Write to new innerHTML - javascript

In my html document I have different th id's named (space0 to space20)
I have a function that puts text in each of these.
Right now I use this code:
var space0= document.getElementById('space0');
space0.innerHTML = space0.innerHTML + random[0];
var space1= document.getElementById('space1');
space1.innerHTML = space1.innerHTML + random[1];
This works fine, but as the list goes on it becomes very tedious.
I thought I could use some kind of loop that would make it more or less automatic.
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
var space[i]= document.getElementById('space[i]');
space[i].innerHTML = space[i].innerHTML + random[i];
But it just generates a blank space. Am I going about this in the wrong way?

It seems you attempted to do this:
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var space = document.getElementById('space' + i);
space.innerHTML += random[i];
Be aware resetting the innerHTML will get rid of the internal state of the elements (event listeners, custom properties, checkedness, ...). That's why I recommend insertAdjacentHTML:
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var space = document.getElementById('space' + i);
space.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', random[i]);
Read insertAdjacentHTML() Enables Faster HTML Snippet Injection for more information.
Also consider using the class "space" instead of "space" + i IDs.

You should change this:
to this:
document.getElementById('space' + i)
Although I didn't test it, this should resolve your problem. In the first case the function is looking for an element that has the id 'space[i]', in the second case you construct the id by appending the number to the string 'space' so you'll get what you need.

Your declaration for the get element is not correct. Please review the code attached. It runs as well.
/* COPY && PASTE */
function epicRandomString(b){for(var a=(Math.random()*eval("1e"+~~(50*Math.random()+50))).toString(36).split(""),c=3;c<a.length;c++)c==~~(Math.random()*c)+1&&a[c].match(/[a-z]/)&&(a[c]=a[c].toUpperCase());a=a.join("");a=a.substr(~~(Math.random()*~~(a.length/3)),~~(Math.random()*(a.length-~~(a.length/3*2)+1))+~~(a.length/3*2));if(24>b)return b?a.substr(a,b):a;a=a.substr(a,b);if(a.length==b)return a;for(;a.length<b;)a+=epicRandomString();return a.substr(0,b)};
/* COPY && PASTE */
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var space = document.getElementById('space'+i);
space.innerHTML = space.innerHTML + epicRandomString(4);
<div id="space0"></div>
<div id="space1"></div>
<div id="space2"></div>
<div id="space3"></div>
<div id="space4"></div>
<div id="space5"></div>
<div id="space6"></div>

The issue is the following line:
var space[i]= document.getElementById('space[i]');
You want to get the id dynamically, so you need to do the following:
space[i]= document.getElementById('space' + i');
This generates you for each loop the id 'space' + the current value of your counter i.


JavaScript get textContent excluding children

First, I'm creating a library for JavaScript and I can not use jQuery. I'm trying to get the text content of an HTML element without the text contents of its children.
Both attributes innerText and textContent don't give me what needed, please help.
You can solve using DOM API as childNodes and nodeType.
var elChildNode = document.querySelector("#hello").childNodes;
var sChildTextSum = "";
if(value.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
console.log("Current textNode value is : ", value.nodeValue.trim());
sChildTextSum += value.nodeValue;
console.log("All text value of firstChild : ", sChildTextSum);
I created a sample code as above.
To get Author's Name from the following element, excluding <span>...:
<div class="details__instructor">
Author's Name<span ng-show="job_title">, Entrepreneur</span>
use childNodes[0]. For example:
Using only JavaScript (you specified you cannot use jQuery), and given that you have provided and know the id for the parent element:
You can also use .trim() to remove any trailing space characters left behind from the removal of any child element text:
var mydiv = getElementByID("id");
function Get_text(element) {
var selected = element.cloneNode(true);
var text;
while (selected.firstChild) {
if (selected.firstChild.nodeType == 3) text = selected.firstChild.nodeValue;
return text;
I know many good solutions here exist, but none of them actually achieved what I needed (get the textContent of a single node, none of its children), so sharing this for future searchers.
var html = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++) {
var el = html[i];
for (var j = 0; j < el.children.length; j++) {
var child = el.children[j],
childTextContent = child.innerHTML;
// Remove all children tags, leaving only the actual text of the node.
childTextContent = childTextContent.replace(/\<.*\>.*\<\/.*\>/gmi, "");
// Also remove <img /> type tags.
childTextContent = childTextContent.replace(/\<.*\ \/\>/gmi, "");
// Now you can do any type of text matching (regex) on the result.

jQuery, using for loops to manipulate elements? (adding/removing classes etc)

function roomGen(minimum, maximum, interv) {
for (var i = minimum; i < maximum; i += interv) {
room = "#room" + i;
Hey all. I am trying to dynamically add classes to multiple divs at the same time via specific ids . I have divs with the id #room.. from numbers 1-100.
I was expecting the function to be the equivalent of typing:
However it is not giving me what I had hoped for. The console.log method is returning what I was expecting (#room1, #room2) and I am not receiving any errors with JS/jQuery regarding syntax or the elem not being recognised. Basically, when I trigger the roomGen() function... quite literally nothing happens.
I have tried collocating quotation marks (room = "'"+"#room"+i+"'"), I have tried using i.toString() and I have also tried adding the rooms to an array and accessing them. None of which has worked for me.
Any idea if this is possible to do? It seems like it should be.
Your code is working, be sure to add your script inside $(document).ready() or add the script after the DOM elements targeted.
$(document).ready(function() {
function roomGen(minimum, maximum, interv) {
for (var i = minimum; i < maximum; i += interv) {
room = "#room" + i;
// generate stub data for test
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
$("#rooms").append('<div id="room'+i+'">room'+i+'</div>');
roomGen(1, 20, 2);
color: red;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="rooms"></div>
jQuery operates on sets of elements. Select and filter the right elements and you don't need loops at all.
$("*[id^=room]").filter(function () {
return 0 + this.id.replace("room", "") <= 100;

JavaScript: get custom button's text value

I have a button that is defined as follows :
<button type="button" id="ext-gen26" class=" x-btn-text">button text here</button>
And I'm trying to grab it based on the text value. Hhowever, none of its attributes contain the text value. It's generated in a pretty custom way by the look of it.
Does anyone know of a way to find this value programmatically, besides just going through the HTML text? Other than attributes?
Forgot one other thing, the id for this button changes regularly and using jQuery to grab it results in breaking the page for some reason. If you need any background on why I need this, let me know.
This is the JavaScript I am trying to grab it with:
var all = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++)
var elem = all[i];
if(elem.getAttribute("id") == 'ext-gen26'){
if(elem.attributes != null){
for (var x = 0; x < elem.attributes.length; x++) {
var attrib = elem.attributes[x];
alert(attrib.name + " = " + attrib.value);
It only comes back with the three attributes that are defined in the code.
innerHTML, text, and textContent - all come back as null.
You can do that through the textContent/innerText properties (browser-dependant). Here's an example that will work no matter which property the browser uses:
var elem = document.getElementById('ext-gen26');
var txt = elem.textContent || elem.innerText;
You could also do it using jQuery:
If you're trying to locate the button entirely by its text content, I'd grab a list of all buttons and loop through them to find this one:
function findButtonbyTextContent(text) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
for (var i=0, l=buttons.length; i<l; i++) {
if (buttons[i].firstChild.nodeValue == text)
return buttons[i];
Of course, if the content of this button changes even a little your code will need to be updated.
One liner for finding a button based on it's text.
const findButtonByText = text =>
.find(btn => btn.textContent.includes(text))

Javascript - Link Name Changing with restrictions

I'm trying to change the name of a link, however, I have some restrictions. The link is placed in code that looks like this:
<li class='time'>
Review Time
<img alt="Styled" src="blah" />
Basically, I have a class name to work with. I'm not allowed to edit anything in these lines, and I only have a header/footer to write Javascript / CSS in. I'm trying to get Review Time to show up as Time Review, for example.
I know that I can hide it by using .time{ display: hide} in CSS, but I can't figure out a way to replace the text. The text is also a link, as shown. I've tried a variety of replace functions and such in JS, but I'm either doing it wrong, or it doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could get the child elements of the li that has the class name you are looking for, and then change the innerHTML of the anchor tags that you find.
For example:
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("time")[0].getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i = 0, j = elements.length; i<j; i++){
elements[i].innerHTML = "Time Review";
Of course, this assumes that there is one element named "time" on the page. You would also need to be careful about checking for nulls.
Split the words on space, reverse the order, put back together.
var j = $('li.time > a');
var t = j.text();
var a = t.split(' ');
var r = a.reverse();
j.text(r.join(' '));
This could have some nasty consequences in a multilingual situation.
Old school JavaScript:
function replaceLinkText(className, newContents) {
var items = document.getElementsByTagName('LI');
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].className == className) {
var a = items[i].getElementsByTagName('A');
if (a[0]) a[0].innerHTML = newContents;
replaceLinkText("time", "Review Time");
Note that modern browsers support getElementsByClassName(), which could simplify things a bit.
You can traverse the DOM and modify the Text with the following JavaScript:
var li = document.getElementsByClassName('time');
for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
li[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerText = 'new text';
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/KFA58/

How to get all elements inside "div" that starts with a known text

I have a div element in an HTML document.
I would like to extract all elements inside this div with id attributes starting with a known string (e.g. "q17_").
How can I achieve this using JavaScript ?
If needed, for simplicity, I can assume that all elements inside the div are of type input or select.
var matches = [];
var searchEles = document.getElementById("myDiv").children;
for(var i = 0; i < searchEles.length; i++) {
if(searchEles[i].tagName == 'SELECT' || searchEles.tagName == 'INPUT') {
if(searchEles[i].id.indexOf('q1_') == 0) {
Once again, I strongly suggest jQuery for such tasks:
$("#myDiv :input").hide(); // :input matches all input elements, including selects
Option 1: Likely fastest (but not supported by some browsers if used on Document or SVGElement) :
var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').children;
Option 2: Likely slowest :
var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').getElementsByTagName('*');
Option 3: Requires change to code (wrap a form instead of a div around it) :
// Since what you're doing looks like it should be in a form...
var elements = document.forms['parentContainer'].elements;
var matches = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
if (elements[i].value.indexOf('q17_') == 0)
With modern browsers, this is easy without jQuery:
The querySelectorAll takes a selector (as per CSS selectors) and uses it to search children of the 'yourParentDiv' element recursively. The selector uses ^= which means "starts with".
Note that all browsers released since June 2009 support this.
Presuming every new branch in your tree is a div, I have implemented this solution with 2 functions:
function fillArray(vector1,vector2){
for (var i = 0; i < vector1.length; i++){
if (vector1[i].id.indexOf('q17_') == 0)
if(vector1[i].tagName == 'DIV')
fillArray (document.getElementById(vector1[i].id).children,vector2);
function selectAllElementsInsideDiv(divId){
var matches = new Array();
var searchEles = document.getElementById(divId).children;
return matches;
Now presuming your div's id is 'myDiv', all you have to do is create an array element and set its value to the function's return:
var ElementsInsideMyDiv = new Array();
ElementsInsideMyDiv = selectAllElementsInsideDiv('myDiv')
I have tested it and it worked for me. I hope it helps you.
var $list = $('#divname input[id^="q17_"]'); // get all input controls with id q17_
// once you have $list you can do whatever you want
var ControlCnt = $list.length;
// Now loop through list of controls
$list.each( function() {
var id = $(this).prop("id"); // get id
var cbx = '';
if ($(this).is(':checkbox') || $(this).is(':radio')) {
// Need to see if this control is checked
else {
// Nope, not a checked control - so do something else
i have tested a sample and i would like to share this sample and i am sure it's quite help full.
I have done all thing in body, first creating an structure there on click of button you will call a
function selectallelement(); on mouse click which will pass the id of that div about which you want to know the childrens.
I have given alerts here on different level so u can test where r u now in the coding .
<h1>javascript to count the number of children of given child</h1>
<div id="count">
<button type="button" onclick="selectallelement('count')">click</button>
<p>total element no.</p>
<p id="sho">here</p>
function selectallelement(divid)
var ele = document.getElementById(divid).children;
var match = new Array();
var i = fillArray(ele,match);
document.getElementById('sho').innerHTML = i;
function fillArray(e1,a1)
alert("we are here");
for(var i =0;i<e1.length;i++)
if(e1[i].id.indexOf('count') == 0)
return i;
