I am trying to have the google forms on our website auto-notify us when a user completes the form and then return the data that they entered in a concise email. I do not like the way google notifies you it simply links to you the form to view the response. I searched online and found this code:
function sendFormByEmailPrayer(e)
// Remember to replace XYZ with your own email address
var email = "admin#communionchapelefca.org";
// Optional but change the following variable
// to have a custom subject for Google Docs emails
var subject = "Prayer Form Form Submitted";
// The variable e holds all the form values in an array.
// Loop through the array and append values to the body.
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var headers = s.getRange(1,1,1,s.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var urlToDoc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getUrl();
var body = "";
body = body + "Link to Document: " + urlToDoc;
var message = body + "\n\n" + "";
// Credit to Henrique Abreu for fixing the sort order
for(var i in headers)
message += headers[i] + ' = '+ e.namedValues[headers[i]].toString() + "\n\n";
// This is the MailApp service of Google Apps Script
// that sends the email. You can also use GmailApp here.
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
// Watch the following video for details
// http://youtu.be/z6klwUxRwQI
// By Amit Agarwal - www.labnol.org
On Form Submit screenshot:
It works great on my one form, but when I copied and pasted this working code to our other 6 forms, it does not work at all. How do I get this to work across our 7 forms? Thanks in advance.
Well I found a better solution than the code presented above. If you use the new Google Forms you can add an "add-on" (YourForm-->Three Dots in top right-->Add-ons).
From there look for "Simply Send" it will auto email a response with headers. Took me about 5 seconds to setup each of my forms.
I am trying to make a simple web page, and I want to take input from the user and display the same in the web page, how should I write the Javascript code for the output? Currently it looks like this
var username = prompt("Your username")
var comment = prompt("Your comment")
println(username + comment)
You can use the document API (this API represents any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an end point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree) for that and fetch one of the elements in your html file. then you can assign its innerText to the answers you got.
For example (using the getElementById)
var username = prompt("Your username");
var comment = prompt("Your comment");
document.getElementById("answer").innerText = username + ' ' + comment;
<div id="answer">
More about the document interface here
Not sure exactly what you're looking for but you can edit the HTML value using :
document.getElementbyId('id').innerHTML = '';
I'm having a really hard time sending an automated email (with Google Apps Script) that includes a URL that contains query parameter.
Expected Behavior
Google Apps Script (specifically, the Gmail service) sends an email, and part of the email body contains a URL with a query parameter. The URL will look something like this:
Observed Behavior
The Gmail service seems to be stripping out the = from my URL. So, the body of the email ends up looking like this:
Obviously, that link won't work.
I've checked other questions here on SO, and I've tried working with the base encoding tools from the GAS Utilities service, as well as working with the encodeURI() JavaScript method. No luck so far.
Email-sending Code
//////// GENERATING MESSAGE FROM ID ////////////
// Gets message from ID
var id = Gmail.Users.Drafts.get('me', 'r-1006091711303067868').message.id
var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(id)
var template = message.getRawContent()
// Replaces template variables with custom ones for the user using RegExes
let listingUrl = 'http://my.app/products?id=xyz'
let creatorEmail = 'hello#gmail.com'
let creatorUsername = 'Sam'
template = template.replace(/templates#my.app/g, creatorEmail)
template = template.replace(/firstName/g, creatorUsername)
//** Below is the string that gets modified and broken **//
template = template.replace(/listingUrl/g, listingUrl)
// Creates the new message
var message = Gmail.newMessage()
var encodedMsg = Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(template)
message.raw = encodedMsg
// Sends it
Gmail.Users.Messages.send(message, "me", Utilities.newBlob(template, "message/rfc822"))
Regex-based Solution
With the help of Tanaike and Rafa Guillermo, the solution that ended up working for me was to replace = with = by using a little .replace() like this:
listingUrl = listingUrl.replace(/=/, '=')
This is a two part question:
I have google sheet with a linked Form. When the form is submitted I want the responses from the form to be copied to another google sheet where I intend to change and reformat and then send via email. The script below is what i have currently written and it has a trigger set up onFormSubmit. However, I keep getting the follow error:
TypeError: Cannot read property "Values" from undefined. (line 7, file "Code")
Code below:
function formSubmitReply(e)
var t = "1g-wIs6nGxu3mJYA1vKtPCxBLCsvh1upeVGbCokOOTIw";
var tName = "AggregationOutput";
//Get information from form and set as variables
var email = e.Values[2];
var name = e.Values[3];
// Get template, copy it as a new temp, and save the Doc’s id
var tcopyId = SpreadsheetApp.openById(t).copy(tName+' for '+name).getId();
// Open the temporary document & copy form responses into template copy response sheet
var copyt = SpreadsheetApp.openById (tcopyId);
var copyts = copyt.getSheetByName('Resp');
// Transfers Data from Form Responses to Temporary file
//Sends copy of template in an email as an excel file
var url = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export?key=" + copyt.getId();
var subject = 'Aggregaton Output for' + name;
var body = url
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body);
// Deletes temp file
Part two of my question, even if I can get the code to work what would you recommend when a question is skipped in the form - won't this change the array from e.values. The issue with using the last row as a problem is that I want people to go back and edit responses on the form and then resubmit which means the last row isn't always the row used.
Any and all help is appreciated.
For Part 1, try this:
function formSubmitReply(e)
var t = "1g-wIs6nGxu3mJYA1vKtPCxBLCsvh1upeVGbCokOOTIw";
var tName = "AggregationOutput";
//Get information from form and set as variables
var itemResponses = e.response.getItemResponses();
var email = itemResponses[2].getResponse();
var name = itemResponses[3].getResponse();
// Get template, copy it as a new temp, and save the Doc’s id
var tcopyId = SpreadsheetApp.openById(t).copy(tName+' for '+name).getId();
// Open the temporary document & copy form responses into template copy response sheet
var copyt = SpreadsheetApp.openById (tcopyId);
var copyts = copyt.getSheetByName('Resp');
// Transfers Data from Form Responses to Temporary file
//Sends copy of template in an email as an excel file
var url = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export?key=" + copyt.getId();
var subject = 'Aggregaton Output for' + name;
var body = url
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body);
// Deletes temp file
Question 1:
The error you get is due to a wrong syntax, values (All small, not Values)
var email = e.values[2];
var name = e.values[3];
Question 2:
When the question is skipped the value of the response is blank. So if an email is left blank e.values[2] would still refer to the email field in your form, but will have no value in it.
If you have edit later option activated on the form, the edited responses will only be present in the e.values array. So if they update their email ID only, e.values[2] = "updated Email ID" and e.value[0-1,3-end] = Empty/blank.
To figure out if the submission is new entry or edited entry you can use e.range to figure out where the responses are going to be added in the "form Response" sheet. And you can mirror that range in your "resp" sheet to keep it updated the same way as form response sheet.
The following code is used to send an email to the respondent of a google form. The onsubmit call is from the spreadsheet that stores the responses.
I am not sure how to get the forms ID to use the solution given in several other places. Basically I just need to know how to call the getRespondentEmail(). I've tried calling it using FormApp.getActive() but I read that only works when you are working in the form it's self.
If you want to offer a solution that requires using the form ID, an explanation of how to get the ID would be great.
var GetUserEmail = getRespondentEmail().
var subject = "Skiver Production Report Successfully Submitted";
var textbody = "You have successfully submitted a Skiver Production Report. Do not reply to this email as it is not monitored.";
var message = "You have succesfully submitted a Skiver Production Report. Do not reply to this email as it is unmoinitored." ;
var cc = "techlab#worldwidefoam.com";
var sendername = "Quality Function";
GmailApp.sendEmail("bob#notArealemail.com", subject, textbody, {
cc: cc,
name: sendername,
htmlBody: message
To get the id of an element you can simply use the document.getElementById(arg) method. For example:
var myForm = document.getElementById("ID");
For simply calling getRespondentEmail you just place getRespondentEmail() in your code. Your first line is doing this correctly but the . at the end needs to be removed or replaced with a ;, which is likely causing your error:
var GetUserEmail = getRespondentEmail(); // replace . with ;
Lastly if you would like to use getRespondentEmail() anywhere make sure it is in a global scope. Meaning it's not defined in any functions or closures.
I am working on a Name Game type of Name Generator where you enter some fields and associated variables are pulled. I have the generator working and the share links working, however I can't get them to populate with the final 'sillyname' variable.
AKA When you click share, it has a generic message but I am trying to get it to dynamically enter the name into the tweet or facebook share text.
Any help on this would be awesome.
Here is the link for you to dig deeper.
I have this in the twitter/facebook share function:
var twitterWindow = window.open('https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=http://sweetleafmarijuana.com/&text=My Sweet and Fierce Name... &via=TheSweetestLeaf &hashtags=SweetFierceName', 'twitter-popup', 'height=350,width=600'); if(twitterWindow.focus) { twitterWindow.focus(); }
return false; } var facebookShare = document.querySelector('[data-js="facebook-share"]');
However I found this and feel like it needs to be something along these lines:
function twitterShare(){
var shareText='My funny pseudonym is '+accents_to_regulars(outputName)+', according to #...'
So i'm thinking i need something like this (but having trouble from there)
var twitterMessage = "My #SWEETFIERCENAME is " + hungryName + ", according to #thesweetestleaf's #SweetFierceName Name Generator";
var facebookMessage = "My name is " + hungryName + "";
You need to escape the text for the URL.
It works here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/Kpdvqa
twitterShare.onclick = function(e) {
var twitterWindow = window.open('https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=http://sweetleafmarijuana.com/&text='+encodeURIComponent(getSillyName())+'&via=TheSweetestLeaf &hashtags=SweetFierceName', 'twitter-popup', 'height=350,width=600');
if(twitterWindow.focus) { twitterWindow.focus(); }
return false;
The # character has special meaning in URLs.
As for the Facebook message, there is no way to pre-fill that anymore:
You will have to take a closer look at the FB Feed Dialog to see other options, like perhaps updating the caption property instead.