javascript filter array in array - javascript

I have the following code based on docs
var arr = [
{ id: 15 },
{ x: [{ id: 777 }, { id: 'xx' }, { notidproperty: 987 }]},
{ id: 1111 }
function filterByID(obj) {
if ('id' in obj && typeof( === 'number' && !isNaN( {
return true;
} else if ( === '[object Array]') { //obj type is Object, not Array
} else {
return false;
var arrByID = arr.filter(filterByID);
console.log('expected length = 3, actual length = ' + arrByID.length);
How can I filter 'arr' array ? Is there any other techniques to get proper result?
EDIT: the expected result is filtered array of objects that have id property with numeric value
So expected Id values are 15, 777, 1111

I suggest to use Array#reduce() instead of Array#filter(), because you need a flat array for the result, to count.
I use isFinite as check for the id.
function rr(r, a) {
Object.keys(a).forEach(function (k) {
if (Array.isArray(a[k])) {
r = r.concat(a[k].reduce(rr, []));
} else {
isFinite( && r.push(a);
return r;
var arr = [{ id: 15 }, { x: [{ id: 777 }, { id: 'xx' }, { notidproperty: 987 }] }, { id: 1111 }],
result = arr.reduce(rr, []);
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

You have to modify the following branch:
if ( === '[object Array]') { //obj type is Object, not Array
This only filters but returns no result. And your object with x property of Array type will not be processed here. So:
if(obj.x && Array.isArray(obj.x)){
return obj.x.filter(filterByID).length>0
if(obj.x && Array.isArray(obj.x)){
obj.x = obj.x.filter(filterByID)
return true
(Depending on what you want to do)

Almost there. In the else if you don't return anything. Instead of
try return (obj.filter(filterByID).length > 0);
because if the result of the recursive filterByID is an array with length more than 0, you want to add that to the outer result.


Looping through (possibly infinitely) repeating object structure

I have a problem I can't get my head around. If I am looking for an object with a certain ID in a possibly infinite data structure, how can I loop through it until I find the object I need and return that object?
If this is what my data looks like, how can I get the object with id === 3 ?
id: 0,
categories: [
id: 1,
categories: [
id: 2,
categories: [ ... ]
id: 3,
categories: [ ... ]
id: 4,
categories: [ ... ]
I tried the following:
findCategory = (categoryID, notesCategory) => {
if ( === categoryID) {
return notesCategory;
for (let i = 0; i < notesCategory.categories.length; i += 1) {
return findCategory(categoryID, notesCategory.categories[i]);
return null;
But that doesn't get ever get to id === 3. It checks the object with id: 2 and then returns null. It never gets to the object with id: 3.
Here is a JSbin:,console
Here is the case. when you go in to the first iteration of 'for' loop, because of the return call, the execution is go out from the function. you can check it by using an console.log to print the current object in the begin of your function.
try this
function find(obj, id) {
if( === id) {
console.log(obj) // just for testing. you can remove this line
return obj
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < obj.categories.length; i++) {
var res = find(obj.categories[i], id);
if(res) return res;
hope this will help you. thanks
You need to store the intermediate result and return only of the object is found.
function findCategory(object, id) {
var temp;
if ( === id) {
return object;
object.categories.some(o => temp = findCategory(o, id));
return temp;
var data = { id: 0, categories: [{ id: 1, categories: [{ id: 2, categories: [] }, { id: 3, categories: [] }, { id: 4, categories: [] }] }] }
result = findCategory(data, 3);

how to use .include() method to check the value which is in a json inside array

I want to compare the value of a particular key in my JSON array with new value to check whether the value exists or not.
For example, I have an array:
{ name: abc, num: 121212 },
{ name: bcd, num: 21212 },
{ name: def, num: 111222 }
Now a new value comes which I want to check. Does that name already exist? If it does, then I only want to update the number and if not then I want to push the object in the array.
Here is my code:
if ((Dnum.num).includes(number)) {
console.log("inside if");
} else {
Well, your problem (if I understand correctly) is that you want to use includes() but what you actually want to accomplish doesn't correspond to what the method does. You want to find if there's an object with a certain name in your array already, not if it contains a known element. Something like this:
var data = [{name: 'abc', num: 121212}, {name: 'bcd', num: 21212}, {name: 'def', num: 111222}];
function addOrUpdate(newElement, data) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].name == {
data[i] = newElement;
addOrUpdate({name: 'bcd', num: 131313}, data);
addOrUpdate({name: 'new', num: 131313}, data);
Actually .includes() and .indexOf() methods won't work with objects, they should be used with an array of strings or Numbers as they use strict equality to compare the elements and objects can't be compared this way, so you need to implement this logic by yourself.
You need to check if an object matching the searched name already exists in the array, update the num value of this object, otherwise if no object matches the searched name, push the new object to the array:
if (arr.some(function(obj) {
return ===;
})) {
arr.forEach(function(el, index) {
if ( === {
el.num += searchedVal.num;
found = true;
} else {
var arr = [{
name: "abc",
num: 121212
}, {
name: "bcd",
num: 21212
}, {
name: "def",
num: 111222
var searchedVal = {
name: "abc",
num: 5
if (arr.some(function(obj) {
return ===;
})) {
arr.forEach(function(el, index) {
if ( === {
el.num += searchedVal.num;
found = true;
} else {
If you don't want to use .some() method, you can do it this way:
var searchedVal = {
name: "abc",
num: 5
var found = false;
arr.forEach(function(el, index) {
if ( === {
el.num+= searchedVal.num;
found = true;
if (!found) {
Use Array.prototype.find():
var res = Dnum.find(function (item) {
return item.num === number;
if (res) {
console.log("inside if");
res.num = number;
} else {

Recursively collect values for property using lodash

For a nested complex object or array, I would like to collect all values for a given property name. Example:
var structure = {
name: 'alpha',
array: [
{ name: 'beta' },
{ name: 'gamma' }
object: {
name: 'delta',
array: [
{ name: 'epsilon' }
// expected result: [ 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon' ]
It's obvious how to achieve this using plain JS, but: Is there any elegant, concise approach using lodash?
[edit] Current variant below. Nicer solutions welcome!
function getPropertyRecursive(obj, property) {
var values = [];
_.each(obj, function(value, key) {
if (key === property) {
} else if (_.isObject(value)) {
values = values.concat(getPropertyRecursive(value, property));
return values;
This can be done elegantly with the following mixin, which is a recursive version of _.toPairs:
toPairsDeep: obj => _.flatMap(
_.toPairs(obj), ([k, v]) =>
_.isObjectLike(v) ? _.toPairsDeep(v) : [[k, v]])
then to get the result you want:
result = _(structure)
If there are scalar properties other than name, you'll have to filter them out:
result = _(structure)
.filter(([k, v]) => k === 'name')
There's no Lodash/Underscore function that I know if that will do what you're looking for.
So what are you looking to do? Well, specifically you're looking to extract the values of all of the name properties out of a aggregate structure. How would we generalize that? In other words, if you were looking to add such functionality to Lodash/Underscore, how would you reframe the problem? After all, most people don't want to get the values of the name properties. You could create a generic function where you supply the name of the property you want, but...thinking even more abstractly than that, what you really want to do is visit all of the nodes in a aggregate structure and do something with them. If we consider aggregate structures in JavaScript as generic trees, we can take a recursive approach using a depth-first walk:
function walk(o, f) {
if(typeof o !== 'object') return;
return o.forEach(e => walk(e, f));
for(let prop in o) walk(o[prop], f);
Now we can do what you're looking for by walking the structure and adding things to an array:
const arr = [];
walk(structure, x => if(x !== undefined && arr.push(;
This isn't quite functional enough for my tastes, though...there's a side effect on arr here. So an even better generic approach (IMO) would be to allow a context object to ride along (or an accumulator if you will, a la Array#reduce):
function walk(o, f, context) {
f(o, context);
if(typeof o !== 'object') return context;
if(Array.isArray(o)) return o.forEach(e => walk(e, f, context)), context;
for(let prop in o) walk(o[prop], f, context);
return context;
Now you can call it like this, side-effect free:
const arr = walk(structure, (x, context) => {
if(x !== undefined && context.push(;
}, []);
Iterate the object recursively using _.reduce():
function getPropertyRecursive(obj, prop) {
return _.reduce(obj, function(result, value, key) {
if (key === prop) {
} else if (_.isObjectLike(value)) {
return result.concat(getPropertyRecursive(value, prop));
return result;
}, []);
var structure = {
name: 'alpha',
array: [{
name: 'beta'
}, {
name: 'gamma'
object: {
name: 'delta',
array: [{
name: 'epsilon'
var result = getPropertyRecursive(structure, 'name');
<script src=""></script>
You could iterate the object and call it again for arrays or objects. Then get the wanted property.
'use strict';
function getProperty(object, key) {
function iter(a) {
var item = this ? this[a] : a;
if (this && a === key) {
return result.push(item);
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
return item.forEach(iter);
if (item !== null && typeof item === 'object') {
return Object.keys(item).forEach(iter, item);
var result = [];
Object.keys(object).forEach(iter, object);
return result;
var structure = { name: 'alpha', array: [{ name: 'beta' }, { name: 'gamma' }], object: { name: 'delta', array: [{ name: 'epsilon' }] } };
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Based on the answer ( ) , here's another idea for mixin:
extractLeaves: (obj, filter, subnode, subpathKey, rootPath, pathSeparator) => {
var filterKv = _(filter).toPairs().flatMap().value()
var arr = _.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]
return _.flatMap(arr, (v, k) => {
if (v[filterKv[0]] === filterKv[1]) {
var vClone = _.clone(v)
delete vClone[subnode]
vClone._absolutePath = rootPath + pathSeparator + vClone[subpathKey]
return vClone
} else {
var newRootPath = rootPath
if (_.isArray(obj)) {
newRootPath = rootPath + pathSeparator + v[subpathKey]
return _.extractLeaves(
v[subnode], filter, subnode,
subpathKey, newRootPath, pathSeparator
This work for this example JSON, where you want to extract leaf-nodes:
"name": "raka",
"type": "dir",
"children": [{
"name": "riki",
"type": "dir",
"children": [{
"name": "roko",
"type": "file"
Use it this way:
_.extractLeaves(result, {type: "file"}, "children", "name", "/myHome/raka", "/")
And you will get:
"name": "roko",
"type": "file",
"_absolutePath": "/myHome/raka/riki/roko"

sort array of objects by object field

I build an array like this
result.push({ id: id, reference: sometext });
Now I want to sort this array by reference, which has some text.
I tried this:
result.sort(function(a,b) {
return result[a]-result[b];
[ { id: 1, reference: 'banana' },
{ id: 2, reference: 'apple' } ]
should get
[ { id: 2, reference: 'apple' },
{ id: 1, reference: 'banana' } ]
Try this.
result.sort(function(a,b) {
// Compare reference
if(a.reference < b.reference) {
// a's reference is lesser than the one in b
return -1;
} else if (a.reference == b.reference) {
// Both reference params are equal
return 0;
} else {
// a's reference is greater than that of b
return 1
This will return a sorted version of the results array.
Do it like this instead:
result.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.reference < b.reference ? -1 : 1;

Get Maximum value from JSON object using javascript?

I have JSON like
var JObject = [
I need maximum value from this has to return 800 if it return key and column index
Since this is tagged in d3.
I will give a d3 answer.
Working code below
var kary = [
var max = d3.max(kary, function(d){ return d3.max(d3.values(d).filter(function(d1){ return !isNaN(d1)}))});
<script src=""></script>
Hope this helps!
You can do something like this
var JObject = [{
a: "A1",
b: 100,
c: 800
}, {
a: "B1",
b: 300,
c: 400
var res = Math.max.apply(null, {
// iterate over array element and getting max value from result array
var r = [];
for (var val in v) {
// iterate over object inside array
if (v.hasOwnProperty(val)) {
var num = parseInt(v[val], 10);
// parsing the value for integer output
r.push(isNaN(num) ? 0 : num);
// pushing value to array, in case of `Nan` pushing it as 0
return Math.max.apply(null,r);
// getting max value from object values
You could make this more or less generic - and probably shorten it into a single reduce statement.
var data = [
.reduce(function(acc, x, i) {
if (x.b > x.c) {
return acc.concat({key: 'b', value: x.b });
return acc.concat({key: 'c', value: x.c });
}, [])
.reduce(function(acc, x, i) {
if (x.value > acc.value) {
return {
key: x.key,
value: x.value,
index: i
return acc;
}, {key: '', value: Number.MIN_VALUE, index: -1});
If you are using a library like lodash or underscore you can simply do:
_.max(, function(a){
return _.max(_.values(a));
You can also solve it with reduce:
_.reduce(JObject, function(val, a){
return _.max(_.values(a)) > val ? _.max(_.values(a)) : val;
