Solving exponential equations from 2 points - javascript

I have been working on this code for a while now, and since I am only in 9th grade, I don't have much algebra experience. I have tried many things, and this is where my scripts are now.(Note, this is just the JavaScript, the id's being called for are the boxes with the info and the output).
function SolveExp() {
var d = document;
//Point values
var EX1 = eval(d.getElementById('EX1').value);
var EX2 = eval(d.getElementById('EX2').value);
var EY1 = eval(d.getElementById('EY1').value);
var EY2 = eval(d.getElementById('EY2').value);
//Exponential Equation y=a*bx
var a,bx,EQX,EQY;
//To organize the system for "x"
if(EX1 > EX2) {
EQX = EX1 - EX2;
else if(EX2 > EX1) {
EQX = EX2 - EX1;
//To organize the system for "y"
if(EY1 > EY2) {
EQY = EY1 / EY2;
else if(EY2 > EY1) {
EQY = EY2 / EY1;
a = -(EY1) + Math.pow(bx,EX1);
bx = Math.pow(EQY,EQX);
document.getElementById('ExpEQ').innerHTML = "y = " + a + "(" + bx + ")<sup>x</sup>";
That only works with "b" in the form y = a(b)x from the points (0,4) and (1,8). A is always -3 when I plug those points into the boxes. The equation is completely different when I use points from the same line. Any got solutions?

you can't use bx in the equation for a before you have assigned it a value. those two lines are out of order. EQX and EQY don't get assigned to anything if EX1 = EX2 or EY1 = EY2. eval is a taboo word in javascript and should be used with extreme caution. Other people will harass you about using it. Read up about why it's bad and decide for yourself.


returning NaN and Undefined in JavaScript

var currDice, totDice, dice, complete;
function moveIt(){
dice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1,
currDice = 40,
totDice = totDice+complete,
complete = dice * currDice
return totDice;
The function moveIt returns NaN.
It should return multiple of 40 till six randomly and keep the previous value.
If I remove it returns Undefined.
I know it is a scope problem. Please help.
You are using complete before initialising it! you habe to swap your lines of code:
function moveIt(beforeTotal) {
var dice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1;
var currDice = 40;
var complete = dice * currDice;
var totDice = (beforeTotal || 0)+complete;
return totDice;
var total = moveIt();
total = moveIt(total);
I try to point out how this method work.
You can call this function without an inital value. Then (beforeTotal || 0) is (undefined || 0) and will evaluate to 0, that's JS logic, and you get the result for one dice.
If you pass a value to this function it will be used to add complete to it. By passing 1000 and complete gets 120, you get 1120 out of it.
All other variables are only available in this function.
Initialy totDIce is undefined and when you add undefined to something, you get the value casted to NaN
function moveIt(){
//memoizing the mutable value as key of the function itself
moveIt.totDice = moveIt.totDice || 0;
// you might wanna wrap it with parseInt()/Math.floor()/Math.ceil()
var dice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1;
var currDice = 40;
var complete = dice * currDice;
var totDice = totDice+complete;
return moveIt.totDice ;
var totDice; will have undefined and that's why you get NaN
Assign totDice = 0 on the first line...
Also move complete = dice * currDice line above because complete has no value yet
var currDice, totDice = 0, dice, complete;
function moveIt(){
dice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1,
currDice = 40,
complete = dice * currDice,
totDice = totDice+complete
return totDice;
you can use the browser's integrated console.
In Chrome: Tools > Javascript Console. Or CTRL + SHIFT + J. There you can console.log from your code and watch it there, or you can use the Sources tab (at the top of the panel). Navigate to the file, click on it and you can put a breakpoint in the line you want by ckicking the line number.
In Firefox: Tools > development > Web console. Or CTRL + SHIFT + K. Yu can debug in a similar fashion like the aforementioned.
You can also use tools like Firebug. See

Convert string to expression in JavaScript

I am making a calculator in JavaScript and I want to know how to turn a string into an expression.
var numbers = "5+5+6";
numbers = +numbers;
document.querySelector('.screen').innerHTML = numbers;
Adding + before the variable does not seem to work. I would appreciate it if someone helped.
You can use the eval() function like this:
var numbers = "5+5+6";
document.querySelector('.screen').innerHTML = eval(numbers);;
Evaluate/Execute JavaScript code/expressions:
var x = 10;
var y = 20;
var a = eval("x * y") + "<br>";
var b = eval("2 + 2") + "<br>";
var c = eval("x + 17") + "<br>";
var res = a + b + c;
The result of res will be:
Without using eval, which is cheating - you could always write a simple calculator app.
First, take advantage of String.split() as follows
var numbers = "5+5+6";
// => ["5","+","5","+","6"]
Now all you need to do is figure out how to evaluate it while keeping the order of operations correct. Hint: it might involve trees.
Try using String.prototype.match() , Array.prototype.reduce() , Number() . See also Chrome App: Doing maths from a string
var numbers = "5+5+6";
var number = numbers.match(/\d+|\+\d+|\-\d+/g)
.reduce(function(a, b) {
return Number(a) + Number(b)
document.querySelector(".screen").innerHTML = number;
<div class="screen"></div>

The button doesn't work

<input id="input"></input>
<button id="button" onclick="evaluate()">Submit</button>
<p id="id"></p>
var a = 1;
var b = 100;
var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * (b-a)) + a;
document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = ("Pick a number between 1 and 100. I will try to guess it. I think it's " + z + ".");
var y = document.getElementById("input").value;
function evaluate() {
var y = document.getElementById("input").value;
if (y == 0) {
a = x + 1;
z = (a+b)/2;
if (z%2==1) {
z = z-0.5
document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = ("Now I think it's " + z);
if (y == 2) {
b = x - 1;
z = (a+b)/2;
if (z%2==1) {
z = z-0.5;
document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = ("Now I think it's " + z);
if (y == 1) {
document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = ("Yay! I'm so smart.");
When I click on the button it doesn't think of another integer, it does nothing. I can't find any typos. This program is supposed to guess your number in 7 guesses. You think of a number between 1 and 100, and it first chooses a random integer 1-100, then you tell it if it's too high or too low, then it resets its range according to what you told it, and it chooses another integer, and another, until it narrows down to 1 integer.
Your variable x is never defined. You jump right into using x in a calculation when it is undefined. What is x supposed to be? Once you define x everything should work.
a = x + 1; // What is x?
If you do not define x then your function evaluate() will break.
evaluate() is a predefined method available, so change the name of your method name if you see a conflict.
Now as mentioned by mwilson, you are using variable x without declaring it with some value.
I guess you have already defined stopEvent() in your code or else you will get an error there also.

Using Heron's formula to calculate area - JavaScript

My code:
function calculate(sides) {
var sides = prompt("Triangle side lengths in cm
(number,number,number)"); //String will be size of 4
var nsides = sides.split(" "); //Splits content into array format
//Convert Array instances to integer values a,b,c
for(var loop=0;loop<=nsides.length;loop++) {
a = nsides[loop];
b = nsides[loop];
c= nsides[loop];
} //End for
//Area Calculation
var s = (a+b+c)*0.5 ; //represents the semiperimeter
var area = Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*s(s-b)*(s-c)) //area calculation
sides = alert("The triangle's area is " + area + " square cm");
} //End function
//Main calculate(length);
I'm looking to set side a, b, and c to integers; however in order to do that I have to go through the array (I first converted it to an array from a string)
I'm going to add in some standard validation later; as of now I can't seem to place the values from the string entered into 3 separate integers being a b and c.
Other than that, is there a better way i can go about this?
Maybe I misunderstand your question, but is this what you're looking for?
var sides = prompt("Triangle side lengths in cm (number,number,number)");
var nsides = sides.split(",");
var a = +nsides[0];
var b = +nsides[1];
var c = +nsides[2];
//Area Calculation
Note the use of + to force the strings from the array into numbers.
function calculate() {
var sides = prompt("Triangle side lengths in cm (number,number,number)"),
nsides = sides.split(","),
a = parseFloat(nsides[0]),
b = parseFloat(nsides[1]),
c = parseFloat(nsides[2]),
s = (a + b + c) / 2,
area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
alert("The triangle's area is " + area + " square cm");
return area; // return the area
First of all I removed your parameter, it was totally unnecessary and was overwritten by the declaration of sides in the first line. Then I changed the split to , so it follows your instructions. Then you need to parse the string to integers using parseInt and specifiying the radix 10, then you can go on with your calculations. Just a last thing, you wrote Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*s(s-b)*(s-c)), see that s(s-b) causes an exception because you are using a number to be called as a function.

Difficulties in converting an recursive algorithm into an iterative one

I've been trying to implement a recursive backtracking maze generation algorithm in javascript. These were done after reading a great series of posts on the topic here
While the recursive version of the algorithm was a no brainer, the iterative equivalent has got me stumped.
I thought I understood the concept, but my implementation clearly produces incorrect results. I've been trying to pin down a bug that might be causing it, but I am beginning to believe that my problems are being caused by a failure in logic, but of course I am not seeing where.
My understanding of the iterative algorithm is as follows:
A stack is created holding representations of cell states.
Each representation holds the coordinates of that particular cell, and a list of directions to access adjacent cells.
While the stack isn't empty iterate through the directions on the top of the stack, testing adjacent cells.
If a valid cell is found place it at the top of the stack and continue with that cell.
Here is my recursive implementation ( note: keydown to step forward ):
And here is my iterative implementation ( once again, keydown to step forward ):
Thanks for the help.
edit: I apologize if my question wasn't clear. I will try to further explain my problem.
When running the iterative solution various unexpected behaviors occur. First and foremost, the algorithm doesn't exhaust all available options before backtracking. Rather, it appears to be selecting cells at a random when there is one valid cell left. Overall however, the movement doesn't appear to be random.
var dirs = [ 'N', 'W', 'E', 'S' ];
var XD = { 'N': 0, 'S':0, 'E':1, 'W':-1 };
var YD = { 'N':-1, 'S':1, 'E':0, 'W': 0 };
function genMaze(){
var dirtemp = dirs.slice().slice(); //copies 'dirs' so its not overwritten or altered
var path = []; // stores path traveled.
var stack = [[0,0, shuffle(dirtemp)]]; //Stack of instances. Each subarray in 'stacks' represents a cell
//and its current state. That is, its coordinates, and which adjacent cells have been
//checked. Each time it checks an adjacent cell a direction value is popped from
//from the list
while ( stack.length > 0 ) {
var current = stack[stack.length-1]; // With each iteration focus is to be placed on the newest cell.
var x = current[0], y = current[1], d = current[2];
var sLen = stack.length; // For testing whether there is a newer cell in the stack than the current.
path.push([x,y]); // Store current coordinates in the path
while ( d.length > 0 ) {
if( stack.length != sLen ){ break;}// If there is a newer cell in stack, break and then continue with that cell
else {
var cd = d.pop();
var nx = x + XD[ cd ];
var ny = y + YD[ cd ];
if ( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < w && ny < h && !cells[nx][ny] ){
dtemp = dirs.slice().slice();
cells[nx][ny] = 1;
stack.push( [ nx, ny, shuffle(dtemp) ] ); //add new cell to the stack with new list of directions.
// from here the code should break from the loop and start again with this latest addition being considered.
if (current[2].length === 0){stack.pop(); } //if all available directions have been tested, remove from stack
return path;
I hope that helps clear up the question for you. If it is still missing any substance please let me know.
Thanks again.
I'm not very good in javascript, but I try to implement your recursive code to iterative. You need to store For index on stack also. So code look like:
function genMaze(cx,cy) {
var dirtemp = dirs; //copies 'dirs' so its not overwritten
var path = []; // stores path traveled.
var stack = [[cx, cy, shuffle(dirtemp), 0]]; // we also need to store `for` indexer
while (stack.length > 0) {
var current = stack[stack.length - 1]; // With each iteration focus is to be placed on the newest cell.
var x = current[0], y = current[1], d = current[2], i = current[3];
if (i > d.length) {
stack[stack.length - 1][3] = i + 1; // for next iteration
path.push([x, y]); // Store current coordinates in the path
cells[x][y] = 1;
var cd = d[i];
var nx = x + XD[cd];
var ny = y + YD[cd];
if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < w && ny < h && !cells[nx][ny]) {
dtemp = dirs;
stack.push([nx, ny, shuffle(dtemp), 0]);
return path;
Does this little code could also help ?
var sum = tco(function(x, y) {
return y > 0 ? sum(x + 1, y - 1) :
y < 0 ? sum(x - 1, y + 1) :
sum(20, 100000) // => 100020
function tco(f) {
var value, active = false, accumulated = []
return function accumulator() {
if (!active) {
active = true
while (accumulated.length) value = f.apply(this, accumulated.shift())
active = false
return value
Credits, explanations ans more infos are on github
Is has the benefit to not modifying your code, so it could be applied in other situations too. Hope that helps :)
