Make simple js fiddle animation start on button click instead of page load. - javascript

I found this rather cool Js fiddle and have been editing the animation a bit and think its something I can use on a current project. However im not the best with Javascript. All I really need to know to accomplish the rest of my goal is how to make the animation not start until you click a button.
Here is the animation for the js fiddle.
Here is the css.
#o {
width: 200px;
height: 400px;
position: relative;
border-bottom: 1px solid blue;}
.bubble {
border: 1px solid
#f40009; display: block;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 20px;
-webkit-border-radius: 20px;
-moz-border-radius: 20px;
The rest is in the JS fiddle.
Thanks fo any help!

You can simply wrap it in a function and call that function on click.
Create a button:
<button id="btn">Click</button>
And this js:
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', startAnimation);
function startAnimation() {
YUI().use('node', 'anim', 'anim-node-plugin', function(Y) {
var o ='#o'),
oW = o.get('offsetWidth'),
oH = o.get('offsetHeight'),
max = 12,
min = 4,
bubbles = 20,
timerDelay = 4000;
function makeBubble() {
var b = Y.Node.create('<span class="bubble"></span>');
b.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeFX, {
duration: 7,
easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
to: {
top: 0,
opacity: 0
on: {
end: function() {
Y.later(10000, this, function(){
function animBubble(b) {
var v = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
height: v + 'px',
width: v + 'px',
borderRadius: v + 'px',
top: (oH + 2) + 'px',
opacity: 1
b.setStyle('left', Math.floor(Math.random() * (oW - v)));
b.fx.set('duration', Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 + 3));
b.fx.set('', Math.floor(Math.random() * (oH / 2)));;
for (i = 0; i < bubbles; i++) {
Y.later(Math.random() * timerDelay, this, function() {


2D Infinitely looping Array of elements

The Goal :
The idea is to create an element grid (image gallery for exemple) that would infinitely loop on itself scrolling on two axes.
There should be no holes nor too much randomness (avoid having the same element randomly falling aside from itself). And this no matter how many element there is in the first place (it seems easy to infinite loop through a grid of 16 (4*4) elements, not that much over 17 (17*1). (My guess is that any prime number of elements is by definition a pain to make a grid of).
So I actually found a wonderful working exemple :
It's actually really close (probably better) than what I was imagining. Now it's using canvas and i tried looking at the javascript and it's a 30000 minified lines long script so I really can't read any core logic behind it.
Math side / Problem solving :
This is the logic and theory behind the problem, the math involved and the mindset.
How the program should process the list of elements so we have no holes, infinite grid, best repartion of the elements over all the axes.
My guess is that it somehow has to be procedural. I'm not sure if we should create grids or loop through the list on every axes (kind of like sudoku ? i don't know);
Pratical side / UI / UX :
Any advice on the technologies involved, pieces of code. I'm guessing it classic DOM is out of the way and that somehow canvas or 2D webgl will be mandatory. But I would love to hear any advice on this side.
Besides all the elements grid processing. The UI and UX involved in exploring a 2D infinite or vast layout in DOM or renderer is somehow not classical. The best technologies or advice on doing this are welcome.
Exemples :
I would welcome any working exemple that somewhat share an aspect of this problem.
I've got a fiddle that's set up to arrange your 2d grid.
It functions by using horizontal and vertical "step sizes". So, moving one step right in the grid advances the horizontal step size in the list. Moving one step down advances the vertical step size in the list (and they accumulate).
We allow the advances in the list to loop back to zero when the end is reached.
It likely makes sense to use a horizontal step size of 1 (so a row of your grid will maintain your list order). For the vertical step size, you want an integer that shares no common divisors with the list length. Though it's no guarantee, I used the (rounded) square root of the list length as something that will work in lots of cases.
I'll reproduce the fiddle here:
var list = ['red','green','blue','cyan','orange','yellow','pink'];
var hstep = 1;
var vstep = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(list.length));
function getListItem(x,y) {
var index = x * hstep + y * vstep;
return list[index % list.length];
var elementSize = 30;
var gutterSize = 10;
function getOffset(x,y) {
return [10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * x, 10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * y];
var frame = $('.frame');
function drawElement(x,y) {
var listItem = getListItem(x,y);
var offsets = getOffset(x,y);
var element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': listItem
function drawElements() {
var x = 0, y = 0;
while (10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * x < frame.width()) {
while (10 + (elementSize + gutterSize) * y < frame.height()) {
y = 0;
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 40px auto;
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
.buttons {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
width: 100%;
.buttons button {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
padding: 5px;
button.up {top: 0px; left: 46%;}
button.down {top: 355px; left: 46%;}
button.left {top: 160px; left: 15px;}
button.right {top: 160px; right: 15px;}
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="up">↑</button>
<button class="down">↓</button>
<button class="left">←</button>
<button class="right">→</button>
You can see I've left some simple buttons to implement movement, but they are not functional yet. If you wanted to continue implementation along the lines of what I've done here, you could render your elements to a certain range beyond the visible frame, then implement some sort of animated repositioning. The renderElements function here only renders what is visible, so you can use something like that and not get stuck in rendering infinite elements, even though there's no theoretical limit to how far you can "scroll".
#arbuthnott I edited your code to implement the exploration via decrementing relativeX and relativeY variables. Also I inserted an "origin" div (1x1 px, overflow visible). This DOM element will represent the X and Y origin. I'm not sure it's essential but it's really convenient.
Now my function currently remove all elements and reinsert all elements on each update (every 500ms for now).
The idear would be to find a way to compare which elements I need versus which one already exists.
Maybe storing existing elements into an array, and compare the array with the "query" array. Than see just the elements that are missing.
This is the idear, not sure about the implementation (I suck at handling arrays).
var sources = ['red','green','blue','cyan','orange','yellow','pink','purple'];
var frame = $('.frame'),
origin = $('.origin');
var fWidth = 600,
fHeight = 300,
srcTotal = sources.length,
srcSquare = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(srcTotal)),
rX = 0,
rY = 0;
var gridSize = 30,
gutterSize = 5,
elementSize = gridSize - gutterSize;
function getSourceItem(x,y) {
var index = x + y * srcSquare;
return sources[Math.abs(index) % srcTotal];
function getOffset(x,y) {
return [gridSize * x,gridSize * y];
function drawElement(x,y) {
var sourceItem = getSourceItem(x,y);
var offsets = getOffset(x,y);
var element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': sourceItem,
function init() {
var x = 0, y = 0;
while ( gridSize * x < fWidth) {
while ( gridSize * y < fHeight) {
y = 0;
function updateElements() {
var x = -Math.trunc(rX / gridSize) -1, y = - Math.trunc(rY / gridSize) -1;
while ( gridSize * x + rX < fWidth) {
while ( gridSize * y + rY < fHeight) {
y = -Math.ceil(rY / gridSize);
function animate() {
rX -= 5;
rY -= 5;
origin.css({left: rX, top: rY})
console.log("relative X : " + rX + " | relative Y : " + rY);
setInterval(animate, 500)
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 40px auto;
height: 300px;
width: 600px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.origin {
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame">
<div class="origin" style="top:0;left:0;"></div>
This is my final snippet version (i will start to work on real implementation specific to my case now).
I think I optimized in a decent way DOM operations, code structure etc (I am very well open to suggestions though).
I now only update the elements that needs to be updated (click near the frame to show overflow)
var sources = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'orange', 'yellow', 'pink', 'purple'];
var frame = $('.frame'),
origin = $('.origin');
var srcTotal = sources.length,
srcSquare = Math.round(Math.sqrt(srcTotal)),
fWidth = 200,
fHeight = 200,
cellSize = 50,
gutterSize = 20,
gridSize = [Math.floor(fWidth / cellSize) + 1, Math.floor(fHeight / cellSize) + 1],
aX = 0, // Absolute/Applied Coordinates
aY = 0,
rX = 0, // Relative/frame Coordinates
rY = 0;
function getSrcItem(x, y) {
var index = x + y * srcSquare;
return sources[Math.abs(index) % srcTotal];
function getOffset(x, y) {
return [cellSize * x, cellSize * y];
function getY() {
return Math.floor(-rY / cellSize);
function getX() {
return Math.floor(-rX / cellSize);
function drawElement(x, y) {
var srcItem = getSrcItem(x, y),
offsets = getOffset(x, y),
element = $('<div></div>').addClass('element').css({
left: offsets[0] + 'px',
top: offsets[1] + 'px',
'background-color': srcItem,
"X": x,
"Y": y
function drawCol(x, y) {
var maxY = y + gridSize[1];
while (y <= maxY + 1) {
drawElement(x - 1, y - 1);
function drawLign(x, y) {
var maxX = x + gridSize[0];
while (x <= maxX + 1) {
drawElement(x - 1, y - 1);
function drawGrid() {
var x = getX(),
y = getY(),
maxX = x + gridSize[0],
maxY = y + gridSize[1];
while (y <= maxY + 1) {
drawLign(x, y);
x = getX();
function updateX(x, y, diffX, diffY) {
if (Math.sign(diffX) == -1) {
drawCol(aX - 1, y);
$('[x=' + (aX + gridSize[0]) + ']').remove();
} else if (Math.sign(diffY) == 1) {
drawCol(aX + gridSize[0] + 2, y);
$('[x=' + (aX - 1) + ']').remove();
function updateY(x, y, diffX, diffY) {
if (Math.sign(diffY) == -1) {
drawLign(x, aY - 1);
$('[y=' + (aY + gridSize[0]) + ']').remove();
} else if (Math.sign(diffY) == 1) {
drawLign(x, aY + gridSize[0] + 2);
$('[y=' + (aY - 1) + ']').remove();
function animate() {
rX += 1;
rY += 1;
left: rX,
top: rY
var x = getX(),
y = getY(),
diffX = x - aX,
diffY = y - aY;
if (diffX) {
updateX(x, y, diffX, diffY)
if (diffY) {
updateY(x, y, diffX, diffY)
$('body').click(function() {
.frame {
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 100px auto;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
position: relative;
.origin {
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
.frame .element {
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="frame overflow">
<div class="origin" style="top:0;left:0;"></div>

How to prevent element from exceeding his container borders

I have a square, when clicked it appears in a random location and it also change size (so for example if I have a 30px box but it is 10px from the left border I still get 10px outside the gamespace).
sometimes the square exceed his container border
How can I make sure that the square will never exceed his container?
function position() {
var positionTop = Math.random() * 100;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * 100;
var position = "position:relative;top:" + positionTop + "%;left:" + positionLeft + "%;"
return position;
document.getElementById("shape").onclick = function() {
document.getElementById("shape").style.cssText = position();
#gameSpace {
width: 100%;
height: 470px;
background: blue;
margin: 0;
padding-top: 30px;
#playSpace {
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 10px;
border: 1px black solid;
#shape {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
<div id="gameSpace">
<div id="playSpace">
<!-- here we put the shape -->
<div id="shape"></div>
You need to set position: relative; to the parent element and position: absolute; to the shape element. Then use max min value for random where max is the parent width/height and subtract the shape width/height ...
This is snippet before update
function position() {
var playSpace = document.querySelector('#playSpace');
var shape = document.getElementById("shape");
var maxHeight = playSpace.offsetHeight - shape.offsetHeight;
var maxWidth = playSpace.offsetWidth - shape.offsetWidth;
var positionTop = Math.random() * (maxHeight - 0) + 0;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * (maxWidth - 0) + 0;
// think of this like so:
// var positionTop = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
// more information about it
var position = "position:absolute;top:" + positionTop + "px;left:" + positionLeft + "px;"
return position;
document.getElementById("shape").onclick = function() {
document.getElementById("shape").style.cssText = position();
#gameSpace {
width: 100%;
height: 470px;
background: blue;
padding-top: 30px;
#playSpace {
position: relative; /* add this line */
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
border: 1px black solid;
#shape {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
<div id="gameSpace">
<div id="playSpace">
<!-- here we put the shape -->
<div id="shape"></div>
Updated after comment
Not sure how you added the size() function but probably the problem was with using ...cssText that you overwrote the changes. So now I changed the code with passing the element to the functions and then only change the single CSS statements which need to be changed.
function position(element) {
var playSpace = document.querySelector('#playSpace');
var shape = document.getElementById("shape");
var maxHeight = playSpace.offsetHeight - shape.offsetHeight;
var maxWidth = playSpace.offsetWidth - shape.offsetWidth;
var positionTop = Math.random() * (maxHeight - 0) + 0;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * (maxWidth - 0) + 0;
// think of this like so:
// var positionTop = Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
// more information about it = 'absolute'; = positionTop + "px"; = positionLeft + "px";
function size(element) {
var sizeMath = (Math.random() * 200) + 50; = sizeMath + "px"; = sizeMath + "px";
document.getElementById("shape").onclick = function() {
#gameSpace {
width: 100%;
height: 470px;
background: blue;
padding-top: 30px;
#playSpace {
position: relative; /* add this line */
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
border: 1px black solid;
#shape {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
<div id="gameSpace">
<div id="playSpace">
<!-- here we put the shape -->
<div id="shape"></div>
You can use a specify the range (min/max) in Math.random function and then use this function Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; to limit the returned value of the random function between min and max.
maxTop : height of the container - height of shape
maxLeft : width of the container - width of shape
minTop : 0
minLeft : 0
You need to use position:absolute and px value on shape for this to work
See code snippet:
function position() {
var minTop = 0;
var maxTop = document.getElementById("playSpace").clientHeight - document.getElementById("shape").clientHeight;
var minLeft = 0;
var maxLeft = document.getElementById("playSpace").clientWidth - document.getElementById("shape").clientWidth ;
var positionTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxTop - minTop + 1) + minTop);
var positionLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxLeft - minLeft + 1) + minLeft);
var position = "position:absolute;top:" + positionTop + "px;left:" + positionLeft + "px;"
return position;
document.getElementById("shape").onclick = function() {
document.getElementById("shape").style.cssText = position();
#gameSpace {
width: 100%;
height: 470px;
background: blue;
margin: 0;
padding-top: 30px;
#playSpace {
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
border: 1px black solid;
#shape {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
<div id="gameSpace">
<div id="playSpace">
<!-- here we put the shape -->
<div id="shape"></div>
With CSS calc, limit the position inside playSpace area (you can use different units, here % and px).
Then with offsetTop/offsetLeft, get the real position of the square and avoid negative positions (when positionTop < 100px or positionLeft < 100px).
function position() {
var positionTop = Math.random() * 100;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * 100;
var position = "position:relative;top: calc(" + positionTop + "% - 100px);left: calc(" + positionLeft + "% - 100px);";
return position;
document.getElementById("shape").onclick = function() {
var shapeDiv = document.getElementById("shape"); = position();
var top = shapeDiv.offsetTop;// Result of calc(" + positionTop + "% - 100px) in px
if(top < 0) { = '0px';
var left = shapeDiv.offsetLeft;// Result of calc(" + positionLeft + "% - 100px) in px
if(left < 0) { = '0px';
Don't forget to add position: relative to #playSpace, to get offsetTop/left correct
#playSpace {
position:relative;/* mandatory */
You can get the parent element size, so that in your scirpt, use a condition to prevent the square to exceed.
function position() {
var maxWidth = document.getElementById("playSpace").offsetWidth;
var maxTop = document.getElementById("playSpace").offsetHeight;
var positionTop = Math.random() * 100;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * 100;
if (positionTop > maxTop) { positionTop = maxTop;)
if (positionLeft > maxWidth) { positionLeft = maxWidth;)
var position = "position:relative;top:" + positionTop + "%;left:" + positionLeft + "%;"
return position;
I'm not sure if .offsetWidth and .offsetHeight works well, but you got the idea :)
By tweaking just a little your positionTop and positionLeft variable, I managed to keep the square inside. You just need to change the maximum % that it needs to have to not exceed the container. I found that 75% for the top and 80% for the left seems to be the max!
var positionTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * 75) ;
var positionLeft = Math.random() * 80;
Here's a fiddle
If you set the containing element to position: relative; and the inner element with position: absolute; the inner elements top left right and bottom properties will calculate from the borders of the containing element.
Here is a good source of css positioning.
In your case additional validation should be set to positionTop and positionLeft.
positionTop should be in the interval [( shapeHeight/2 ) - (100 - shapeHeight/2 ) ]
positionLeft should be in the interval [( shapeWidth/2 ) - (100 - shapeWeight/2 ) ]

change color of items one by one

I wrote a script that creates a set of smaller circles arranged in a circle, which are added to the DOM one by one with a loop. After first loop is done (so I would expected this to be when i == 54) I would like to start another loop, starting from the first circle in a list and one by one changing the color of the circles from grey to red.
This is my code:
var i = 1;
var appendCircle = function loop() {
setTimeout(function() {
var $circle = "<div class='circle circle" + i + "' style='transform:rotate(" + 7.2 * i + "deg) translate(3em)'></div>";
var $container = $(".circles-wrapper .circles");
if (i < 55) {
}, 20);
// this is the problem because this change color of all small circles at once.
if (i == 54) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".circle").each(function() {
"background": "blue"
}, 20);
setTimeout(appendCircle, 100);
.circles-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 39%;
left: 51%;
.circles {
position: relative;
transform: rotateY(48deg);
.circle {
width: .2em;
height: .2em;
margin: -.2em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ceced0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circles-wrapper">
<div class="circles"></div>
You're giving each circle the class "circle"+index so all you have to do is loop through each index and change the background color of each element. What I did was used the same loop function and after i reached 55 I took the mod 55 of it and used that to select the circle. Code and snippet below.
I also noticed that some circles overlap. if you generate 50 circles then there won't be any overlap. I wrote the code below to reflect this.
var i = 1;
var appendCircle = function loop() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (i < 51) {
var $circle = "<div class='circle circle" + i + "' style='transform:rotate(" + 7.2 * i + "deg) translate(3em)'></div>";
var $container = $(".circles-wrapper .circles");
var circleIndex = (i % 51)+1;
$(".circle"+circleIndex).css("background-color", "blue");
}, 20);
setTimeout(appendCircle, 100);
.circles-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 39%;
left: 51%;
.circles {
position: relative;
transform: rotateY(48deg);
.circle {
width: .2em;
height: .2em;
margin: -.2em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ceced0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circles-wrapper">
<div class="circles"></div>
After your first pass you probably want to find the circle created and modify those. You are giving them a class of circle + i so you can easily find them. Check the code snip. I added a third pass just because.
var i = 1,
var appendCircle = function loop() {
setTimeout(function() {
// first pass
if (i < CIRCLE_COUNT * 1) {
var $circle = "<div class='circle circle" + i + "' style='transform:rotate(" + 7.2 * i + "deg) translate(3em)'></div>";
var $container = $(".circles-wrapper .circles");
// second pass
else if (i < CIRCLE_COUNT * 2) {
$(".circle" + (i % CIRCLE_COUNT+1)).css('background', 'blue');
// third pass
else if (i < CIRCLE_COUNT * 3) {
$(".circle" + (i % CIRCLE_COUNT+1)).remove();
// keep looping?
if (i <= CIRCLE_COUNT * 3)
}, 20);
setTimeout(appendCircle, 100);
.circles-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 39%;
left: 51%;
.circles {
position: relative;
transform: rotateY(48deg);
.circle {
width: .2em;
height: .2em;
margin: -.2em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ceced0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circles-wrapper">
<div class="circles"></div>
something like this? i put a timeout function in your .each() in order to make a delay between each iteration of the loop when you change the color of the circles to blue
var i = 1;
var appendCircle = function loop() {
setTimeout(function() {
var $circle = "<div class='circle circle" + i + "' style='transform:rotate(" + 7.2 * i + "deg) translate(3em)'></div>";
var $container = $(".circles-wrapper .circles");
if (i < 55) {
}, 20);
// this is the problem because this change color of all small circles at once.
if (i == 54) {
var time = 50;
$(".circle").each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
"background": "blue"
}, time)
time += 50;
setTimeout(appendCircle, 100);
.circles-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 39%;
left: 51%;
.circles {
position: relative;
transform: rotateY(48deg);
.circle {
width: .2em;
height: .2em;
margin: -.2em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ceced0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circles-wrapper">
<div class="circles"></div>
You need to change the CSS of just one element, then start a timeout to change the next one.
var i = 1;
var appendCircle = function loop() {
setTimeout(function() {
var $circle = "<div class='circle circle" + i + "' style='transform:rotate(" + 7.2 * i + "deg) translate(3em)'></div>";
var $container = $(".circles-wrapper .circles");
if (i < 55) {
}, 20);
var j = 0;
function changeColor() {
$(".circle").eq(j).css("background", "blue");
if (j >= $(".circle").length) {
if (i == 53) {
setInterval(changeColor, 20);
setTimeout(appendCircle, 100);
.circles-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 39%;
left: 51%;
.circles {
position: relative;
transform: rotateY(48deg);
.circle {
width: .2em;
height: .2em;
margin: -.2em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #ceced0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="circles-wrapper">
<div class="circles"></div>
jQuery has features that make animations like this reasonably trivial, though you need to understand several methods.
jQuery's .delay(), .promise(), .then() and javascript's Array.prototype.reduce() can be exploited as follows :
var appendCircles = function($container) {
//create and append hidden circles
for(var i=0; i<50; i++) {
$("<div class='circle'></div>").css('transform', 'rotate(' + 7.2 * i + 'deg) translate(3em)').hide().appendTo($container);
//find the freshly appended hidden circles
var $circles = $container.find(".circle");
//initial delay
.then(function() {
//show the circles, one by one
return $circles.get().reduce(function(promise, el) {
return promise.then(function() {
return $(el).show().delay(20).promise();
}, $.when());//$when() is a resolved promise that gets the built promise chain started
.then(function() {
//make circles blue, one by one
return $circles.get().reduce(function(promise, el) {
return promise.then(function() {
return $(el).css('backgroundColor', 'blue').delay(20).promise();
}, $.when());//$when() is a resolved promise that gets the built promise chain started
.reduce() probably needs some explanation. $circles.get() returns an array and .reduce(...) is used to build a promise chain equivalent to initialPromise.then(...).then(...).then(...). This trick is performed twice, in sequence, to give the initial "show" effect followed by the color-change effect.
This suite of methods is worth learning if you want to make custom animation sequences with jQuery.

Why are these two jQuery functions both not firing on click?

Okay, I have two jQuery functions. One of them is a simple explode effect on a div. The other function enhances the explode effect by sending particles in a circle around the div. When I click on the div with both functions set, it will only fire the explode effect and not the function with the debris on my site.
Something Strange
In jsfiddle the debris is working and not the explode, but on my site the explode effect is working but not the debris.
Here is the jsfiddle example:
Note: I'm using the same jQuery version for both my site and the jsfiddle example, that's jquery-1.9.1.
This is my code
.debris {
display: none;
position: absolute;
width: 28px;
height: 28px;
background-color: #ff00ff;
opacity: 1.0;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 8px;
#bubble {
background-color: #ff0000;
border-radius: 8px;
z-index: 9;
<div id="content">
<div id="bubble"></div>
<div id="dummy_debris" class="debris" />
// jQuery bubble pop animation
// Ben Ridout (c) 2013 -
// You're free to use this code with above attribution (in source is fine).
// Document is ready
$("#bubble").on("click", function(e) {
pop(e.pageX, e.pageY, 13);
$( "#bubble" ).click(function() {
$( this ).toggle( "explode", {pieces: 50 }, 2000);
function r2d(x) {
return x / (Math.PI / 180);
function d2r(x) {
return x * (Math.PI / 180);
function pop(start_x, start_y, particle_count) {
arr = [];
angle = 0;
particles = [];
offset_x = $("#dummy_debris").width() / 2;
offset_y = $("#dummy_debris").height() / 2;
for (i = 0; i < particle_count; i++) {
rad = d2r(angle);
x = Math.cos(rad)*(80+Math.random()*20);
y = Math.sin(rad)*(80+Math.random()*20);
arr.push([start_x + x, start_y + y]);
z = $('<div class="debris" />');
"left": start_x - offset_x,
"top": start_y - offset_x
angle += 360/particle_count;
$.each(particles, function(i, v){
top: arr[i][1],
left: arr[i][0],
width: 4,
height: 4,
opacity: 0
}, 600, function(){$(v).remove()
From your fiddle, it seems you missed to include jQuery UI.
Check this fiddle
You haven't put second click event in $(function) handler. Put both events in $(function) handler
// Document is ready
$("#bubble").on("click", function(e) {
pop(e.pageX, e.pageY, 13);
$( "#bubble" ).click(function() {
$( this ).toggle( "explode", {pieces: 50 }, 2000);
working demo :

Empty space appearing at the end of my carousel

I have used this script to create an infinite carousel on my website here. It's been customized with CSS so the first and last items are displayed half way.
If you keep clicking the right arrow, you will end up hitting an empty space at the end. So far I haven't been able to fix this. Can anybody offer any solutions?
Here is the relevant script:
* #author Stéphane Roucheray
* #extends jquery
jQuery.fn.simplecarousel = function(previous, next, options){
var sliderList = jQuery(this).children()[0];
if (sliderList) {
var increment = jQuery(sliderList).children().outerWidth(true),
elmnts = jQuery(sliderList).children(),
numElmts = elmnts.length,
sizeFirstElmnt = increment,
shownInViewport = Math.round(jQuery(this).width() / sizeFirstElmnt),
firstElementOnViewPort = 1,
isAnimating = false;
for (i = 0; i < shownInViewport; i++) {
jQuery(sliderList).css('width',(numElmts+shownInViewport)*increment + increment + "px");
if (!isAnimating) {
if (firstElementOnViewPort == 1) {
jQuery(sliderList).css('left', "-" + numElmts * sizeFirstElmnt + "px");
firstElementOnViewPort = numElmts;
else {
left: "+=" + increment,
y: 0,
queue: true
}, "swing", function(){isAnimating = false;});
isAnimating = true;
if (!isAnimating) {
if (firstElementOnViewPort > numElmts) {
firstElementOnViewPort = 2;
jQuery(sliderList).css('left', "0px");
else {
left: "-=" + increment,
y: 0,
queue: true
}, "swing", function(){isAnimating = false;});
isAnimating = true;
#home-carousel-container {
position: relative;
#home-carousel {
overflow: hidden;
#home-carousel ul {
margin-left: -143px;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
#home-carousel li {
float: left;
height: 645px;
list-style: none outside none;
margin: 0 3px;
width: 256px;
As per my comment.
You have set a negative left-margin on your carousel causing it to hide half of an image. As a result when you click next/previous, it shows where an image is moved to create the continuous affect.
Witihin your css, I changed
#home-carousel ul{
position: relative;
padding: 0;
margin-left: -143px;
#home-carousel ul{
position: relative;
padding: 0;
margin-left: -3px;
And had no problems what so ever.
