I'm learning in cyclejs and rxjs and I'm struggling to write a unit test for one of the components I'm working on. I'm sorry for the long question. I have tried to simplify the question and this is the best I can do.
Component does the following things:
1) When it's loaded, it sends a request to an end point to retrieve user's tasks. From these tasks, it finds the task user currently working on and creates an url stream which contains the endpoint which will be called when user clicks complete task button.
2) When a new value come to test stream, it creates a new stream from tests defined so far.
3) When user clicks complete task, component first sends a request to an endpoint to add tests user defined to the task. Then, if the call is successful, component sends another request to the endpoint which is retrieved at step 1 to complete task.
4) After complete task request is completed, component shows a notification to the user.
Here is the component:
import Rx from 'rx';
import {Observable} from 'rx';
const Model = ({test$, completeTask$, sources}) => {
const processId = Number(sources.routeParams.processId);
const SET_TEST_RESULTS = `http://dummyhost/tosettests/${processId}`;
const GET_USER_TASKS = 'http://dummyhost/togetusertasks';
const taskRequest$ = Observable.just({
method: 'GET'
const url$ = sources.HTTP
.filter(response => response.request.url === GET_USER_TASKS)
.flatMap(response => response.body)
.filter(task => task.processId === processId)
.map(task=> {
const activitiId = task.processInstanceId;
return {
completeTask: `http://dummyhost/tocompletetask/${activitiId}`
const definedTest$ = test$
.scan((acc, curr) => {
return acc;
}, [])
const setTestResultsRequest$ = completeTask$
.withLatestFrom(definedTest$, (event, tests) => {
return {
method: 'POST',
send: {
const setTestResultsResponse$ = sources.HTTP
.filter(response => response.request.url === SET_TEST_RESULTS);
const completeTaskRequest$ = setTestResultsResponse$
.withLatestFrom(url$, (response, url) => {
return {
url: url.completeTask,
method: 'POST'
const completeTaskResponse$ = sources.HTTP
.withLatestFrom(url$, (response, url) => {
return {
.filter(data => data.response.request.url === data.url.completeTask)
.map((data)=> data.response);
const successNotification$ = completeTaskResponse$
.map(() => {
return {
action: 'success',
message: 'Tests have been defined!'
const request$ = Observable.merge(taskRequest$, setTestResultsRequest$, completeTaskRequest$);
return {
request$: request$,
notification$: successNotification$,
definedTest$: definedTest$
What I'm trying to unit test are the followings:
1) Component must send a request to define tests to the task
2) Component must send a request to complete task
3) Component must show a notification
Here's the unit test I wrote so far with Mocha:
describe('When complete task is clicked', ()=> {
const tests = [
name: 'test 1 name'
name: 'test 2 name'
name: 'test 3 name'
const test$ = Observable.fromArray(tests);
const completeTask$ = Observable.just({}).delay(300);
const processId = 3;
const activitiId = 3;
var actions;
before(done => {
const HTTPSource = new Rx.ReplaySubject();
const sources = {
DOM: mockDOMSource(),
routeParams: {processId},
actions = Model({test$, completeTask$, sources});
const request$ = actions.request$.share();
.filter(request=> request.url === 'http://dummyhost/togetusertasks')
.subscribe((request) => {
const response = {
body: [{
processInstanceId: activitiId
.filter(request=> request.url === `http://dummyhost/tosettests/${processId}`)
.subscribe((request) => {
const response = {
.filter(request=> request.url === `http://dummyhost/tocompletetask/${activitiId}`)
.subscribe((request) => {
const response = {
it('should send a request to add tests', (done)=> {
.filter(request=> request.url === `http://dummyhost/tosettests/${processId}`)
.subscribe(() => {
it('should send a request to complete task', (done)=> {
.filter(request=> request.url === `http://dummyhost/tocompletetask/${activitiId}`)
.subscribe(() => {
it('should show a notification to inform user that tests have been defined', (done) => {
.subscribe(notification => {
In the test, I have tried to mock HTTP source. By subscribing request stream sink returning from component, I'm able to create mock responses for each request. But I have to use share operator to run mocha's before function successfully. Otherwise, I'm only able to mock first request which is retrieving user's tasks. So, my first question is:
Why do I have to use share operator to run mocha's before function successfully?
Currently, tests that verify complete task request is sent and notification is shown passes. But, test that verifies define test to the task request is failing. This is strange because to verify complete task request is sent, component must send define tests to the task request first. It seems define tests to the task request somehow lost in the request stream returned from component's sink. So my second question is:
Why second and third tests are passing but first test is failing?
Here's a gist that contains all code in one file:
gist link
As I said earlier, I'm new to cyclejs and rxjs. I think I'm not fully understanding what I'm testing. So any comments or answers about cyclejs and rxjs that directs me the right path are welcomed.
If you think question is not clear enough, please let me know. I'll do my best improve the question.
I have an App.js file that contains a form that when on submitted, causes triggers a state change to render a new page. I'm trying to create a mock Jest test that does these steps:
Take mock data
Sends a POST request like addInfo is doing
Checks if "DONE WITH FORM" is rendered onto the screen.
I also had an idea that we could just fill out a form that takes in the valid_address and valid_number and click a button that triggers the addInfo function to run with the information passed in however I'm unsure of that method and it leads me to a CORS error.
From what I've seen on the web, I think mocking this addInfo using Jest and then testing what is rendered is the best way to go however I'm completely stuck on building this test.
Here's what I have for my App.js
const addInfo = async (formInfo) => {
try {
let data = {
valid_number: formInfo.validNumber,
valid_address: formInfo.validAddress
let addUserUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_URL +'/verify'
let addUserData = await fetch(
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": process.env.REACT_APP_KEY
body: JSON.stringify(data)
if (addUserData.status !== 200) {
throw 'Error adding User'
let addUserDataJson = addUserData.json()
let ret = {
added: true,
return ret
} catch (error) {
let ret = {
added: false,
return ret
const onFinish = async (values: any) => {
console.log('Transaction verified');
let addStatus = await addInfo({
validNumber: "123434",
validAddress: "D74DS8JDSF",
if (promoStatus.added) {
showPage: false
} else {
showPage: true
return (
{!state.showPage &&
Here's what I've tried in App.test.js:
it('DONE WITH FORM APPEARS', async() =>{
// Render App
const { getByPlaceholderText, queryByText, getByText } = render(<App />);
// Entering Valid Number
const validNumberInputBox = getByText('Enter Valid Number);
fireEvent.change(validNumberInputBox, { target: { value: "123434" } });
// Entering Valid Address
const validAddressInputBox = getByText('Enter Valid Address');
fireEvent.change(validAddressInputBox, { target: { value: "D74DS8JDSF" } });
// Button Click
userEvent.click(screen.getByRole('button', {name: /Submit/i}));
//Check if the DONE WITH FORM is shown
expect(await waitFor(() => getByText('DONE WITH FORM'))).toBeInTheDocument();
I've tried almost everything I could find through other stack overflow posts and web articles. so I'd really appreciate any help on how to implement this unit test.
The first step would be to mock the async function performing the POST request (addInfo). You never want to try real HTTP requests in unit tests (this won't work since Jest runs in a Node environment where fetch or XMLHttpRequest APIs are not implemented). Beside this, component/unit tests should be independent from any other system like a backend exposing APIs.
To do so, your async function should be in a separate file (so a JS module), then you could mock this module using Jest :
// api.js
export const addInfo = () => {...}
// App.test.js
import * as Api from 'api.js';
// here you can define what your mock will return for this test suite
const addInfoSpy = jest.spyOn(Api, 'addInfo').mockResolvedValue({ ret: true });
describe('...', () => {
test('...', async () => {
// perform user interactions that should trigger an API call
expect(addInfoSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('expected addInfos parameter');
// now you can test that your component displays "DONE WITH FORM" or whatever
// UI it should be displaying after a successful form submission
I'm writing an Electron app which creates a BrowserWindow. I want to capture a few requests sent to a server, I also want responses for there requests. Using Electron WebRequest api I can't get responses, so searched the web and found that I can attach a debugger programatically.
I attach debugger using the below code and I get almost all responses correctly. But for one bigger request I can't get the response. I get an error
Error: No resource with given identifier found
If I launch DevTools and navigate to that request I also can't get the response: Failed to load response data. If I comment out below code the response in DevTools show correctly.
Note that this happens only for one specific request which returns about 1MB response. For all other requests I can get the response using getResponseData().
const dbg = win.webContents.debugger
var getResponseData = async (reqId) => {
const res = await dbg.sendCommand("Network.getResponseBody", {requestId: reqId});
return res.body
try {
} catch (err) {
console.log('Debugger attach failed : ', err)
dbg.on('detach', async (event, reason) => {
console.log('Debugger detached due to : ', reason)
dbg.on('message', (e, m, p) => {
if (m === 'Network.requestWillBeSent') {
if (p.request.url === someURL) {
const j = JSON.parse(p.request.postData)
console.log("req " + p.requestId)
global.webReqs[p.requestId] = { reqData: j}
} else if (m === 'Network.loadingFinished') {
if (p.requestId in global.webReqs) {
console.log("res " + p.requestId)
getResponseData(p.requestId).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
Short update
The event stack for this particular request is as follows, where 13548.212 is simply requestId
Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo 13548.212
Network.requestWillBeSent 13548.212
Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo 13548.212
Network.responseReceived 13548.212
Network.dataReceived 13548.212 [repeated 135 times]
Network.loadingFinished 13548.212
Looks that I found a solution. It's rather a workaround, but it works. I didn't use Network.getResponseBody. I used Fetch(https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Fetch).
To use that one need to subscribe for Responses matching a pattern. Then you can react on Fetch.requestPaused events. During that you have direct access to a request and indirect to a response. To get the response call Fetch.getResponseBody with proper requestId. Also remember to send Fetch.continueRequest as
The request is paused until the client responds with one of continueRequest, failRequest or fulfillRequest
dbg.sendCommand('Fetch.enable', {
patterns: [
{ urlPattern: interestingURLpattern, requestStage: "Response" }
var getResponseJson = async (requestId) => {
const res = await dbg.sendCommand("Fetch.getResponseBody", {requestId: requestId})
return JSON.parse(res.base64Encoded ? Buffer.from(res.body, 'base64').toString() : res.body)
dbg.on('message', (e, m, p) => {
if(m === 'Fetch.requestPaused') {
var reqJson = JSON.parse(p.request.postData)
var resJson = await getResponseJson(p.requestId)
await dbg.sendCommand("Fetch.continueRequest", {requestId: p.requestId})
This is part of my code, what I want to do is this component at any time can receive a message on any of the conversations. Sending a message triggers a Socket event which triggers this code below, but I can't seem to get the "latest" conversations, as the useEffect only triggers when the component mounts (at that point my conversations array has zero length).
What I was thinking is that I should include "conversations" on the useEffect's dependency but that would create multiple websocket connection, one each time a Socket.io event is triggered because it does change the state. Is this the best solution? Thanks in advance!
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<Array<Conversations>>([]);
useEffect(() => {
async function getConversations() {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get("/api/conversations/");
if (data.success) {
} catch (err) {}
socketInstance.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Connecting to Sockets...");
socketInstance.emit("authenticate", Cookies.get("token") || "");
socketInstance.on("ackAuth", ({ success }) => {
? "Successfully connected to Sockets"
: "There has been an error connecting to Sockets"
socketInstance.on("newMessage", (data) => {
const modifiedConversation: Conversations = conversations.find(
(conv: Conversations) => {
return conv.conversationId === data.conversationId;
from: {
firstName: data.firstName,
lastName: data.lastName,
profilePhoto: data.profilePhoto,
userId: data.userId,
content: data.content,
timeStamp: data.timeStamp,
const updatedConversations = [
(conv) => conv.conversationId !== data.conversationId
}, []);
While attaching and removing the socket listeners every time conversations changes is a possibility, a better option would be to use the callback form of the setters. The only time you reference the state, you proceed to update the state, luckily. You can change
socketInstance.on("newMessage", (data) => {
const modifiedConversation: Conversations = conversations.find(
// lots of code
socketInstance.on("newMessage", (data) => {
setConversations(conversations => {
const modifiedConversation: Conversations = conversations.find(
// lots of code
You should also not mutate the state, since this is React. Instead of
const modifiedConversationWithNewMessage = {
messages: [
from: {
// rest of the object to add
I apologize if this is unclear, it's late and I don't know how best to explain it.
I'm using an event emitter to pass data from a server response to a function inside of a separate class in another file, but when trying to use methods in those classes, the this keyword obviously doesn't work (because in this scenario, this refers to the server event emitter) - how would I reference a function within the class itself? I've provided code to help illustrate my point a bit better
class StreamService {
* #param {} database
* #param {Collection<Guild>} guilds
constructor (database, guilds,) {
twitchListener.on('live', this.sendLiveAlert) // fire test method when we get a notification
// if there are streamers to monitor, being monitoring
winston.info('Stream service initialized')
async get (url, params = null, headers = this.defaultHeaders) {
// check oauth token
const expirationDate = this.token.expires_in || 0
if (expirationDate <= Date.now() || !this.token) await this.getAccessToken()
// build URL
const index = 0
let paramsString = ''
for (const [key, value] of params.entries()) {
if (index === 0) {
paramsString += `?${key}=${value}`
} else {
paramsString += `&${key}=${value}`
const res = await fetch(url + paramsString, { method: 'GET', headers: headers })
if (!res.ok) {
winston.error(`Error performing GET request to ${url}`)
return null
return await res.json()
async sendLiveAlert(streamTitle, streamURL, avatar, userName, gameId, viewerCount, thumbnail, startDateTime) {
// get game name first (no headers needed)
const params = new Map()
params.set('id', gameId)
const gameData = await this.get('https://api.twitch.tv/heliix/games', params, this.defaultHeaders)
if(gameData) {
// get webhook and send message to channel
const webhookClient = new WebhookClient('755641606555697305', 'OWZvI01kUUf4AAIR9uv2z4CxRse3Ik8b0LKOluaOYKmhE33h0ypMLT0JJm3laomlZ05o')
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`${userName} just went live on Twitch!`)
{ name: 'Now Playing', value: gameData.data[0].name },
{ name: 'Stream Title', value: streamTitle }
webhookClient.send('Webhook test', embed)
class TwitchWebhookListener extends EventEmitter {
// Routes
.post((req, res) => {
console.log('Incoming POST request on /webhooks')
const data = req.body.data[0]
if(!this.streamerLiveStatus.get(data.user_id) && data.type === 'live') {
// pass request body to bot for processing
data.title, // stream title
`https://twitch.tv/${data.user_name}`, // channel link
`https://avatar.glue-bot.xyz/twitch/${data.user_name}`, // streamer avatar
data.started_at // do we need this?
res.send(`Unknown webhook for ${req.params.id}`)
} else {
console.log('The Signature did not match')
} else {
console.log('It didn\'t seem to be a Twitch Hook')
const listener = new TwitchWebhookListener()
module.exports = listener
Within the sendLiveAlert method, I'm trying to call the get method of the StreamService class - but because it's called directly via the emitter within server.js, this refers specifically to the Server.js class - is there any way I can use StreamService.get()? I could obviously just rewrite the code inside the method itself, but that seems unnecessary when its right there?
Change this:
twitchListener.on('live', this.sendLiveAlert)
to this:
twitchListener.on('live', this.sendLiveAlert.bind(this))
Or, you could also do this:
twitchListener.on('live', (...args) => {
With .bind() it creates a function wrapper that resets the proper value of this for you. In the case of the arrow function, it preserves the lexical value of this for you.
I'm writing tests for a small REST library that implements OAuth's refresh grant on top of the request library. As part of it's functionality, it's providing a retry function that has something like this in rest.js:
const auth = require('./auth');
const request = require('request');
function retry(headers, responseHandler) {
headers.auth.bearer = auth.getToken();
request(headers, function(err, resp) {
if (resp.error && resp.error == 'invalid_token') {
return auth.renew(function(e, r) { retry(headers, responseHandler); });
// handle happy case
What auth.renew does is posting to the token provider with the information in headers and internally known refresh token. The important bit is that it does this by using request.post, passing the recursive event handler down to the request library.
Naturally, when I test this, I don't want outgoing HTTP calls. So I use sinon to stub them out:
const requestStub = sinon.stub(),
rest = proxyquire('./rest', { 'request': requestStub }),
authFail = { error: 'invalid_token' },
authSuccess = { token: '123' };
describe('#retry', () => {
it('calls retry twice on failed auth', () => {
requestStub.yields(null, authFail);
requestStub.post = sinon.stub().yields(null, authSuccess);
retry({}, () => {});
The problem is that auth.renew happily goes on to require('request') on it's own and thus never seeing my stub. So I guess my question is:
How do I make auth use my stubbed request instead of its own?
I know sinon can stub XHR, but that seems like a lot of low-level effort for what I want.
So the solution I came up with was to replace the entire auth.renew method, so the thing looks like this:
const requestStub = sinon.stub(),
rest = proxyquire('./rest', { 'request': requestStub,
'./auth': {
renew: function(callback) {
requestStub.yields(null, authSuccess);
authFail = { error: 'invalid_token' },
authSuccess = { token: '123' };
describe('#retry', () => {
it('calls retry twice on failed auth', () => {
requestStub.yields(null, authFail);
retry({}, () => {});