accessing object values that are inside an array - javascript

I'm hoping someone can help with what is likely a simple answer - but I'm ready to bash my head against the wall....again.
I have a function which makes a JSON call to an API, and then pushes the results into an array. The function appears to work just fine as my console.log is showing that the array is populated correctly.
I'm struggling with how to access the values of the modified twichResult object (after the function has run), so that I can do 'stuff' with it. e.g. display the value of the 'status' property onscreen etc... I give some examples of what I've tried in the in the large commented out section.
I'd really appreciate some intelligence weighing in on this as I've exhausted my resources. Thanks in advance.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var twitchResult = {results:[]};
var channel = { logo:"", display_name:"", status:"", url:"" };
var finalUrl = ""
getTwitchers (finalUrl, "freecodecamp");
// How do I access the individual values in the object TwitchResult?
// I get "undefined" in the console if I try to access the object's property values
// I've tried every way I can think of to get 'into' the returned object :
// console.log(twitchResult.results);
// console.log(twitchResult["results"])
// console.log(twitchResult.results.status)
// console.log(twitchResult[0])
// console.log(twitchResult[0][0])
// etc etc
function getTwitchers (url, item) {
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var obj =;
// Check if the object is not valid using (obj == null) which is shorthand for both null and undefined
if (obj == null) {
if (obj === undefined) {
channel.display_name = item;
channel.status = "closed";
console.log ("this is undefined");
else {
channel.display_name = item;
channel.status = "offline";
console.log("this is null");
else {
channel.logo =;
channel.display_name =;
channel.status =;
channel.url =;
console.log("valid entry");
// twitchResult.results.push(channel);
// console.log(twitchResult);

$.getJSON is making an ajax-request. You must handle this request from within the request handler. When getTwichers returns, twichResults is not yet set.
There are methods to delay Program execution, until twichResults is done, but You should not think of using them, since they would delay program execution. The idea of ajax is to execute things asynchronously, without disturbing the rest of the execution flow. If the code You want to execute depends on the json, then You should add it to the handle in $.getJSON. Just write a new function (e.g. continue_execution(twichResult)) and invoke it right after twitchResult["results"].push(channel);. Just don't do anything after getTwitchers(...).
By the way: It is a good habit to define functions, before they are used, because it follows the flow the human eye reads the code and there are programming languages, which depend on this style of declaring function.
If this is unclear to You, then add a comment.


addPreSearch filter not applying

I am trying to use the addPreSearch function to add a custom filter to a lookup field, but the function does not seem to execute fully before the results of the lookup are displayed. The code for this looks something like this:
function onFieldChange(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
function testFunctionFilter(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var record1 = formContext.getAttribute("test_record1_link").getValue(); //get linked record
var record1FullId, record1Id, stringRecordId, idLength, record1Guid = "0";
if (record1 != null) {
record1Id = record1[0].id;
record1Id = record1FullId.slice(1, -1);
stringRecordId = record1FullId.toString();
idLength = stringRecordId.length;
//Guid when retrieved from tablet does not have parenthesis on each end
if (idLength == 36) {
record1Guid = record1FullId;
} else {
record1Guid = recordId;
var fieldValue;
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("test_record1", record1Guid, "?$select=test_field1")
.then(function(result1) {
fieldValue = result1.test_field;
var options = generateOptions(executionContext, fieldValue); //creates option string using retrieved fieldValue
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("test_record2", options)
.then(function(result) {
var codes = getCodes(result2, fieldValue);
filter = generateFilter(codes, record1Guid); //creates custom filter using provided parameters
console.log(filter); //displays filter correctly
formContext.getControl("test_codelookup").addCustomFilter(filter, "test_coderecord"); //not working?
The filter is generated correctly using the functions used above whose definitions aren't shown. That isn't the issue. I've tried creating a separate test function where I hard coded one of the filters that the function above generated, and the lookup displayed the correct results. The testFunctionFilter should run to completion before the results of the lookup are displayed, correct? Because the filter is logged to the console after the results of the lookup appear. Are the nested asynchronous Xrm.WebApi calls somehow causing the issue? I'm not quite sure what is wrong. Please advise.
You are right. Xrm.WebApi calls are always Asynchronous, which is unusable in this case of adding dynamic filter using addCustomFilter.
You have to use XMLHttpRequest and make that call as Synchronous by setting third parameter as false like below:
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().getClientUrl() +
"/api/data/v9.0/test_record1?$select=test_field1", false);
In order to work around the async delay, I think you're going to have to reorganise your code:
Add a form OnLoad event and execute the query to retrieve test_field1 and cache the results in a parameter
In the OnChange event, remove the presearch filter, re-execute the query to retrieve test_field1 and update the same parameter (from onload)
In testFunctionFilter use the cached results rather than building the presearch filter from scratch

Understanding JavaScript for TFS widget

I've been trying to modify the sample dashboard widget at this location
However, reluctantly have to admit I simply can't understand the structure required to extend it
Near the end, it uses "load: function" and returns the outputs of a REST API call, which I can consume however I want
However, I need to make more than one different REST call, and I simply cannot figure out how to get that info usable in my function
I modified the code so it starts like this:
VSS.require(["TFS/Dashboards/WidgetHelpers", "TFS/Work/RestClient","VSS/Service", "TFS/WorkItemTracking/RestClient" ],
I then created a handle for the other call I want to make like this:
var queryClient = VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(TFS_Wit_QueryAPI.WorkItemTrackingHttpClient);
var queryResults = queryClient.getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/My Bugs");
However, I cannot consume the contents of queryResults - I know it's working up to a point as if I put in an invalid URL it will error as it knows it can't access anything there. If the URL is correct, no matter what I've tried - even stringify just to see what comes back - I get 'undefined' or something similar (it's definitely a valid JavaScript object)
The key seems to be right at the end when you have "load: function" except that only allows one thing to be returned? The reason I know this is if I change the function that it returns to be the one I've written rather than the one from the sample, it works fine - but the problem remains the same in that I can only process the results of one API call.
You can call more than one APIs, the code in that article is just the simple sample.
For Widget extension, you just need to return the status (e.g. Success()) in load function, so you can return status at the end of the function. For example:
var getQueryInfo = function (widgetSettings) {
// Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
return TFS_Wit_WebApi.getClient().getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/Feedback")
.then(function (query) {
// Create a list with query details
var $list = $('<ul>');
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query ID: " +;
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query Name: " +;
$list.append($('<li>').text("Created By: " + (query.createdBy ? query.createdBy.displayName: "<unknown>") ));
// Append the list to the query-info-container
var $container = $('#query-info-container');
// Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
return true;
}, function (error) {
// Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
return false;
var getAnOhterQueryInfo = function (widgetSettings) {
// Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
return TFS_Wit_WebApi.getClient().getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/Bug")
.then(function (query) {
// Create a list with query details
var $list = $('<ul>');
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query ID: " +;
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query Name: " +;
$list.append($('<li>').text("Created By: " + (query.createdBy ? query.createdBy.displayName: "<unknown>") ));
// Append the list to the query-info-container
var $container = $('#query-info-container');
// Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
return true;
}, function (error) {
// Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
return false;
return {
load: function (widgetSettings) {
// Set your title
var $title = $('h2.title');
$title.text('Hello World');
var r1= getQueryInfo(widgetSettings);
var r2=getAnOhterQueryInfo(widgetSettings);
if(r1==true && r2==true){
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Failure("failed, check error in console");

Message Manager API sendAsyncMessage callback

I can return a value if I send a sync message:
// frame script
var chromeBtnText = sendSyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText");
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener(message) {
return document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
How do I achieve this with a callback with sendAsyncMessage?
I was hoping to do something like:
// frame script
function myCallback(val) {
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText", null, myCallback);
There is no callback for replies. In fact, there is no reply at all. The return value from the chrome message listener is simply ignored for async messages.
To do fully async communication, you'd have to send another message containing the reply.
Frame script
addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonTextReply", function(message) {
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", function(message) {
var btnText = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
// Only send message to the frame script/message manager
// that actually asked for it.
{btnText: btnText}
PS: All messages share a namespace. So to avoid conflicts when another piece of code wants to use the same name getChromeToolbarButtonText, you better choose a more unique name in the first place, like prefixing your messages with your add-on name my-unique-addoon:getChromeToolbarButtonText or something like that. ;)
I was also hoping to do something similar:
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", null, myCallback);
I'm going the other direction so the myCallback would be in chrome but it's exactly the same principle.
I'd used similar approaches to #Noitidart and #nmaier before but in this new case I wanted to bind to some local data so myCallback can behave differently based on the application state at the time the first message was sent rather than at the time the callback is executed, all while allowing for the possibility of multiple message round-trips being in progress concurrently.
let someLocalState = { "hello": "world" };
let callbackName = "my-addon-somethingUnique"; // based on current state or maybe generate a UUID
let myCallback = function(message) {
messageManager.removeMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
// == "bar"
//someLocalState.hello == "world"
}.bind(this); // .bind(this) is optional but useful if the local state is attached to the current object
messageManager.addMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", { callbackName: callbackName } );
let messageHandler = function(message) {
let responseData = { foo: "bar" };
sendAsyncMessage(, responseData);
addMessageListener("my-addon-framescript-message", messageHandler);
There's a real-world example here:
It should be possible for Firefox to be improved to encapsulate this functionality in the built-in messageManager one day but in the mean-time this approach works well and with a surprisingly small amount of boiler-plate code.
in this snippet below. i add the callback before sendAsyncMessage('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarbuttonText'... as i know it will send back. Then I remove it after callback executes. I know I don't have to but just to kind of make it act like real callback, just to kind of show people, maybe it helps someone understand.
/////// frame script
function CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText(val) {
removeMessageListner('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //remove the callback
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
addMessageListener('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //add the callback
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", null);
////// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener() {
var val = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;

FirefoxOS: return array using device storage api

I am just getting started with coding for FirefoxOS and am trying to get a list of files in a directory.
The idea is to find the name of each file and add it to the array (which works), but I want to return the populated array and this is where I come unstuck. It seems that the array gets populated during the function (as I can get it to spit out file names from it) but when I want to return it to another function it appears to be empty?
Here is the function in question:
function getImageFromDevice (){
var imageHolder = new Array();
var pics = navigator.getDeviceStorage('pictures');
// Let's browse all the images available
var cursor = pics.enumerate();
var imageList = new Array();
var count = 0;
cursor.onsuccess = function () {
var file = this.result;
console.log("File found: " +;
count = count +1;
// Once we found a file we check if there are other results
if (!this.done) {
imageHolder[count] =;
// Then we move to the next result, which call the cursor
// success with the next file as result.
console.log("file in array: "+ imageHolder[count]);
// this shows the filename
cursor.onerror = function () {
console.warn("No file found: " + this.error);
return imageHolder;
Thanks for your help!
Enumerating over pictures is an asynchronous call. Essentially what is happening in your code is this:
You are initiating an empty array
You are are telling firefox os to look for pictures on the device
Then in cursor.onsuccess you are telling firefox os to append to the array you have created WHEN it gets back the file. The important thing here is that this does not happen right away, it happens at some point in the future.
Then you are returning the empty array you have created. It's empty because the onsuccess function hasn't actually happened.
After some point in time the onsuccess function will be called. One way to wait until the array is full populated would be to add in a check after:
if (!this.done) {
imageHolder[count] =;
else {
//do something with the fully populated array
But then of course your code has to go inside the getImageFromDevice function. You can also pass a callback function into the getImageFromDevice function.
See Getting a better understanding of callback functions in JavaScript
The problem is with the aSynchronous nature of the calls you are using.
You are returning (and probably using) the value of imageHolder when it's still empty - as calls to the "onsuccess" function are deferred calls, they happen later in time, whereas your function returns immediately, with the (yet empty) imageHolder value.
You should be doing in this case something along those lines:
function getImageFromDevice (callback){
cursor.onsuccess = function () {
if (!this.done) {
// next picture
imageHolder[count] =;
} else {
// no more pictures, return with the results
console.log("operation finished:");
Or use Promises in your code to accomplish the same.
Use the above by e.g.:
getImageFromDevice(function(result) {
console.log(result.length+" pictures found!");

Synchronous query to Web SQL Database

I'm working on a bit of JavaScript that interacts with a client-side SQLite database, via the newish window.openDatabase(...), database.transaction(...) and related APIs. As most of you know when you execute a query in this way it is an asynchronous call, which is typically good. You can make the call and handle the results as appropriate with callbacks.
In my current situation I'm working on an algo for a client that does some hierarchy walking in the locally stored database. The part of the algo I'm having trouble with requires starting at some row, which has a reference to a "parent" (by id) that is another row further up in the table. I have to keep walking up this tree until I reach the root.
The problem is that I'm at a point where I'm not sure how to use an asynchronous style query with a callback to keep feeding the loop parent ids. Ideally I could get the query to block so that I can do it all in the loop. Here's the key parts of my current setup:
for (i in search.searchResults.resultsArray)
hierarchyArr = new Array();
pageHierarchyArr = new Array();
id = search.searchResults.resultsArray[i].ID;
while (id != null && id != "")
var hierarchySql = "SELECT ID, parentID, type, content FROM content WHERE ID = " + id;
// This is a prettied up call to database.transaction(...)
var rs = db.getRS(hierarchySql);
// Ideally the code below doesn't execute until rs is populated
if (rs[0].type == "page")
// Do some additional work
id = rs[0].parentID;
As you might imagine, it doesn't work well. hierarchyArr gets an "undefined" pushed into it, and then the script crashes when it tries to check the type of rs[0].
When I try to set it up with a callback (db.getRSAndCallback(sql, callbackFunc), which I used for the earlier, non-interdependent queries just fine) it's worse: the inner loop takes off like crazy because id isn't getting updated; presumably because the loop is keeping the JavaScript interpreter so busy that it never actually fills rs. In some artificial testing where I forced the inner loop to break after a few iterations all the callbacks started coming through all at the end, after the loop finished.
The "standard" (such as it is right now) at seems to indicate that there is a synchronous API, but I haven't seen any sign of it on any WebKit based browsers.
Can anyone offer suggestions on how I might either, a. properly formulate these iterative, interdependent queries using callbacks or, b. somehow get the call to actually happen in a synchronous or apparently synchronous manner.
Many thanks in advance for anyone who takes a crack at this seemingly tricky little problem.
P.S. Here's the client's implementation of db.getRS for reference:
getRS: function(sql)
var output = [];
tx.executeSql(sql, [], function(tx,rs)
for(i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++)
function(tx, error) { ... }
return output;
I used callbacks and a closure to solve a similar problem, consider:
function getFolder(id, callback) {
var data = [];
ldb.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM folders where id=?',
function (tx, results) {
if (results.rows && results.rows.length) {
for (i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'function')
function (tx, error) {
In the continuation of this example, folder has a property parent to define it's relation to other folders. As does a document. The following will get you the path of a document using a closure (success):
function getDocPath(doc, callback) {
var path = [];
var parent = doc.parent;
var success = function(folder) {
var folder = folder[0];
parent = folder.parent;
if (parent != "undefined")
getFolder(parent, success);
if ( typeof(callback) == 'function' ) callback(path.reverse());
getFolder(parent, success);
You could use callbacks with a closure to your stack of remaining queries. Or you could use recursion, passing the stack as parameters.
