Communication between Reactjs Components - javascript

After struggling too much with Redux, flux and other pub/sub methods i ended up with the following technique. I do not know if that can cause some big damage or flaws so posting it here to get some light from the experienced programmers about its pros and cons.
var thisManager = function(){
var _Manager = [];
getThis : function(key){
return _Manager[key];
setThis : function(obj){
_Manager[obj.key] = obj.value;
var _thisManager = new thisManager();
// React Component
class Header extends Component{
_thisManager.setThis({ key: "Header", value:this}
// call this.setState here with new data.
return <div />
// Then from any other component living far somewhere you can pass the data to the render function and it works out of the box.
class Footer extends Component{
let Header = _thisManager.getThis('Header');
Header.somefunction(" Wow some new data from footer event ");
<button onClick={this._click.bind(this)}> send data to header and call its render </button>
I am sending json as a data in my application and it perfectly renders the desired components and i can invoke the render without any pub/sub or deep passing down the props to invoke a parent method with a changing this.setState to cause re-render.
So far the application works fine and i am also loving its simplicity too. Kindly throw light on this technique pros and cons
It is bad to call render so i changed it to another method to get more pros and cons of this setup.

Two main concerns with this setup:
1. You should never call react lifecycle methods directly
2. Backdoors into components are a bad idea, which destroy react's maintainability
Ad 1:
If you invoke render() (or any other react method) directly, react probably does not call componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate()` and other lifecycle methods in the component tree.
Dangers are:
Many designs with react component rely heavily on the lifecycle methods being fired: getInitialState(), componentWillReceiveProps(), shouldComponentUpdate(), componentDidMount(), etc etc. If you call render() directly, many components will likely break or show strange behaviour.
You run the risk of breaking react's difference engine: through life-cycle management, react keeps a virtual copy of DOM in its (internal) memory. To work correctly, the integrity of this copy if vital to react's working.
Better would be (but still in violation of my second point):
Include a different method inside the component.
Which has a setState() if you want to re-render.
And call that method from the outside.
Ad 2.
A direct reference to a mounted component (as your thisManager does) has some additional risks. React's designs and limitations are there for a reason: to maintain unidirectional flow and component hierarchy with props and state, to make things easy to maintain.
If you break this pattern - by building a backdoor into a component, which allows manipulation of state - you break this design principle of react. It is a quick shortcut, but is sure to cause great pain and frustation when your app grows.
As far as I know, the only acceptable exceptions to this rule are:
Methods inside a component that respond to ajax call results, to update state (e.g. after fetching data from server)
Methods inside a component to handle triggers from its direct descendent children components (e.g. run validation on form after a child button has been clicked)
So if you want to use it for that purpose, then you should be fine.
Word of warning: the standard react approach guards random access to components, because the invoking component or method needs to have a reference to the component. In both examples such a reference is available.
In your setup, ANY outside piece of code could lookup the ref to the "header" in your table, and call the method which updates state.
With such indirect reference, and no way of telling which source actually called your component, your code is likely to become much harder to debug/ maintain.


Is React 16's Portal API meant to replace the Context API?

I noticed new feature portals do the same thing but better? I dont know much about portals but it seems to be the new way to manage nested component updates?
I knew Reacts Context API was experimental, and noticed componentDidUpdate no longer receives prevContext and they dropped contextTypes.
I also noticed they are introducing React 16's Portal API and not sure if this is intended to replace the Context API.
So again, as mentioned above, is React 16's Portal API meant to replace the Context API?
EDIT: To piggyback on this topic, is conext the best way to manage i18n localization in react?
TL;DR => Portals and Context solve different purposes, one is to inject DOM at any level and other is to inject props at any level. Context can mimic Portals but Portals AS OF NOW cannot mimic Context not at least without introducing code smell.
NOTE: Below is based on my understanding of the two concepts, if anyone has further thoughts or corrections on this please feel free to edit the answer.
From what I was able to understand Portals are, as the name suggests, a door way for you to render components that need not be in the component tree hierarchy. This works like perfectly for Modals, Popovers or any component which needs to be stitched at a particular location in the tree.
Context is to communicate with various sibling and child components without having to pass props all the way down from parent to the intended component. Of course, this is an important feature to have but it remained in the experimental phase probably due to the fact that this can be achieved by event-emitters and Redux, MobX for a centralized state management.
I am assuming that your use case for i18n would require a lot of communication across components for which you might want to look at this great article
Portals and Context help achieving this kind of communication but there is a difference. Portals can render or inject DOM at any level and Context can inject props at any level in the subcomponent tree.
You can always achieve what Portals are able to do using Context but I don't think Portals can mimic Context functionality.
EG: Something like this can be done to mimic what Portals do using Context. Where as in Portals AFAIK you can only send DOM Nodes ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container). May be there is a way to achieve the functionality but that would surely lead to code smell.
class Parent extends React.Component {
getChildContext() {
return {
renderModal: this.renderModal
renderModal = (children) => {
open: !,
injectableChildren: children
render() {
// JSX
class SomeSibling extends React.Component {
static contextTypes = {
renderModal: React.PropTypes.func
handleOnClick = (event) => {
renderableChildJSX = () => (
render() {
<div onClick={this.handleOnClick}>
In my case, I feared from using Context despite it's flexibility due to the fact that React docs always mentioned that it's an experimental feature and warned repeatedly from using this feature full-blown. My guess is that React is looking at stabilising this feature or completely scrape it off the React codebase which is a risk that could go both ways.
CONCLUSION: IMO, Portals in it's current state and the problem it is trying to resolve is entirely different from what Context is built for and it is better to use event-emitters with the only reason that Context might possibly be deprecated.
A Portal API is different from a Context API,
Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node
that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
A portal is useful when you might want to render Modals or Popovers, that need to be outside of the current DOM hierarchy in order for it to have proper z-indexes. Most often you would render these in the top level directly. However with Portal you can render DOM element at any level of hierarchy.
In React 16, portals can be created like
ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container)
Context on the other hand is used to pass the data onto different component without the need to pass if down at each level. You may have components at different level, some of which may be extremely nested and passing the props down all the way at each level might not be a great solution and it comes with significant performance hindrance, since a lot the higher levels may not actually be using these props but will still re-render on such prop changes.
From v16.3.0 React has introduced a new context API and context is no longer experimental.
Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for
a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user,
theme, or preferred language. Using context, we can avoid passing
props through intermediate elements. but it shouldn't be used to just
pass props a few levels down
In general you would use context like
export const MyContext = React.createContext();
class Provider extends React.Component {
state = {
theme: 'dark'
handleChange=() => {}
render() {
return <MyContext.Provider
value={{state: this.state, handleChange: this.handleChange}}
and for the Component you want to use context value, you would write
import {MyContext} from 'path/to/context'
render() {
return <MyContext.Consumer>
{(theme) => <div>{theme}</div>}
To piggyback on this topic, is context the best way to manage i18n
localisation in react?
Yes i18n localisation is a good usecase for using context since you would need to pass on language/paramerisation selection throughout your app. In cases where you need much more integration with APIs to do localisation, you can think about using Redux.
For more details check this answer on whether to use Context or Redux

Redux container inside presentation component with API calls

Redux allows using complex container components inside other "dumb"/presentation components. Point is that mostly the simple components are const literal functions, so with stateless mod it will re-render...a lot.
My concern is that it will also call the components it contains on each render, including these containers that can trigger API calling actions eg. inside componentDidMount or other life cycle method.
My current solution is a 'cache' inside store, I trigger api method, but inside I check, should the request be made*/is cache invalidated to continue or break the API call.
Problem is that these components in my opinion should not be tight coupled, so I cannot trigger the load after some other actions inside totally different component, cause that way it won't be independent.
* - due the fact that store in this case is just a simple map, I check whether the data already exists(or timestamp is outdated) or is it just missing.
Just to picture it better:
class Container extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {

How should child components in React communicate between each other in a clean and maintainable fashion?

I'm fairly new to React and I'm trying to understand a clean way for child components to communicate with each other.
In a simple component, I know that I can make use of props to pass data to child and callbacks for children to pass data back to parent component.
In a slightly more complex case, when I have multiple children components in a parent component, the communication between the children gets a little confusing. I'm not sure what I should do for children components of the same level to communicate with each other.
In my case, I decided that, maybe, I could use states. So I will have a state value in the parent component, and pass it on the children's props. Similarly, the callback handlers (called from the children component) in the parent component will help to set the states accordingly so that a state value gets passed on from one child to another through React's binding.
And a pseudo code could look something like:
//Inside Parent Component
constructor() {
//initialise state for the child components
this.setState({testList: []});
render() {
return (
<ChildA onSomething={this.onSomethingHandler} testList={this.state.testList} />
<ChildB onSomethingElse={this.onSomethingElseHandler} testList={this.state.testList} />
onSomethingHandler(evt):void {
if(blah.blah.blah) this.setState({testList: this.state.testList.splice().push(evt.value)};
onSomethingElseHandler(evt):void {
//Some other complex biz logic...
if(blah.blah.blah) this.setState({testList: this.state.testList.splice().push(somethingOtherStuffDueToLogic)};
//Inside ChildA Component
export IChildAProps {
onSomething: (evt)=>void
render() {
//Do some logic from the value in testList property
if(this.state.testList == blah blah)...
return (
<button onClick={this.props.onSomething({id:321, value:"wassup! I'm ChildA."})}>ChildA</button>
//Inside ChildB Component
export IChildBProps {
onSomethingElse: (evt)=>void
render() {
//Do some logic from the value in testList property
if(this.state.testList == blah blah)...
return (
<button onClick={this.props.onSomething({id:123, value:"yo! I'm ChildB."})}>ChildB</button>
At this point, I'm starting to wonder if the logic in that 2 handler methods, namely onSomethingHandler() and onSomethingElseHandler() in the Parent component, should actually be resided inside the child components themselves? I thought of this because those logic look like something the child component should be handling on their own to serve their purpose. The parent component shouldn't do it for them or it might just grow messy. But I've no choice because of how I'm handling their communication. Apart from this, I also created a new state simply just to allow them to communicate.
So far, this is still relatively manageable. But in my own experiment, it has got to a stage where I've children component nested inside another children components that need to communicate across other children components of the same (or sometimes different) level. Using states for communication also meant that I have many states all over the place, which doesn't look like a good idea to me. And the parent components ended up with tons of messy callback handler methods to manage all that propagation of data up and down the component tree.
The situation is so messy that I can at most illustrate it as something like so:
And you can see in the above illustration, ChildB ended up having yet another state just to help passing that information between its children components.
I'm sure I'm missing something that I should know about React. The callbacks I'm having in the parent components seem a little too much just to handle data propagation. How should I really organise the communication of children components in a clean and maintainable way?
Every React programmer hits this wall at some point in time. I did too. The answer is to use Redux for state management. You have experienced how tedious it is to use React's native state.
Redux is a state management mechanism which can be used in conjunction with React. So you won't be using React's state, instead you will use Redux.
Redux provides a single store, where the state of entire application is stored. You can access the state in your components using connect() method.
But there is a caveat. Not all of the react components are connected to the Redux store. There are two types of components-
Smart/connected components: Connected to redux store
Dumb components: Dependent on connected components
The idea is to pass the state from redux store to Connected components via React's props. The connected components can directly consume state from the store. The dumb components are not directly connected to the redux store. The connected components also pass the state to the dumb components via props. So you see, React's state is bypassed altogether. Now, if you want to change the state, following events must happen-
An event is fired from the smart/dumb component.
Actions are dispatched to the store
Reducers create a new state according to the actions.
A new state will be stored in the store.
Store will return new state to the connected components via connect() through props
Dumb components will receive new state from connected components through props
What are actions and reducers?
Actions are nothing but javascript objects that describe how to change the state.
Reducer is a "pure" function which builds and returns the new state tree according to the action dispatched to the store.
Redux -
Redux-thunk -
Redux-saga -
Most fashion way is using Redux.js (or flux.js) to matain your child components state.
If you don't like invoke third party js. You can use refs property:
We can use the react context API,
Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level
Also, note that Mark Erikson has mentioned in his blog,
Yes, the new context API is going to be great for passing down data to deeply nested components - that's exactly what it was designed for.
If you're only using Redux to avoid passing down props, context could replace Redux - but then you probably didn't need Redux in the first place.
Context also doesn't give you anything like the Redux DevTools, the ability to trace your state updates, middleware to add centralized application logic, and other powerful capabilities that Redux enables.
To handle scenarios you mentioned, context API is a good option and you don't have to use additional libraries for that.

How to handle global state data into deeply nested components in Redux?

So say you have a chat aplication with this component structure:
And a Redux state like:
currentUser: ...,
chatsList: ...,
selectedChatIndex: ...,
messagesList: [ ... ]
How would you make the current user information available to the <MessageUserHead> component (that will render the current user thumbnail for each message) without having to pass it along all the way from the root component thru all the intermediate components?
In the same way, how would you make information like current language, theme, etc available to every presentational/dumb component in the component tree without resorting to exposing the whole state object?
(UPDATE: Having spent some time on option 4, I personally think it's the way to go. I published a library, react-redux-controller built around this approach.)
There are a few approaches that I know of from getting data from your root component, down to your leaf components, through the branches in the middle.
Props chain
The Redux docs, in the context of using react-redux, suggest passing the data down the whole chain of branches via props. I don't favor this idea, because it couples all the intermediate branch components to whatever today's app structure is. On the bright side, your React code would be fairly pure, and only coupled to Redux itself at the top level.
Selectors in all components
Alternatively, you could use connect to make data from your Redux store available, irrespective of where you are in the component tree. This decouples your components from one another, but it couples everything to Redux. I would note that the principle author of Redux is not necessarily opposed to this approach. And it's probably more performant, as it prevents re-renders of intermediary components due to changes in props they don't actually care about.
React children
I haven't thought a great deal about doing things this way, but you could describe your whole app structure at the highest level as nested components, passing in props directly to remote descendants, and using children to render injected components at the branch levels. However, taken to the extreme, this would make your container component really complicated, especially for intermediate components that have children of more than one type. Not sure if this is really viable at all for that reason.
React context
As first mentioned by #mattclemens, you can use the experimental context api to decouple your intermediate components. Yes, it's "experimental". Yes, the React team definitely doesn't seem to be in love with it. But keep in mind that this is exactly what Redux's connect uses to inject dispatch and props from selectors.
I think it strikes a nice balance. Components remain decoupled, because branch components don't need to care about the descendants' dependencies. If you only use connect at the root to set up the context, then all the descendents only need to couple to React's context API, rather than Redux. Components can freely be rearranged, as long as some ancestor is setting the required context properties. If the only component that sets context is the root component, this is trivially true.
The React team compares using context to global variables, but that feel like an exaggeration. It seems a lot more like dependency injection to me.
For information that is global to all of your "dumb" components, you could use react contexts.
A contrived example
// redux aware component
var ChatApp = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
language: React.PropTypes.string
getChildContext: function() {
// or pull from your state tree
return {language: "en"};
// dumb components
var ExDumb = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
language: React.PropTypes.string
render: function() {
var lang = this.context.language;
return ( <div /> );
In response to the comments, redux uses this context approach in their react-redux library.
And more abstractly for use outside of react, you could use some sort of pluck or selector function on the state tree, and return only a subset of the global state needed by dumb components.

Caching props in getDefaultProps an anti-pattern in React?

I am writing a complex react app and using Cortex as my central model. The philosophy with cortex is that it wraps your data and on changing the data, calls a complete re-render from the root. This works great especially when you have non hierarchical views changing state and affecting the other.
The issue that I am facing is maintaining states/props on re-render. For example I have a certain hierarchy which goes like this:
The EditorCard needs the JavaScript instance of the Editor in order to make changes to the Editor on clicking the PublishButton (I am using an external library inside Editor which exposes methods for editing). Hence the Editor on ComponentDidMount sets the instance as a prop on the EditorCard by calling a function passed down to it.
My issue is that when I click the PublishButton I change the value of the cortex object which causes a re-render from the root and I loose the props for that Editor (since component is already mounted ComponentDidMount is not called again).
The way I took care of this problem is by caching of getDefaultProps.
Inside EditorCard my default props are:
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
cachedData: {},
And is saving the editor instance as this.props.cachedData.editor = editorInstance
This saves props over multiple re-renders.
Is this how getDefaultProps caching was meant to be used? On saving props over multiple re-renders am I breaking some of the core react rules with this hack? Could you suggest a better structure if so?
No, getDefaultProps is what it means to be: getting the default props in case the owner hasn't passed those to you. You could say it's a shorthand for a = this.props.bla || 'hello';.
That being said, if I'm understand your question correctly, I see three ways to solve it.
Cache that in your state instead. Props are passed by the parent and are meant to be read from, inside the child, at least in vanilla React.
Instead of putting that props passing logic in your componentDidMount, why not put it in componentDidUpdate?
ref lets you grab the instance and call its methods directly.
