like what you’re after:
The SVG itself could be animated, or you might animate the clip-path property which is covered more in that second link.
Hope that’s helpful!

How can I get the same effect on my webpage? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So I've seen a mouse-hover effect on 2 websites so far and I really like it.
This is the effect I'm talking about.
I'd be grateful if somebody can tell me how to get that effect on my webpage.
It only appears under your cursor when you hover over the page.
The site you have linked in the comments uses the HTML canvas element. But You can simply use already existing libraries for that effect.
Examples mentioned in the comments:
Simply, Go to the webpage you wanted to Copy it's effects or anything from it
Right click, View page source
If the effect is made by Css, you will find it in stylesheets tab
If it's using jQuery/Js, Search the head for <script> , Read them and copy the effect (assuming that you understand js/jquery
For more simplicity, use Firebug, open it and just point the cursor at the item you want to see it's source.
But, actually
You can find it at github Here
Change what you want.

track eye by tracking.js [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I recently found recently the JavaScript library - tracking.js
Is there any way to detect what div I see now by image or camera?
I have two elements on the desktop, the left and right columns, and I would like to check if I see left div ( with console.log() ) or right div. This library is simple, and I know how to add a script, but I don't know how to detect my eye and detect what element I see.
Maybe there are other ways to detect this.
Thats a bit complicated because you need detect minimal ocular movements and the common webcams, haven't resolution enough, but with some hardware like this project, could do that.
A good solution is tracking.js because this library simulate human behavior with a some algorithms and should be enough to make simple decisions like the columns position.

How does this image / photo loading technique work? (example included) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just notice something interesting, and I hope I am not going crazy, but when you visit it seems like their main photo banner (you will see it right away) loads in some sort of steps I guess, I can clearly see different phases being black and white, green, orange etc..
I also checked on several devices to make sure it wasn't my screen doing this and indeed it has this same behaviour every time. I honestly don't know what it is, tried looking into source code but can't find anything related.
Hopefully once you visit provided link, you will see it and can explain to me what it is and why it is done.
I assume they do this sort of loading with javascript perhaps?
(hard refresh page to see it happen again)
They do not do anything fancy, it's the background JPEG is compressed as Interlaced (Progressive) to allow the content to appear faster and go to more details as the images is being downloaded. More details here:

Html 5 Canvas image Gallery [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to create a image gallery using Html 5 Canvas and when I hover a image, it must grow and change opacity. In addition to image selectable and draggable?
How can I do this? Any ideas?
Well sir, first try to code anything and then come to ask for assistance with particular problem. For now it looks like you have no clue about subject and not even tried. I can anwser a question like how to manipulate opacity in canvas, how to implement drag and drop, etc...
but NOT I need someone to implement my whole idea for me
I should also point out that Canvas isn't probably the best technology for this task (in the meaning of both performance and implementation difficulty).
If you insist, you will have to rewrite all functionality which is already easily accessible with DOM and libraries like jQuery.
