Check if all input/select fields of a table row have values - javascript

There is a table with some input and select fields in a row. I want to check if all input and select fields of an row have a value. This is how I would think to do that, but do I have to use closest and find? I think this is not optimal.
<td><select><option></option><option>Select anything</option></td>
<td><input type="text" name="field1"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="field2"></td>
<td><select><option></option><option>Select something</option></td>
<td><input type="text" name="field3"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="field4"></td>
'change #table input, change #table select': function(event) {
var $this = $(event.currentTarget),
$row = $this.closest('tr'),
$elements = $row.find('input, select');
var empty = false;
$elements.each(function(index) {
if (!$(this).val()) empty = true;
if (empty)
console.log('some value is missing')
else {
// do something with values

There are really two questions here:
Most optimal method to select all inputs in a table row
Ensure all the inputs have a value
For the first question there is a subliminal side to that. Ensure that it IS an input and then select it within the context of the current row of the changed input.
First off, jQuery uses the Sizzle ( engine under the covers for selection. One thing to be aware of is the "right to left" processing of the selector string by that engine.
Thus the most optimal selection is somewhat browser specific but the fastest way to select is an ID followed in modern browsers by a class. Some older browsers do not select by class as well but let's leave that for your research.
Selection: Bad way to do stuff
So given that, let's look at a complex selector that you might use:
'div.mycontainer div.mytablecontainer>table#mytable.mytableclass tr td select, div.mycontainer div.mytablecontainer>table#mytable.mytableclass tr td input'
First off DO NOT USE THAT. Now to explore why not: Remember we talked about the "right to left" selector processing? For discussion let us narrow down out selector to the last part:
"div.mycontainer div.mytablecontainer>table#mytable.mytableclass tr td input"
What this does then in starting on the right:
"find all the inputs in the DOM",
use that list of those inputs, "find all the inputs in a td element
use those td elements, find all those in a tr
find all those tr in a .mytableclass element
find all those in an element with an id of mytable (remember this ID MUST be unique)
Now keep going, find that single element id that is a table element
That is an immediate child of an element with classmytablecontainer
That is a DIV element div
That is a child of an element with class mycontainer
That is a DIV element div
Whew that's a lot of work there. BUT we are NOT DONE! We have to do the same thing for the OTHER selector in there.
Selection: Better way to do stuff
NOW let's do this better; first off let's leverage the modern browser class selector by adding a class to all our "scoped" inputs - things we want to check for entry.
<input class="myinput" />
It does really need a type="" attribute but ignore that for now. Let's use that.
What this does is:
Select the element with ID of 'mytable' which is the FASTEST selector in all browsers; we have already eliminated those 47 other tables in our DOM.
Find all the elements with a class of class="myinput"; within that table; in modern browsers this is also very fast
DONE. WOW! that was SO much less work.
Side note on the .find() instead of "#mytable input"
Remember our right to left once again? Find all inputs in the DOM, then narrow to those inputs we found that are in that table NO STOP THAT right now.
Or (better likely) "#mytable .myinput"
SO our "rules" of selecting a group of elements are:
Use an ID to limit scope to some container if at all possible
Use the ID by itself NOT part of a more complex selector
FIND elements within that limited scope (by class if we can)
Use classes as modern browsers have great selection optimization on that.
When you start to put a space " " or ">" in a selector be smart, would a .find() or .children() be better? In a small DOM perhaps maintenance might be easier, but also which is easier to understand in 4 years?
Second question: not specific but still there
You cannot simply globally use !$(this).val() for inputs.
For a check box that is invalid. What about radio buttons? What about that <input type="button" > someone adds to the row later? UGH.
SO simply add a class to all "inputs" you DO wish to validate and select by those:
<input type="text" class="validateMe" />
<select class="validateMe" >...
Side note you MIGHT want to sniff the TYPE of the input and validate based upon that: How to get input type using jquery?
EDIT: Keep in mind your validation input MIGHT have a "true/false" value so then this might fail: !$(this).val() (radio buttons, checkbox come to mind here)
Some code and markup:
<table id="mytable">
<select class="myinput">
<option>Select anything</option>
<input class="myinput" type="text" name="field1" />
<input class="myinput" type="text" name="field2" />
<select class="myinput">
<option>Select something</option>
<input class="myinput" type="text" name="field3" />
<input class="myinput" type="text" name="field4" />
<div id="results">
probably NOT want a global (namespace the "selectors")
var selectors = '.myinput';
$('#mytable').on('change', selectors, function(event) {
var $this = $(event.currentTarget),
$row = $this.closest('tr'),
$elements = $row.find(selectors);
var $filledElements = $elements.filter(function(index) {
return $(this).val() || this.checked;
var hasEmpty = $filledElements.length !== $elements.length
var rowIndex = $row.index();
$('#results').append("Row:" + rowIndex + " has " + $filledElements.length + ' of ' + $elements.length + ' and shows ' + hasEmpty + '<br />');
if (hasEmpty)
console.log('some value is missing');
else {
// do something with values
AND something to play with:

If you're only selecting on particular element with knowing which parent to select with, you should try using .filter() to filter out only element that did't have a value like following :
$('button').click(function() {
var h = $('table :input').filter(function() {
return $(this).val() == "" && $(this);

I did this plunk
$(document).ready(function() {
$('button').click(function() {
var table = $('table');
var rows = table.find('tr');
var error = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cell = rows.eq(i).find('td');
for (a = 0; a < cell.length; a++) {
var input = cell.eq(a).find(':input');
if (input.val() === "") {
input.css("border", "solid 1px red");
} else {
input.css("border", "solid 1px rgb(169, 169, 169)");
if (error > 0){
alert('Errors in the form!')
return false;
} else {
alert('Form Ok!')
return true;
Simple Jquery validation, searching all the inputs (including selects), if it's null, increment the error counter and change class. If the error counter is > 0, alert error and return false;
Maybe isn't the best solution, but it sure can help get started.


Javascript: How to update via DOM element?

My function below need to update a certain row value (Fruit Name) when the first Select has been changed. How can I update the last <"input"> element? I don't know what is the correct DOM property to use.
I need to use DOM so I don't need to set id on the tags.
<select onChange="updateValue(this);">
<td>Shipping Address:
<input type="text"/>
<td>Fruit Name:
<input type="text"/>
function updateValue(obj){
var _input = obj.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild;
_input.innerText = 'Apple';
firstElementChild & lastElementChild is to get html element only not a text(html string).So it is more better to get specific element!
function updateValue(obj){
var _input = obj.parentNode.parentNode.lastElementChild.firstElementChild;
_input.value = 'Apple';
Make a minor change in your HTML code.Add a class which will help to recognize which input to update. Use parentNode twice to move up to tr. Then use the className to find the input which you want to update
<td>Fruit Name:
<input type="text" class="fruitClass"/>
JS Change
function updateValue(obj){
var _input = obj.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("fruitClass")[0]
_input.value = 'Apple';
Check this jsFiddle
function updateValue(obj){
// get the last TD of this TR
var _input = obj.parentNode.parentNode.lastChild;
// make sure we are on the TD. If not, get the previous object.
if (typeof _input.tagName == 'undefined') _input = _input.previousSibling;
// get the input inside the TD
_input = _input.lastChild;
// make sure we are on the input. If not, get the previous object.
if (typeof _input.tagName == 'undefined') _input = _input.previousSibling;
// change the input value
_input.value = 'Apple';
The first time you use parentNode you get the parent of the SELECT, that is the TD.
The second parentNode gets the parent of this TD, that is the TR.
You can use lastChild to get the last element inside this TR, that is the last TD.
And since you only have one element inside that TD, then either firstChild or lastChild should get you the input object.
To change the value of an input field you use value, not innerText.
Also there is no HTML form type textbox. If you want a one-line input form then text is the type you should use.
<td>Fruit Name:
<input type="text"/>

Finding child of previous sibling in jQuery

I am modifying existing code, so I can only affect the elements that exist rather an building it right. I am iterating over all spans that have the class reqd, and if so, I'm either taking the immediate previous sibling (example 1) or the previous sibling's first child of type input (example 2) and appending jQuery validate attributes to it.
Using prev() was for example #1, which was easy. I have to use prevUntil() for examples 2 and 3 to isolate better where I am targeting the DOM.
My issue is with example #2. While I can reach class="regfieldlabel I cannot get it to traverse its children. Example #3 is like #2 except with an empty span tag in the middle.
//Example code 1
<input type="text" name="str_cvv" value="" maxlength="3" size="4" id="CVV">
<span class="reqd">*</span>
//Example code 2
<span class="regfieldlabel">
<input type="text" name="nameOnCard" size="30" maxlength="50" id="cardName" value="">
<span class="reqd">*</span>
//Example code 3
<span class="regfieldlabel">
<input type="text" name="nameOnCard" size="30" maxlength="50" id="cardName" value="">
<span class="regfieldlabel"> </span>
<span class="reqd">*</span>
$(function() {
//Highlight all fields that have a red asterisk at the end for validation
if ($(this).hasClass('reqd')) {
$(this).prev().attr('data-rule-required', true).attr('data-msg-required', 'This field is required');
$(this).prevUntil('.regfieldlabel').find('input').attr('data-rule-required', true).attr('data-msg-required', 'This field is required');
You don't want to use prevUntil, from the docs you will see:
Description: Get all preceding siblings of each element up to but not
including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery
As a result, $(this).prevUntil('.regfieldlabel') is actually empty.
For Example 2, you still want to use just prev:
For a general solution, you will have to check which situation you are in, in order to do the correct thing:
var $this = $(this);
var $prev = $this.prev();
var $input = $([]); // init to empty
$input = $prev;
} else if($".regfieldlabel")){
var $innerInput = $prev.find("input");
if($innerInput.length > 0){
$input = $innerInput;
} else {
$prev = $prev.prev(".regfieldlabel");
$innerInput = $prev.find("input");
if($innerInput.length > 0){
$input = $innerInput;
} else {
// unknown case, maybe do something here
} else {
// unknown case, maybe do something here
$input.attr('data-rule-required', true).attr('data-msg-required', 'This field is required');

Extracting data from HTML table using jquery

I am attempting to take a generated table and create an object out of it using jquery. I have looked up examples but am getting some odd behavior when I try to implement. Given this simplified version of my table (generated via Spring MVC):
<table id="notices">
<td class="columnheader">Order</td>
<td class="columnheader" style="display: none;">ID</td>
<td class="columnheader">Title</td>
<td class="formlabel"><input class="fields" size="2" type="text" value="3"></td>
<td class="formlabel" style="display: none;">JP-L2913666442781178567X</td>
<td class="formlabel">*Notice1</td>
<td class="formlabel"><input class="fields" size="2" type="text" value="2"></td>
<td class="formlabel" style="display: none;">JP-L2913666442760937100X</td>
<td class="formlabel">Quiz Notice - Formative</td>
And snippet of my current script:
var noticeMap = $('#notices tbody tr').map(function() {
var $row = $(this);
return {
sequence: $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text(),
noticeUID: $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text()
When I de[fire]bug, noticeMap looks like this:
Object { sequence="*Notice1", noticeUID="JP-L2913666442781178567X"},
Object { sequence="Quiz Notice - Formative", noticeUID="JP-L2913666442760937100X"}
Somehow :nth-child(1) is retrieving the title, the third td. I believe it has to do with retrieving the value of the input, but am not sure where to go from here. Maybe because the input field is within the td child I am specifying, it is not considered a direct descendant, so the proper text is not retrieved? Just seems odd to me that it would then skip to the 3rd td. Alas, I am still learning with jquery, and humbly request any ideas and guidance.
You're right about the input being the issue, you have to get the value of the input inside then td, which is not defined as a text node, but as its own element, therefore you have to specify the child element within the jQuery selector. Also .text() won't work for input elements, you can read its value with .val().
This will work for you to get the right value into your object:
$row.find(':nth-child(1) input').val();
Or using .eq()
var noticeMap = $('#notices tbody tr').map(function() {
var $cells = $(this).children();
return {
sequence: $cells.eq(0).children('input').val(),
noticeUID: $cells.eq(1).text()
Or into a single object with key/value pairs:
var noticeMap = {};
$('#notices tbody tr').each(function() {
var $cells = $(this).children();
noticeMap[$cells.eq(0).children('input').val()] = $cells.eq(1).text();
I'm not too sure tho why your original attempt returns the text inside the 3rd td. That is really odd. I'll have a tinker with it.
It seems to me that .find() is somehow being smart about what it returns, it seems to realise that calling .text() does not return anything on the first match it finds (the first td), it therefore travels down the DOM to find the next element which does have a :first-child, which matches the a tag inside the 3rd td, then it returns the text of that a tag. When I removed the a around the title, .find() started returning "" again, I think that is because it couldn't find another match after the first one didn't return anything useful.
Using .children() would be safer in this case, as it only finds direct descendants and doesn't travel down the DOM.
For better performance, use .eq() on the matched set:
var noticeMap = $('#notices tbody tr').map(function() {
var $cells = $(this).children();
return {
sequence: $cells.eq(0).find('input').val(),
noticeUID: $cells.eq(1).text()

add templated div to page multiple times with different ids

I am using ASP.Net MVC along with Jquery to create a page which contains a contact details section which will allow the user to enter different contact details:
<div id='ContactDetails'>
<div class='ContactDetailsEntry'>
<select id="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas[0]_Type" name="venue.ContactLink.ContactDatas[0].Type">
<input id="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas[0]_Data" name="venue.ContactLink.ContactDatas[0].Data" type="text" value="" />
<input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="AddContact" id='addContact' />
Pressing the button is supposed to add a templated version of the ContactDetailsEntry classed div to the page. However I also need to ensure that the index of each id is incremented.
I have managed to do this with the following function which is triggered on the click of the button:
function addContactDetails() {
var len = $('#ContactDetails').length;
var content = "<div class='ContactDetailsEntry'>";
content += "<select id='venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas[" + len + "]_Type' name='venue.ContactLink.ContactDatas[" + len + "].Type'><option>Email</option>";
content += "<option>Phone</option>";
content += "<option>Fax</option>";
content += "</select>";
content += "<input id='venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas[" + len + "]_Data' name='venue.ContactLink.ContactDatas[" + len + "].Data' type='text' value='' />";
content += "</div>";
This works fine, however if I change the html, I need to change it in two places.
I have considered using clone() to do this but have three problems:
EDIT: I have found answers to questions as shown below:
(is a general problem which I cannot find an answer to) how do I create a selector for the ids which include angled brackets, since jquery uses these for a attribute selector.
EDIT: Answer use \ to escape the brackets i.e. $('#id\\[0\\]')
how do I change the ids within the tree.
EDIT: I have created a function as follows:
function updateAttributes(clone, count) {
var f = clone.find('*').andSelf();
f.each(function (i) {
var s = $(this).attr("id");
if (s != null && s != "") {
s = s.replace(/([^\[]+)\[0\]/, "$1[" + count + "]");
$(this).attr("id", s);
This appears to work when called with the cloned set and the count of existing versions of that set. It is not ideal as I need to perform the same for name and for attributes. I shall continue to work on this and add an answer when I have one. I'd appreciate any further comments on how I might improve this to be generic for all tags and attributes which MVC might create.
how do I clone from a template i.e. not from an active fieldset which has data already entered, or return fields to their default values on the cloned set.
You could just name the input field the same for all entries, make the select an input combo and give that a consistent name, so revising your code:
<div id='ContactDetails'>
<div class='ContactDetailsEntry'>
<select id="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type" name="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type"><option>Email</option>
<input id="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data" name="venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data" type="text" value="" />
<input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="AddContact" id='addContact'/>
I'd probably use the Javascript to create the first entry on page ready and then there's only 1 place to revise the HTML.
When you submit, you get two arrays name "venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type" and "venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data" with matching indicies for the contact pairs, i.e.
venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type[0], venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data[0]
venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type[1], venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data[1]
venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Type[*n*], venue_ContactLink_ContactDatas_Data[*n*]
Hope that's clear.
So, I have a solution which works in my case, but would need some adjustment if other element types are included, or if other attributes are set by with an index included.
I'll answer my questions in turn:
To select an element which includes square brackets in it's attributes escape the square brackets using double back slashes as follows: var clone = $("#contactFields\[0\]").clone();
& 3. Changing the ids in the tree I have implemented with the following function, where clone is the variable clone (in 1) and count is the count of cloned statements.
function updateAttributes(clone, count) {
var attribute = ['id', 'for', 'name'];
var f = clone.find('*').andSelf();
var tag = $(this);
$.each(attribute, function(i, val){
var s = tag.attr(val);
if (s!=null&& s!="")
s = s.replace(/([^\[]+)\[0\]/, "$1["+count+"]");
tag.attr(val, s);
if ($(this)[0].nodeName == 'SELECT')
{ $(this).val(0);}
This may not be the most efficient way or the best, but it does work in my cases I have used it in. The attributes array could be extended if required, and further elements would need to be included in the defaulting action at the end, e.g. for checkboxes.

Using jquery to get per row totals and grand total of table

So the short version of this is: Can I traverse only the elements within the matched element of the selectors before the each()? Or is there a simpler way of getting what I want without an each() loop?
I thought this would be much easier, which makes me think I'm just missing some fundamental principle of element traversing with jquery.
So here's the scenario:
I have a table (and it is appropriate in this case), where each cell has a text input. The last input is read-only and is supposed to be the total sum of the other values entered on that row. I have a really messy js script for finding both the totals of each row and then the grand total of each row total.
Here's the basic HTML:
<tr><th>Col 1</th><th>Col 2</th><th>Col 3</th><th>Total</th></tr>
<tr id="row1"><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td class="total"><input type="text" readonly="readonly" /></td></tr>
<tr id="row2"><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td class="total"><input type="text" readonly="readonly" /></td></tr>
<tr id="row3"><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td><input type="text" /></td><td class="total"><input type="text" readonly="readonly" /></td></tr>
The javascript will validate that the data entered is numerical, just to be clear.
So I have a event listener for each input for onchange that updates the total when the user enters data and moves to the next cell/input. Then I have a function called updateTotal that currently uses for loops to loop through each row and within that loop, each cell, and finally sets the input in the total cell to sum.
Quick note: I have included the code below to show that I'm not just looking for a hand out and to demonstrate the basic logic of what I have in mind. Please feel free to skim or skip this part. It works and doesn't need any debugging or critique.
This is what that looks like:
function updateTotal() {
table = document.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
allrows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
grandtotal = document.getElementById("grand");
grandtotal.value = "";
for (i = 0; i < allrows.length; i++) {
row_cells = allrows[i].getElementsByTagName("input");
row_total = allrows[i].getElementsByTagName("input")[allrows.length - 2];
row_total.value = "";
for (ii = 0; ii < row_cells.length - 1; ii++) {
row_total.value = Number(row_total.value) + Number(row_cells[i][ii].value);
grandtotal.value = Number(grandtotal.value) + Number(row_cells[i][ii].value);
Now I am trying to re-write the above with jquery syntax, but I'm getting stuck. I thought the best way to go would be to use each() loops along the lines of:
function findTotals() {
$("tbody tr").each(function() {
row_total = 0;
$($(this) + " td:not(.total) input:text").each(function() {
row_total += Number($(this).val());
$($(this) + " .total :input:text").val(row_total);
But using $(this) doesn't seem to work in the way I thought. I read up and saw that the use of $(this) in an each loop points to each matched element, which is what I expected, but I don't get how I can traverse through that element in the each() function. The above also leaves out the grand_total bit, because I was having even less luck with getting the grand total variable to work. I tried the following just to get the row_totals:
$($(this).attr("id") + " td:not(.total) input:text").each(function() {
with some success, but then managed to break it when I tried adding on to it. I wouldn't think I'd need each row to have an id to make this work, since the each part should point to the row I have in mind.
So the short version of this is: Can I use the each loop to traverse only the elements within the matches, and if so, what is the correct syntax? Or is there a simpler way of getting what I want without an each loop?
Oh, one last thought...
Is it possible to get the numerical sum (as opposed to one long string) of all matched elements with jquery? I'll research this more myself, but if anyone knows, it would make some of this much easier.
You are trying to set your context incorrectly try this:
function findTotals() {
$("tbody tr").each(function() {
row_total = 0;
$("td:not(.total) input:text",this).each(function() {
row_total += Number($(this).val());
$(".total :input:text",this).val(row_total);
For more information about the context check out the jquery docs:
There can be two parameters for a selector. The second parameter is the context htat that the search is to take place in. Try something like the following:
$('#tableID tbody tr).each(function(){
//now this is a table row, so just search for all textboxes in that row, possibly with a css class called sum or by some other attribute
//selects all textbosxes in the row. $(this).val() gets value of textbox, etc.
//now outside this function you would have the total
//add it to a hidden field or global variable to get row totals, etc.
