I have, a create form, where i ask two things.
The first is a user_id the other is a name.
I want to achieve that, if the first is set then the other field will be disabled.
And if because there i want to save that specific user's name.
I tried it with javascript, but im so noob with js, thats why ask to you.
My codes is that:
$script = <<<JS
$('#contact-user_id').on('afterValidate', function (e) {
if ( $('#contact-user_id').value.length > 0 ) {
return document.getElementById("contact-name").disabled = true;
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<?= $form->field($model, 'user_id')->widget(Select2::className(), [
'value' => $model->user_id,
'data'=>ArrayHelper::map(User::find()->all(), 'user_id', 'name'),
'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Select User...'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true
]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'name')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'email')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
First of all, add the script at the bottom of your view or add it into the $(document).ready();
Now, the code to change the name field depending upon user_id field.
if ($(this).val() != 0 || $(this).val() != '') {
I am new to Yii2 and have been trying to work out how to hide/show certain fields on the form based on a dropDownList selection with client-side validation.
Basically I have a model and form view that collects information relating to 'candidates' and I wish to apply the following logic:
Only display the fields 'assigned_to' and 'phone' if the dropDownList selection for 'qualification_id' = 2.
The fields 'assigned_to' and 'phone' are required if 'qualification_id' = 2 (else optional)
My code is as follows, albeit not working as I need it to. The client-side validation is not working (i.e.'assigned_to' and 'phone' are not required when qualification_id = 2). I have not been able to work out how to hide/show the fields dynamically based on the 'qualification_id' selection. I assume some javascript is required for this.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
namespace frontend\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "candidate".
* #property int $candidate_id
* #property string $name
* #property int $qualification_id
* #property string $assigned_to
* #property string $phone
public static function tableName()
return 'candidate';
public function rules()
return [
[['candidate_id', 'qualification_id', 'name'], 'required']
[['candidate_id', 'qualification_id'], 'integer'],
[['name', 'assigned_to’, 'phone’], 'string'],
[['assigned_to', 'phone'],'required','when'=>function($model){
return ($model->qualification_id == 2);
'whenClient'=>"function(attribute, value){
return $('#qualification_id').val() == 2;
VIEW (form):
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use frontend\models\QualificationType;
/* #var $this yii\web\View */
/* #var $model frontend\models\Candidate */
/* #var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */
<div class="candidate-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'name')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'qualification_id')->dropDownList(
'id' => 'review_type_id',
'onchange' => 'changeQualification()'
) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'assigned_to')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'phone')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton('Save', ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
$script = <<<JS
function changeQualification() {
if ($('#qualification_id').val() == 2) {
} else {
Please try like this
In view
<div class="candidate-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'name')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'qualification_id')->dropDownList(
['prompt'=>'Select...', 'id' => 'qualification_id', 'onchange' => 'changeQualificationType()']
) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'assigned_to)->textInput(['id' => 'assigned_to_Input', 'maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'phone')->textInput(['id' => 'phone_input', 'maxlength' => true]) ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton('Save', ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
$script = <<<JS
function changeQualificationType() {
if ($('#qualification_id').val() == 2) {
} else {
In Model
public function rules()
return [
[['candidate_id', 'qualification_id', 'name'], 'required']
[['candidate_id', 'qualification_id'], 'integer'],
[['name', 'assignedTo, 'phone’], 'string'],
[['assignedTo', 'phone'],'required','when'=>function($model){
return ($model->qualification_id == 2);
'whenClient'=>"function(attribute, value){
return $('#qualification_id').val() == 2;
Don't forget to set custom id in ActiveFormField. All of field id should be matched with functions of Jquery and Model.
I am developing a recriment software and in Yii2 framework application form I want to check if applicant has already applied for same job using 'passport no', my form looks like
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'cnic')->textInput(['type' => 'number']) ?>
<?= Html::submitButton('Save and Continue', ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
and I am unable to get the cnic value in php. my Javascript code is.
var data = $(this).val();
var validation = <?= $model->checkCNIC($postid, '<script>data</script>'?>. <?= ) ?>;
if (validation == 'data_exist') {
alert("You have already applied for this job, use your tracking ID to check your applicaiton or contact HR");
it is not working and I am unable to pass this value I get from javascript to my php function.
public function checkCNIC($value , $cnic)
$query= Applications::find()
->where(['post_id' => $value])
->andWhere(['cnic' => $cnic])
if ($query) {
return 'data_exist';
return 'no_data';
Ajax is the recommended solution. You can still use javascript inside php using document.writeln
In form, I want the function to take data from form one to another form automatically and automatic calculations run together. but here only one function can be run.
in my foto I want when I select LAO, it will automatically retrieve data from other forms and appear in the Posisi Awal textfield. then when I fill the Persen textfield, then automatically calculates and fills in the data from the calculation of the Posisi Awal with Persen in the Target Awal textfield. The problem is the automatic calculation works but retrieving data from the form to another form does not work.
<?= $form->field($model, 'posisi_awal')->textInput(['id'=>'posisi_awal','onkeyup'=>'sum();','type' => 'number','maxlength' => true])->label('Posisi Awal') ?>
when I omit 'id' => 'posisi_awal' in this code. for the function of retrieving data from another location it can run, but for automatic calculations it cannot
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use kartik\select2\Select2;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use app\models\Resumes;
use dosamigos\datepicker\DatePicker;
/* #var $this yii\web\View */
/* #var $model app\models\Monitoring */
/* #var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */
$model->tgl = date('Y-m-d');
function sum() {
var txtThirdNumberValue = document.getElementById('posisi_awal').value;
var txtFourNumberValue = document.getElementById('persen').value;
var result1 = parseInt(txtThirdNumberValue) / 100 * parseInt(txtFourNumberValue);
var hasil1 = Math.ceil(result1);
if (!isNaN(hasil1)) {
document.getElementById('target_awal').value = hasil1;
<div class="monitoring-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'kode_lao')->widget(Select2::classname(), [
'data' => ArrayHelper::map(Resumes::find()->all(),'resumes_id',function($model){return ($model->lao.' ('.$model->tgl.')');}),
'theme' => Select2::THEME_BOOTSTRAP,
'language' => 'en',
'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Pilih LAO (Tanggal)','required' => true,'style'=>'width:500px','maxlength' => true,'id'=>'lao'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true
<?= $form->field($model, 'tgl')->textInput(['readOnly'=>true,'style'=>'width:500px','maxlength' => true]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'posisi_awal')->textInput(['id'=>'posisi_awal','onkeyup'=>'sum();','type' => 'number','maxlength' => true])->label('Posisi Awal') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'persen')->textInput(['id'=>'persen','onkeyup'=>'sum();','type' => 'number','maxlength' => true])->label('Persen') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'target_awal')->textInput(['id'=>'target_awal','onkeyup'=>'sum();','type' => 'number','maxlength' => true])->label('Target Awal') ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
$script = <<< JS
var laoId = $(this).val();
$.get('index.php?r=resumes/get-persen-eom',{ laoId : laoId },function(data){
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
You don't have fields with those ID's on that page.
Also if you change some input value then you need to trigget a change event on that input for other code that is reliant on that fields onchange event to trigger.
Why are you changing value of an input using attr? jQuery has .val(value) method for this: http://api.jquery.com/val/
So correct usage would be something like this:
Or maybe even like this. As I think you are refering to the #posisi_awal input there actually. But I dont have a clue about #monitoring-tgl input. Does not seem to exist on that page.
My active form :
if($model->userType!="VENDOR" && $model->userType!="COMPANY"){
echo $form->field($model, 'fixedOrPercentagevendor')->dropDownList([0=>'Percentage',1=>'Amount']);
I need to get it done with onchange,
when I choose Percentage, it should show
<?= $form->field($model, 'vendorcommision')->label('Vendor Fee (%)')->textInput(['type' => 'number','value'=>'20', 'id'=>'percentage']); ?>
when I choose Amount, it should show
<?= $form->field($model, 'vendorcommision')->label('Vendor Fee (LKR)')->textInput(['type' => 'number','value'=>'1000','id'=>'amount']); }?>
Please Note that both dropdown options render the same attribute vendorcommision in the model and only the label names and values are different.
Thanks in advance.
Resolved my issue.
if($model->userType!="ADMIN" && $model->userType!="HOST"){
echo $form->field($model, 'fixedOrPercentagevendor')->dropDownList([0=>'Amount',1=>'Percentage'],
'onchange'=>'if($(this).val() == 1){
$("#ftype").html("Vendor Fee (%)");
$("#ftype").html("Vendor Fee (LKR)");}'
echo $form->field($model, 'vendorcommision',['template'=>"{label}\n<div>{input}</div>\n{hint}\n{error}",'labelOptions'=>['label'=>'Vendor Fee','id'=>'ftype']])
->textInput(['type' => 'number','id' => 'percentage']);
i am developing a web application using yii2 .i did a thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. it just insert the user and what the person choose up /down into a table . but i don't think i am going about it the right way because after the user clicks up or down it refreshes. i want it to insert without refreshing.
this is the view
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => "contact-form",
'enableClientValidation' => false,
<input type="hidden" class="form-control" value="up" required="true" name="Thumbs[rate]" id="topic" placeholder="topic">
<?= Html::submitButton('Save', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'login-button']) ?>
<button type="submit" id="save" name="save">enter</button>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => "contact-form",
'enableClientValidation' => false,
<input type="hidden" class="form-control" hidden="true" value="down" required="true" name="Thumbs[rate]" id="topic" placeholder="topic">
<?= Html::submitButton('Save', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'login-button']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
if you notice i seem to have kept the value of up and down in a input with type hidden. just want to know of a better way to do it.
this is my controller function
public function actionBlog()
$thumbs= new Thumbs();
$thumbs->topic_id = '1';
if ($thumbs->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $thumbs->validate()) {
return $this->refresh();
return $this->render('blog');
i also tried to used ajax but it seems not to be working well
You can use Pjax for this.
Here is a simple example that you should be able to apply to your problem. I have included some comments for clarity, but I would heavily advise checking out this tutorial for further information and some extended examples.
View (vote.php):
use yii\widgets\Pjax;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use common\models\Thumbs;
<?php Pjax::begin(['enablePushState' => false]); ?>
<?= Html::a('', ['site/upvote'], ['class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-warning glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up']) ?>
<?= Html::a('', ['site/downvote'], ['class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down']) ?>
<h1><?= Thumbs::find()->where(['=', 'post_id', '1'])->one()->votes ?></h1>
<?php Pjax::end(); ?>
public function actionVote()
return $this->render('vote');
public function actionUpvote()
// find the thumbs record for the related post
$thumbsRecord = Thumbs::find()->where(['=', 'post_id', '1'])->one();
// increment the thumbs count
$thumbsRecord->votes += 1;
// ensure change persists to db
// return value to the view
return $this->render('vote', [
'votes' => $thumbsRecord->votes,
* Similar functionality to actionUpvote
public function actionDownvote()
$thumbsRecord = Thumbs::find()->where(['=', 'post_id', '1'])->one();
$thumbsRecord->votes -= 1;
return $this->render('vote', [
'votes' => $thumbsRecord->votes,
The model is just a table that contains the following fields:
id (int, primary key)
post_id (int)
votes (int, default 0)