Prevent PDF from auto-downloading and have it Auto Print instead - javascript

I have a situation where when a user is viewing their order history, they are provided a link to print a PDF version of their invoice. Currently when the user clicks on the link the PDF will automatically download to their computer.
The 'higher-ups' are wanting that to be changed, so when the user clicks the link to print the pdf, a print dialogue box will appear instead of automatically downloading the PDF.
I've been able to get the pdf open in a new window but when ever the pdf is being called it won't display the pdf but will automatically download it instead.
I've searched all over the internet and SO for a solution but have yet to yield any results. This needs to be done, if possible, via JavaScript or jQuery.
<p><a id="print_pdf" target="_blank">Click to Print Invoice</a>
JavaScript / jQuery
var print_pdf_link = $('#print_pdf').attr('href');
var linkNo2 = "privatefile.dhtml~useridtext~&file=~username~_rep.pdf";
w =;
I've also used:
<a href="#" onclick="'privatefile.dhtml~useridtext~&file=~username~_rep.pdf', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes'); return fal
* please note the text between tilde are placeholders that contain values from the back-end
Thanks for your help!

Try it i hope i would make use of.
var pfHeaderImgUrl = '';
var pfHeaderTagline = '';
var pfdisableClickToDel = 0;
var pfHideImages = 0;
var pfImageDisplayStyle = 'right';
var pfDisablePDF = 0;
var pfDisableEmail = 0;
var pfDisablePrint = 0;
var pfCustomCSS = '';
var pfBtVersion = '1';
(function() {
var js, pf;
pf = document.createElement('script');
pf.type = 'text/javascript';
if ('https:' === document.location.protocol) {
js = ''
} else {
js = ''
pf.src = js;
<a href=""
onclick="window.print();return false;"


define a herf link based on if/else scenario in JS file

So basically I'm a beginner in JavaScript and HTML and trying to play with functions call on JS that will edit my HTML file.
Now, I'm trying to redirect users to different pages based on their type.
I want to use "onload" function in order to determine the user type and edit the link according to the result.
<body onload="what_user()">
<div id="result">zone</div>
JS file:
function what_user() {
var d = document.getElementById("result");
var user = ""; // get the user type
if (user == "") d.outerHTML = "" + "";
else d.outerHTML = "" + "";
I have some problems understanding how to call a function from HTML and use it on JS as well as return values.
Thanks in advance!!!
Don't play with elements as string. Create an element and put it where you want.
function what_user() {
var d = document.getElementById("result");
let a = document.createElement('a')
a.text = 'zone'
var user = ""; // get the user type
if (user == "") a.href = 'admin_index.html'
else {
a.href = 'admin_user.html'
<body onload="what_user()">
<div id="result">zone</div>

Copy a variable from the console to the clipboard

I created a spreadsheet to keep track of all the videos uploaded by the YouTubers I follow. Then, I created a script to be executed from the console that lists all the videos of that user. I store the list in a variable, and then I log it, select it, and copy it to the clipboard, but I'd like to copy it automatically every time I run the script. The problem is that the text is not inside an element (like a div, or textarea), so I can't use either window.navigator.clipboard or document.execCommand('copy').
Is there a way to do that?.
Thanks & greets from Argentina (Hope it is from England someday).
IDsign4U (Marcelo Miguel Bazan).
This is the code I use (open the videos tab in any channel and try it):
console.log("Título + Duración + Estado + URL en Subscripciones (sin número de orden)");
var domains = "";
var i = "";
var text = "";
var title = "";
var duration = "";
var hours = "";
var link = "";
var video = "";
var textDuration = "";
var hoursCheck = "";
var finalDuration = "";
var finalTitle = "";
domains = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-grid-video-renderer')
for (i = 0; i < domains.length; i++)
{title = domains[i].getElementsByTagName('h3');
duration = domains[i].getElementsByTagName('span');
link = domains[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
textDuration = duration[0].innerText.trim();
hoursCheck = "";
hoursCheck = textDuration.length > 5 ? "0": "00:";
finalDuration = hoursCheck + textDuration + "\t" + "P" + "\t";
finalTitle = title[0].innerText + "\t";
url = "" + link[0].attributes['href'].value;
video = video + finalTitle + finalDuration + url + "\n";}
Why shouldn't you be able to use navigator.clipboard? It works fine while providing variables to copy to clipboard.
document.getElementById("copy").addEventListener("click", async () => {
const text = "Text copied to the clipboard"
await navigator.clipboard.write(text)
<button id="copy">
Copy to clipboard
When you say "from the console", do you mean the browser console? If so, there's a built-in global copy function (not window.copy, just copy).
Yes!! Thank you Zac (and wOxxOm and Jannis Ioannou) for the answer.
It's just a matter of deleting the, for me, weird DOM element with the ID 'copy' to be able to use the copy function in the console.
Thanks & greets from Argentina (Hope it is from England someday).
IDsign4U (Marcelo Miguel Bazan).

How to dynamically change a text from URL input?

I want something like that..
See that URL part q=Raptors+vs+Lakers, If i input any text on this section it will automatically change on website body. I want to know how i can do this. I will input a text in URL and it will display on website body.
Thanks for advance.
You can parse window.location and put that into a div on your page. I can't show you in a code snippet because the snippets use an iframe but if your html has <div id='uText'></div> then you can use javascript (after the page has loaded) to set the value of that div with results of the query param. lets say your url ends in ?, then you want the value for parameter 'q':
function getQueryStringParam(param) {
var url = window.location.toString();
var params = RegExp.$1;
params = params.split("&");
var queryStringList = {};
for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
var tmp = params[i].split("=");
queryStringList[tmp[0]] = unescape(tmp[1]);
return decodeURIComponent(queryStringList[param]);
let qParam = getQueryStringParam('q').split('+').join(' ');
const div = document.getElementById('uText');
div.innerHTML = qParam;
Check out the codepen here.

Display a waiting gif during a javascript function

I write a script to get a text file, to modify this texter file and then I import the file in our software.
The problem is that the import of the file is very slow (just this part of the script could take more than 1 minute sometime).
I would like to display a waiting gif during this process, so the user can see that the process is running, and he need to wait.
Some precision:
- It's only a javascript file with no html page
- The script is launched with a button in our software and I have access to ActiveXObject if necessary
Here is a sample code :
function importFec()
var iOpenDlg = 1;
var sPath = "Deskop";
var sTypes = "Fichier Texte (*.txt)|*.txt";
var sExt = "txt";
//Allow me to select a file in Windows
cheminFEC = fileDialog(iOpenDlg, sPath, sTypes, sExt);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ForReading = 1;
var f1 = fso.OpenTextFile(cheminFEC, ForReading);
var texte = f1.ReadAll();
var tableauFEC = [];
var tableauTest = [];
tableauFEC = texte.split(/\r\n/);
tableauTest = tableauFEC[0].split("\t");
var delimiter = "\t";
if (tableauTest.length == 1)
tableauTest = tableauFEC[0].split("|");
var delimiter = "|";
var nbColonne = tableauTest.length;
for (var i=0;i<tableauFEC.length;i++)
var tab = tableauFEC[i].split(delimiter);
tableauFEC[i] = new Array(25);
for (var j=0;j<nbColonne;j++)
tableauFEC[i][j] = tab[j];
//Make some change in the table to adapt my texte file
//Then create a new texte file C:\\FichierFEC\\FECModifie.txt
var cwfConfiguration = Application.ApplicationInfo("ProgramPath")+"\\Library\\ImportFEC\\ImportFEC23032017.vgl"
var oImport = Import(ipASCII)
oImport.ImportComponents = CWImportComponents.icGeneralLedger
oImport.ASCIILayoutFile = cwfConfiguration
oImport.ASCIIDataFile = "C:\\FichierFEC\\FECModifie.txt"
//This is the function which take a long moment to execute
Thanks for your answer and explanation
I finnaly found another solution.
At the beggining of my script, I launch a .hta file with a GIF and a small texte.
At the end of my script, I close the .hta file

How to add target = "_blank" in case

I am using Vanilla 2 as forum with buttonbar plugin to create pre tags in the message area.
When clicking on the url button, he generates in the message box, but I would prefer <a href="" target="_blank></a> to generate.
Here is is the .js with the case for the url attribute:
case 'url':
var urlOpts = {};
var thisOpts = $.extend(htmlOpts, {
center: 'href'
var hasSelection = $(TextArea).hasSelection();
var NewURL = '';
if (hasSelection !== false) {
NewURL = hasSelection;
} else
NewURL = prompt("Enter your URL:",'http://');
urlOpts.href = NewURL;
Can someone tell me how to add the target="_blank" in it?
It seems to be solved so maybe here could be useful for anyone:
I don't know exactly the technologies u are using but have u tried with = '_blank';
